2015-09-19 11:40:16 +02:00

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Panoramix is a data exploration platform designed to be visual, intuitive and interactive.

Buzz Phrases

  • Analytics at the speed of thought!
  • Instantaneous learning curve
  • Realtime analytics when querying
  • Extentsible to infinity


Database Support

Panoramix was originally designed on to of, but quickly broadened its scope to support other databases through the use of SqlAlchemy, a Python ORM that is compatible with many external databases.

What's Druid?

From their website at

Druid is an open-source analytics data store designed for business intelligence (OLAP) queries on event data. Druid provides low latency (real-time) data ingestion, flexible data exploration, and fast data aggregation. Existing Druid deployments have scaled to trillions of events and petabytes of data. Druid is best used to power analytic dashboards and applications.


Panoramix's main goal is to make it easy to slice, dice and visualize data out of Druid. It empowers its user to perform analytics at the speed of thought.

Panoramix started as a hackathon project at Airbnb in while running a POC (proof of concept) on using Druid.

Panoramix provides:

  • A way to query intuitively a Druid dataset, allowing for grouping, filtering limiting and defining a time granularity
  • Many charts and visualization to analyze your data, as well as a flexible way to extend the visualization capabilities
  • An extensible, high granularity security model allowing intricate rules on who can access which features, and integration with major authentication providers (through Flask AppBuiler)
  • A simple semantic layer, allowing to control how Druid datasources are displayed in the UI, by defining which fields should show up in which dropdown and which aggregation and function (metrics) are made available to the user


Follow these few simple steps to install Panoramix

# Install panoramix
pip install panoramix

# Create an admin user
fabmanager create-admin --app panoramix

# Load some data to play with
panoramix load_examples

# Start the development web server
panoramix runserver -d

After installation, you should be able to point your browser to the right hostname:port http://localhost:8088, login using the credential you entered while creating the admin account, and navigate to Menu -> Admin -> Refresh Metadata. This action should bring in all of your datasources for Panoramix to be aware of, and they should show up in Menu -> Datasources, from where you can start playing with your data!


To configure your application, you need to create a file (module) and make sure it is in your PYTHONPATH. Here are some of the parameters you can copy / paste in that configuration module:

# Panoramix specifix config
ROW_LIMIT = 5000


# Flask App Builder configuration
# Your App secret key
SECRET_KEY = '\2\1thisismyscretkey\1\2\e\y\y\h'

# The SQLAlchemy connection string.
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////tmp/panoramix.db'

# Flask-WTF flag for CSRF

# Whether to run the web server in debug mode or not
DEBUG = True

This file also allows you to define configuration parameters used by Flask App Builder, the web framework used by Panoramix. Please consult the Flask App Builder Documentation for more information on how to configure Panoramix.

  • From the UI, enter the information about your clusters in the Admin->Clusters menu by hitting the + sign.

  • Once the Druid cluster connection information is entered, hit the Admin->Refresh Metadata menu item to populate

  • Navigate to your datasources

More screenshots

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