Bundle configuration options that are inferred from the bundle specs overwrite user provided ones. This used to prevent users from changing the name of directory where the cloned bundle should go, for instance. Keep the user provided options with a preference over inferred ones.
74 lines
1.7 KiB
74 lines
1.7 KiB
" vim -u test/vimrc
set nocompatible
set nowrap
let bundle_dir = '/tmp/vundle-test/bundles/'
" let src = 'http://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git'
" Vundle Options
" let g:vundle_default_git_proto = 'git'
silent execute '!mkdir -p '.bundle_dir
silent execute '!ln -f -s ~/.vim/bundle/vundle '.bundle_dir
filetype off
syntax on
runtime macros/matchit.vim
" This test should be executed in "test" directory
exec 'set rtp^='.bundle_dir.'vundle/'
call vundle#rc(bundle_dir)
" vim-scripts name
Bundle 'molokai'
" github username with dashes
Bundle 'vim-scripts/ragtag.vim'
" original repo
Bundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
" with extension
Bundle 'nelstrom/vim-mac-classic-theme.git'
" invalid uri
"Bundle 'nonexistinguser/yupppierepo.git'
" full uri
Bundle 'https://github.com/vim-scripts/vim-game-of-life'
" full uri
Bundle 'git@github.com:gmarik/ingretu.git'
" short uri
Bundle 'gh:gmarik/snipmate.vim.git'
Bundle 'github:mattn/gist-vim.git'
" local uri stuff
Bundle '~/Dropbox/.gitrepos/utilz.vim.git'
" Bundle 'file://Dropbox/.gitrepos/utilz.vim.git'
" with options
Bundle 'rstacruz/sparkup.git', {'rtp': 'vim/'}
Bundle 'matchit.zip', {'name': 'matchit'}
" Camel case
Bundle 'vim-scripts/RubySinatra'
" syntax issue #203
Bundle 'jimenezrick/vimerl'
filetype plugin indent on " Automatically detect file types.
set wildignore+=doc " should not break helptags
set wildignore+=.git " should not break clone
set wildignore+=.git/* " should not break clone
set wildignore+=*/.git/*
" TODO: helptags fails with this
" set wildignore+=doc/* " should not break clone
" set wildignore+=*/doc/*
au VimEnter * BundleInstall
" e test/files/erlang.erl