David Aaron Suddjian 225015fd5a
feat: Introduce a library for embedded iframe <-> host communication (#18652)
* improved logging

* switchboard, and window size

* lint

* tsconfig

* fix path

* fix release script

* tests, debug mode, and error handling

* moar debug mode

* package lock

* formatting

* comment

* wording

* appease the coverage gods

* Async assertions must be awaited or returned
2022-02-11 20:29:23 -08:00

74 lines
1.8 KiB

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"@superset-ui/legacy-plugin-chart-*": [
"@superset-ui/legacy-preset-chart-*": [
"@superset-ui/plugin-chart-*": ["./plugins/plugin-chart-*/src"],
"@superset-ui/preset-chart-*": ["./plugins/preset-chart-*/src"],
"@superset-ui/switchboard": ["./packages/superset-ui-switchboard/src"]
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