2024-04-01 10:50:07 -03:00

37 lines
1.3 KiB

# Notify all committers of DB migration changes, per SIP-59
/superset/migrations/ @apache/superset-committers
# Notify some committers of changes in the components
/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/ @michael-s-molina @geido @kgabryje
/superset-frontend/src/components/MetadataBar/ @michael-s-molina @geido @kgabryje
/superset-frontend/src/components/DropdownContainer/ @michael-s-molina @geido @kgabryje
# Notify Helm Chart maintainers about changes in it
/helm/superset/ @craig-rueda @dpgaspar @villebro
# Notify E2E test maintainers of changes
/superset-frontend/cypress-base/ @jinghua-qa @geido @eschutho @rusackas @betodealmeida
# Notify PMC members of changes to GitHub Actions
/.github/ @villebro @geido @eschutho @rusackas @betodealmeida @nytai @mistercrunch @craig-rueda @john-bodley @kgabryje @dpgaspar
# Notify PMC members of changes to required Github Actions
/.asf.yaml @villebro @geido @eschutho @rusackas @betodealmeida @nytai @mistercrunch @craig-rueda @john-bodley @kgabryje @dpgaspar
# Maps are a finnicky contribution process we care about
**/*.geojson @villebro @rusackas
/superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/ @villebro @rusackas
# Translations are a finnicky contribution that we care about
/superset/translations/ @villebro @rusackas