
301 lines
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"""Compatibility layer for different database engines
This modules stores logic specific to different database engines. Things
like time-related functions that are similar but not identical, or
information as to expose certain features or not and how to expose them.
For instance, Hive/Presto supports partitions and have a specific API to
list partitions. Other databases like Vertica also support partitions but
have different API to get to them. Other databases don't support partitions
at all. The classes here will use a common interface to specify all this.
The general idea is to use static classes and an inheritance scheme.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import namedtuple
import inspect
import textwrap
import time
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
Grain = namedtuple('Grain', 'name label function')
class LimitMethod(object):
"""Enum the ways that limits can be applied"""
FETCH_MANY = 'fetch_many'
WRAP_SQL = 'wrap_sql'
class BaseEngineSpec(object):
engine = 'base' # str as defined in sqlalchemy.engine.engine
time_grains = tuple()
limit_method = LimitMethod.FETCH_MANY
def epoch_to_dttm(cls):
raise NotImplementedError()
def epoch_ms_to_dttm(cls):
return cls.epoch_to_dttm().replace('{col}', '({col}/1000.0)')
def extra_table_metadata(cls, database, table_name, schema_name):
"""Returns engine-specific table metadata"""
return {}
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
return "'{}'".format(dttm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
def handle_cursor(cls, cursor, query, session):
"""Handle a live cursor between the execute and fetchall calls
The flow works without this method doing anything, but it allows
for handling the cursor and updating progress information in the
query object"""
class PostgresEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'postgresql'
time_grains = (
Grain("Time Column", _('Time Column'), "{col}"),
Grain("second", _('second'), "DATE_TRUNC('second', {col})"),
Grain("minute", _('minute'), "DATE_TRUNC('minute', {col})"),
Grain("hour", _('hour'), "DATE_TRUNC('hour', {col})"),
Grain("day", _('day'), "DATE_TRUNC('day', {col})"),
Grain("week", _('week'), "DATE_TRUNC('week', {col})"),
Grain("month", _('month'), "DATE_TRUNC('month', {col})"),
Grain("quarter", _('quarter'), "DATE_TRUNC('quarter', {col})"),
Grain("year", _('year'), "DATE_TRUNC('year', {col})"),
def epoch_to_dttm(cls):
return "(timestamp 'epoch' + {col} * interval '1 second')"
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
return "'{}'".format(dttm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
class SqliteEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'sqlite'
time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}'),
Grain('day', _('day'), 'DATE({col})'),
Grain("week", _('week'),
"DATE({col}, -strftime('%w', {col}) || ' days')"),
Grain("month", _('month'),
"DATE({col}, -strftime('%d', {col}) || ' days')"),
def epoch_to_dttm(cls):
return "datetime({col}, 'unixepoch')"
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
iso = dttm.isoformat().replace('T', ' ')
if '.' not in iso:
iso += '.000000'
return "'{}'".format(iso)
class MySQLEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'mysql'
time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}'),
Grain("second", _('second'), "DATE_ADD(DATE({col}), "
"INTERVAL (HOUR({col})*60*60 + MINUTE({col})*60"
" + SECOND({col})) SECOND)"),
Grain("minute", _('minute'), "DATE_ADD(DATE({col}), "
"INTERVAL (HOUR({col})*60 + MINUTE({col})) MINUTE)"),
Grain("hour", _('hour'), "DATE_ADD(DATE({col}), "
Grain('day', _('day'), 'DATE({col})'),
Grain("week", _('week'), "DATE(DATE_SUB({col}, "
Grain("month", _('month'), "DATE(DATE_SUB({col}, "
Grain("quarter", _('quarter'), "MAKEDATE(YEAR({col}), 1) "
Grain("year", _('year'), "DATE(DATE_SUB({col}, "
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
if target_type.upper() in ('DATETIME', 'DATE'):
return "STR_TO_DATE('{}', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')".format(
dttm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
return "'{}'".format(dttm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
def epoch_to_dttm(cls):
return "from_unixtime({col})"
class PrestoEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'presto'
time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}'),
Grain('second', _('second'),
"date_trunc('second', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain('minute', _('minute'),
"date_trunc('minute', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain('hour', _('hour'),
"date_trunc('hour', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain('day', _('day'),
"date_trunc('day', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain('week', _('week'),
"date_trunc('week', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain('month', _('month'),
"date_trunc('month', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain('quarter', _('quarter'),
"date_trunc('quarter', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"),
Grain("week_ending_saturday", _('week_ending_saturday'),
"date_add('day', 5, date_trunc('week', date_add('day', 1, "
"CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))))"),
Grain("week_start_sunday", _('week_start_sunday'),
"date_add('day', -1, date_trunc('week', "
"date_add('day', 1, CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))))"),
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
if target_type.upper() in ('DATE', 'DATETIME'):
return "from_iso8601_date('{}')".format(dttm.isoformat())
return "'{}'".format(dttm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
def epoch_to_dttm(cls):
return "from_unixtime({col})"
def show_partition_pql(
table_name, schema_name=None, order_by=None, limit=100):
if schema_name:
table_name = schema_name + '.' + table_name
order_by = order_by or []
order_by_clause = ''
if order_by:
order_by_clause = "ORDER BY " + ', '.join(order_by) + " DESC"
limit_clause = ''
if limit:
limit_clause = "LIMIT {}".format(limit)
return textwrap.dedent("""\
FROM {table_name}
def extra_table_metadata(cls, database, table_name, schema_name):
indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema_name)
if not indexes:
return {}
cols = indexes[0].get('column_names', [])
pql = cls.show_partition_pql(table_name, schema_name, cols)
df = database.get_df(pql, schema_name)
latest_part = df.to_dict(orient='records')[0] if not df.empty else None
partition_query = cls.show_partition_pql(table_name, schema_name, cols)
return {
'partitions': {
'cols': cols,
'latest': latest_part,
'partitionQuery': partition_query,
def handle_cursor(cls, cursor, query, session):
"""Updates progress information"""
polled = cursor.poll()
# poll returns dict -- JSON status information or ``None``
# if the query is done
# b34bdbf51378b3979eaf5eca9e956f06ddc36ca0/pyhive/
while polled:
# Update the object and wait for the kill signal.
stats = polled.get('stats', {})
if stats:
completed_splits = float(stats.get('completedSplits'))
total_splits = float(stats.get('totalSplits'))
if total_splits and completed_splits:
progress = 100 * (completed_splits / total_splits)
if progress > query.progress:
query.progress = progress
polled = cursor.poll()
class MssqlEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'mssql'
epoch_to_dttm = "dateadd(S, {col}, '1970-01-01')"
time_grains = (
Grain("Time Column", _('Time Column'), "{col}"),
Grain("second", _('second'), "DATEADD(second, "
"DATEDIFF(second, '2000-01-01', {col}), '2000-01-01')"),
Grain("minute", _('minute'), "DATEADD(minute, "
"DATEDIFF(minute, 0, {col}), 0)"),
Grain("5 minute", _('5 minute'), "DATEADD(minute, "
"DATEDIFF(minute, 0, {col}) / 5 * 5, 0)"),
Grain("half hour", _('half hour'), "DATEADD(minute, "
"DATEDIFF(minute, 0, {col}) / 30 * 30, 0)"),
Grain("hour", _('hour'), "DATEADD(hour, "
"DATEDIFF(hour, 0, {col}), 0)"),
Grain("day", _('day'), "DATEADD(day, "
"DATEDIFF(day, 0, {col}), 0)"),
Grain("week", _('week'), "DATEADD(week, "
"DATEDIFF(week, 0, {col}), 0)"),
Grain("month", _('month'), "DATEADD(month, "
"DATEDIFF(month, 0, {col}), 0)"),
Grain("quarter", _('quarter'), "DATEADD(quarter, "
"DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, {col}), 0)"),
Grain("year", _('year'), "DATEADD(year, "
"DATEDIFF(year, 0, {col}), 0)"),
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
return "CONVERT(DATETIME, '{}', 126)".format(dttm.isoformat())
class RedshiftEngineSpec(PostgresEngineSpec):
engine = 'redshift'
class OracleEngineSpec(PostgresEngineSpec):
engine = 'oracle'
def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):
return (
"""TO_TIMESTAMP('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.ff6')"""
class VerticaEngineSpec(PostgresEngineSpec):
engine = 'vertica'
engines = {
o.engine: o for o in globals().values()
if inspect.isclass(o) and issubclass(o, BaseEngineSpec)}