
149 lines
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title: Translating
hide_title: true
sidebar_position: 9
version: 1
## Translating
We use [Flask-Babel]( to translate Superset.
In Python files, we use the following
[translation functions](
from `Flask-Babel`:
- `gettext` and `lazy_gettext` (usually aliased to `_`): for translating singular
- `ngettext`: for translating strings that might become plural.
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
then wrap the translatable strings with it, e.g. `_('Translate me')`.
During extraction, string literals passed to `_` will be added to the
generated `.po` file for each language for later translation.
At runtime, the `_` function will return the translation of the given
string for the current language, or the given string itself
if no translation is available.
In TypeScript/JavaScript, the technique is similar:
we import `t` (simple translation), `tn` (translation containing a number).
import { t, tn } from "@superset-ui/translation";
### Enabling language selection
Add the `LANGUAGES` variable to your ``. Having more than one
option inside will add a language selection dropdown to the UI on the right side
of the navigation bar.
'en': {'flag': 'us', 'name': 'English'},
'fr': {'flag': 'fr', 'name': 'French'},
'zh': {'flag': 'cn', 'name': 'Chinese'},
### Creating a new language dictionary
First check if the language code for your target language already exists. Check if the
[two letter ISO 639-1 code](
for your target language already exists in the `superset/translations` directory:
ls superset/translations | grep -E "^[a-z]{2}\/"
If your language already has a preexisting translation, skip to the next section
The following languages are already supported by Flask AppBuilder, and will make it
easier to translate the application to your target language:
[Flask AppBuilder i18n documentation](
To create a dictionary for a new language, first make sure the necessary dependencies are installed:
pip install -r superset/translations/requirements.txt
Then run the following, where `LANGUAGE_CODE` is replaced with the language code for your target
pybabel init -i superset/translations/messages.pot -d superset/translations -l LANGUAGE_CODE
For instance, to add a translation for Finnish (language code `fi`), run the following:
pybabel init -i superset/translations/messages.pot -d superset/translations -l fi
### Extracting new strings for translation
This step needs to be done every time application strings change. This happens fairly
frequently, so if you want to ensure that your translation has good coverage, this
step needs to be run fairly frequently and the updated strings merged to the upstream
codebase via PRs. To update the template file `superset/translations/messages.pot`
with current application strings, run the following command:
pybabel extract -F superset/translations/babel.cfg -o superset/translations/messages.pot -k _ -k __ -k t -k tn -k tct .
Do not forget to update this file with the appropriate license information.
### Updating language files
Run the following command to update the language files with the new extracted strings.
pybabel update -i superset/translations/messages.pot -d superset/translations --ignore-obsolete
You can then translate the strings gathered in files located under
`superset/translation`, where there's one folder per language. You can use [Poedit](
to translate the `po` file more conveniently.
Here is [a tutorial](*.po_files_with_Poedit).
To perform the translation on MacOS, you can install `poedit` via Homebrew:
brew install poedit
After this, just start the `poedit` application and open the `messages.po` file. In the
case of the Finnish translation, this would be `superset/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po`.
### Applying translations
To make the translations available on the frontend, we need to convert the PO file into
a JSON file. To do this, we need to globally install the npm package `po2json`.
npm install -g po2json
To convert all PO files to formatted JSON files you can use the `` script.
If you get errors running `po2json`, you might be running the Ubuntu package with the same
name, rather than the Node.js package (they have a different format for the arguments). If
there is a conflict, you may need to update your `PATH` environment variable or fully qualify
the executable path (e.g. `/usr/local/bin/po2json` instead of `po2json`).
If you get a lot of `[null,***]` in `messages.json`, just delete all the `null,`.
For example, `"year":["年"]` is correct while `"year":[null,"年"]`is incorrect.
Finally, for the translations to take effect we need to compile translation catalogs into
binary MO files.
pybabel compile -d superset/translations