[docs] Adding Slice parameter documentation (#8531)

* [CONTRIBUTING.md] Adding Slice parameter documentation




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John Bodley 2019-11-08 14:19:22 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 49ea232c3a
commit c4c01d601c
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 316 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -840,3 +840,319 @@ Note that:
* In some cases, you may want to create a context that is more aligned
to your production environment, and use the similar broker as well as
results backend configuration
## Chart Parameters
Chart parameters are stored as a JSON encoded string the `slices.params` column and are often referenced throughout the code as form-data. Currently the form-data is neither versioned nor typed as thus is somewhat free-formed. Note in the future there may be merit in using something like [JSON Schema](https://json-schema.org/) to both annotate and validate the JSON object in addition to using a Mypy `TypedDict` (introduced in Python 3.8) for typing the form-data in the backend. This section serves as a potential primer for that work.
The following tables provide a non-exhausive list of the various fields which can be present in the JSON object grouped by the Explorer pane sections. These values were obtained by extracting the distinct fields from a legacy deployment consisting of tens of thousands of charts and thus some fields may be missing whilst others may be deprecated.
Note not all fields are correctly catagorized. The fields vary based on visualization type and may apprear in different sections depending on the type. Verified deprecated columns may indicate a missing migration and/or prior migrations which were unsucessful and thus future work may be required to clean up the form-data.
### Datasource & Chart Type
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `database_name` | *string* | *Deprecated?* |
| `datasource` | *string* | `<datasouce_id>__<datasource_type>` |
| `datasource_id` | *string* | *Deprecated?* See `datasource` |
| `datasource_name` | *string* | *Deprecated?* |
| `datasource_type` | *string* | *Deprecated?* See `datasource` |
| `viz_type` | *string* | The **Visualization Type** widget |
### Time
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `date_filter` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
| `date_time_format` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
| `druid_time_origin` | *string* | The Druid **Origin** widget |
| `granularity` | *string* | The Druid **Time Granularity** widget |
| `granularity_sqla` | *string* | The SQLA **Time Column** widget |
| `time_grain_sqla` | *string* | The SQLA **Time Grain** widget |
| `time_range` | *string* | The **Time range** widget |
| `time_range_endpoints` | *array(string)* | Used by SIP-15 [HIDDEN] |
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `include_time` | *boolean* | The **Include Time** widget |
| `metrics` | *array(string)* | See Query section |
| `order_asc` | - | See Query section |
| `percent_metrics` | - | See Query section |
| `row_limit` | - | See Query section |
| `timeseries_limit_metric` | - | See Query section |
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `all_columns` | *array(string)* | The **Columns** widget |
| `order_by_cols` | *array(string)* | The **Ordering** widget |
| `row_limit` | - | See Query section |
### Y Axis 1
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `metric` | - | The **Left Axis Metric** widget. See Query section |
| `y_axis_format` | - | See Y Axis section |
### Y Axis 2
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `metric_2` | - | The **Right Axis Metric** widget. See Query section |
| `y_axis_2_format` | *string* | The **Right Axis Format** widget |
### Query
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `adhoc_filters` | *array(object)* | The **Filters** widget |
| `all_columns_x` | *array(string)* | The **Numeric Columns** widget |
| `columns` | *array(string)* | The **Breakdowns** widget |
| `contribution` | *boolean* | The **Contribution** widget |
| `groupby` | *array(string)* | The **Group by** or **Series** widget |
| `limit` | *number* | The **Series Limit** widget |
| `max_bubble_size` | *number* | The **Max Bubble Size** widget |
| `metric`<br>`metric_2`<br>`metrics`<br>`percent_mertics`<br>`secondary_metric`<br>`size`<br>`x`<br>`y` | *string*,*object*,*array(string)*,*array(object)* | The metric(s) depending on the visualization type |
| `order_asc` | *boolean* | The **Sort Descending** widget |
| `row_limit` | *number* | The **Row limit** widget |
| `timeseries_limit_metric` | *object* | The **Sort By** widget |
Note the `metric` (or equivalent) and `timeseries_limit_metric` fields are all composed of the JSON representation of the `AdhocMetric` JavaScript type.
### Options
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `compare_lag` | *number* | The **Comparison Period Lag** widget |
| `compare_suffix` | *string* | The **Comparison suffix** widget |
| `show_trend_line` | *boolean* | The **Show Trend Line** widget |
| `start_y_axis_at_zero` | *boolean* | The **Start y-axis at 0** widget |
### Chart Options
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `color_picker` | *object* | The **Fixed Color** widget |
| `donut` | *boolean* | The **Donut** widget |
| `global_opacity` | *number* | The **Opacity** widget |
| `header_font_size` | *number* | The **Big Number Font Size** widget (or similar) |
| `label_colors` | *object* | The **Color Scheme** widget |
| `labels_outside` | *boolean* | The **Put labels outside** widget |
| `line_interpolation` | *string* | The **Line Style** widget |
| `link_length` | *number* | The **No of Bins** widget |
| `normalized` | *boolean* | The **Normalized** widget |
| `number_format` | *string* | The **Number format** widget |
| `pie_label_type` | *string* | [HIDDEN] |
| `rich_tooltip` | *boolean* | The **Rich Tooltip** widget |
| `send_time_range` | *boolean* | The **Show Markers** widget |
| `show_brush` | *string* | The **Show Range Filter** widget |
| `show_legend` | *boolean* | The **Legend** widget |
| `show_markers` | *string* | The **Show Markers** widget |
| `subheader_font_size` | *number* | The **Subheader Font Size** widget |
### X Axis
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `bottom_margin` | *string* | The **Bottom Margin** widget |
| `x_axis_format` | *string* | The **X Axis Format** widget |
| `x_axis_label` | *string* | The **X Axis Label** widget |
| `x_axis_showminmax` | *boolean* | The **X bounds** widget |
| `x_axis_time_format` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
| `x_log_scale` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
| `x_ticks_layout` | *string* | The **X Tick Layout** widget |
### Y Axis
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `left_margin` | *number* | The **Left Margin** widget |
| `y_axis_2_label` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
| `y_axis_bounds` | *array(string)* | The **Y Axis Bounds** widget |
| `y_axis_format` | *string* | The **Y Axis Format** widget |
| `y_axis_label` | *string* | The **Y Axis Label** widget |
| `y_axis_showminmax` | *boolean* | The **Y bounds** widget |
| `y_axis_zero` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
| `y_log_scale` | *boolean* | The **Y Log Scale** widget |
| `yscale_interval` | *N/A* | *Deprecated?* |
Note the `y_axis_format` is defined under various section for some charts.
### Other
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `color_scheme` | *string* | |
| `slice_id` | *number* | The slice ID |
| `url_params` | *object* | |
### Unclassified
| Field | Type | Notes |
| `add_to_dash` | *N/A* | |
| `align_pn` | *N/A* | |
| `all_columns_y` | *N/A* | |
| `annotation_layers` | *N/A* | |
| `autozoom` | *N/A* | |
| `bar_stacked` | *N/A* | |
| `cache_timeout` | *N/A* | |
| `canvas_image_rendering` | *N/A* | |
| `cell_padding` | *N/A* | |
| `cell_radius` | *N/A* | |
| `cell_size` | *N/A* | |
| `charge` | *N/A* | |
| `clustering_radius` | *N/A* | |
| `code` | *N/A* | |
| `collapsed_fieldsets` | *N/A* | |
| `color_pn` | *N/A* | |
| `column_collection` | *N/A* | |
| `combine_metric` | *N/A* | |
| `comparison type` | *N/A* | |
| `contribution` | *N/A* | |
| `country_fieldtype` | *N/A* | |
| `date_filter` | *N/A* | |
| `deck_slices` | *N/A* | |
| `default_filters` | *N/A* | |
| `dimension` | *N/A* | |
| `domain_granularity` | *N/A* | |
| `end_spatial` | *N/A* | |
| `entity` | *N/A* | |
| `equal_date_size` | *N/A* | |
| `expanded_slices` | *N/A* | |
| `extra_filters` | *N/A* | |
| `extruded` | *N/A* | |
| `fill_color_picker` | *N/A* | |
| `filled` | *N/A* | |
| `filter_configs` | *N/A* | |
| `filter_immune_slice_fields` | *N/A* | |
| `filter_immune_slices` | *N/A* | |
| `filter_nulls` | *N/A* | |
| `flt_col_0` | *N/A* | |
| `flt_col_1` | *N/A* | |
| `flt_eq_0` | *N/A* | |
| `flt_eq_1` | *N/A* | |
| `flt_op_0` | *N/A* | |
| `flt_op_1` | *N/A* | |
| `goto_dash` | *N/A* | |
| `grid_size` | *N/A* | |
| `horizon_color_scale` | *N/A* | |
| `import_time` | *N/A* | |
| `include_search` | *N/A* | |
| `include_series` | *N/A* | |
| `instant_filtering` | *N/A* | |
| `js_agg_function` | *N/A* | |
| `js_columns` | *N/A* | |
| `label` | *N/A* | |
| `labels_outside` | *N/A* | |
| `legend_position` | *N/A* | |
| `line_charts` | *N/A* | |
| `line_charts_2` | *N/A* | |
| `line_column` | *N/A* | |
| `line_type` | *N/A* | |
| `line_width` | *N/A* | |
| `linear_color_scheme` | *N/A* | |
| `log_scale` | *N/A* | |
| `mapbox_color` | *N/A* | |
| `mapbox_label` | *N/A* | |
| `mapbox_style` | *N/A* | |
| `marker_labels` | *N/A* | |
| `marker_line_labels` | *N/A* | |
| `marker_lines` | *N/A* | |
| `markers` | *N/A* | |
| `markup_type` | *N/A* | |
| `max_radius` | *N/A* | |
| `min_leaf_node_event_count` | *N/A* | |
| `min_periods` | *N/A* | |
| `min_radius` | *N/A* | |
| `multiplier` | *N/A* | |
| `new_dashboard_name` | *N/A* | |
| `new_slice_name` | *N/A* | |
| `normalize_across` | *N/A* | |
| `num_buckets` | *N/A* | |
| `num_period_compare` | *N/A* | |
| `order_bars` | *N/A* | |
| `order_by_entity` | *N/A* | |
| `order_desc` | *N/A* | |
| `page_length` | *N/A* | |
| `pandas_aggfunc` | *N/A* | |
| `partition_limit` | *N/A* | |
| `partition_threshold` | *N/A* | |
| `period_ratio_type` | *N/A* | |
| `perm` | *N/A* | |
| `pivot_margins` | *N/A* | |
| `point_radius` | *N/A* | |
| `point_radius_fixed` | *N/A* | |
| `point_radius_unit` | *N/A* | |
| `point_unit` | *N/A* | |
| `prefix_metric_with_slice_name` | *N/A* | |
| `range_labels` | *N/A* | |
| `ranges` | *N/A* | |
| `rdo_save` | *N/A* | |
| `reduce_x_ticks` | *N/A* | |
| `refresh_frequency` | *N/A* | |
| `remote_id` | *N/A* | |
| `render_while_dragging` | *N/A* | |
| `resample_fillmethod` | *N/A* | |
| `resample_how` | *N/A* | |
| `resample_method` | *N/A* | |
| `resample_rule` | *N/A* | |
| `reverse_long_lat` | *N/A* | |
| `rolling_periods` | *N/A* | |
| `rolling_type` | *N/A* | |
| `rose_area_proportion` | *N/A* | |
| `rotation` | *N/A* | |
| `save_to_dashboard_id` | *N/A* | |
| `schema` | *N/A* | |
| `select_country` | *N/A* | |
| `series` | *N/A* | |
| `series_height` | *N/A* | |
| `show_bar_value` | *N/A* | |
| `show_brush` | *N/A* | |
| `show_bubbles` | *N/A* | |
| `show_controls` | *N/A* | |
| `show_datatable` | *N/A* | |
| `show_druid_time_granularity` | *N/A* | |
| `show_druid_time_origin` | *N/A* | |
| `show_labels` | *N/A* | |
| `show_metric_name` | *N/A* | |
| `show_perc` | *N/A* | |
| `show_sqla_time_column` | *N/A* | |
| `show_sqla_time_granularity` | *N/A* | |
| `show_values` | *N/A* | |
| `size_from` | *N/A* | |
| `size_to` | *N/A* | |
| `slice_name` | *N/A* | |
| `sort_x_axis` | *N/A* | |
| `sort_y_axis` | *N/A* | |
| `spatial` | *N/A* | |
| `stacked_style` | *N/A* | |
| `start_spatial` | *N/A* | |
| `steps` | *N/A* | |
| `stroke_color_picker` | *N/A* | |
| `stroke_width` | *N/A* | |
| `stroked` | *N/A* | |
| `subdomain_granularity` | *N/A* | |
| `subheader` | *N/A* | |
| `table_filter` | *N/A* | |
| `table_timestamp_format` | *N/A* | |
| `time_compare` | *N/A* | |
| `time_series_option` | *N/A* | |
| `timed_refresh_immune_slices` | *N/A* | |
| `toggle_polygons` | *N/A* | |
| `transpose_pivot` | *N/A* | |
| `treemap_ratio` | *N/A* | |
| `url` | *N/A* | |
| `userid` | *N/A* | |
| `viewport` | *N/A* | |
| `viewport_latitude` | *N/A* | |
| `viewport_longitude` | *N/A* | |
| `viewport_zoom` | *N/A* | |
| `whisker_options` | *N/A* | |