Simplify and improve `expand_data` in Presto (#8233)


* Working version, needs cleanup

* Add unit tests to split

* Small fixes

* Dedupe array columns

* Fix lint
This commit is contained in:
Beto Dealmeida 2019-09-17 14:04:14 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8847e10529
commit 4132d8fb0f
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 256 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# pylint: disable=C,R,W
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict, deque, OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
import logging
@ -58,6 +58,51 @@ pandas_dtype_map = {
def get_children(column: Dict[str, str]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
Get the children of a complex Presto type (row or array).
For arrays, we return a single list with the base type:
>>> get_children(dict(name="a", type="ARRAY(BIGINT)"))
[{"name": "a", "type": "BIGINT"}]
For rows, we return a list of the columns:
>>> get_children(dict(name="a", type="ROW(BIGINT,FOO VARCHAR)"))
[{'name': 'a._col0', 'type': 'BIGINT'}, {'name': '', 'type': 'VARCHAR'}]
:param column: dictionary representing a Presto column
:return: list of dictionaries representing children columns
pattern = re.compile("(?P<type>\w+)\((?P<children>.*)\)")
match = pattern.match(column["type"])
if not match:
raise Exception(f"Unable to parse column type {column['type']}")
group = match.groupdict()
type_ = group["type"].upper()
children_type = group["children"]
if type_ == "ARRAY":
return [{"name": column["name"], "type": children_type}]
elif type_ == "ROW":
nameless_columns = 0
columns = []
for child in utils.split(children_type, ","):
parts = list(utils.split(child.strip(), " "))
if len(parts) == 2:
name, type_ = parts
name = name.strip('"')
name = f"_col{nameless_columns}"
type_ = parts[0]
nameless_columns += 1
columns.append({"name": f"{column['name']}.{name.lower()}", "type": type_})
return columns
raise Exception(f"Unknown type {type_}!")
class PrestoEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = "presto"
@ -846,43 +891,79 @@ class PrestoEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
if not is_feature_enabled("PRESTO_EXPAND_DATA"):
return columns, data, []
# insert a custom column that tracks the original row
columns.insert(0, {"name": "__row_id", "type": "BIGINT"})
for i, row in enumerate(data):
row["__row_id"] = i
# process each column, unnesting ARRAY types and expanding ROW types into new columns
to_process = deque((column, 0) for column in columns)
all_columns: List[dict] = []
# Get the list of all columns (selected fields and their nested fields)
for column in columns:
if column["type"].startswith("ARRAY") or column["type"].startswith("ROW"):
column["name"], column["type"].lower(), all_columns
expanded_columns = []
current_array_level = None
while to_process:
column, level = to_process.popleft()
if column["name"] not in [column["name"] for column in all_columns]:
# Build graphs where the root node is a row or array and its children are that
# column's nested fields
row_column_hierarchy, array_column_hierarchy, expanded_columns = cls._create_row_and_array_hierarchy(
# When unnesting arrays we need to keep track of how many extra rows
# were added, for each original row. This is necessary when we expand multiple
# arrays, so that the arrays after the first reuse the rows added by
# the first. every time we change a level in the nested arrays we
# reinitialize this.
if level != current_array_level:
unnested_rows: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int)
current_array_level = level
# Pull out a row's nested fields and their values into separate columns
ordered_row_columns = row_column_hierarchy.keys()
for datum in data:
for row_column in ordered_row_columns:
cls._expand_row_data(datum, row_column, row_column_hierarchy)
name = column["name"]
while array_column_hierarchy:
array_columns = list(array_column_hierarchy.keys())
# Determine what columns are ready to be processed.
array_columns_to_process, unprocessed_array_columns = cls._split_array_columns_by_process_state(
array_columns, array_column_hierarchy, data[0]
all_array_data = cls._process_array_data(
data, all_columns, array_column_hierarchy
# Consolidate the original data set and the expanded array data
cls._consolidate_array_data_into_data(data, all_array_data)
# Remove processed array columns from the graph
unprocessed_array_columns, array_column_hierarchy
if column["type"].startswith("ARRAY("):
# keep processing array children; we append to the right so that
# multiple nested arrays are processed breadth-first
to_process.append((get_children(column)[0], level + 1))
# unnest array objects data into new rows
i = 0
while i < len(data):
row = data[i]
values = row.get(name)
if values:
# how many extra rows we need to unnest the data?
extra_rows = len(values) - 1
# how many rows were already added for this row?
current_unnested_rows = unnested_rows[i]
# add any necessary rows
missing = extra_rows - current_unnested_rows
for _ in range(missing):
data.insert(i + current_unnested_rows + 1, {})
unnested_rows[i] += 1
# unnest array into rows
for j, value in enumerate(values):
data[i + j][name] = value
# skip newly unnested rows
i += unnested_rows[i]
i += 1
if column["type"].startswith("ROW("):
# expand columns; we append them to the left so they are added
# immediately after the parent
expanded = get_children(column)
to_process.extendleft((column, level) for column in expanded)
# expand row objects into new columns
for row in data:
for value, col in zip(row.get(name) or [], expanded):
row[col["name"]] = value
data = [
{k["name"]: row.get(k["name"], "") for k in all_columns} for row in data
return all_columns, data, expanded_columns

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import signal
import smtplib
from time import struct_time
import traceback
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing import Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import unquote_plus
import uuid
import zlib
@ -1194,3 +1194,35 @@ class DatasourceName(NamedTuple):
def get_stacktrace():
if current_app.config.get("SHOW_STACKTRACE"):
return traceback.format_exc()
def split(
s: str, delimiter: str = " ", quote: str = '"', escaped_quote: str = r"\""
) -> Iterator[str]:
A split function that is aware of quotes and parentheses.
:param s: string to split
:param delimiter: string defining where to split, usually a comma or space
:param quote: string, either a single or a double quote
:param escaped_quote: string representing an escaped quote
:return: list of strings
parens = 0
quotes = False
i = 0
for j, c in enumerate(s):
complete = parens == 0 and not quotes
if complete and c == delimiter:
yield s[i:j]
i = j + len(delimiter)
elif c == "(":
parens += 1
elif c == ")":
parens -= 1
elif c == quote:
if quotes and s[j - len(escaped_quote) + 1 : j + 1] != escaped_quote:
quotes = False
elif not quotes:
quotes = True
yield s[i:]

View File

@ -653,18 +653,51 @@ class DbEngineSpecsTestCase(SupersetTestCase):
cols, data
expected_cols = [
{"name": "row_column", "type": "ROW"},
{"name": "__row_id", "type": "BIGINT"},
{"name": "row_column", "type": "ROW(NESTED_OBJ VARCHAR)"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_obj", "type": "VARCHAR"},
{"name": "array_column", "type": "ARRAY"},
{"name": "array_column", "type": "ARRAY(BIGINT)"},
expected_data = [
{"row_column": ["a"], "row_column.nested_obj": "a", "array_column": 1},
{"row_column": "", "row_column.nested_obj": "", "array_column": 2},
{"row_column": "", "row_column.nested_obj": "", "array_column": 3},
{"row_column": ["b"], "row_column.nested_obj": "b", "array_column": 4},
{"row_column": "", "row_column.nested_obj": "", "array_column": 5},
{"row_column": "", "row_column.nested_obj": "", "array_column": 6},
"__row_id": 0,
"array_column": 1,
"row_column": ["a"],
"row_column.nested_obj": "a",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": 2,
"row_column": "",
"row_column.nested_obj": "",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": 3,
"row_column": "",
"row_column.nested_obj": "",
"__row_id": 1,
"array_column": 4,
"row_column": ["b"],
"row_column.nested_obj": "b",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": 5,
"row_column": "",
"row_column.nested_obj": "",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": 6,
"row_column": "",
"row_column.nested_obj": "",
expected_expanded_cols = [{"name": "row_column.nested_obj", "type": "VARCHAR"}]
self.assertEqual(actual_cols, expected_cols)
self.assertEqual(actual_data, expected_data)
@ -677,7 +710,7 @@ class DbEngineSpecsTestCase(SupersetTestCase):
cols = [
"name": "row_column",
data = [{"row_column": ["a1", ["a2"]]}, {"row_column": ["b1", ["b2"]]}]
@ -685,28 +718,35 @@ class DbEngineSpecsTestCase(SupersetTestCase):
cols, data
expected_cols = [
{"name": "row_column", "type": "ROW"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_obj1", "type": "VARCHAR"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_row", "type": "ROW"},
{"name": "__row_id", "type": "BIGINT"},
"name": "row_column",
{"name": "row_column.nested_row", "type": "ROW(NESTED_OBJ2 VARCHAR)"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_row.nested_obj2", "type": "VARCHAR"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_obj1", "type": "VARCHAR"},
expected_data = [
"__row_id": 0,
"row_column": ["a1", ["a2"]],
"row_column.nested_obj1": "a1",
"row_column.nested_row": ["a2"],
"row_column.nested_row.nested_obj2": "a2",
"__row_id": 1,
"row_column": ["b1", ["b2"]],
"row_column.nested_obj1": "b1",
"row_column.nested_row": ["b2"],
"row_column.nested_row.nested_obj2": "b2",
expected_expanded_cols = [
{"name": "row_column.nested_obj1", "type": "VARCHAR"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_row", "type": "ROW"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_row", "type": "ROW(NESTED_OBJ2 VARCHAR)"},
{"name": "row_column.nested_row.nested_obj2", "type": "VARCHAR"},
self.assertEqual(actual_cols, expected_cols)
@ -732,63 +772,81 @@ class DbEngineSpecsTestCase(SupersetTestCase):
cols, data
expected_cols = [
{"name": "__row_id", "type": "BIGINT"},
{"name": "int_column", "type": "BIGINT"},
{"name": "array_column", "type": "ARRAY"},
{"name": "array_column.nested_array", "type": "ARRAY"},
"name": "array_column",
"name": "array_column.nested_array",
{"name": "array_column.nested_array.nested_obj", "type": "VARCHAR"},
expected_data = [
"int_column": 1,
"array_column": [[[["a"], ["b"]]], [[["c"], ["d"]]]],
"array_column.nested_array": [["a"], ["b"]],
"__row_id": 0,
"array_column": [[["a"], ["b"]]],
"array_column.nested_array": ["a"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "a",
"int_column": 1,
"int_column": "",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": "",
"array_column.nested_array": "",
"array_column.nested_array": ["b"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "b",
"int_column": "",
"int_column": "",
"array_column": "",
"array_column.nested_array": [["c"], ["d"]],
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": [[["c"], ["d"]]],
"array_column.nested_array": ["c"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "c",
"int_column": "",
"int_column": "",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": "",
"array_column.nested_array": "",
"array_column.nested_array": ["d"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "d",
"int_column": "",
"int_column": 2,
"array_column": [[[["e"], ["f"]]], [[["g"], ["h"]]]],
"array_column.nested_array": [["e"], ["f"]],
"__row_id": 1,
"array_column": [[["e"], ["f"]]],
"array_column.nested_array": ["e"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "e",
"int_column": 2,
"int_column": "",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": "",
"array_column.nested_array": "",
"array_column.nested_array": ["f"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "f",
"int_column": "",
"int_column": "",
"array_column": "",
"array_column.nested_array": [["g"], ["h"]],
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": [[["g"], ["h"]]],
"array_column.nested_array": ["g"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "g",
"int_column": "",
"int_column": "",
"__row_id": "",
"array_column": "",
"array_column.nested_array": "",
"array_column.nested_array": ["h"],
"array_column.nested_array.nested_obj": "h",
"int_column": "",
expected_expanded_cols = [
{"name": "array_column.nested_array", "type": "ARRAY"},
"name": "array_column.nested_array",
{"name": "array_column.nested_array.nested_obj", "type": "VARCHAR"},
self.assertEqual(actual_cols, expected_cols)

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from superset.utils.core import (
@ -832,6 +833,20 @@ class UtilsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
stacktrace = get_stacktrace()
assert stacktrace is None
def test_split(self):
self.assertEqual(list(split("a b")), ["a", "b"])
self.assertEqual(list(split("a,b", delimiter=",")), ["a", "b"])
self.assertEqual(list(split("a,(b,a)", delimiter=",")), ["a", "(b,a)"])
list(split('a,(b,a),"foo , bar"', delimiter=",")),
["a", "(b,a)", '"foo , bar"'],
list(split("a,'b,c'", delimiter=",", quote="'")), ["a", "'b,c'"]
self.assertEqual(list(split('a "b c"')), ["a", '"b c"'])
self.assertEqual(list(split(r'a "b \" c"')), ["a", r'"b \" c"'])
def test_get_or_create_db(self):
get_or_create_db("test_db", "sqlite:///superset.db")
database = db.session.query(Database).filter_by(database_name="test_db").one()