
158 lines
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import celery
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import logging
import numpy
import time
from caravel import app, db, models, utils, dataframe
QueryStatus = models.QueryStatus
celery_app = celery.Celery(config_source=app.config.get('CELERY_CONFIG'))
def is_query_select(sql):
return sql.upper().startswith('SELECT')
def create_table_as(sql, table_name, schema=None, override=False):
"""Reformats the query into the create table as query.
Works only for the single select SQL statements, in all other cases
the sql query is not modified.
:param sql: string, sql query that will be executed
:param table_name: string, will contain the results of the query execution
:param override, boolean, table table_name will be dropped if true
:return: string, create table as query
# TODO(bkyryliuk): enforce that all the columns have names. Presto requires it
# for the CTA operation.
# TODO(bkyryliuk): drop table if allowed, check the namespace and
# the permissions.
# TODO raise if multi-statement
if schema:
table_name = schema + '.' + table_name
exec_sql = ''
if is_query_select(sql):
if override:
exec_sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name};\n'
exec_sql += "CREATE TABLE {table_name} AS \n{sql}"
raise Exception("Could not generate CREATE TABLE statement")
return exec_sql.format(**locals())
def get_sql_results(query_id, return_results=True):
"""Executes the sql query returns the results."""
session = db.session()
session.commit() # HACK
query = session.query(models.Query).filter_by(id=query_id).one()
database = query.database
executed_sql = query.sql.strip().strip(';')
def handle_error(msg):
"""Local method handling error while processing the SQL"""
query.error_message = msg
query.status = QueryStatus.FAILED
query.tmp_table_name = None
raise Exception(query.error_message)
# Limit enforced only for retrieving the data, not for the CTA queries.
is_select = is_query_select(executed_sql);
if not is_select and not database.allow_dml:
"Only `SELECT` statements are allowed against this database")
if query.select_as_cta:
if not is_select:
"Only `SELECT` statements can be used with the CREATE TABLE "
if not query.tmp_table_name:
start_dttm = datetime.fromtimestamp(query.start_time)
query.tmp_table_name = 'tmp_{}_table_{}'.format(
executed_sql = create_table_as(
executed_sql, query.tmp_table_name, database.force_ctas_schema)
query.select_as_cta_used = True
elif query.limit and is_select:
executed_sql = database.wrap_sql_limit(executed_sql, query.limit)
query.limit_used = True
engine = database.get_sqla_engine(schema=query.schema)
query.executed_sql = executed_sql"Running query: \n{}".format(executed_sql))
result_proxy = engine.execute(query.executed_sql, schema=query.schema)
except Exception as e:
cursor = result_proxy.cursor
query.status = QueryStatus.RUNNING
if database.backend == 'presto':
polled = cursor.poll()
# poll returns dict -- JSON status information or ``None``
# if the query is done
# b34bdbf51378b3979eaf5eca9e956f06ddc36ca0/pyhive/
while polled:
# Update the object and wait for the kill signal.
stats = polled.get('stats', {})
if stats:
completed_splits = float(stats.get('completedSplits'))
total_splits = float(stats.get('totalSplits'))
if total_splits and completed_splits:
progress = 100 * (completed_splits / total_splits)
if progress > query.progress:
query.progress = progress
polled = cursor.poll()
cdf = None
if result_proxy.cursor:
column_names = [col[0] for col in result_proxy.cursor.description]
data = result_proxy.fetchall()
cdf = dataframe.CaravelDataFrame(
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=column_names))
# TODO consider generating tuples instead of dicts to send
# less data through the wire. The command bellow does that,
# but we'd need to align on the client side.
# data = df.values.tolist()
query.rows = result_proxy.rowcount
query.progress = 100
query.status = QueryStatus.SUCCESS
if query.rows == -1 and cdf:
# Presto doesn't provide result_proxy.row_count
query.rows = cdf.size
if query.select_as_cta:
query.select_sql = '{}'.format(database.select_star(
query.tmp_table_name, limit=query.limit))
query.end_time = utils.now_as_float()
if return_results:
payload = {
'status': query.status,
'data': [],
if query.status == models.QueryStatus.SUCCESS:
payload['data'] = if cdf else []
payload['columns'] = cdf.columns_dict if cdf else []
payload['error'] = query.error_message
return payload
# Hack testing using a kv store for results
key = "query_id={}".format("Storing results in key=[{}]".format(key))
cache.set(key, json.dumps(payload, default=utils.json_iso_dttm_ser))