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2021-02-23 09:46:58 -05:00
# Windows
An executable can only be made on a Windows host because the PyInstaller tool ( does not support cross-compilation.
On a Windows machine, do the following:
1.) Install Python v3.9.x from To make life easier, check the option to add Python to the PATH environment variable.
2.) Using pip, install pyinstaller and colorama:
pip install pyinstaller colorama
3.) Create the executable with:
cd src\ssh_audit
pyinstaller -F --icon ..\..\windows_icon.ico
# PyPI
To create package and upload to test server:
$ sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
$ make -f Makefile.pypi
$ make -f Makefile.pypi uploadtest
To download from test server and verify:
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/pypi_test
$ cd /tmp/pypi_test; source bin/activate
$ pip3 install --index-url ssh-audit
To upload to production server (hint: use username '__token__' and API token):
$ make -f Makefile.pypi uploadprod
To download from production server and verify:
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/pypi_prod
$ cd /tmp/pypi_prod; source bin/activate
$ pip3 install ssh-audit
# Snap
To create the snap package, run a fully-updated Ubuntu Server 20.04 VM.
Install pre-requisites with:
$ sudo apt install make snapcraft
$ sudo snap install review-tools
Initialize LXD (leave all options default):
$ sudo lxd init
Bump the version number in snapcraft.yaml. Then run:
$ make -f Makefile.snap
Upload the snap with:
$ snapcraft login
$ snapcraft upload --release=stable ssh-audit_*.snap
# Docker
Build image with:
$ make -f Makefile.docker
Then upload them to Dockerhub with:
$ make -f Makefile.docker upload