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2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
import hashlib
import pytest
from datetime import date
class TestPolicy:
def init(self, ssh_audit):
self.Policy = ssh_audit.Policy
self.wbuf = ssh_audit.WriteBuf
self.ssh2 = ssh_audit.SSH2
def _get_kex(self):
'''Returns an SSH2.Kex object to simulate a server connection.'''
w = self.wbuf()
w.write_list(['kex_alg1', 'kex_alg2'])
w.write_list(['key_alg1', 'key_alg2'])
w.write_list(['cipher_alg1', 'cipher_alg2', 'cipher_alg3'])
w.write_list(['cipher_alg1', 'cipher_alg2', 'cipher_alg3'])
w.write_list(['mac_alg1', 'mac_alg2', 'mac_alg3'])
w.write_list(['mac_alg1', 'mac_alg2', 'mac_alg3'])
w.write_list(['comp_alg1', 'comp_alg2'])
w.write_list(['comp_alg1', 'comp_alg2'])
return self.ssh2.Kex.parse(w.write_flush())
def test_policy_basic(self):
'''Ensure that a basic policy can be parsed correctly.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
assert str(policy) == "Name: [Test Policy]\nVersion: [1]\nBanner: {undefined}\nHeader: {undefined}\nCompressions: comp_alg1\nHost Keys: key_alg1\nKey Exchanges: kex_alg1, kex_alg2\nCiphers: cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3\nMACs: mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3"
def test_policy_invalid_1(self):
'''Basic policy, but with 'ciphersx' instead of 'ciphers'.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphersx = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
failed = False
except ValueError:
failed = True
assert failed, "Invalid policy did not cause Policy object to throw exception"
def test_policy_invalid_2(self):
'''Basic policy, but is missing the required name field.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
#name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
failed = False
except ValueError:
failed = True
assert failed, "Invalid policy did not cause Policy object to throw exception"
def test_policy_invalid_3(self):
'''Basic policy, but is missing the required version field.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
name = "Test Policy"
#version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
failed = False
except ValueError:
failed = True
assert failed, "Invalid policy did not cause Policy object to throw exception"
def test_policy_invalid_4(self):
'''Basic policy, but is missing quotes in the name field.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
name = Test Policy
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
failed = False
except ValueError:
failed = True
assert failed, "Invalid policy did not cause Policy object to throw exception"
def test_policy_invalid_5(self):
'''Basic policy, but is missing quotes in the banner field.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
banner = 0mg
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
failed = False
except ValueError:
failed = True
assert failed, "Invalid policy did not cause Policy object to throw exception"
def test_policy_invalid_6(self):
'''Basic policy, but is missing quotes in the header field.'''
policy_data = '''# This is a comment
name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
header = 0mg
compressions = comp_alg1
host keys = key_alg1
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
failed = False
except ValueError:
failed = True
assert failed, "Invalid policy did not cause Policy object to throw exception"
def test_policy_create_1(self):
'''Creates a policy from a kex and ensures it is generated exactly as expected.'''
kex = self._get_kex()
pol_data = self.Policy.create('', 'bannerX', 'headerX', kex)
# Today's date is embedded in the policy, so filter it out to get repeatable results.
pol_data = pol_data.replace('%Y/%m/%d'), '[todays date]')
# Instead of writing out the entire expected policy--line by line--just check that it has the expected hash.
assert hashlib.sha256(pol_data.encode('ascii')).hexdigest() == 'e830fb9e5731995e5e4858b2b6d16704d7e5c2769d3a8d9acdd023a83ab337c5'
def test_policy_evaluate_passing_1(self):
'''Creates a policy and evaluates it against the same server'''
kex = self._get_kex()
policy_data = self.Policy.create('', None, None, kex)
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, kex)
assert ret is True
assert len(errors) == 0
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_1(self):
'''Ensure that a policy with a specified banner fails against a server with a different banner'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
banner = "XXX mismatched banner XXX"
compressions = comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = key_alg1, key_alg2
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].find('Banner did not match.') != -1
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_2(self):
'''Ensure that a mismatched compressions list results in a failure'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = XXXmismatchedXXX, comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = key_alg1, key_alg2
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].find('Compression types did not match.') != -1
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_3(self):
'''Ensure that a mismatched host keys results in a failure'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = XXXmismatchedXXX, key_alg1, key_alg2
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].find('Host key types did not match.') != -1
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_4(self):
'''Ensure that a mismatched key exchange list results in a failure'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = key_alg1, key_alg2
key exchanges = XXXmismatchedXXX, kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].find('Key exchanges did not match.') != -1
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_5(self):
'''Ensure that a mismatched cipher list results in a failure'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = key_alg1, key_alg2
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, XXXmismatched, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].find('Ciphers did not match.') != -1
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_6(self):
'''Ensure that a mismatched MAC list results in a failure'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = key_alg1, key_alg2
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, XXXmismatched, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 1
assert errors[0].find('MACs did not match.') != -1
def test_policy_evaluate_failing_7(self):
'''Ensure that a mismatched host keys and MACs results in a failure'''
policy_data = '''name = "Test Policy"
version = 1
compressions = comp_alg1, comp_alg2
host keys = key_alg1, key_alg2, XXXmismatchedXXX
key exchanges = kex_alg1, kex_alg2
ciphers = cipher_alg1, cipher_alg2, cipher_alg3
macs = mac_alg1, mac_alg2, XXXmismatchedXXX, mac_alg3'''
policy = self.Policy(policy_data=policy_data)
ret, errors = policy.evaluate('SSH Server 1.0', None, self._get_kex())
assert ret is False
assert len(errors) == 2
errors_str = ', '.join(errors)
assert errors_str.find('Host key types did not match.') != -1
assert errors_str.find('MACs did not match.') != -1