
320 lines
8.8 KiB

package cmd
import (
log ""
const START_YEAR = 2014
var initCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "generates a sample config and journal file",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
func init() {
type GeneratorState struct {
Balance float64
EPFBalance float64
Ledger *os.File
YearlySalary float64
Rent float64
NiftyBalance float64
var pricesTree map[string]*btree.BTree
func generateConfigFile(cwd string) {
configFilePath := filepath.Join(cwd, "paisa.yaml")
config := `
journal_path: '%s'
db_path: '%s'
- name: Debt
target: 40
- Assets:Debt:*
- name: Equity
target: 60
- Assets:Equity:*
- code: bank
- Assets:Checking
- code: share
- Assets:Equity:*
- Assets:Debt:*
- name: NIFTY
type: mutualfund
code: 120716
harvest: 365
tax_category: equity
- name: NIFTY_JR
type: mutualfund
code: 120684
harvest: 365
tax_category: equity
- name: ABCBF
type: mutualfund
code: 119533
harvest: 1095
tax_category: debt
- name: NPS_HDFC_E
type: nps
code: SM008001
- name: NPS_HDFC_C
type: nps
code: SM008002
- name: NPS_HDFC_G
type: nps
code: SM008003
log.Info("Generating config file: ", configFilePath)
journalFilePath := filepath.Join(cwd, "personal.ledger")
dbFilePath := filepath.Join(cwd, "paisa.db")
err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFilePath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(config, journalFilePath, dbFilePath)), 0644)
if err != nil {
func emitTransaction(file *os.File, date time.Time, payee string, from string, to string, amount float64) {
_, err := file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`
%s %s
%s %s INR
`, date.Format("2006/01/02"), payee, to, formatFloat(amount), from))
if err != nil {
func emitCommodityBuy(file *os.File, date time.Time, commodity string, from string, to string, amount float64) float64 {
pc := utils.BTreeDescendFirstLessOrEqual(pricesTree[commodity], price.Price{Date: date})
units := amount / pc.Value
_, err := file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`
%s Investment
%s %s %s @ %s INR
`, date.Format("2006/01/02"), to, formatFloat(units), commodity, formatFloat(pc.Value), from))
if err != nil {
return units
func emitCommoditySell(file *os.File, date time.Time, commodity string, from string, to string, amount float64, availableUnits float64) (float64, float64) {
pc := utils.BTreeDescendFirstLessOrEqual(pricesTree[commodity], price.Price{Date: date})
requiredUnits := amount / pc.Value
units := math.Min(availableUnits, requiredUnits)
return emitCommodityBuy(file, date, commodity, from, to, -units*pc.Value), units * pc.Value
func loadPrices(schemeCode string, commodityType price.CommodityType, commodityName string, pricesTree map[string]*btree.BTree) {
var prices []*price.Price
var err error
switch commodityType {
case price.MutualFund:
prices, err = mutualfund.GetNav(schemeCode, commodityName)
case price.NPS:
prices, err = nps.GetNav(schemeCode, commodityName)
if err != nil {
pricesTree[commodityName] = btree.New(2)
for _, price := range prices {
func formatFloat(num float64) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", num)
return strings.TrimRight(strings.TrimRight(s, "0"), ".")
func roundToK(amount float64) float64 {
if amount < 20000 {
return float64(int(amount/100) * 100)
return float64(int(amount/1000) * 1000)
func incrementByPercentRange(amount float64, min int, max int) float64 {
return roundToK(amount + amount*percentRange(min, max))
func percentRange(min int, max int) float64 {
if min == max {
return float64(min) * 0.01
return float64(randRange(min, max)) * 0.01
func randRange(min int, max int) int {
return rand.Intn(max-min) + min
func taxRate(amount float64) float64 {
if amount < 500000 {
return 0
} else if amount < 750000 {
return 0.10
} else if amount < 1000000 {
return 0.15
} else if amount < 1250000 {
return 0.20
} else if amount < 1500000 {
return 0.25
return 0.30
func emitSalary(state *GeneratorState, start time.Time) {
if start.Month() == time.April {
state.YearlySalary = incrementByPercentRange(state.YearlySalary, 10, 15)
var salary float64 = state.YearlySalary / 12
var company string
if start.Year() > 2017 {
company = "Globex"
} else {
company = "Acme"
tax := salary * taxRate(state.YearlySalary)
epf := salary * 0.12
nps := salary * 0.10
state.EPFBalance += epf
netSalary := salary - tax - epf - nps
state.Balance += netSalary
salaryAccount := fmt.Sprintf("Income:Salary:%s", company)
emitTransaction(state.Ledger, start, "Salary", salaryAccount, "Assets:Checking", netSalary)
emitTransaction(state.Ledger, start, "Salary EPF", salaryAccount, "Assets:Debt:EPF", epf)
emitTransaction(state.Ledger, start, "Salary Tax", salaryAccount, "Expenses:Tax", tax)
emitCommodityBuy(state.Ledger, start, "NPS_HDFC_E", salaryAccount, "Assets:Debt:NPS:HDFC:E", nps*0.75)
emitCommodityBuy(state.Ledger, start, "NPS_HDFC_C", salaryAccount, "Assets:Equity:NPS:HDFC:C", nps*0.15)
emitCommodityBuy(state.Ledger, start, "NPS_HDFC_G", salaryAccount, "Assets:Equity:NPS:HDFC:G", nps*0.10)
func emitExpense(state *GeneratorState, start time.Time) {
if start.Month() == time.April {
state.Rent = incrementByPercentRange(state.Rent, 5, 10)
emit := func(payee string, account string, amount float64, fuzz float64) {
actualAmount := roundToK(percentRange(int(fuzz*100), 100) * amount)
start = start.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
emitTransaction(state.Ledger, start, payee, "Assets:Checking", account, actualAmount)
state.Balance -= actualAmount
emit("Rent", "Expenses:Rent", state.Rent, 1.0)
emit("Internet", "Expenses:Utilities", 1500, 1.0)
emit("Mobile", "Expenses:Utilities", 430, 1.0)
emit("Shopping", "Expenses:Shopping", 3000, 0.5)
emit("Eat out", "Expenses:Restaurants", 2500, 0.5)
emit("Groceries", "Expenses:Food", 5000, 0.9)
if lo.Contains([]time.Month{time.January, time.April, time.November, time.December}, start.Month()) {
emit("Dress", "Expenses:Clothing", 5000, 0.5)
func emitInvestment(state *GeneratorState, start time.Time) {
if start.Month() == time.April {
epfInterest := state.EPFBalance * 0.08
emitTransaction(state.Ledger, start, "EPF Interest", "Income:Interest:EPF", "Assets:Debt:EPF", epfInterest)
state.EPFBalance += epfInterest
equity1 := roundToK(state.Balance * 0.5)
equity2 := roundToK(state.Balance * 0.2)
debt := roundToK(state.Balance * 0.3)
state.Balance -= equity1
state.NiftyBalance += emitCommodityBuy(state.Ledger, start, "NIFTY", "Assets:Checking", "Assets:Equity:NIFTY", equity1)
state.Balance -= equity2
emitCommodityBuy(state.Ledger, start, "NIFTY_JR", "Assets:Checking", "Assets:Equity:NIFTY_JR", equity2)
state.Balance -= debt
emitCommodityBuy(state.Ledger, start, "ABCBF", "Assets:Checking", "Assets:Debt:ABCBF", debt)
if start.Month() == time.March {
units, amount := emitCommoditySell(state.Ledger, start.AddDate(0, 0, 15), "NIFTY", "Assets:Checking", "Assets:Equity:NIFTY", 75000, state.NiftyBalance)
state.NiftyBalance += units
state.Balance += amount
func generateJournalFile(cwd string) {
journalFilePath := filepath.Join(cwd, "personal.ledger")
log.Info("Generating journal file: ", journalFilePath)
ledgerFile, err := os.OpenFile(journalFilePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
end := time.Now()
start, err := time.Parse("02-01-2006", fmt.Sprintf("01-01-%d", START_YEAR))
if err != nil {
pricesTree = make(map[string]*btree.BTree)
loadPrices("120716", price.MutualFund, "NIFTY", pricesTree)
loadPrices("120684", price.MutualFund, "NIFTY_JR", pricesTree)
loadPrices("119533", price.MutualFund, "ABCBF", pricesTree)
loadPrices("SM008001", price.NPS, "NPS_HDFC_E", pricesTree)
loadPrices("SM008002", price.NPS, "NPS_HDFC_C", pricesTree)
loadPrices("SM008003", price.NPS, "NPS_HDFC_G", pricesTree)
state := GeneratorState{Balance: 0, Ledger: ledgerFile, YearlySalary: 500000, Rent: 10000}
for ; start.Before(end); start = start.AddDate(0, 1, 0) {
emitSalary(&state, start)
emitExpense(&state, start)
emitInvestment(&state, start)