
562 lines
15 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <uv.h>
#include "nvim/api/private/defs.h"
#include "nvim/ascii_defs.h"
#include "nvim/autocmd.h"
#include "nvim/autocmd_defs.h"
#include "nvim/buffer_defs.h"
#include "nvim/event/loop.h"
#include "nvim/event/multiqueue.h"
#include "nvim/event/rstream.h"
#include "nvim/event/stream.h"
#include "nvim/getchar.h"
#include "nvim/gettext_defs.h"
#include "nvim/globals.h"
#include "nvim/keycodes.h"
#include "nvim/log.h"
#include "nvim/macros_defs.h"
#include "nvim/main.h"
#include "nvim/msgpack_rpc/channel.h"
#include "nvim/option_vars.h"
#include "nvim/os/input.h"
#include "nvim/os/os_defs.h"
#include "nvim/os/time.h"
#include "nvim/profile.h"
#include "nvim/rbuffer.h"
#include "nvim/rbuffer_defs.h"
#include "nvim/state.h"
#include "nvim/state_defs.h"
#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 0xfff
typedef enum {
} InbufPollResult;
static Stream read_stream = { .closed = true }; // Input before UI starts.
static RBuffer *input_buffer = NULL;
static bool input_eof = false;
static bool blocking = false;
static int cursorhold_time = 0; ///< time waiting for CursorHold event
static int cursorhold_tb_change_cnt = 0; ///< tb_change_cnt when waiting started
# include "os/input.c.generated.h"
void input_init(void)
input_buffer = rbuffer_new(INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE + MAX_KEY_CODE_LEN);
void input_start(void)
if (!read_stream.closed) {
used_stdin = true;
rstream_init_fd(&main_loop, &read_stream, STDIN_FILENO, READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
rstream_start(&read_stream, input_read_cb, NULL);
void input_stop(void)
if (read_stream.closed) {
stream_close(&read_stream, NULL, NULL);
void input_free_all_mem(void)
static void cursorhold_event(void **argv)
apply_autocmds(event, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
did_cursorhold = true;
static void create_cursorhold_event(bool events_enabled)
// If events are enabled and the queue has any items, this function should not
// have been called (inbuf_poll would return kInputAvail).
// TODO(tarruda): Cursorhold should be implemented as a timer set during the
// `state_check` callback for the states where it can be triggered.
assert(!events_enabled || multiqueue_empty(;
multiqueue_put(, cursorhold_event, NULL);
static void restart_cursorhold_wait(int tb_change_cnt)
cursorhold_time = 0;
cursorhold_tb_change_cnt = tb_change_cnt;
/// Low level input function
/// Wait until either the input buffer is non-empty or, if `events` is not NULL
/// until `events` is non-empty.
int os_inchar(uint8_t *buf, int maxlen, int ms, int tb_change_cnt, MultiQueue *events)
// This check is needed so that feeding typeahead from RPC can prevent CursorHold.
if (tb_change_cnt != cursorhold_tb_change_cnt) {
if (maxlen && rbuffer_size(input_buffer)) {
return (int)rbuffer_read(input_buffer, (char *)buf, (size_t)maxlen);
// No risk of a UI flood, so disable CTRL-C "interrupt" behavior if it's mapped.
if ((mapped_ctrl_c | curbuf->b_mapped_ctrl_c) & get_real_state()) {
ctrl_c_interrupts = false;
InbufPollResult result;
if (ms >= 0) {
if ((result = inbuf_poll(ms, events)) == kInputNone) {
return 0;
} else {
uint64_t wait_start = os_hrtime();
cursorhold_time = MIN(cursorhold_time, (int)p_ut);
if ((result = inbuf_poll((int)p_ut - cursorhold_time, events)) == kInputNone) {
if (read_stream.closed && silent_mode) {
// Drained eventloop & initial input; exit silent/batch-mode (-es/-Es).
if (trigger_cursorhold() && !typebuf_changed(tb_change_cnt)) {
create_cursorhold_event(events ==;
} else {
result = inbuf_poll(-1, events);
} else {
cursorhold_time += (int)((os_hrtime() - wait_start) / 1000000);
ctrl_c_interrupts = true;
// If input was put directly in typeahead buffer bail out here.
if (typebuf_changed(tb_change_cnt)) {
return 0;
if (maxlen && rbuffer_size(input_buffer)) {
// Safe to convert rbuffer_read to int, it will never overflow since we use
// relatively small buffers.
return (int)rbuffer_read(input_buffer, (char *)buf, (size_t)maxlen);
// If there are events, return the keys directly
if (maxlen && pending_events(events)) {
return push_event_key(buf, maxlen);
if (result == kInputEof) {
return 0;
// Check if a character is available for reading
bool os_char_avail(void)
return inbuf_poll(0, NULL) == kInputAvail;
/// Poll for fast events. `got_int` will be set to `true` if CTRL-C was typed.
/// This invokes a full libuv loop iteration which can be quite costly.
/// Prefer `line_breakcheck()` if called in a busy inner loop.
/// Caller must at least check `got_int` before calling this function again.
/// checking for other low-level input state like `input_available()` might
/// also be relevant (i e to throttle idle processing when user input is
/// available)
void os_breakcheck(void)
if (got_int) {
loop_poll_events(&main_loop, 0);
#define BREAKCHECK_SKIP 1000
static int breakcheck_count = 0;
/// Check for CTRL-C pressed, but only once in a while.
/// Should be used instead of os_breakcheck() for functions that check for
/// each line in the file. Calling os_breakcheck() each time takes too much
/// time, because it will use system calls to check for input.
void line_breakcheck(void)
if (++breakcheck_count >= BREAKCHECK_SKIP) {
breakcheck_count = 0;
/// Like line_breakcheck() but check 10 times less often.
void fast_breakcheck(void)
if (++breakcheck_count >= BREAKCHECK_SKIP * 10) {
breakcheck_count = 0;
/// Like line_breakcheck() but check 100 times less often.
void veryfast_breakcheck(void)
if (++breakcheck_count >= BREAKCHECK_SKIP * 100) {
breakcheck_count = 0;
/// Test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal.
/// @param fd File descriptor.
/// @return `true` if file descriptor refers to a terminal.
bool os_isatty(int fd)
return uv_guess_handle(fd) == UV_TTY;
size_t input_enqueue(String keys)
const char *ptr =;
const char *end = ptr + keys.size;
while (rbuffer_space(input_buffer) >= 19 && ptr < end) {
// A "<x>" form occupies at least 1 characters, and produces up
// to 19 characters (1 + 5 * 3 for the char and 3 for a modifier).
// In the case of K_SPECIAL(0x80), 3 bytes are escaped and needed,
// but since the keys are UTF-8, so the first byte cannot be
// K_SPECIAL(0x80).
uint8_t buf[19] = { 0 };
// Do not simplify the keys here. Simplification will be done later.
unsigned new_size
= trans_special(&ptr, (size_t)(end - ptr), (char *)buf, FSK_KEYCODE, true, NULL);
if (new_size) {
new_size = handle_mouse_event(&ptr, buf, new_size);
rbuffer_write(input_buffer, (char *)buf, new_size);
if (*ptr == '<') {
const char *old_ptr = ptr;
// Invalid or incomplete key sequence, skip until the next '>' or *end.
do {
} while (ptr < end && *ptr != '>');
if (*ptr != '>') {
// Incomplete key sequence, return without consuming.
ptr = old_ptr;
// copy the character, escaping K_SPECIAL
if ((uint8_t)(*ptr) == K_SPECIAL) {
rbuffer_write(input_buffer, (char *)&(uint8_t){ K_SPECIAL }, 1);
rbuffer_write(input_buffer, (char *)&(uint8_t){ KS_SPECIAL }, 1);
rbuffer_write(input_buffer, (char *)&(uint8_t){ KE_FILLER }, 1);
} else {
rbuffer_write(input_buffer, ptr, 1);
size_t rv = (size_t)(ptr -;
return rv;
static uint8_t check_multiclick(int code, int grid, int row, int col)
static int orig_num_clicks = 0;
static int orig_mouse_code = 0;
static int orig_mouse_grid = 0;
static int orig_mouse_col = 0;
static int orig_mouse_row = 0;
static uint64_t orig_mouse_time = 0; // time of previous mouse click
if ((code >= KE_MOUSEDOWN && code <= KE_MOUSERIGHT) || code == KE_MOUSEMOVE) {
return 0;
// For click events the number of clicks is updated.
if (code == KE_LEFTMOUSE || code == KE_RIGHTMOUSE || code == KE_MIDDLEMOUSE
|| code == KE_X1MOUSE || code == KE_X2MOUSE) {
uint64_t mouse_time = os_hrtime(); // time of current mouse click (ns)
// compute the time elapsed since the previous mouse click and
// convert p_mouse from ms to ns
uint64_t timediff = mouse_time - orig_mouse_time;
uint64_t mouset = (uint64_t)p_mouset * 1000000;
if (code == orig_mouse_code
&& timediff < mouset
&& orig_num_clicks != 4
&& orig_mouse_grid == grid
&& orig_mouse_col == col
&& orig_mouse_row == row) {
} else {
orig_num_clicks = 1;
orig_mouse_code = code;
orig_mouse_time = mouse_time;
// For drag and release events the number of clicks is kept.
orig_mouse_grid = grid;
orig_mouse_col = col;
orig_mouse_row = row;
uint8_t modifiers = 0;
if (orig_num_clicks == 2) {
modifiers |= MOD_MASK_2CLICK;
} else if (orig_num_clicks == 3) {
modifiers |= MOD_MASK_3CLICK;
} else if (orig_num_clicks == 4) {
modifiers |= MOD_MASK_4CLICK;
return modifiers;
/// Mouse event handling code (extract row/col if available and detect multiple clicks)
static unsigned handle_mouse_event(const char **ptr, uint8_t *buf, unsigned bufsize)
int mouse_code = 0;
int type = 0;
if (bufsize == 3) {
mouse_code = buf[2];
type = buf[1];
} else if (bufsize == 6) {
// prefixed with K_SPECIAL KS_MODIFIER mod
mouse_code = buf[5];
type = buf[4];
if (type != KS_EXTRA
|| !((mouse_code >= KE_LEFTMOUSE && mouse_code <= KE_RIGHTRELEASE)
|| (mouse_code >= KE_MOUSEDOWN && mouse_code <= KE_MOUSERIGHT)
|| mouse_code == KE_MOUSEMOVE)) {
return bufsize;
// a <[COL],[ROW]> sequence can follow and will set the mouse_row/mouse_col
// global variables. This is ugly but its how the rest of the code expects to
// find mouse coordinates, and it would be too expensive to refactor this
// now.
int col, row, advance;
if (sscanf(*ptr, "<%d,%d>%n", &col, &row, &advance) != EOF && advance) {
if (col >= 0 && row >= 0) {
// Make sure the mouse position is valid. Some terminals may
// return weird values.
if (col >= Columns) {
col = Columns - 1;
if (row >= Rows) {
row = Rows - 1;
mouse_grid = 0;
mouse_row = row;
mouse_col = col;
*ptr += advance;
uint8_t modifiers = check_multiclick(mouse_code, mouse_grid,
mouse_row, mouse_col);
if (modifiers) {
if (buf[1] != KS_MODIFIER) {
// no modifiers in the buffer yet, shift the bytes 3 positions
memcpy(buf + 3, buf, 3);
// add the modifier sequence
buf[0] = K_SPECIAL;
buf[1] = KS_MODIFIER;
buf[2] = modifiers;
bufsize += 3;
} else {
buf[2] |= modifiers;
return bufsize;
size_t input_enqueue_mouse(int code, uint8_t modifier, int grid, int row, int col)
modifier |= check_multiclick(code, grid, row, col);
uint8_t buf[7];
uint8_t *p = buf;
if (modifier) {
p[0] = K_SPECIAL;
p[2] = modifier;
p += 3;
p[0] = K_SPECIAL;
p[1] = KS_EXTRA;
p[2] = (uint8_t)code;
mouse_grid = grid;
mouse_row = row;
mouse_col = col;
size_t written = 3 + (size_t)(p - buf);
rbuffer_write(input_buffer, (char *)buf, written);
return written;
/// @return true if the main loop is blocked and waiting for input.
bool input_blocking(void)
return blocking;
// This is a replacement for the old `WaitForChar` function in os_unix.c
static InbufPollResult inbuf_poll(int ms, MultiQueue *events)
if (os_input_ready(events)) {
return kInputAvail;
if (do_profiling == PROF_YES && ms) {
if ((ms == -1 || ms > 0) && events != && !input_eof) {
// The pending input provoked a blocking wait. Do special events now. #6247
blocking = true;
DLOG("blocking... events_enabled=%d events_pending=%d", events != NULL,
events && !multiqueue_empty(events));
os_input_ready(events) || input_eof);
blocking = false;
if (do_profiling == PROF_YES && ms) {
if (os_input_ready(events)) {
return kInputAvail;
return input_eof ? kInputEof : kInputNone;
bool input_available(void)
return rbuffer_size(input_buffer) != 0;
static void input_read_cb(Stream *stream, RBuffer *buf, size_t c, void *data, bool at_eof)
if (at_eof) {
input_eof = true;
assert(rbuffer_space(input_buffer) >= rbuffer_size(buf));
RBUFFER_UNTIL_EMPTY(buf, ptr, len) {
(void)rbuffer_write(input_buffer, ptr, len);
rbuffer_consumed(buf, len);
static void process_ctrl_c(void)
if (!ctrl_c_interrupts) {
size_t consume_count = 0;
RBUFFER_EACH_REVERSE(input_buffer, c, i) {
if ((uint8_t)c == Ctrl_C
|| ((uint8_t)c == 'C' && i >= 3
&& (uint8_t)(*rbuffer_get(input_buffer, i - 3)) == K_SPECIAL
&& (uint8_t)(*rbuffer_get(input_buffer, i - 2)) == KS_MODIFIER
&& (uint8_t)(*rbuffer_get(input_buffer, i - 1)) == MOD_MASK_CTRL)) {
*rbuffer_get(input_buffer, i) = Ctrl_C;
got_int = true;
consume_count = i;
if (got_int && consume_count) {
// Remove all unprocessed input (typeahead) before the CTRL-C.
rbuffer_consumed(input_buffer, consume_count);
// Helper function used to push bytes from the 'event' key sequence partially
// between calls to os_inchar when maxlen < 3
static int push_event_key(uint8_t *buf, int maxlen)
static const uint8_t key[3] = { K_SPECIAL, KS_EXTRA, KE_EVENT };
static int key_idx = 0;
int buf_idx = 0;
do {
buf[buf_idx++] = key[key_idx++];
key_idx %= 3;
} while (key_idx > 0 && buf_idx < maxlen);
return buf_idx;
/// Check if there's pending input already in typebuf or `events`
bool os_input_ready(MultiQueue *events)
return (typebuf_was_filled // API call filled typeahead
|| rbuffer_size(input_buffer) // Input buffer filled
|| pending_events(events)); // Events must be processed
// Exit because of an input read error.
static void read_error_exit(void)
if (silent_mode) { // Normal way to exit for "nvim -es".
preserve_exit(_("Vim: Error reading input, exiting...\n"));
static bool pending_events(MultiQueue *events)
return events && !multiqueue_empty(events);