
7675 lines
221 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "klib/kvec.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/defs.h"
#include "nvim/api/private/helpers.h"
#include "nvim/arglist.h"
#include "nvim/ascii_defs.h"
#include "nvim/autocmd.h"
#include "nvim/autocmd_defs.h"
#include "nvim/buffer.h"
#include "nvim/buffer_defs.h"
#include "nvim/charset.h"
#include "nvim/cursor.h"
#include "nvim/decoration.h"
#include "nvim/diff.h"
#include "nvim/drawscreen.h"
#include "nvim/edit.h"
#include "nvim/eval.h"
#include "nvim/eval/typval.h"
#include "nvim/eval/typval_defs.h"
#include "nvim/eval/vars.h"
#include "nvim/eval/window.h"
#include "nvim/ex_cmds.h"
#include "nvim/ex_cmds2.h"
#include "nvim/ex_cmds_defs.h"
#include "nvim/ex_docmd.h"
#include "nvim/ex_eval.h"
#include "nvim/ex_getln.h"
#include "nvim/file_search.h"
#include "nvim/fileio.h"
#include "nvim/fold.h"
#include "nvim/garray.h"
#include "nvim/getchar.h"
#include "nvim/gettext_defs.h"
#include "nvim/globals.h"
#include "nvim/grid.h"
#include "nvim/grid_defs.h"
#include "nvim/hashtab.h"
#include "nvim/keycodes.h"
#include "nvim/macros_defs.h"
#include "nvim/main.h"
#include "nvim/map_defs.h"
#include "nvim/mapping.h"
#include "nvim/mark.h"
#include "nvim/mark_defs.h"
#include "nvim/match.h"
#include "nvim/mbyte.h"
#include "nvim/memory.h"
#include "nvim/message.h"
#include "nvim/mouse.h"
#include "nvim/move.h"
#include "nvim/normal.h"
#include "nvim/option.h"
#include "nvim/option_defs.h"
#include "nvim/option_vars.h"
#include "nvim/os/fs.h"
#include "nvim/os/os_defs.h"
#include "nvim/path.h"
#include "nvim/plines.h"
#include "nvim/pos_defs.h"
#include "nvim/quickfix.h"
#include "nvim/search.h"
#include "nvim/state.h"
#include "nvim/state_defs.h"
#include "nvim/statusline.h"
#include "nvim/strings.h"
#include "nvim/syntax.h"
#include "nvim/terminal.h"
#include "nvim/types_defs.h"
#include "nvim/ui.h"
#include "nvim/ui_compositor.h"
#include "nvim/ui_defs.h"
#include "nvim/undo.h"
#include "nvim/vim_defs.h"
#include "nvim/window.h"
#include "nvim/winfloat.h"
# include "window.c.generated.h"
#define NOWIN ((win_T *)-1) // non-existing window
#define ROWS_AVAIL (Rows - p_ch - tabline_height() - global_stl_height())
/// flags for win_enter_ext()
typedef enum {
} wee_flags_T;
static const char e_cannot_split_window_when_closing_buffer[]
= N_("E1159: Cannot split a window when closing the buffer");
static char *m_onlyone = N_("Already only one window");
/// When non-zero splitting a window is forbidden. Used to avoid that nasty
/// autocommands mess up the window structure.
static int split_disallowed = 0;
// #define WIN_DEBUG
#ifdef WIN_DEBUG
/// Call this method to log the current window layout.
static void log_frame_layout(frame_T *frame)
DLOG("layout %s, wi: %d, he: %d, wwi: %d, whe: %d, id: %d",
frame->fr_layout == FR_LEAF ? "LEAF" : frame->fr_layout == FR_ROW ? "ROW" : "COL",
frame->fr_win == NULL ? -1 : frame->fr_win->w_width,
frame->fr_win == NULL ? -1 : frame->fr_win->w_height,
frame->fr_win == NULL ? -1 : frame->fr_win->w_id);
if (frame->fr_child != NULL) {
if (frame->fr_next != NULL) {
DLOG("END of children");
if (frame->fr_next != NULL) {
/// Check if the current window is allowed to move to a different buffer.
/// @return If the window has 'winfixbuf', or this function will return false.
bool check_can_set_curbuf_disabled(void)
if (curwin->w_p_wfb) {
return false;
return true;
/// Check if the current window is allowed to move to a different buffer.
/// @param forceit If true, do not error. If false and 'winfixbuf' is enabled, error.
/// @return If the window has 'winfixbuf', then forceit must be true
/// or this function will return false.
bool check_can_set_curbuf_forceit(int forceit)
if (!forceit && curwin->w_p_wfb) {
return false;
return true;
/// @return the current window, unless in the cmdline window and "prevwin" is
/// set, then return "prevwin".
win_T *prevwin_curwin(void)
// In cmdwin, the alternative buffer should be used.
return is_in_cmdwin() && prevwin != NULL ? prevwin : curwin;
/// If the 'switchbuf' option contains "useopen" or "usetab", then try to jump
/// to a window containing "buf".
/// Returns the pointer to the window that was jumped to or NULL.
win_T *swbuf_goto_win_with_buf(buf_T *buf)
win_T *wp = NULL;
if (buf == NULL) {
return wp;
// If 'switchbuf' contains "useopen": jump to first window in the current
// tab page containing "buf" if one exists.
if (swb_flags & SWB_USEOPEN) {
wp = buf_jump_open_win(buf);
// If 'switchbuf' contains "usetab": jump to first window in any tab page
// containing "buf" if one exists.
if (wp == NULL && (swb_flags & SWB_USETAB)) {
wp = buf_jump_open_tab(buf);
return wp;
/// all CTRL-W window commands are handled here, called from normal_cmd().
/// @param xchar extra char from ":wincmd gx" or NUL
void do_window(int nchar, int Prenum, int xchar)
int type = FIND_DEFINE;
char cbuf[40];
int Prenum1 = Prenum == 0 ? 1 : Prenum;
#define CHECK_CMDWIN \
do { \
if (cmdwin_type != 0) { \
emsg(_(e_cmdwin)); \
return; \
} \
} while (0)
switch (nchar) {
// split current window in two parts, horizontally
case 'S':
case Ctrl_S:
case 's':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
// When splitting the quickfix window open a new buffer in it,
// don't replicate the quickfix buffer.
if (bt_quickfix(curbuf)) {
goto newwindow;
win_split(Prenum, 0);
// split current window in two parts, vertically
case Ctrl_V:
case 'v':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
// When splitting the quickfix window open a new buffer in it,
// don't replicate the quickfix buffer.
if (bt_quickfix(curbuf)) {
goto newwindow;
win_split(Prenum, WSP_VERT);
// split current window and edit alternate file
case Ctrl_HAT:
case '^':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
if (buflist_findnr(Prenum == 0 ? curwin->w_alt_fnum : Prenum) == NULL) {
if (Prenum == 0) {
} else {
semsg(_("E92: Buffer %" PRId64 " not found"), (int64_t)Prenum);
if (!curbuf_locked() && win_split(0, 0) == OK) {
buflist_getfile(Prenum == 0 ? curwin->w_alt_fnum : Prenum,
0, GETF_ALT, false);
// open new window
case Ctrl_N:
case 'n':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
if (Prenum) {
// window height
vim_snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf) - 5, "%" PRId64, (int64_t)Prenum);
} else {
cbuf[0] = NUL;
if (nchar == 'v' || nchar == Ctrl_V) {
xstrlcat(cbuf, "v", sizeof(cbuf));
xstrlcat(cbuf, "new", sizeof(cbuf));
// quit current window
case Ctrl_Q:
case 'q':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
cmd_with_count("quit", cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), Prenum);
// close current window
case Ctrl_C:
case 'c':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
cmd_with_count("close", cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), Prenum);
// close preview window
case Ctrl_Z:
case 'z':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
// cursor to preview window
case 'P': {
win_T *wp = NULL;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp2, curtab) {
if (wp2->w_p_pvw) {
wp = wp2;
if (wp == NULL) {
emsg(_("E441: There is no preview window"));
} else {
// close all but current window
case Ctrl_O:
case 'o':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
cmd_with_count("only", cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), Prenum);
// cursor to next window with wrap around
case Ctrl_W:
case 'w':
// cursor to previous window with wrap around
case 'W':
if (ONE_WINDOW && Prenum != 1) { // just one window
} else {
win_T *wp;
if (Prenum) { // go to specified window
for (wp = firstwin; --Prenum > 0;) {
if (wp->w_next == NULL) {
wp = wp->w_next;
} else {
if (nchar == 'W') { // go to previous window
wp = curwin->w_prev;
if (wp == NULL) {
wp = lastwin; // wrap around
while (wp != NULL && wp->w_floating
&& !wp->w_config.focusable) {
wp = wp->w_prev;
} else { // go to next window
wp = curwin->w_next;
while (wp != NULL && wp->w_floating
&& !wp->w_config.focusable) {
wp = wp->w_next;
if (wp == NULL) {
wp = firstwin; // wrap around
// cursor to window below
case 'j':
case K_DOWN:
case Ctrl_J:
win_goto_ver(false, Prenum1);
// cursor to window above
case 'k':
case K_UP:
case Ctrl_K:
win_goto_ver(true, Prenum1);
// cursor to left window
case 'h':
case K_LEFT:
case Ctrl_H:
case K_BS:
win_goto_hor(true, Prenum1);
// cursor to right window
case 'l':
case K_RIGHT:
case Ctrl_L:
win_goto_hor(false, Prenum1);
// move window to new tab page
case 'T':
if (one_window(curwin)) {
msg(_(m_onlyone), 0);
} else {
tabpage_T *oldtab = curtab;
// First create a new tab with the window, then go back to
// the old tab and close the window there.
win_T *wp = curwin;
if (win_new_tabpage(Prenum, NULL) == OK
&& valid_tabpage(oldtab)) {
tabpage_T *newtab = curtab;
goto_tabpage_tp(oldtab, true, true);
if (curwin == wp) {
win_close(curwin, false, false);
if (valid_tabpage(newtab)) {
goto_tabpage_tp(newtab, true, true);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABNEWENTERED, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
// cursor to top-left window
case 't':
case Ctrl_T:
// cursor to bottom-right window
case 'b':
case Ctrl_B:
// cursor to last accessed (previous) window
case 'p':
case Ctrl_P:
if (!win_valid(prevwin)) {
} else {
// exchange current and next window
case 'x':
case Ctrl_X:
// rotate windows downwards
case Ctrl_R:
case 'r':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
win_rotate(false, Prenum1); // downwards
// rotate windows upwards
case 'R':
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
win_rotate(true, Prenum1); // upwards
// move window to the very top/bottom/left/right
case 'K':
case 'J':
case 'H':
case 'L':
if (one_window(curwin)) {
} else {
const int dir = ((nchar == 'H' || nchar == 'L') ? WSP_VERT : 0)
| ((nchar == 'H' || nchar == 'K') ? WSP_TOP : WSP_BOT);
win_splitmove(curwin, Prenum, dir);
// make all windows the same width and/or height
case '=': {
int mod = cmdmod.cmod_split & (WSP_VERT | WSP_HOR);
win_equal(NULL, false, mod == WSP_VERT ? 'v' : mod == WSP_HOR ? 'h' : 'b');
// increase current window height
case '+':
win_setheight(curwin->w_height + Prenum1);
// decrease current window height
case '-':
win_setheight(curwin->w_height - Prenum1);
// set current window height
case Ctrl__:
case '_':
win_setheight(Prenum ? Prenum : Rows - 1);
// increase current window width
case '>':
win_setwidth(curwin->w_width + Prenum1);
// decrease current window width
case '<':
win_setwidth(curwin->w_width - Prenum1);
// set current window width
case '|':
win_setwidth(Prenum != 0 ? Prenum : Columns);
// jump to tag and split window if tag exists (in preview window)
case '}':
if (Prenum) {
g_do_tagpreview = Prenum;
} else {
g_do_tagpreview = (int)p_pvh;
case ']':
case Ctrl_RSB:
// Keep visual mode, can select words to use as a tag.
if (Prenum) {
postponed_split = Prenum;
} else {
postponed_split = -1;
if (nchar != '}') {
g_do_tagpreview = 0;
// Execute the command right here, required when
// "wincmd ]" was used in a function.
do_nv_ident(Ctrl_RSB, NUL);
postponed_split = 0;
// edit file name under cursor in a new window
case 'f':
case 'F':
case Ctrl_F: {
if (check_text_or_curbuf_locked(NULL)) {
linenr_T lnum = -1;
char *ptr = grab_file_name(Prenum1, &lnum);
if (ptr != NULL) {
tabpage_T *oldtab = curtab;
win_T *oldwin = curwin;
// If 'switchbuf' is set to 'useopen' or 'usetab' and the
// file is already opened in a window, then jump to it.
win_T *wp = NULL;
if ((swb_flags & (SWB_USEOPEN | SWB_USETAB))
&& cmdmod.cmod_tab == 0) {
wp = swbuf_goto_win_with_buf(buflist_findname_exp(ptr));
if (wp == NULL && win_split(0, 0) == OK) {
if (do_ecmd(0, ptr, NULL, NULL, ECMD_LASTL, ECMD_HIDE, NULL) == FAIL) {
// Failed to open the file, close the window opened for it.
win_close(curwin, false, false);
goto_tabpage_win(oldtab, oldwin);
} else {
wp = curwin;
if (wp != NULL && nchar == 'F' && lnum >= 0) {
curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);
// Go to the first occurrence of the identifier under cursor along path in a
// new window -- webb
case 'i': // Go to any match
case Ctrl_I:
type = FIND_ANY;
case 'd': // Go to definition, using 'define'
case Ctrl_D: {
size_t len;
char *ptr;
if ((len = find_ident_under_cursor(&ptr, FIND_IDENT)) == 0) {
// Make a copy, if the line was changed it will be freed.
ptr = xmemdupz(ptr, len);
find_pattern_in_path(ptr, 0, len, true, Prenum == 0,
type, Prenum1, ACTION_SPLIT, 1, MAXLNUM, false);
curwin->w_set_curswant = true;
// Quickfix window only: view the result under the cursor in a new split.
case K_KENTER:
case CAR:
if (bt_quickfix(curbuf)) {
// CTRL-W g extended commands
case 'g':
case Ctrl_G:
allow_keys++; // no mapping for xchar, but allow key codes
if (xchar == NUL) {
xchar = plain_vgetc();
LANGMAP_ADJUST(xchar, true);
switch (xchar) {
case '}':
xchar = Ctrl_RSB;
if (Prenum) {
g_do_tagpreview = Prenum;
} else {
g_do_tagpreview = (int)p_pvh;
case ']':
case Ctrl_RSB:
// Keep visual mode, can select words to use as a tag.
if (Prenum) {
postponed_split = Prenum;
} else {
postponed_split = -1;
// Execute the command right here, required when
// "wincmd g}" was used in a function.
do_nv_ident('g', xchar);
postponed_split = 0;
case 'f': // CTRL-W gf: "gf" in a new tab page
case 'F': // CTRL-W gF: "gF" in a new tab page
cmdmod.cmod_tab = tabpage_index(curtab) + 1;
nchar = xchar;
goto wingotofile;
case 't': // CTRL-W gt: go to next tab page
case 'T': // CTRL-W gT: go to previous tab page
case TAB: // CTRL-W g<Tab>: go to last used tab page
if (!goto_tabpage_lastused()) {
case 'e':
if (curwin->w_floating || !ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) {
WinConfig config = WIN_CONFIG_INIT;
config.width = curwin->w_width;
config.height = curwin->w_height;
config.external = true;
Error err = ERROR_INIT;
if (!win_new_float(curwin, false, config, &err)) {
static void cmd_with_count(char *cmd, char *bufp, size_t bufsize, int64_t Prenum)
size_t len = xstrlcpy(bufp, cmd, bufsize);
if (Prenum > 0 && len < bufsize) {
vim_snprintf(bufp + len, bufsize - len, "%" PRId64, Prenum);
void win_set_buf(win_T *win, buf_T *buf, Error *err)
tabpage_T *tab = win_find_tabpage(win);
// no redrawing and don't set the window title
switchwin_T switchwin;
if (switch_win_noblock(&switchwin, win, tab, true) == FAIL) {
"Failed to switch to window %d",
goto cleanup;
const int save_acd = p_acd;
if (!switchwin.sw_same_win) {
// Temporarily disable 'autochdir' when setting buffer in another window.
p_acd = false;
int result = do_buffer(DOBUF_GOTO, DOBUF_FIRST, FORWARD, buf->b_fnum, 0);
if (!switchwin.sw_same_win) {
p_acd = save_acd;
if (!try_end(err) && result == FAIL) {
"Failed to set buffer %d",
// If window is not current, state logic will not validate its cursor. So do it now.
// Still needed if do_buffer returns FAIL (e.g: autocmds abort script after buffer was set).
restore_win_noblock(&switchwin, true);
/// Return the number of fold columns to display
int win_fdccol_count(win_T *wp)
const char *fdc = wp->w_p_fdc;
// auto:<NUM>
if (strncmp(fdc, "auto", 4) == 0) {
const int fdccol = fdc[4] == ':' ? fdc[5] - '0' : 1;
int needed_fdccols = getDeepestNesting(wp);
return MIN(fdccol, needed_fdccols);
return fdc[0] - '0';
void ui_ext_win_position(win_T *wp, bool validate)
wp->w_pos_changed = false;
if (!wp->w_floating) {
ui_call_win_pos(wp->w_grid_alloc.handle, wp->handle, wp->w_winrow,
wp->w_wincol, wp->w_width, wp->w_height);
WinConfig c = wp->w_config;
if (!c.external) {
ScreenGrid *grid = &default_grid;
Float row = c.row;
Float col = c.col;
if (c.relative == kFloatRelativeWindow) {
Error dummy = ERROR_INIT;
win_T *win = find_window_by_handle(c.window, &dummy);
if (win != NULL) {
// When a floating window is anchored to another window,
// update the position of its anchored window first.
if (win->w_pos_changed && win->w_grid_alloc.chars != NULL && win_valid(win)) {
ui_ext_win_position(win, validate);
grid = &win->w_grid;
int row_off = 0;
int col_off = 0;
grid_adjust(&grid, &row_off, &col_off);
row += row_off;
col += col_off;
if (c.bufpos.lnum >= 0) {
int lnum = MIN(c.bufpos.lnum + 1, win->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count);
pos_T pos = { lnum, c.bufpos.col, 0 };
int trow, tcol, tcolc, tcole;
textpos2screenpos(win, &pos, &trow, &tcol, &tcolc, &tcole, true);
row += trow - 1;
col += tcol - 1;
wp->w_grid_alloc.zindex = wp->w_config.zindex;
if (ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) {
String anchor = cstr_as_string(float_anchor_str[c.anchor]);
if (!c.hide) {
ui_call_win_float_pos(wp->w_grid_alloc.handle, wp->handle, anchor,
grid->handle, row, col, c.focusable,
} else {
} else {
bool valid = (wp->w_redr_type == 0);
if (!valid && !validate) {
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
// TODO(bfredl): ideally, compositor should work like any multigrid UI
// and use standard win_pos events.
bool east = c.anchor & kFloatAnchorEast;
bool south = c.anchor & kFloatAnchorSouth;
int comp_row = (int)row - (south ? wp->w_height_outer : 0);
int comp_col = (int)col - (east ? wp->w_width_outer : 0);
int above_ch = wp->w_config.zindex < kZIndexMessages ? (int)p_ch : 0;
comp_row += grid->comp_row;
comp_col += grid->comp_col;
comp_row = MAX(MIN(comp_row, Rows - wp->w_height_outer - above_ch), 0);
if (!c.fixed || east) {
comp_col = MAX(MIN(comp_col, Columns - wp->w_width_outer), 0);
wp->w_winrow = comp_row;
wp->w_wincol = comp_col;
if (!c.hide) {
ui_comp_put_grid(&wp->w_grid_alloc, comp_row, comp_col,
wp->w_height_outer, wp->w_width_outer, valid, false);
wp->w_grid_alloc.focusable = wp->w_config.focusable;
if (!valid) {
wp->w_grid_alloc.valid = false;
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
} else {
} else {
ui_call_win_external_pos(wp->w_grid_alloc.handle, wp->handle);
void ui_ext_win_viewport(win_T *wp)
// NOTE: The win_viewport command is delayed until the next flush when there are pending updates.
// This ensures that the updates and the viewport are sent together.
if ((wp == curwin || ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) && wp->w_viewport_invalid && wp->w_redr_type == 0) {
const linenr_T line_count = wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count;
// Avoid ml_get errors when producing "scroll_delta".
const linenr_T cur_topline = MIN(wp->w_topline, line_count);
const linenr_T cur_botline = MIN(wp->w_botline, line_count);
int64_t delta = 0;
linenr_T last_topline = wp->w_viewport_last_topline;
linenr_T last_botline = wp->w_viewport_last_botline;
int last_topfill = wp->w_viewport_last_topfill;
int64_t last_skipcol = wp->w_viewport_last_skipcol;
if (last_topline > line_count) {
delta -= last_topline - line_count;
last_topline = line_count;
last_topfill = 0;
last_skipcol = MAXCOL;
last_botline = MIN(last_botline, line_count);
if (cur_topline < last_topline
|| (cur_topline == last_topline && wp->w_skipcol < last_skipcol)) {
if (last_topline > 0 && cur_botline < last_topline) {
// Scrolling too many lines: only give an approximate "scroll_delta".
delta -= win_text_height(wp, cur_topline, wp->w_skipcol, cur_botline, 0, NULL);
delta -= last_topline - cur_botline;
} else {
delta -= win_text_height(wp, cur_topline, wp->w_skipcol, last_topline, last_skipcol, NULL);
} else if (cur_topline > last_topline
|| (cur_topline == last_topline && wp->w_skipcol > last_skipcol)) {
if (last_botline > 0 && cur_topline > last_botline) {
// Scrolling too many lines: only give an approximate "scroll_delta".
delta += win_text_height(wp, last_topline, last_skipcol, last_botline, 0, NULL);
delta += cur_topline - last_botline;
} else {
delta += win_text_height(wp, last_topline, last_skipcol, cur_topline, wp->w_skipcol, NULL);
delta += last_topfill;
delta -= wp->w_topfill;
linenr_T ev_botline = wp->w_botline;
if (ev_botline == line_count + 1 && wp->w_empty_rows == 0) {
// TODO(bfredl): The might be more cases to consider, like how does this
// interact with incomplete final line? Diff filler lines?
ev_botline = line_count;
ui_call_win_viewport(wp->w_grid_alloc.handle, wp->handle, wp->w_topline - 1, ev_botline,
wp->w_cursor.lnum - 1, wp->w_cursor.col, line_count, delta);
wp->w_viewport_invalid = false;
wp->w_viewport_last_topline = wp->w_topline;
wp->w_viewport_last_botline = wp->w_botline;
wp->w_viewport_last_topfill = wp->w_topfill;
wp->w_viewport_last_skipcol = wp->w_skipcol;
/// If "split_disallowed" is set, or "wp"'s buffer is closing, give an error and return FAIL.
/// Otherwise return OK.
int check_split_disallowed(const win_T *wp)
Error err = ERROR_INIT;
const bool ok = check_split_disallowed_err(wp, &err);
if (ERROR_SET(&err)) {
return ok ? OK : FAIL;
/// Like `check_split_disallowed`, but set `err` to the (untranslated) error message on failure and
/// return false. Otherwise return true.
/// @see check_split_disallowed
bool check_split_disallowed_err(const win_T *wp, Error *err)
if (split_disallowed > 0) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "E242: Can't split a window while closing another");
return false;
if (wp->w_buffer->b_locked_split) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "%s", e_cannot_split_window_when_closing_buffer);
return false;
return true;
// split the current window, implements CTRL-W s and :split
// "size" is the height or width for the new window, 0 to use half of current
// height or width.
// "flags":
// WSP_ROOM: require enough room for new window
// WSP_VERT: vertical split.
// WSP_TOP: open window at the top-left of the screen (help window).
// WSP_BOT: open window at the bottom-right of the screen (quickfix window).
// WSP_HELP: creating the help window, keep layout snapshot
// WSP_NOENTER: do not enter the new window or trigger WinNew autocommands
// return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
int win_split(int size, int flags)
if (check_split_disallowed(curwin) == FAIL) {
return FAIL;
// When the ":tab" modifier was used open a new tab page instead.
if (may_open_tabpage() == OK) {
return OK;
// Add flags from ":vertical", ":topleft" and ":botright".
flags |= cmdmod.cmod_split;
if ((flags & WSP_TOP) && (flags & WSP_BOT)) {
emsg(_("E442: Can't split topleft and botright at the same time"));
return FAIL;
// When creating the help window make a snapshot of the window layout.
// Otherwise clear the snapshot, it's now invalid.
if (flags & WSP_HELP) {
} else {
clear_snapshot(curtab, SNAP_HELP_IDX);
return win_split_ins(size, flags, NULL, 0, NULL) == NULL ? FAIL : OK;
/// When "new_wp" is NULL: split the current window in two.
/// When "new_wp" is not NULL: insert this window at the far
/// top/left/right/bottom.
/// When "to_flatten" is not NULL: flatten this frame before reorganising frames;
/// remains unflattened on failure.
/// On failure, if "new_wp" was not NULL, no changes will have been made to the
/// window layout or sizes.
/// @return NULL for failure, or pointer to new window
win_T *win_split_ins(int size, int flags, win_T *new_wp, int dir, frame_T *to_flatten)
win_T *wp = new_wp;
// aucmd_win[] should always remain floating
if (new_wp != NULL && is_aucmd_win(new_wp)) {
return NULL;
win_T *oldwin;
if (flags & WSP_TOP) {
oldwin = firstwin;
} else if (flags & WSP_BOT || curwin->w_floating) {
// can't split float, use last nonfloating window instead
oldwin = lastwin_nofloating();
} else {
oldwin = curwin;
int need_status = 0;
int new_size = size;
bool vertical = flags & WSP_VERT;
bool toplevel = flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT);
// add a status line when p_ls == 1 and splitting the first window
if (one_window(firstwin) && p_ls == 1 && oldwin->w_status_height == 0) {
if (oldwin->w_height <= p_wmh) {
return NULL;
need_status = STATUS_HEIGHT;
bool do_equal = false;
int oldwin_height = 0;
const int layout = vertical ? FR_ROW : FR_COL;
bool did_set_fraction = false;
if (vertical) {
// Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its
// width.
// Current window requires at least 1 space.
int wmw1 = (p_wmw == 0 ? 1 : (int)p_wmw);
int needed = wmw1 + 1;
if (flags & WSP_ROOM) {
needed += (int)p_wiw - wmw1;
int minwidth;
int available;
if (toplevel) {
minwidth = frame_minwidth(topframe, NOWIN);
available = topframe->fr_width;
needed += minwidth;
} else if (p_ea) {
minwidth = frame_minwidth(oldwin->w_frame, NOWIN);
frame_T *prevfrp = oldwin->w_frame;
for (frame_T *frp = oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent; frp != NULL;
frp = frp->fr_parent) {
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
frame_T *frp2;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp2, frp->fr_child) {
if (frp2 != prevfrp) {
minwidth += frame_minwidth(frp2, NOWIN);
prevfrp = frp;
available = topframe->fr_width;
needed += minwidth;
} else {
minwidth = frame_minwidth(oldwin->w_frame, NOWIN);
available = oldwin->w_frame->fr_width;
needed += minwidth;
if (available < needed) {
return NULL;
if (new_size == 0) {
new_size = oldwin->w_width / 2;
if (new_size > available - minwidth - 1) {
new_size = available - minwidth - 1;
if (new_size < wmw1) {
new_size = wmw1;
// if it doesn't fit in the current window, need win_equal()
if (oldwin->w_width - new_size - 1 < p_wmw) {
do_equal = true;
// We don't like to take lines for the new window from a
// 'winfixwidth' window. Take them from a window to the left or right
// instead, if possible. Add one for the separator.
if (oldwin->w_p_wfw) {
win_setwidth_win(oldwin->w_width + new_size + 1, oldwin);
// Only make all windows the same width if one of them (except oldwin)
// is wider than one of the split windows.
if (!do_equal && p_ea && size == 0 && *p_ead != 'v'
&& oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent != NULL) {
frame_T *frp = oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
while (frp != NULL) {
if (frp->fr_win != oldwin && frp->fr_win != NULL
&& (frp->fr_win->w_width > new_size
|| frp->fr_win->w_width > (oldwin->w_width
- new_size - 1))) {
do_equal = true;
frp = frp->fr_next;
} else {
// Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its height.
// Current window requires at least 1 space plus space for the window bar.
int wmh1 = MAX((int)p_wmh, 1) + oldwin->w_winbar_height;
int needed = wmh1 + STATUS_HEIGHT;
if (flags & WSP_ROOM) {
needed += (int)p_wh - wmh1 + oldwin->w_winbar_height;
if (p_ch < 1) {
needed += 1; // Adjust for cmdheight=0.
int minheight;
int available;
if (toplevel) {
minheight = frame_minheight(topframe, NOWIN) + need_status;
available = topframe->fr_height;
needed += minheight;
} else if (p_ea) {
minheight = frame_minheight(oldwin->w_frame, NOWIN) + need_status;
frame_T *prevfrp = oldwin->w_frame;
for (frame_T *frp = oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_parent) {
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
frame_T *frp2;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp2, frp->fr_child) {
if (frp2 != prevfrp) {
minheight += frame_minheight(frp2, NOWIN);
prevfrp = frp;
available = topframe->fr_height;
needed += minheight;
} else {
minheight = frame_minheight(oldwin->w_frame, NOWIN) + need_status;
available = oldwin->w_frame->fr_height;
needed += minheight;
if (available < needed) {
return NULL;
oldwin_height = oldwin->w_height;
if (need_status) {
oldwin->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
oldwin_height -= STATUS_HEIGHT;
if (new_size == 0) {
new_size = oldwin_height / 2;
if (new_size > available - minheight - STATUS_HEIGHT) {
new_size = available - minheight - STATUS_HEIGHT;
if (new_size < wmh1) {
new_size = wmh1;
// if it doesn't fit in the current window, need win_equal()
if (oldwin_height - new_size - STATUS_HEIGHT < p_wmh) {
do_equal = true;
// We don't like to take lines for the new window from a
// 'winfixheight' window. Take them from a window above or below
// instead, if possible.
if (oldwin->w_p_wfh) {
// Set w_fraction now so that the cursor keeps the same relative
// vertical position using the old height.
did_set_fraction = true;
win_setheight_win(oldwin->w_height + new_size + STATUS_HEIGHT,
oldwin_height = oldwin->w_height;
if (need_status) {
oldwin_height -= STATUS_HEIGHT;
// Only make all windows the same height if one of them (except oldwin)
// is higher than one of the split windows.
if (!do_equal && p_ea && size == 0
&& *p_ead != 'h'
&& oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent != NULL) {
frame_T *frp = oldwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
while (frp != NULL) {
if (frp->fr_win != oldwin && frp->fr_win != NULL
&& (frp->fr_win->w_height > new_size
|| frp->fr_win->w_height > oldwin_height - new_size - STATUS_HEIGHT)) {
do_equal = true;
frp = frp->fr_next;
// allocate new window structure and link it in the window list
if ((flags & WSP_TOP) == 0
&& ((flags & WSP_BOT)
|| (flags & WSP_BELOW)
|| (!(flags & WSP_ABOVE)
&& (vertical ? p_spr : p_sb)))) {
// new window below/right of current one
if (new_wp == NULL) {
wp = win_alloc(oldwin, false);
} else {
win_append(oldwin, wp, NULL);
} else {
if (new_wp == NULL) {
wp = win_alloc(oldwin->w_prev, false);
} else {
win_append(oldwin->w_prev, wp, NULL);
if (new_wp == NULL) {
if (wp == NULL) {
return NULL;
// make the contents of the new window the same as the current one
win_init(wp, curwin, flags);
} else if (wp->w_floating) {
if (ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) {
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
} else {
// No longer a float, a non-multigrid UI shouldn't draw it as such
win_free_grid(wp, true);
// External windows are independent of tabpages, and may have been the curwin of others.
if (wp->w_config.external) {
if (tp != curtab && tp->tp_curwin == wp) {
tp->tp_curwin = tp->tp_firstwin;
wp->w_floating = false;
// non-floating window doesn't store float config or have a border.
wp->w_config = WIN_CONFIG_INIT;
// Going to reorganize frames now, make sure they're flat.
if (to_flatten != NULL) {
bool before;
frame_T *curfrp;
// Reorganise the tree of frames to insert the new window.
if (toplevel) {
if ((topframe->fr_layout == FR_COL && !vertical)
|| (topframe->fr_layout == FR_ROW && vertical)) {
curfrp = topframe->fr_child;
if (flags & WSP_BOT) {
while (curfrp->fr_next != NULL) {
curfrp = curfrp->fr_next;
} else {
curfrp = topframe;
before = (flags & WSP_TOP);
} else {
curfrp = oldwin->w_frame;
if (flags & WSP_BELOW) {
before = false;
} else if (flags & WSP_ABOVE) {
before = true;
} else if (vertical) {
before = !p_spr;
} else {
before = !p_sb;
if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL || curfrp->fr_parent->fr_layout != layout) {
// Need to create a new frame in the tree to make a branch.
frame_T *frp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(frame_T));
*frp = *curfrp;
curfrp->fr_layout = (char)layout;
frp->fr_parent = curfrp;
frp->fr_next = NULL;
frp->fr_prev = NULL;
curfrp->fr_child = frp;
curfrp->fr_win = NULL;
curfrp = frp;
if (frp->fr_win != NULL) {
oldwin->w_frame = frp;
} else {
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
frp->fr_parent = curfrp;
frame_T *frp;
if (new_wp == NULL) {
frp = wp->w_frame;
} else {
frp = new_wp->w_frame;
frp->fr_parent = curfrp->fr_parent;
// Insert the new frame at the right place in the frame list.
if (before) {
frame_insert(curfrp, frp);
} else {
frame_append(curfrp, frp);
// Set w_fraction now so that the cursor keeps the same relative
// vertical position.
if (!did_set_fraction) {
wp->w_fraction = oldwin->w_fraction;
if (vertical) {
wp->w_p_scr = curwin->w_p_scr;
if (need_status) {
win_new_height(oldwin, oldwin->w_height - 1);
oldwin->w_status_height = need_status;
if (toplevel) {
// set height and row of new window to full height
wp->w_winrow = tabline_height();
win_new_height(wp, curfrp->fr_height - (p_ls == 1 || p_ls == 2));
wp->w_status_height = (p_ls == 1 || p_ls == 2);
wp->w_hsep_height = 0;
} else {
// height and row of new window is same as current window
wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow;
win_new_height(wp, oldwin->w_height);
wp->w_status_height = oldwin->w_status_height;
wp->w_hsep_height = oldwin->w_hsep_height;
frp->fr_height = curfrp->fr_height;
// "new_size" of the current window goes to the new window, use
// one column for the vertical separator
win_new_width(wp, new_size);
if (before) {
wp->w_vsep_width = 1;
} else {
wp->w_vsep_width = oldwin->w_vsep_width;
oldwin->w_vsep_width = 1;
if (toplevel) {
if (flags & WSP_BOT) {
// Set width of neighbor frame
frame_new_width(curfrp, curfrp->fr_width
- (new_size + ((flags & WSP_TOP) != 0)), flags & WSP_TOP,
} else {
win_new_width(oldwin, oldwin->w_width - (new_size + 1));
if (before) { // new window left of current one
wp->w_wincol = oldwin->w_wincol;
oldwin->w_wincol += new_size + 1;
} else { // new window right of current one
wp->w_wincol = oldwin->w_wincol + oldwin->w_width + 1;
} else {
const bool is_stl_global = global_stl_height() > 0;
// width and column of new window is same as current window
if (toplevel) {
wp->w_wincol = 0;
win_new_width(wp, Columns);
wp->w_vsep_width = 0;
} else {
wp->w_wincol = oldwin->w_wincol;
win_new_width(wp, oldwin->w_width);
wp->w_vsep_width = oldwin->w_vsep_width;
frp->fr_width = curfrp->fr_width;
// "new_size" of the current window goes to the new window, use
// one row for the status line
win_new_height(wp, new_size);
const int old_status_height = oldwin->w_status_height;
if (before) {
wp->w_hsep_height = is_stl_global ? 1 : 0;
} else {
wp->w_hsep_height = oldwin->w_hsep_height;
oldwin->w_hsep_height = is_stl_global ? 1 : 0;
if (toplevel) {
int new_fr_height = curfrp->fr_height - new_size;
if (is_stl_global) {
if (flags & WSP_BOT) {
} else {
new_fr_height -= 1;
} else {
if (!((flags & WSP_BOT) && p_ls == 0)) {
new_fr_height -= STATUS_HEIGHT;
if (flags & WSP_BOT) {
frame_new_height(curfrp, new_fr_height, flags & WSP_TOP, false);
} else {
win_new_height(oldwin, oldwin_height - (new_size + STATUS_HEIGHT));
if (before) { // new window above current one
wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow;
if (is_stl_global) {
wp->w_status_height = 0;
oldwin->w_winrow += wp->w_height + 1;
} else {
wp->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
oldwin->w_winrow += wp->w_height + STATUS_HEIGHT;
} else { // new window below current one
if (is_stl_global) {
wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow + oldwin->w_height + 1;
wp->w_status_height = 0;
} else {
wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow + oldwin->w_height + STATUS_HEIGHT;
wp->w_status_height = old_status_height;
if (!(flags & WSP_BOT)) {
oldwin->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
if (toplevel) {
// Both windows need redrawing. Update all status lines, in case they
// show something related to the window count or position.
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
redraw_later(oldwin, UPD_NOT_VALID);
if (need_status) {
msg_row = Rows - 1;
msg_col = sc_col;
msg_clr_eos_force(); // Old command/ruler may still be there
msg_row = Rows - 1;
msg_col = 0; // put position back at start of line
// equalize the window sizes.
if (do_equal || dir != 0) {
win_equal(wp, true, vertical ? (dir == 'v' ? 'b' : 'h') : (dir == 'h' ? 'b' : 'v'));
} else if (!is_aucmd_win(wp)) {
int i;
// Don't change the window height/width to 'winheight' / 'winwidth' if a
// size was given.
if (flags & WSP_VERT) {
i = (int)p_wiw;
if (size != 0) {
p_wiw = size;
} else {
i = (int)p_wh;
if (size != 0) {
p_wh = size;
if (!(flags & WSP_NOENTER)) {
// make the new window the current window
if (vertical) {
p_wiw = i;
} else {
p_wh = i;
if (win_valid(oldwin)) {
// Send the window positions to the UI
oldwin->w_pos_changed = true;
return wp;
// Initialize window "newp" from window "oldp".
// Used when splitting a window and when creating a new tab page.
// The windows will both edit the same buffer.
// WSP_NEWLOC may be specified in flags to prevent the location list from
// being copied.
void win_init(win_T *newp, win_T *oldp, int flags)
newp->w_buffer = oldp->w_buffer;
newp->w_s = &(oldp->w_buffer->b_s);
newp->w_cursor = oldp->w_cursor;
newp->w_valid = 0;
newp->w_curswant = oldp->w_curswant;
newp->w_set_curswant = oldp->w_set_curswant;
newp->w_topline = oldp->w_topline;
newp->w_topfill = oldp->w_topfill;
newp->w_leftcol = oldp->w_leftcol;
newp->w_pcmark = oldp->w_pcmark;
newp->w_prev_pcmark = oldp->w_prev_pcmark;
newp->w_alt_fnum = oldp->w_alt_fnum;
newp->w_wrow = oldp->w_wrow;
newp->w_fraction = oldp->w_fraction;
newp->w_prev_fraction_row = oldp->w_prev_fraction_row;
copy_jumplist(oldp, newp);
if (flags & WSP_NEWLOC) {
// Don't copy the location list.
newp->w_llist = NULL;
newp->w_llist_ref = NULL;
} else {
copy_loclist_stack(oldp, newp);
newp->w_localdir = (oldp->w_localdir == NULL)
? NULL : xstrdup(oldp->w_localdir);
newp->w_prevdir = (oldp->w_prevdir == NULL)
? NULL : xstrdup(oldp->w_prevdir);
if (*p_spk != 'c') {
if (*p_spk == 't') {
newp->w_skipcol = oldp->w_skipcol;
newp->w_botline = oldp->w_botline;
newp->w_prev_height = oldp->w_height;
newp->w_prev_winrow = oldp->w_winrow;
// copy tagstack and folds
for (int i = 0; i < oldp->w_tagstacklen; i++) {
taggy_T *tag = &newp->w_tagstack[i];
*tag = oldp->w_tagstack[i];
if (tag->tagname != NULL) {
tag->tagname = xstrdup(tag->tagname);
if (tag->user_data != NULL) {
tag->user_data = xstrdup(tag->user_data);
newp->w_tagstackidx = oldp->w_tagstackidx;
newp->w_tagstacklen = oldp->w_tagstacklen;
// Keep same changelist position in new window.
newp->w_changelistidx = oldp->w_changelistidx;
copyFoldingState(oldp, newp);
win_init_some(newp, oldp);
newp->w_winbar_height = oldp->w_winbar_height;
// Initialize window "newp" from window "old".
// Only the essential things are copied.
static void win_init_some(win_T *newp, win_T *oldp)
// Use the same argument list.
newp->w_alist = oldp->w_alist;
newp->w_arg_idx = oldp->w_arg_idx;
// copy options from existing window
win_copy_options(oldp, newp);
/// Check if "win" is a pointer to an existing window in the current tabpage.
/// @param win window to check
bool win_valid(const win_T *win) FUNC_ATTR_PURE FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
return tabpage_win_valid(curtab, win);
/// Check if "win" is a pointer to an existing window in tabpage "tp".
/// @param win window to check
bool tabpage_win_valid(const tabpage_T *tp, const win_T *win)
if (win == NULL) {
return false;
if (wp == win) {
return true;
return false;
// Find window "handle" in the current tab page.
// Return NULL if not found.
win_T *win_find_by_handle(handle_T handle)
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
if (wp->handle == handle) {
return wp;
return NULL;
/// Check if "win" is a pointer to an existing window in any tabpage.
/// @param win window to check
bool win_valid_any_tab(win_T *win) FUNC_ATTR_PURE FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
if (win == NULL) {
return false;
if (wp == win) {
return true;
return false;
// Return the number of windows.
int win_count(void)
int count = 0;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
return count;
/// Make "count" windows on the screen.
/// Must be called when there is just one window, filling the whole screen.
/// (excluding the command line).
/// @param vertical split windows vertically if true.
/// @return actual number of windows on the screen.
int make_windows(int count, bool vertical)
int maxcount;
if (vertical) {
// Each window needs at least 'winminwidth' lines and a separator column.
maxcount = (int)(curwin->w_width + curwin->w_vsep_width
- (p_wiw - p_wmw)) / ((int)p_wmw + 1);
} else {
// Each window needs at least 'winminheight' lines.
// If statusline isn't global, each window also needs a statusline.
// If 'winbar' is set, each window also needs a winbar.
maxcount = (int)(curwin->w_height + curwin->w_hsep_height + curwin->w_status_height
- (p_wh - p_wmh)) / ((int)p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT + global_winbar_height());
if (maxcount < 2) {
maxcount = 2;
if (count > maxcount) {
count = maxcount;
// add status line now, otherwise first window will be too big
if (count > 1) {
// Don't execute autocommands while creating the windows. Must do that
// when putting the buffers in the windows.
int todo;
// todo is number of windows left to create
for (todo = count - 1; todo > 0; todo--) {
if (vertical) {
if (win_split(curwin->w_width - (curwin->w_width - todo)
/ (todo + 1) - 1, WSP_VERT | WSP_ABOVE) == FAIL) {
} else {
if (win_split(curwin->w_height - (curwin->w_height - todo
* STATUS_HEIGHT) / (todo + 1)
// return actual number of windows
return count - todo;
// Exchange current and next window
static void win_exchange(int Prenum)
if (curwin->w_floating) {
if (one_window(curwin)) {
// just one window
if (text_or_buf_locked()) {
frame_T *frp;
// find window to exchange with
if (Prenum) {
frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
while (frp != NULL && --Prenum > 0) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
} else if (curwin->w_frame->fr_next != NULL) { // Swap with next
frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_next;
} else { // Swap last window in row/col with previous
frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_prev;
// We can only exchange a window with another window, not with a frame
// containing windows.
if (frp == NULL || frp->fr_win == NULL || frp->fr_win == curwin) {
win_T *wp = frp->fr_win;
// 1. remove curwin from the list. Remember after which window it was in wp2
// 2. insert curwin before wp in the list
// if wp != wp2
// 3. remove wp from the list
// 4. insert wp after wp2
// 5. exchange the status line height, winbar height, hsep height and vsep width.
win_T *wp2 = curwin->w_prev;
frame_T *frp2 = curwin->w_frame->fr_prev;
if (wp->w_prev != curwin) {
win_remove(curwin, NULL);
win_append(wp->w_prev, curwin, NULL);
frame_insert(frp, curwin->w_frame);
if (wp != wp2) {
win_remove(wp, NULL);
win_append(wp2, wp, NULL);
if (frp2 == NULL) {
frame_insert(wp->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child, wp->w_frame);
} else {
frame_append(frp2, wp->w_frame);
int temp = curwin->w_status_height;
curwin->w_status_height = wp->w_status_height;
wp->w_status_height = temp;
temp = curwin->w_vsep_width;
curwin->w_vsep_width = wp->w_vsep_width;
wp->w_vsep_width = temp;
temp = curwin->w_hsep_height;
curwin->w_hsep_height = wp->w_hsep_height;
wp->w_hsep_height = temp;
win_comp_pos(); // recompute window positions
if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf) {
} else if (VIsual_active) {
wp->w_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
win_enter(wp, true);
redraw_later(curwin, UPD_NOT_VALID);
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
// rotate windows: if upwards true the second window becomes the first one
// if upwards false the first window becomes the second one
static void win_rotate(bool upwards, int count)
if (curwin->w_floating) {
if (count <= 0 || one_window(curwin)) {
// nothing to do
// Check if all frames in this row/col have one window.
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, curwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child) {
if (frp->fr_win == NULL) {
emsg(_("E443: Cannot rotate when another window is split"));
win_T *wp1 = NULL;
win_T *wp2 = NULL;
while (count--) {
if (upwards) { // first window becomes last window
// remove first window/frame from the list
frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
assert(frp != NULL);
wp1 = frp->fr_win;
win_remove(wp1, NULL);
// find last frame and append removed window/frame after it
for (; frp->fr_next != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next) {}
win_append(frp->fr_win, wp1, NULL);
frame_append(frp, wp1->w_frame);
wp2 = frp->fr_win; // previously last window
} else { // last window becomes first window
// find last window/frame in the list and remove it
for (frp = curwin->w_frame; frp->fr_next != NULL;
frp = frp->fr_next) {}
wp1 = frp->fr_win;
wp2 = wp1->w_prev; // will become last window
win_remove(wp1, NULL);
// append the removed window/frame before the first in the list
win_append(frp->fr_parent->fr_child->fr_win->w_prev, wp1, NULL);
frame_insert(frp->fr_parent->fr_child, frp);
// exchange status height, winbar height, hsep height and vsep width of old and new last window
int n = wp2->w_status_height;
wp2->w_status_height = wp1->w_status_height;
wp1->w_status_height = n;
n = wp2->w_hsep_height;
wp2->w_hsep_height = wp1->w_hsep_height;
wp1->w_hsep_height = n;
n = wp2->w_vsep_width;
wp2->w_vsep_width = wp1->w_vsep_width;
wp1->w_vsep_width = n;
// recompute w_winrow and w_wincol for all windows
wp1->w_pos_changed = true;
wp2->w_pos_changed = true;
/// Move "wp" into a new split in a given direction, possibly relative to the
/// current window.
/// "wp" must be valid in the current tabpage.
/// Returns FAIL for failure, OK otherwise.
int win_splitmove(win_T *wp, int size, int flags)
int dir = 0;
int height = wp->w_height;
if (one_window(wp)) {
return OK; // nothing to do
if (is_aucmd_win(wp) || check_split_disallowed(wp) == FAIL) {
return FAIL;
frame_T *unflat_altfr = NULL;
if (wp->w_floating) {
win_remove(wp, NULL);
} else {
// Remove the window and frame from the tree of frames. Don't flatten any
// frames yet so we can restore things if win_split_ins fails.
winframe_remove(wp, &dir, NULL, &unflat_altfr);
assert(unflat_altfr != NULL);
win_remove(wp, NULL);
last_status(false); // may need to remove last status line
win_comp_pos(); // recompute window positions
// Split a window on the desired side and put "wp" there.
if (win_split_ins(size, flags, wp, dir, unflat_altfr) == NULL) {
if (!wp->w_floating) {
assert(unflat_altfr != NULL);
// win_split_ins doesn't change sizes or layout if it fails to insert an
// existing window, so just undo winframe_remove.
winframe_restore(wp, dir, unflat_altfr);
win_append(wp->w_prev, wp, NULL);
return FAIL;
// If splitting horizontally, try to preserve height.
// Note that win_split_ins autocommands may have immediately closed "wp", or made it floating!
if (size == 0 && !(flags & WSP_VERT) && win_valid(wp) && !wp->w_floating) {
win_setheight_win(height, wp);
if (p_ea) {
// Equalize windows. Note that win_split_ins autocommands may have
// made a window other than "wp" current.
win_equal(curwin, curwin == wp, 'v');
return OK;
// Move window "win1" to below/right of "win2" and make "win1" the current
// window. Only works within the same frame!
void win_move_after(win_T *win1, win_T *win2)
// check if the arguments are reasonable
if (win1 == win2) {
// check if there is something to do
if (win2->w_next != win1) {
if (win1->w_frame->fr_parent != win2->w_frame->fr_parent) {
iemsg("INTERNAL: trying to move a window into another frame");
// may need to move the status line, window bar, horizontal or vertical separator of the last
// window
if (win1 == lastwin) {
int height = win1->w_prev->w_status_height;
win1->w_prev->w_status_height = win1->w_status_height;
win1->w_status_height = height;
height = win1->w_prev->w_hsep_height;
win1->w_prev->w_hsep_height = win1->w_hsep_height;
win1->w_hsep_height = height;
if (win1->w_prev->w_vsep_width == 1) {
// Remove the vertical separator from the last-but-one window,
// add it to the last window. Adjust the frame widths.
win1->w_prev->w_vsep_width = 0;
win1->w_prev->w_frame->fr_width -= 1;
win1->w_vsep_width = 1;
win1->w_frame->fr_width += 1;
} else if (win2 == lastwin) {
int height = win1->w_status_height;
win1->w_status_height = win2->w_status_height;
win2->w_status_height = height;
height = win1->w_hsep_height;
win1->w_hsep_height = win2->w_hsep_height;
win2->w_hsep_height = height;
if (win1->w_vsep_width == 1) {
// Remove the vertical separator from win1, add it to the last
// window, win2. Adjust the frame widths.
win2->w_vsep_width = 1;
win2->w_frame->fr_width += 1;
win1->w_vsep_width = 0;
win1->w_frame->fr_width -= 1;
win_remove(win1, NULL);
win_append(win2, win1, NULL);
frame_append(win2->w_frame, win1->w_frame);
win_comp_pos(); // recompute w_winrow for all windows
redraw_later(curwin, UPD_NOT_VALID);
win_enter(win1, false);
win1->w_pos_changed = true;
win2->w_pos_changed = true;
/// Compute maximum number of windows that can fit within "height" in frame "fr".
static int get_maximum_wincount(frame_T *fr, int height)
if (fr->fr_layout != FR_COL) {
return (height / ((int)p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT + frame2win(fr)->w_winbar_height));
} else if (global_winbar_height()) {
// If winbar is globally enabled, no need to check each window for it.
return (height / ((int)p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT + 1));
frame_T *frp;
int total_wincount = 0;
// First, try to fit all child frames of "fr" into "height"
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, fr->fr_child) {
win_T *wp = frame2win(frp);
if (height < (p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT + wp->w_winbar_height)) {
height -= (int)p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT + wp->w_winbar_height;
total_wincount += 1;
// If we still have enough room for more windows, just use the default winbar height (which is 0)
// in order to get the amount of windows that'd fit in the remaining space
total_wincount += height / ((int)p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT);
return total_wincount;
/// Make all windows the same height.
/// 'next_curwin' will soon be the current window, make sure it has enough rows.
/// @param next_curwin pointer to current window to be or NULL
/// @param current do only frame with current window
/// @param dir 'v' for vertically, 'h' for horizontally, 'b' for both, 0 for using p_ead
void win_equal(win_T *next_curwin, bool current, int dir)
if (dir == 0) {
dir = (unsigned char)(*p_ead);
win_equal_rec(next_curwin == NULL ? curwin : next_curwin, current,
topframe, dir, 0, tabline_height(),
Columns, topframe->fr_height);
if (!is_aucmd_win(next_curwin)) {
/// Set a frame to a new position and height, spreading the available room
/// equally over contained frames.
/// The window "next_curwin" (if not NULL) should at least get the size from
/// 'winheight' and 'winwidth' if possible.
/// @param next_curwin pointer to current window to be or NULL
/// @param current do only frame with current window
/// @param topfr frame to set size off
/// @param dir 'v', 'h' or 'b', see win_equal()
/// @param col horizontal position for frame
/// @param row vertical position for frame
/// @param width new width of frame
/// @param height new height of frame
static void win_equal_rec(win_T *next_curwin, bool current, frame_T *topfr, int dir, int col,
int row, int width, int height)
int extra_sep = 0;
int totwincount = 0;
int next_curwin_size = 0;
int room = 0;
bool has_next_curwin = false;
if (topfr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
// Set the width/height of this frame.
// Redraw when size or position changes
if (topfr->fr_height != height || topfr->fr_win->w_winrow != row
|| topfr->fr_width != width
|| topfr->fr_win->w_wincol != col) {
topfr->fr_win->w_winrow = row;
frame_new_height(topfr, height, false, false);
topfr->fr_win->w_wincol = col;
frame_new_width(topfr, width, false, false);
} else if (topfr->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
topfr->fr_width = width;
topfr->fr_height = height;
if (dir != 'v') { // equalize frame widths
// Compute the maximum number of windows horizontally in this
// frame.
int n = frame_minwidth(topfr, NOWIN);
// add one for the rightmost window, it doesn't have a separator
if (col + width == Columns) {
extra_sep = 1;
} else {
extra_sep = 0;
totwincount = (n + extra_sep) / ((int)p_wmw + 1);
has_next_curwin = frame_has_win(topfr, next_curwin);
// Compute width for "next_curwin" window and room available for
// other windows.
// "m" is the minimal width when counting p_wiw for "next_curwin".
int m = frame_minwidth(topfr, next_curwin);
room = width - m;
if (room < 0) {
next_curwin_size = (int)p_wiw + room;
room = 0;
} else {
next_curwin_size = -1;
frame_T *fr;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child) {
if (!frame_fixed_width(fr)) {
// If 'winfixwidth' set keep the window width if possible.
// Watch out for this window being the next_curwin.
n = frame_minwidth(fr, NOWIN);
int new_size = fr->fr_width;
if (frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin)) {
room += (int)p_wiw - (int)p_wmw;
next_curwin_size = 0;
if (new_size < p_wiw) {
new_size = (int)p_wiw;
} else {
// These windows don't use up room.
totwincount -= (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL ? extra_sep : 0)) / ((int)p_wmw + 1);
room -= new_size - n;
if (room < 0) {
new_size += room;
room = 0;
fr->fr_newwidth = new_size;
if (next_curwin_size == -1) {
if (!has_next_curwin) {
next_curwin_size = 0;
} else if (totwincount > 1
&& (room + (totwincount - 2))
/ (totwincount - 1) > p_wiw) {
// Can make all windows wider than 'winwidth', spread
// the room equally.
next_curwin_size = (int)(room + p_wiw
+ (totwincount - 1) * p_wmw
+ (totwincount - 1)) / totwincount;
room -= next_curwin_size - (int)p_wiw;
} else {
next_curwin_size = (int)p_wiw;
if (has_next_curwin) {
totwincount--; // don't count curwin
frame_T *fr;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child) {
int wincount = 1;
int new_size;
if (fr->fr_next == NULL) {
// last frame gets all that remains (avoid roundoff error)
new_size = width;
} else if (dir == 'v') {
new_size = fr->fr_width;
} else if (frame_fixed_width(fr)) {
new_size = fr->fr_newwidth;
wincount = 0; // doesn't count as a sizeable window
} else {
// Compute the maximum number of windows horiz. in "fr".
int n = frame_minwidth(fr, NOWIN);
wincount = (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL ? extra_sep : 0)) / ((int)p_wmw + 1);
int m = frame_minwidth(fr, next_curwin);
bool hnc = has_next_curwin && frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin);
if (hnc) { // don't count next_curwin
if (totwincount == 0) {
new_size = room;
} else {
new_size = (wincount * room + (totwincount / 2)) / totwincount;
if (hnc) { // add next_curwin size
next_curwin_size -= (int)p_wiw - (m - n);
if (next_curwin_size < 0) {
next_curwin_size = 0;
new_size += next_curwin_size;
room -= new_size - next_curwin_size;
} else {
room -= new_size;
new_size += n;
// Skip frame that is full width when splitting or closing a
// window, unless equalizing all frames.
if (!current || dir != 'v' || topfr->fr_parent != NULL
|| (new_size != fr->fr_width)
|| frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin)) {
win_equal_rec(next_curwin, current, fr, dir, col, row,
new_size, height);
col += new_size;
width -= new_size;
totwincount -= wincount;
} else { // topfr->fr_layout == FR_COL
topfr->fr_width = width;
topfr->fr_height = height;
if (dir != 'h') { // equalize frame heights
// Compute maximum number of windows vertically in this frame.
int n = frame_minheight(topfr, NOWIN);
// add one for the bottom window if it doesn't have a statusline or separator
if (row + height >= cmdline_row && p_ls == 0) {
extra_sep = STATUS_HEIGHT;
} else if (global_stl_height() > 0) {
extra_sep = 1;
} else {
extra_sep = 0;
totwincount = get_maximum_wincount(topfr, n + extra_sep);
has_next_curwin = frame_has_win(topfr, next_curwin);
// Compute height for "next_curwin" window and room available for
// other windows.
// "m" is the minimal height when counting p_wh for "next_curwin".
int m = frame_minheight(topfr, next_curwin);
room = height - m;
if (room < 0) {
// The room is less than 'winheight', use all space for the
// current window.
next_curwin_size = (int)p_wh + room;
room = 0;
} else {
next_curwin_size = -1;
frame_T *fr;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child) {
if (!frame_fixed_height(fr)) {
// If 'winfixheight' set keep the window height if possible.
// Watch out for this window being the next_curwin.
n = frame_minheight(fr, NOWIN);
int new_size = fr->fr_height;
if (frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin)) {
room += (int)p_wh - (int)p_wmh;
next_curwin_size = 0;
if (new_size < p_wh) {
new_size = (int)p_wh;
} else {
// These windows don't use up room.
totwincount -= get_maximum_wincount(fr, (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL ? extra_sep : 0)));
room -= new_size - n;
if (room < 0) {
new_size += room;
room = 0;
fr->fr_newheight = new_size;
if (next_curwin_size == -1) {
if (!has_next_curwin) {
next_curwin_size = 0;
} else if (totwincount > 1
&& (room + (totwincount - 2))
/ (totwincount - 1) > p_wh) {
// can make all windows higher than 'winheight',
// spread the room equally.
next_curwin_size = (int)(room + p_wh
+ (totwincount - 1) * p_wmh
+ (totwincount - 1)) / totwincount;
room -= next_curwin_size - (int)p_wh;
} else {
next_curwin_size = (int)p_wh;
if (has_next_curwin) {
totwincount--; // don't count curwin
frame_T *fr;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, topfr->fr_child) {
int new_size;
int wincount = 1;
if (fr->fr_next == NULL) {
// last frame gets all that remains (avoid roundoff error)
new_size = height;
} else if (dir == 'h') {
new_size = fr->fr_height;
} else if (frame_fixed_height(fr)) {
new_size = fr->fr_newheight;
wincount = 0; // doesn't count as a sizeable window
} else {
// Compute the maximum number of windows vert. in "fr".
int n = frame_minheight(fr, NOWIN);
wincount = get_maximum_wincount(fr, (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL ? extra_sep : 0)));
int m = frame_minheight(fr, next_curwin);
bool hnc = has_next_curwin && frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin);
if (hnc) { // don't count next_curwin
if (totwincount == 0) {
new_size = room;
} else {
new_size = (wincount * room + (totwincount / 2)) / totwincount;
if (hnc) { // add next_curwin size
next_curwin_size -= (int)p_wh - (m - n);
new_size += next_curwin_size;
room -= new_size - next_curwin_size;
} else {
room -= new_size;
new_size += n;
// Skip frame that is full width when splitting or closing a
// window, unless equalizing all frames.
if (!current || dir != 'h' || topfr->fr_parent != NULL
|| (new_size != fr->fr_height)
|| frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin)) {
win_equal_rec(next_curwin, current, fr, dir, col, row,
width, new_size);
row += new_size;
height -= new_size;
totwincount -= wincount;
void leaving_window(win_T *const win)
// Only matters for a prompt window.
if (!bt_prompt(win->w_buffer)) {
// When leaving a prompt window stop Insert mode and perhaps restart
// it when entering that window again.
win->w_buffer->b_prompt_insert = restart_edit;
if (restart_edit != NUL && mode_displayed) {
clear_cmdline = true; // unshow mode later
restart_edit = NUL;
// When leaving the window (or closing the window) was done from a
// callback we need to break out of the Insert mode loop and restart Insert
// mode when entering the window again.
if ((State & MODE_INSERT) && !stop_insert_mode) {
stop_insert_mode = true;
if (win->w_buffer->b_prompt_insert == NUL) {
win->w_buffer->b_prompt_insert = 'A';
void entering_window(win_T *const win)
// Only matters for a prompt window.
if (!bt_prompt(win->w_buffer)) {
// When switching to a prompt buffer that was in Insert mode, don't stop
// Insert mode, it may have been set in leaving_window().
if (win->w_buffer->b_prompt_insert != NUL) {
stop_insert_mode = false;
// When entering the prompt window restart Insert mode if we were in Insert
// mode when we left it and not already in Insert mode.
if ((State & MODE_INSERT) == 0) {
restart_edit = win->w_buffer->b_prompt_insert;
void win_init_empty(win_T *wp)
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
wp->w_lines_valid = 0;
wp->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
wp->w_curswant = wp->w_cursor.col = 0;
wp->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
wp->w_pcmark.lnum = 1; // pcmark not cleared but set to line 1
wp->w_pcmark.col = 0;
wp->w_prev_pcmark.lnum = 0;
wp->w_prev_pcmark.col = 0;
wp->w_topline = 1;
wp->w_topfill = 0;
wp->w_botline = 2;
wp->w_valid = 0;
wp->w_s = &wp->w_buffer->b_s;
/// Init the current window "curwin".
/// Called when a new file is being edited.
void curwin_init(void)
/// Closes all windows for buffer `buf` unless there is only one non-floating window.
/// @param keep_curwin don't close `curwin`
void close_windows(buf_T *buf, bool keep_curwin)
// Start from lastwin to close floating windows with the same buffer first.
// When the autocommand window is involved win_close() may need to print an error message.
for (win_T *wp = lastwin; wp != NULL && (is_aucmd_win(lastwin) || !one_window(wp));) {
if (wp->w_buffer == buf && (!keep_curwin || wp != curwin)
&& !(wp->w_closing || wp->w_buffer->b_locked > 0)) {
if (win_close(wp, false, false) == FAIL) {
// If closing the window fails give up, to avoid looping forever.
// Start all over, autocommands may change the window layout.
wp = lastwin;
} else {
wp = wp->w_prev;
tabpage_T *nexttp;
// Also check windows in other tab pages.
for (tabpage_T *tp = first_tabpage; tp != NULL; tp = nexttp) {
nexttp = tp->tp_next;
if (tp != curtab) {
// Start from tp_lastwin to close floating windows with the same buffer first.
for (win_T *wp = tp->tp_lastwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_prev) {
if (wp->w_buffer == buf
&& !(wp->w_closing || wp->w_buffer->b_locked > 0)) {
win_close_othertab(wp, false, tp);
// Start all over, the tab page may be closed and
// autocommands may change the window layout.
nexttp = first_tabpage;
/// Check if "win" is the last non-floating window that exists.
return one_window(win) && first_tabpage->tp_next == NULL;
/// Check if "win" is the only non-floating window in the current tabpage.
/// This should be used in place of ONE_WINDOW when necessary,
/// with "firstwin" or the affected window as argument depending on the situation.
return firstwin == win && (win->w_next == NULL || win->w_next->w_floating);
/// Check if floating windows in the current tab can be closed.
/// Do not call this when the autocommand window is in use!
/// @return true if all floating windows can be closed
static bool can_close_floating_windows(void)
for (win_T *wp = lastwin; wp->w_floating; wp = wp->w_prev) {
buf_T *buf = wp->w_buffer;
int need_hide = (bufIsChanged(buf) && buf->b_nwindows <= 1);
if (need_hide && !buf_hide(buf)) {
return false;
return true;
/// @return true if, considering the cmdwin, `win` is safe to close.
/// If false and `win` is the cmdwin, it is closed; otherwise, `err` is set.
bool can_close_in_cmdwin(win_T *win, Error *err)
if (cmdwin_type != 0) {
if (win == cmdwin_win) {
cmdwin_result = Ctrl_C;
return false;
} else if (win == cmdwin_old_curwin) {
api_set_error(err, kErrorTypeException, "%s", e_cmdwin);
return false;
return true;
/// Close the possibly last window in a tab page.
/// @param win window to close
/// @param free_buf whether to free the window's current buffer
/// @param prev_curtab previous tabpage that will be closed if "win" is the
/// last window in the tabpage
/// @return false if there are other windows and nothing is done, true otherwise.
static bool close_last_window_tabpage(win_T *win, bool free_buf, tabpage_T *prev_curtab)
if (!ONE_WINDOW) {
return false;
buf_T *old_curbuf = curbuf;
Terminal *term = win->w_buffer ? win->w_buffer->terminal : NULL;
if (term) {
// Don't free terminal buffers
free_buf = false;
// Closing the last window in a tab page. First go to another tab
// page and then close the window and the tab page. This avoids that
// curwin and curtab are invalid while we are freeing memory, they may
// be used in GUI events.
// Don't trigger autocommands yet, they may use wrong values, so do
// that below.
goto_tabpage_tp(alt_tabpage(), false, true);
// Safety check: Autocommands may have closed the window when jumping
// to the other tab page.
if (valid_tabpage(prev_curtab) && prev_curtab->tp_firstwin == win) {
win_close_othertab(win, free_buf, prev_curtab);
// Since goto_tabpage_tp above did not trigger *Enter autocommands, do
// that now.
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (old_curbuf != curbuf) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
return true;
/// Close the buffer of "win" and unload it if "action" is DOBUF_UNLOAD.
/// "action" can also be zero (do nothing).
/// "abort_if_last" is passed to close_buffer(): abort closing if all other
/// windows are closed.
static void win_close_buffer(win_T *win, int action, bool abort_if_last)
// Free independent synblock before the buffer is freed.
if (win->w_buffer != NULL) {
// When a quickfix/location list window is closed and the buffer is
// displayed in only one window, then unlist the buffer.
if (win->w_buffer != NULL && bt_quickfix(win->w_buffer)
&& win->w_buffer->b_nwindows == 1) {
win->w_buffer->b_p_bl = false;
// Close the link to the buffer.
if (win->w_buffer != NULL) {
bufref_T bufref;
set_bufref(&bufref, curbuf);
win->w_closing = true;
close_buffer(win, win->w_buffer, action, abort_if_last, true);
if (win_valid_any_tab(win)) {
win->w_closing = false;
// Make sure curbuf is valid. It can become invalid if 'bufhidden' is
// "wipe".
if (!bufref_valid(&bufref)) {
curbuf = firstbuf;
// Close window "win". Only works for the current tab page.
// If "free_buf" is true related buffer may be unloaded.
// Called by :quit, :close, :xit, :wq and findtag().
// Returns FAIL when the window was not closed.
int win_close(win_T *win, bool free_buf, bool force)
tabpage_T *prev_curtab = curtab;
frame_T *win_frame = win->w_floating ? NULL : win->w_frame->fr_parent;
const bool had_diffmode = win->w_p_diff;
if (last_window(win)) {
emsg(_("E444: Cannot close last window"));
return FAIL;
if (win->w_closing
|| (win->w_buffer != NULL && win->w_buffer->b_locked > 0)) {
return FAIL; // window is already being closed
if (is_aucmd_win(win)) {
return FAIL;
if (lastwin->w_floating && one_window(win)) {
if (is_aucmd_win(lastwin)) {
emsg(_("E814: Cannot close window, only autocmd window would remain"));
return FAIL;
if (force || can_close_floating_windows()) {
// close the last window until the there are no floating windows
while (lastwin->w_floating) {
// `force` flag isn't actually used when closing a floating window.
if (win_close(lastwin, free_buf, true) == FAIL) {
// If closing the window fails give up, to avoid looping forever.
return FAIL;
if (!win_valid_any_tab(win)) {
return FAIL; // window already closed by autocommands
} else {
return FAIL;
// When closing the last window in a tab page first go to another tab page
// and then close the window and the tab page to avoid that curwin and
// curtab are invalid while we are freeing memory.
if (close_last_window_tabpage(win, free_buf, prev_curtab)) {
return FAIL;
bool help_window = false;
// When closing the help window, try restoring a snapshot after closing
// the window. Otherwise clear the snapshot, it's now invalid.
if (bt_help(win->w_buffer)) {
help_window = true;
} else {
clear_snapshot(curtab, SNAP_HELP_IDX);
win_T *wp;
bool other_buffer = false;
if (win == curwin) {
// Guess which window is going to be the new current window.
// This may change because of the autocommands (sigh).
if (!win->w_floating) {
wp = frame2win(win_altframe(win, NULL));
} else {
if (win_valid(prevwin) && prevwin != win) {
wp = prevwin;
} else {
wp = firstwin;
// Be careful: If autocommands delete the window or cause this window
// to be the last one left, return now.
if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf) {
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
other_buffer = true;
if (!win_valid(win)) {
return FAIL;
win->w_closing = true;
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (!win_valid(win)) {
return FAIL;
win->w_closing = false;
if (last_window(win)) {
return FAIL;
win->w_closing = true;
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (!win_valid(win)) {
return FAIL;
win->w_closing = false;
if (last_window(win)) {
return FAIL;
// autocmds may abort script processing
if (aborting()) {
return FAIL;
// Fire WinClosed just before starting to free window-related resources.
// autocmd may have freed the window already.
if (!win_valid_any_tab(win)) {
return OK;
win_close_buffer(win, free_buf ? DOBUF_UNLOAD : 0, true);
if (win_valid(win) && win->w_buffer == NULL
&& !win->w_floating && last_window(win)) {
// Autocommands have closed all windows, quit now. Restore
// curwin->w_buffer, otherwise writing ShaDa file may fail.
if (curwin->w_buffer == NULL) {
curwin->w_buffer = curbuf;
// Autocommands may have moved to another tab page.
if (curtab != prev_curtab && win_valid_any_tab(win)
&& win->w_buffer == NULL) {
// Need to close the window anyway, since the buffer is NULL.
win_close_othertab(win, false, prev_curtab);
return FAIL;
// Autocommands may have closed the window already, or closed the only
// other window or moved to another tab page.
if (!win_valid(win) || (!win->w_floating && last_window(win))
|| close_last_window_tabpage(win, free_buf, prev_curtab)) {
return FAIL;
// Now we are really going to close the window. Disallow any autocommand
// to split a window to avoid trouble.
// let terminal buffers know that this window dimensions may be ignored
win->w_closing = true;
bool was_floating = win->w_floating;
if (ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) {
if (win->w_floating) {
assert(first_tabpage != NULL); // suppress clang "Dereference of NULL pointer"
if (win->w_config.external) {
if (tp != curtab && tp->tp_curwin == win) {
// NB: an autocmd can still abort the closing of this window,
// but carrying out this change anyway shouldn't be a catastrophe.
tp->tp_curwin = tp->tp_firstwin;
// Free the memory used for the window and get the window that received
// the screen space.
int dir;
wp = win_free_mem(win, &dir, NULL);
if (help_window) {
// Closing the help window moves the cursor back to the current window
// of the snapshot.
win_T *prev_win = get_snapshot_curwin(SNAP_HELP_IDX);
if (win_valid(prev_win)) {
wp = prev_win;
bool close_curwin = false;
// Make sure curwin isn't invalid. It can cause severe trouble when
// printing an error message. For win_equal() curbuf needs to be valid
// too.
if (win == curwin) {
curwin = wp;
if (wp->w_p_pvw || bt_quickfix(wp->w_buffer)) {
// If the cursor goes to the preview or the quickfix window, try
// finding another window to go to.
while (true) {
if (wp->w_next == NULL) {
wp = firstwin;
} else {
wp = wp->w_next;
if (wp == curwin) {
if (!wp->w_p_pvw && !bt_quickfix(wp->w_buffer)
&& !(wp->w_floating && !wp->w_config.focusable)) {
curwin = wp;
curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
close_curwin = true;
// The cursor position may be invalid if the buffer changed after last
// using the window.
if (!was_floating) {
// If last window has a status line now and we don't want one,
// remove the status line. Do this before win_equal(), because
// it may change the height of a window.
if (!curwin->w_floating && p_ea && (*p_ead == 'b' || *p_ead == dir)) {
// If the frame of the closed window contains the new current window,
// only resize that frame. Otherwise resize all windows.
win_equal(curwin, curwin->w_frame->fr_parent == win_frame, dir);
} else {
if (close_curwin) {
if (other_buffer) {
// careful: after this wp and win may be invalid!
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
// After closing the help window, try restoring the window layout from
// before it was opened.
if (help_window) {
restore_snapshot(SNAP_HELP_IDX, close_curwin);
// If the window had 'diff' set and now there is only one window left in
// the tab page with 'diff' set, and "closeoff" is in 'diffopt', then
// execute ":diffoff!".
if (diffopt_closeoff() && had_diffmode && curtab == prev_curtab) {
int diffcount = 0;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(dwin, curtab) {
if (dwin->w_p_diff) {
if (diffcount == 1) {
curwin->w_pos_changed = true;
if (!was_floating) {
// TODO(bfredl): how about no?
return OK;
static void do_autocmd_winclosed(win_T *win)
static bool recursive = false;
if (recursive || !has_event(EVENT_WINCLOSED)) {
recursive = true;
char winid[NUMBUFLEN];
vim_snprintf(winid, sizeof(winid), "%d", win->handle);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINCLOSED, winid, winid, false, win->w_buffer);
recursive = false;
// Close window "win" in tab page "tp", which is not the current tab page.
// This may be the last window in that tab page and result in closing the tab,
// thus "tp" may become invalid!
// Caller must check if buffer is hidden and whether the tabline needs to be
// updated.
void win_close_othertab(win_T *win, int free_buf, tabpage_T *tp)
// Get here with win->w_buffer == NULL when win_close() detects the tab page
// changed.
if (win->w_closing
|| (win->w_buffer != NULL && win->w_buffer->b_locked > 0)) {
return; // window is already being closed
// Fire WinClosed just before starting to free window-related resources.
// If the buffer is NULL, it isn't safe to trigger autocommands,
// and win_close() should have already triggered WinClosed.
if (win->w_buffer != NULL) {
// autocmd may have freed the window already.
if (!win_valid_any_tab(win)) {
if (win->w_buffer != NULL) {
// Close the link to the buffer.
close_buffer(win, win->w_buffer, free_buf ? DOBUF_UNLOAD : 0, false, true);
tabpage_T *ptp = NULL;
// Careful: Autocommands may have closed the tab page or made it the
// current tab page.
for (ptp = first_tabpage; ptp != NULL && ptp != tp; ptp = ptp->tp_next) {}
if (ptp == NULL || tp == curtab) {
// If the buffer was removed from the window we have to give it any
// buffer.
if (win_valid_any_tab(win) && win->w_buffer == NULL) {
win->w_buffer = firstbuf;
// Autocommands may have closed the window already.
bool found_window = false;
if (wp == win) {
found_window = true;
if (!found_window) {
bool free_tp = false;
// When closing the last window in a tab page remove the tab page.
if (tp->tp_firstwin == tp->tp_lastwin) {
char prev_idx[NUMBUFLEN];
if (has_event(EVENT_TABCLOSED)) {
vim_snprintf(prev_idx, NUMBUFLEN, "%i", tabpage_index(tp));
int h = tabline_height();
if (tp == first_tabpage) {
first_tabpage = tp->tp_next;
} else {
for (ptp = first_tabpage; ptp != NULL && ptp->tp_next != tp;
ptp = ptp->tp_next) {
// loop
if (ptp == NULL) {
ptp->tp_next = tp->tp_next;
free_tp = true;
redraw_tabline = true;
if (h != tabline_height()) {
if (has_event(EVENT_TABCLOSED)) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABCLOSED, prev_idx, prev_idx, false, win->w_buffer);
// Free the memory used for the window.
int dir;
win_free_mem(win, &dir, tp);
if (free_tp) {
/// Free the memory used for a window.
/// @param dirp set to 'v' or 'h' for direction if 'ea'
/// @param tp tab page "win" is in, NULL for current
/// @return a pointer to the window that got the freed up space.
static win_T *win_free_mem(win_T *win, int *dirp, tabpage_T *tp)
win_T *wp;
tabpage_T *win_tp = tp == NULL ? curtab : tp;
if (!win->w_floating) {
// Remove the window and its frame from the tree of frames.
frame_T *frp = win->w_frame;
wp = winframe_remove(win, dirp, tp, NULL);
} else {
*dirp = 'h'; // Dummy value.
wp = win_float_find_altwin(win, tp);
win_free(win, tp);
// When deleting the current window in the tab, select a new current
// window.
if (win == win_tp->tp_curwin) {
win_tp->tp_curwin = wp;
return wp;
#if defined(EXITFREE)
void win_free_all(void)
// avoid an error for switching tabpage with the cmdline window open
cmdwin_type = 0;
cmdwin_buf = NULL;
cmdwin_win = NULL;
cmdwin_old_curwin = NULL;
while (first_tabpage->tp_next != NULL) {
while (lastwin != NULL && lastwin->w_floating) {
win_T *wp = lastwin;
win_remove(lastwin, NULL);
int dummy;
win_free_mem(wp, &dummy, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < AUCMD_WIN_COUNT; i++) {
if (aucmd_win[i].auc_win == wp) {
aucmd_win[i].auc_win = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < AUCMD_WIN_COUNT; i++) {
if (aucmd_win[i].auc_win != NULL) {
int dummy;
win_free_mem(aucmd_win[i].auc_win, &dummy, NULL);
aucmd_win[i].auc_win = NULL;
while (firstwin != NULL) {
int dummy;
win_free_mem(firstwin, &dummy, NULL);
// No window should be used after this. Set curwin to NULL to crash
// instead of using freed memory.
curwin = NULL;
/// Remove a window and its frame from the tree of frames.
/// @param dirp set to 'v' or 'h' for direction if 'ea'
/// @param tp tab page "win" is in, NULL for current
/// @param unflat_altfr if not NULL, set to pointer of frame that got
/// the space, and it is not flattened
/// @return a pointer to the window that got the freed up space.
win_T *winframe_remove(win_T *win, int *dirp, tabpage_T *tp, frame_T **unflat_altfr)
frame_T *altfr;
win_T *wp = winframe_find_altwin(win, dirp, tp, &altfr);
if (wp == NULL) {
return NULL;
frame_T *frp_close = win->w_frame;
// Save the position of the containing frame (which will also contain the
// altframe) before we remove anything, to recompute window positions later.
const win_T *const topleft = frame2win(frp_close->fr_parent);
int row = topleft->w_winrow;
int col = topleft->w_wincol;
// Remove this frame from the list of frames.
if (*dirp == 'v') {
frame_new_height(altfr, altfr->fr_height + frp_close->fr_height,
altfr == frp_close->fr_next, false);
} else {
assert(*dirp == 'h');
frame_new_width(altfr, altfr->fr_width + frp_close->fr_width,
altfr == frp_close->fr_next, false);
// If the altframe wasn't adjacent and left/above, resizing it will have
// changed window positions within the parent frame. Recompute them.
if (altfr != frp_close->fr_prev) {
frame_comp_pos(frp_close->fr_parent, &row, &col);
if (unflat_altfr == NULL) {
} else {
*unflat_altfr = altfr;
return wp;
/// Find the window that will get the freed space from a call to `winframe_remove`.
/// Makes no changes to the window layout.
/// @param dirp set to 'v' or 'h' for the direction where "altfr" will be resized
/// to fill the space
/// @param tp tab page "win" is in, NULL for current
/// @param altfr if not NULL, set to pointer of frame that will get the space
/// @return a pointer to the window that will get the freed up space.
win_T *winframe_find_altwin(win_T *win, int *dirp, tabpage_T *tp, frame_T **altfr)
assert(tp == NULL || tp != curtab);
// If there is only one window there is nothing to remove.
if (tp == NULL ? ONE_WINDOW : tp->tp_firstwin == tp->tp_lastwin) {
return NULL;
frame_T *frp_close = win->w_frame;
// Find the window and frame that gets the space.
frame_T *frp2 = win_altframe(win, tp);
win_T *wp = frame2win(frp2);
if (frp_close->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
// When 'winfixheight' is set, try to find another frame in the column
// (as close to the closed frame as possible) to distribute the height
// to.
if (frp2->fr_win != NULL && frp2->fr_win->w_p_wfh) {
frame_T *frp = frp_close->fr_prev;
frame_T *frp3 = frp_close->fr_next;
while (frp != NULL || frp3 != NULL) {
if (frp != NULL) {
if (!frame_fixed_height(frp)) {
frp2 = frp;
wp = frame2win(frp2);
frp = frp->fr_prev;
if (frp3 != NULL) {
if (frp3->fr_win != NULL && !frp3->fr_win->w_p_wfh) {
frp2 = frp3;
wp = frp3->fr_win;
frp3 = frp3->fr_next;
*dirp = 'v';
} else {
// When 'winfixwidth' is set, try to find another frame in the column
// (as close to the closed frame as possible) to distribute the width
// to.
if (frp2->fr_win != NULL && frp2->fr_win->w_p_wfw) {
frame_T *frp = frp_close->fr_prev;
frame_T *frp3 = frp_close->fr_next;
while (frp != NULL || frp3 != NULL) {
if (frp != NULL) {
if (!frame_fixed_width(frp)) {
frp2 = frp;
wp = frame2win(frp2);
frp = frp->fr_prev;
if (frp3 != NULL) {
if (frp3->fr_win != NULL && !frp3->fr_win->w_p_wfw) {
frp2 = frp3;
wp = frp3->fr_win;
frp3 = frp3->fr_next;
*dirp = 'h';
assert(wp != win && frp2 != frp_close);
if (altfr != NULL) {
*altfr = frp2;
return wp;
/// Flatten "frp" into its parent frame if it's the only child, also merging its
/// list with the grandparent if they share the same layout.
/// Frees "frp" if flattened; also "frp->fr_parent" if it has the same layout.
static void frame_flatten(frame_T *frp)
if (frp->fr_next != NULL || frp->fr_prev != NULL) {
// There is no other frame in this list, move its info to the parent
// and remove it.
frp->fr_parent->fr_layout = frp->fr_layout;
frp->fr_parent->fr_child = frp->fr_child;
frame_T *frp2;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp2, frp->fr_child) {
frp2->fr_parent = frp->fr_parent;
frp->fr_parent->fr_win = frp->fr_win;
if (frp->fr_win != NULL) {
frp->fr_win->w_frame = frp->fr_parent;
frp2 = frp->fr_parent;
if (topframe->fr_child == frp) {
topframe->fr_child = frp2;
frp = frp2->fr_parent;
if (frp != NULL && frp->fr_layout == frp2->fr_layout) {
// The frame above the parent has the same layout, have to merge
// the frames into this list.
if (frp->fr_child == frp2) {
frp->fr_child = frp2->fr_child;
frp2->fr_child->fr_prev = frp2->fr_prev;
if (frp2->fr_prev != NULL) {
frp2->fr_prev->fr_next = frp2->fr_child;
for (frame_T *frp3 = frp2->fr_child;; frp3 = frp3->fr_next) {
frp3->fr_parent = frp;
if (frp3->fr_next == NULL) {
frp3->fr_next = frp2->fr_next;
if (frp2->fr_next != NULL) {
frp2->fr_next->fr_prev = frp3;
if (topframe->fr_child == frp2) {
topframe->fr_child = frp;
/// Undo changes from a prior call to winframe_remove, also restoring lost
/// vertical separators and statuslines, and changed window positions for
/// windows within "unflat_altfr".
/// Caller must ensure no other changes were made to the layout or window sizes!
void winframe_restore(win_T *wp, int dir, frame_T *unflat_altfr)
frame_T *frp = wp->w_frame;
// Put "wp"'s frame back where it was.
if (frp->fr_prev != NULL) {
frame_append(frp->fr_prev, frp);
} else {
frame_insert(frp->fr_next, frp);
// Vertical separators to the left may have been lost. Restore them.
if (wp->w_vsep_width == 0 && frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW && frp->fr_prev != NULL) {
// Statuslines or horizontal separators above may have been lost. Restore them.
if (frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && frp->fr_prev != NULL) {
if (global_stl_height() == 0 && wp->w_status_height == 0) {
} else if (wp->w_hsep_height == 0) {
// Restore the lost room that was redistributed to the altframe. Also
// adjusts window sizes to fit restored statuslines/separators, if needed.
if (dir == 'v') {
frame_new_height(unflat_altfr, unflat_altfr->fr_height - frp->fr_height,
unflat_altfr == frp->fr_next, false);
} else if (dir == 'h') {
frame_new_width(unflat_altfr, unflat_altfr->fr_width - frp->fr_width,
unflat_altfr == frp->fr_next, false);
// Recompute window positions within the parent frame to restore them.
// Positions were unchanged if the altframe was adjacent and left/above.
if (unflat_altfr != frp->fr_prev) {
const win_T *const topleft = frame2win(frp->fr_parent);
int row = topleft->w_winrow;
int col = topleft->w_wincol;
frame_comp_pos(frp->fr_parent, &row, &col);
/// If 'splitbelow' or 'splitright' is set, the space goes above or to the left
/// by default. Otherwise, the free space goes below or to the right. The
/// result is that opening a window and then immediately closing it will
/// preserve the initial window layout. The 'wfh' and 'wfw' settings are
/// respected when possible.
/// @param tp tab page "win" is in, NULL for current
/// @return a pointer to the frame that will receive the empty screen space that
/// is left over after "win" is closed.
static frame_T *win_altframe(win_T *win, tabpage_T *tp)
assert(tp == NULL || tp != curtab);
if (tp == NULL ? ONE_WINDOW : tp->tp_firstwin == tp->tp_lastwin) {
return alt_tabpage()->tp_curwin->w_frame;
frame_T *frp = win->w_frame;
if (frp->fr_prev == NULL) {
return frp->fr_next;
if (frp->fr_next == NULL) {
return frp->fr_prev;
// By default the next window will get the space that was abandoned by this
// window
frame_T *target_fr = frp->fr_next;
frame_T *other_fr = frp->fr_prev;
// If this is part of a column of windows and 'splitbelow' is true then the
// previous window will get the space.
if (frp->fr_parent != NULL && frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && p_sb) {
target_fr = frp->fr_prev;
other_fr = frp->fr_next;
// If this is part of a row of windows, and 'splitright' is true then the
// previous window will get the space.
if (frp->fr_parent != NULL && frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW && p_spr) {
target_fr = frp->fr_prev;
other_fr = frp->fr_next;
// If 'wfh' or 'wfw' is set for the target and not for the alternate
// window, reverse the selection.
if (frp->fr_parent != NULL && frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
if (frame_fixed_width(target_fr) && !frame_fixed_width(other_fr)) {
target_fr = other_fr;
} else {
if (frame_fixed_height(target_fr) && !frame_fixed_height(other_fr)) {
target_fr = other_fr;
return target_fr;
// Return the tabpage that will be used if the current one is closed.
static tabpage_T *alt_tabpage(void)
// Use the next tab page if possible.
if (curtab->tp_next != NULL) {
return curtab->tp_next;
// Find the last but one tab page.
tabpage_T *tp;
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp->tp_next != curtab; tp = tp->tp_next) {}
return tp;
// Find the left-upper window in frame "frp".
win_T *frame2win(frame_T *frp)
while (frp->fr_win == NULL) {
frp = frp->fr_child;
return frp->fr_win;
/// Check that the frame "frp" contains the window "wp".
/// @param frp frame
/// @param wp window
static bool frame_has_win(const frame_T *frp, const win_T *wp)
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
return frp->fr_win == wp;
const frame_T *p;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(p, frp->fr_child) {
if (frame_has_win(p, wp)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Check if current window is at the bottom
/// Returns true if there are no windows below current window
static bool is_bottom_win(win_T *wp)
for (frame_T *frp = wp->w_frame; frp->fr_parent != NULL; frp = frp->fr_parent) {
if (frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && frp->fr_next != NULL) {
return false;
return true;
/// Set a new height for a frame. Recursively sets the height for contained
/// frames and windows. Caller must take care of positions.
/// @param topfirst resize topmost contained frame first.
/// @param wfh obey 'winfixheight' when there is a choice;
/// may cause the height not to be set.
void frame_new_height(frame_T *topfrp, int height, bool topfirst, bool wfh)
if (topfrp->fr_win != NULL) {
// Simple case: just one window.
win_T *wp = topfrp->fr_win;
if (is_bottom_win(wp)) {
wp->w_hsep_height = 0;
win_new_height(wp, height - wp->w_hsep_height - wp->w_status_height);
} else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
frame_T *frp;
do {
// All frames in this row get the same new height.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
frame_new_height(frp, height, topfirst, wfh);
if (frp->fr_height > height) {
// Could not fit the windows, make the whole row higher.
height = frp->fr_height;
} while (frp != NULL);
} else { // fr_layout == FR_COL
// Complicated case: Resize a column of frames. Resize the bottom
// frame first, frames above that when needed.
frame_T *frp = topfrp->fr_child;
if (wfh) {
// Advance past frames with one window with 'wfh' set.
while (frame_fixed_height(frp)) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
if (frp == NULL) {
return; // no frame without 'wfh', give up
if (!topfirst) {
// Find the bottom frame of this column
while (frp->fr_next != NULL) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
if (wfh) {
// Advance back for frames with one window with 'wfh' set.
while (frame_fixed_height(frp)) {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
int extra_lines = height - topfrp->fr_height;
if (extra_lines < 0) {
// reduce height of contained frames, bottom or top frame first
while (frp != NULL) {
int h = frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
if (frp->fr_height + extra_lines < h) {
extra_lines += frp->fr_height - h;
frame_new_height(frp, h, topfirst, wfh);
} else {
frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height + extra_lines,
topfirst, wfh);
if (topfirst) {
do {
frp = frp->fr_next;
} while (wfh && frp != NULL && frame_fixed_height(frp));
} else {
do {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
} while (wfh && frp != NULL && frame_fixed_height(frp));
// Increase "height" if we could not reduce enough frames.
if (frp == NULL) {
height -= extra_lines;
} else if (extra_lines > 0) {
// increase height of bottom or top frame
frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height + extra_lines, topfirst, wfh);
topfrp->fr_height = height;
/// Return true if height of frame "frp" should not be changed because of
/// the 'winfixheight' option.
/// @param frp frame
/// @return true if the frame has a fixed height
static bool frame_fixed_height(frame_T *frp)
// frame with one window: fixed height if 'winfixheight' set.
if (frp->fr_win != NULL) {
return frp->fr_win->w_p_wfh;
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
// The frame is fixed height if one of the frames in the row is fixed
// height.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
if (frame_fixed_height(frp)) {
return true;
return false;
// frp->fr_layout == FR_COL: The frame is fixed height if all of the
// frames in the row are fixed height.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
if (!frame_fixed_height(frp)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Return true if width of frame "frp" should not be changed because of
/// the 'winfixwidth' option.
/// @param frp frame
/// @return true if the frame has a fixed width
static bool frame_fixed_width(frame_T *frp)
// frame with one window: fixed width if 'winfixwidth' set.
if (frp->fr_win != NULL) {
return frp->fr_win->w_p_wfw;
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
// The frame is fixed width if one of the frames in the row is fixed
// width.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
if (frame_fixed_width(frp)) {
return true;
return false;
// frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW: The frame is fixed width if all of the
// frames in the row are fixed width.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
if (!frame_fixed_width(frp)) {
return false;
return true;
// Add a status line to windows at the bottom of "frp".
// Note: Does not check if there is room!
static void frame_add_statusline(frame_T *frp)
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
win_T *wp = frp->fr_win;
wp->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
} else if (frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
// Handle all the frames in the row.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
} else {
assert(frp->fr_layout == FR_COL);
// Only need to handle the last frame in the column.
for (frp = frp->fr_child; frp->fr_next != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next) {}
/// Set width of a frame. Handles recursively going through contained frames.
/// May remove separator line for windows at the right side (for win_close()).
/// @param leftfirst resize leftmost contained frame first.
/// @param wfw obey 'winfixwidth' when there is a choice;
/// may cause the width not to be set.
static void frame_new_width(frame_T *topfrp, int width, bool leftfirst, bool wfw)
if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
// Simple case: just one window.
win_T *wp = topfrp->fr_win;
// Find out if there are any windows right of this one.
frame_T *frp;
for (frp = topfrp; frp->fr_parent != NULL; frp = frp->fr_parent) {
if (frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW && frp->fr_next != NULL) {
if (frp->fr_parent == NULL) {
wp->w_vsep_width = 0;
win_new_width(wp, width - wp->w_vsep_width);
} else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
frame_T *frp;
do {
// All frames in this column get the same new width.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
frame_new_width(frp, width, leftfirst, wfw);
if (frp->fr_width > width) {
// Could not fit the windows, make whole column wider.
width = frp->fr_width;
} while (frp != NULL);
} else { // fr_layout == FR_ROW
// Complicated case: Resize a row of frames. Resize the rightmost
// frame first, frames left of it when needed.
frame_T *frp = topfrp->fr_child;
if (wfw) {
// Advance past frames with one window with 'wfw' set.
while (frame_fixed_width(frp)) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
if (frp == NULL) {
return; // no frame without 'wfw', give up
if (!leftfirst) {
// Find the rightmost frame of this row
while (frp->fr_next != NULL) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
if (wfw) {
// Advance back for frames with one window with 'wfw' set.
while (frame_fixed_width(frp)) {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
int extra_cols = width - topfrp->fr_width;
if (extra_cols < 0) {
// reduce frame width, rightmost frame first
while (frp != NULL) {
int w = frame_minwidth(frp, NULL);
if (frp->fr_width + extra_cols < w) {
extra_cols += frp->fr_width - w;
frame_new_width(frp, w, leftfirst, wfw);
} else {
frame_new_width(frp, frp->fr_width + extra_cols,
leftfirst, wfw);
if (leftfirst) {
do {
frp = frp->fr_next;
} while (wfw && frp != NULL && frame_fixed_width(frp));
} else {
do {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
} while (wfw && frp != NULL && frame_fixed_width(frp));
// Increase "width" if we could not reduce enough frames.
if (frp == NULL) {
width -= extra_cols;
} else if (extra_cols > 0) {
// increase width of rightmost frame
frame_new_width(frp, frp->fr_width + extra_cols, leftfirst, wfw);
topfrp->fr_width = width;
/// Add the vertical separator to windows at the right side of "frp".
/// Note: Does not check if there is room!
static void frame_add_vsep(const frame_T *frp)
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
win_T *wp = frp->fr_win;
if (wp->w_vsep_width == 0) {
if (wp->w_width > 0) { // don't make it negative
wp->w_vsep_width = 1;
} else if (frp->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
// Handle all the frames in the column.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
} else {
assert(frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW);
// Only need to handle the last frame in the row.
frp = frp->fr_child;
while (frp->fr_next != NULL) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
/// Add the horizontal separator to windows at the bottom of "frp".
/// Note: Does not check if there is room or whether the windows have a statusline!
static void frame_add_hsep(const frame_T *frp)
if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
win_T *wp = frp->fr_win;
wp->w_hsep_height = 1;
} else if (frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
// Handle all the frames in the row.
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, frp->fr_child) {
} else {
assert(frp->fr_layout == FR_COL);
// Only need to handle the last frame in the column.
frp = frp->fr_child;
while (frp->fr_next != NULL) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
// Set frame width from the window it contains.
static void frame_fix_width(win_T *wp)
wp->w_frame->fr_width = wp->w_width + wp->w_vsep_width;
// Set frame height from the window it contains.
static void frame_fix_height(win_T *wp)
wp->w_frame->fr_height = wp->w_height + wp->w_hsep_height + wp->w_status_height;
/// Compute the minimal height for frame "topfrp". Uses the 'winminheight' option.
/// When "next_curwin" isn't NULL, use p_wh for this window.
/// When "next_curwin" is NOWIN, don't use at least one line for the current window.
static int frame_minheight(frame_T *topfrp, win_T *next_curwin)
int m;
if (topfrp->fr_win != NULL) {
// Combined height of window bar and separator column or status line.
int extra_height = topfrp->fr_win->w_winbar_height + topfrp->fr_win->w_hsep_height
+ topfrp->fr_win->w_status_height;
if (topfrp->fr_win == next_curwin) {
m = (int)p_wh + extra_height;
} else {
m = (int)p_wmh + extra_height;
if (topfrp->fr_win == curwin && next_curwin == NULL) {
// Current window is minimal one line high.
if (p_wmh == 0) {
} else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
// get the minimal height from each frame in this row
m = 0;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
int n = frame_minheight(frp, next_curwin);
if (n > m) {
m = n;
} else {
// Add up the minimal heights for all frames in this column.
m = 0;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
m += frame_minheight(frp, next_curwin);
return m;
/// Compute the minimal width for frame "topfrp".
/// When "next_curwin" isn't NULL, use p_wiw for this window.
/// When "next_curwin" is NOWIN, don't use at least one column for the current
/// window.
/// @param next_curwin use p_wh and p_wiw for next_curwin
static int frame_minwidth(frame_T *topfrp, win_T *next_curwin)
int m;
if (topfrp->fr_win != NULL) {
if (topfrp->fr_win == next_curwin) {
m = (int)p_wiw + topfrp->fr_win->w_vsep_width;
} else {
// window: minimal width of the window plus separator column
m = (int)p_wmw + topfrp->fr_win->w_vsep_width;
// Current window is minimal one column wide
if (p_wmw == 0 && topfrp->fr_win == curwin && next_curwin == NULL) {
} else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
// get the minimal width from each frame in this column
m = 0;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
int n = frame_minwidth(frp, next_curwin);
if (n > m) {
m = n;
} else {
// Add up the minimal widths for all frames in this row.
m = 0;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
m += frame_minwidth(frp, next_curwin);
return m;
/// Try to close all windows except current one.
/// Buffers in the other windows become hidden if 'hidden' is set, or '!' is
/// used and the buffer was modified.
/// Used by ":bdel" and ":only".
/// @param forceit always hide all other windows
void close_others(int message, int forceit)
if (curwin->w_floating) {
if (message && !autocmd_busy) {
if (one_window(firstwin) && !lastwin->w_floating) {
if (message
&& !autocmd_busy) {
msg(_(m_onlyone), 0);
// Be very careful here: autocommands may change the window layout.
win_T *nextwp;
for (win_T *wp = firstwin; win_valid(wp); wp = nextwp) {
nextwp = wp->w_next;
if (wp == curwin) { // don't close current window
// autoccommands messed this one up
if (!buf_valid(wp->w_buffer) && win_valid(wp)) {
wp->w_buffer = NULL;
win_close(wp, false, false);
// Check if it's allowed to abandon this window
int r = can_abandon(wp->w_buffer, forceit);
if (!win_valid(wp)) { // autocommands messed wp up
nextwp = firstwin;
if (!r) {
if (message && (p_confirm || (cmdmod.cmod_flags & CMOD_CONFIRM)) && p_write) {
dialog_changed(wp->w_buffer, false);
if (!win_valid(wp)) { // autocommands messed wp up
nextwp = firstwin;
if (bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer)) {
win_close(wp, !buf_hide(wp->w_buffer) && !bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer), false);
if (message && !ONE_WINDOW) {
emsg(_("E445: Other window contains changes"));
/// Store the relevant window pointers for tab page "tp". To be used before
/// use_tabpage().
void unuse_tabpage(tabpage_T *tp)
tp->tp_topframe = topframe;
tp->tp_firstwin = firstwin;
tp->tp_lastwin = lastwin;
tp->tp_curwin = curwin;
/// Set the relevant pointers to use tab page "tp". May want to call
/// unuse_tabpage() first.
void use_tabpage(tabpage_T *tp)
curtab = tp;
topframe = curtab->tp_topframe;
firstwin = curtab->tp_firstwin;
lastwin = curtab->tp_lastwin;
curwin = curtab->tp_curwin;
// Allocate the first window and put an empty buffer in it.
// Only called from main().
void win_alloc_first(void)
if (win_alloc_firstwin(NULL) == FAIL) {
// allocating first buffer before any autocmds should not fail.
first_tabpage = alloc_tabpage();
curtab = first_tabpage;
// Init `aucmd_win[idx]`. This can only be done after the first window
// is fully initialized, thus it can't be in win_alloc_first().
void win_alloc_aucmd_win(int idx)
Error err = ERROR_INIT;
WinConfig fconfig = WIN_CONFIG_INIT;
fconfig.width = Columns;
fconfig.height = 5;
fconfig.focusable = false;
aucmd_win[idx].auc_win = win_new_float(NULL, true, fconfig, &err);
// Allocate the first window or the first window in a new tab page.
// When "oldwin" is NULL create an empty buffer for it.
// When "oldwin" is not NULL copy info from it to the new window.
// Return FAIL when something goes wrong (out of memory).
static int win_alloc_firstwin(win_T *oldwin)
curwin = win_alloc(NULL, false);
if (oldwin == NULL) {
// Very first window, need to create an empty buffer for it and
// initialize from scratch.
curbuf = buflist_new(NULL, NULL, 1, BLN_LISTED);
if (curbuf == NULL) {
return FAIL;
curwin->w_buffer = curbuf;
curwin->w_s = &(curbuf->b_s);
curbuf->b_nwindows = 1; // there is one window
curwin->w_alist = &global_alist;
curwin_init(); // init current window
} else {
// First window in new tab page, initialize it from "oldwin".
win_init(curwin, oldwin, 0);
// We don't want cursor- and scroll-binding in the first window.
topframe = curwin->w_frame;
topframe->fr_width = Columns;
topframe->fr_height = Rows - (int)p_ch - global_stl_height();
return OK;
// Create a frame for window "wp".
static void new_frame(win_T *wp)
frame_T *frp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(frame_T));
wp->w_frame = frp;
frp->fr_layout = FR_LEAF;
frp->fr_win = wp;
// Initialize the window and frame size to the maximum.
void win_init_size(void)
firstwin->w_height = (int)ROWS_AVAIL;
firstwin->w_prev_height = (int)ROWS_AVAIL;
firstwin->w_height_inner = firstwin->w_height - firstwin->w_winbar_height;
firstwin->w_height_outer = firstwin->w_height;
firstwin->w_winrow_off = firstwin->w_winbar_height;
topframe->fr_height = (int)ROWS_AVAIL;
firstwin->w_width = Columns;
firstwin->w_width_inner = firstwin->w_width;
firstwin->w_width_outer = firstwin->w_width;
topframe->fr_width = Columns;
// Allocate a new tabpage_T and init the values.
static tabpage_T *alloc_tabpage(void)
static int last_tp_handle = 0;
tabpage_T *tp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(tabpage_T));
tp->handle = ++last_tp_handle;
pmap_put(int)(&tabpage_handles, tp->handle, tp);
// Init t: variables.
tp->tp_vars = tv_dict_alloc();
init_var_dict(tp->tp_vars, &tp->tp_winvar, VAR_SCOPE);
tp->tp_diff_invalid = true;
tp->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
return tp;
void free_tabpage(tabpage_T *tp)
pmap_del(int)(&tabpage_handles, tp->handle, NULL);
for (int idx = 0; idx < SNAP_COUNT; idx++) {
clear_snapshot(tp, idx);
vars_clear(&tp->tp_vars->dv_hashtab); // free all t: variables
if (tp == lastused_tabpage) {
lastused_tabpage = NULL;
/// Create a new tabpage with one window.
/// It will edit the current buffer, like after :split.
/// @param after Put new tabpage after tabpage "after", or after the current
/// tabpage in case of 0.
/// @param filename Will be passed to apply_autocmds().
/// @return Was the new tabpage created successfully? FAIL or OK.
int win_new_tabpage(int after, char *filename)
tabpage_T *old_curtab = curtab;
if (cmdwin_type != 0) {
return FAIL;
tabpage_T *newtp = alloc_tabpage();
// Remember the current windows in this Tab page.
if (leave_tabpage(curbuf, true) == FAIL) {
return FAIL;
newtp->tp_localdir = old_curtab->tp_localdir
? xstrdup(old_curtab->tp_localdir) : NULL;
curtab = newtp;
// Create a new empty window.
if (win_alloc_firstwin(old_curtab->tp_curwin) == OK) {
// Make the new Tab page the new topframe.
if (after == 1) {
// New tab page becomes the first one.
newtp->tp_next = first_tabpage;
first_tabpage = newtp;
} else {
tabpage_T *tp = old_curtab;
if (after > 0) {
// Put new tab page before tab page "after".
int n = 2;
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp->tp_next != NULL
&& n < after; tp = tp->tp_next) {
newtp->tp_next = tp->tp_next;
tp->tp_next = newtp;
newtp->tp_firstwin = newtp->tp_lastwin = newtp->tp_curwin = curwin;
firstwin->w_winrow = tabline_height();
firstwin->w_prev_winrow = firstwin->w_winrow;
newtp->tp_topframe = topframe;
lastused_tabpage = old_curtab;
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINNEW, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABNEW, filename, filename, false, curbuf);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
return OK;
// Failed, get back the previous Tab page
enter_tabpage(curtab, curbuf, true, true);
return FAIL;
// Open a new tab page if ":tab cmd" was used. It will edit the same buffer,
// like with ":split".
// Returns OK if a new tab page was created, FAIL otherwise.
int may_open_tabpage(void)
int n = (cmdmod.cmod_tab == 0) ? postponed_split_tab : cmdmod.cmod_tab;
if (n == 0) {
return FAIL;
cmdmod.cmod_tab = 0; // reset it to avoid doing it twice
postponed_split_tab = 0;
int status = win_new_tabpage(n, NULL);
if (status == OK) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABNEWENTERED, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
return status;
// Create up to "maxcount" tabpages with empty windows.
// Returns the number of resulting tab pages.
int make_tabpages(int maxcount)
int count = maxcount;
// Limit to 'tabpagemax' tabs.
if (count > p_tpm) {
count = (int)p_tpm;
// Don't execute autocommands while creating the tab pages. Must do that
// when putting the buffers in the windows.
int todo;
for (todo = count - 1; todo > 0; todo--) {
if (win_new_tabpage(0, NULL) == FAIL) {
// return actual number of tab pages
return count - todo;
/// Check that tpc points to a valid tab page.
/// @param[in] tpc Tabpage to check.
bool valid_tabpage(tabpage_T *tpc) FUNC_ATTR_PURE FUNC_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
if (tp == tpc) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true when `tpc` is valid and at least one window is valid.
int valid_tabpage_win(tabpage_T *tpc)
if (tp == tpc) {
if (win_valid_any_tab(wp)) {
return true;
return false;
// shouldn't happen
return false;
/// Close tabpage `tab`, assuming it has no windows in it.
/// There must be another tabpage or this will crash.
void close_tabpage(tabpage_T *tab)
tabpage_T *ptp;
if (tab == first_tabpage) {
first_tabpage = tab->tp_next;
ptp = first_tabpage;
} else {
for (ptp = first_tabpage; ptp != NULL && ptp->tp_next != tab;
ptp = ptp->tp_next) {
// do nothing
assert(ptp != NULL);
ptp->tp_next = tab->tp_next;
goto_tabpage_tp(ptp, false, false);
// Find tab page "n" (first one is 1). Returns NULL when not found.
tabpage_T *find_tabpage(int n)
tabpage_T *tp;
int i = 1;
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp != NULL && i != n; tp = tp->tp_next) {
return tp;
// Get index of tab page "tp". First one has index 1.
// When not found returns number of tab pages plus one.
int tabpage_index(tabpage_T *ftp)
int i = 1;
tabpage_T *tp;
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp != NULL && tp != ftp; tp = tp->tp_next) {
return i;
/// Prepare for leaving the current tab page.
/// When autocommands change "curtab" we don't leave the tab page and return
/// FAIL.
/// Careful: When OK is returned need to get a new tab page very very soon!
/// @param new_curbuf what is going to be the new curbuf,
/// NULL if unknown.
/// @param trigger_leave_autocmds when true trigger *Leave autocommands.
static int leave_tabpage(buf_T *new_curbuf, bool trigger_leave_autocmds)
tabpage_T *tp = curtab;
reset_VIsual_and_resel(); // stop Visual mode
if (trigger_leave_autocmds) {
if (new_curbuf != curbuf) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (curtab != tp) {
return FAIL;
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (curtab != tp) {
return FAIL;
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (curtab != tp) {
return FAIL;
tp->tp_curwin = curwin;
tp->tp_prevwin = prevwin;
tp->tp_firstwin = firstwin;
tp->tp_lastwin = lastwin;
tp->tp_old_Rows_avail = ROWS_AVAIL;
if (tp->tp_old_Columns != -1) {
tp->tp_old_Columns = Columns;
firstwin = NULL;
lastwin = NULL;
return OK;
/// Start using tab page "tp".
/// Only to be used after leave_tabpage() or freeing the current tab page.
/// @param trigger_enter_autocmds when true trigger *Enter autocommands.
/// @param trigger_leave_autocmds when true trigger *Leave autocommands.
static void enter_tabpage(tabpage_T *tp, buf_T *old_curbuf, bool trigger_enter_autocmds,
bool trigger_leave_autocmds)
int old_off = tp->tp_firstwin->w_winrow;
win_T *next_prevwin = tp->tp_prevwin;
tabpage_T *old_curtab = curtab;
if (old_curtab != curtab) {
// We would like doing the TabEnter event first, but we don't have a
// valid current window yet, which may break some commands.
// This triggers autocommands, thus may make "tp" invalid.
win_enter_ext(tp->tp_curwin, WEE_CURWIN_INVALID
| (trigger_enter_autocmds ? WEE_TRIGGER_ENTER_AUTOCMDS : 0)
| (trigger_leave_autocmds ? WEE_TRIGGER_LEAVE_AUTOCMDS : 0));
prevwin = next_prevwin;
last_status(false); // status line may appear or disappear
const int row = win_comp_pos(); // recompute w_winrow for all windows
diff_need_scrollbind = true;
// Use the stored value of p_ch, so that it can be different for each tab page.
if (p_ch != curtab->tp_ch_used) {
clear_cmdline = true;
if (msg_grid.chars && p_ch < curtab->tp_ch_used) {
// TODO(bfredl): a bit expensive, should be enough to invalidate the
// region between the old and the new p_ch.
p_ch = curtab->tp_ch_used;
// When cmdheight is changed in a tab page with '<C-w>-', cmdline_row is
// changed but p_ch and tp_ch_used are not changed. Thus we also need to
// check cmdline_row.
if (row < cmdline_row && cmdline_row <= Rows - p_ch) {
clear_cmdline = true;
// If there was a click in a window, it won't be usable for a following
// drag.
// The tabpage line may have appeared or disappeared, may need to resize the frames for that.
// When the Vim window was resized or ROWS_AVAIL changed need to update frame sizes too.
if (curtab->tp_old_Rows_avail != ROWS_AVAIL || (old_off != firstwin->w_winrow)) {
if (curtab->tp_old_Columns != Columns) {
if (starting == 0) {
win_new_screen_cols(); // update window widths
curtab->tp_old_Columns = Columns;
} else {
curtab->tp_old_Columns = -1; // update window widths later
lastused_tabpage = old_curtab;
// Apply autocommands after updating the display, when 'rows' and
// 'columns' have been set correctly.
if (trigger_enter_autocmds) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TABENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (old_curbuf != curbuf) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
/// tells external UI that windows and inline floats in old_curtab are invisible
/// and that floats in curtab is now visible.
/// External floats are considered independent of tabpages. This is
/// implemented by always moving them to curtab.
static void tabpage_check_windows(tabpage_T *old_curtab)
win_T *next_wp;
for (win_T *wp = old_curtab->tp_firstwin; wp; wp = next_wp) {
next_wp = wp->w_next;
if (wp->w_floating) {
if (wp->w_config.external) {
win_remove(wp, old_curtab);
win_append(lastwin_nofloating(), wp, NULL);
} else {
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
for (win_T *wp = firstwin; wp; wp = wp->w_next) {
if (wp->w_floating && !wp->w_config.external) {
win_config_float(wp, wp->w_config);
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
// Go to tab page "n". For ":tab N" and "Ngt".
// When "n" is 9999 go to the last tab page.
void goto_tabpage(int n)
if (text_locked()) {
// Not allowed when editing the command line.
// If there is only one it can't work.
if (first_tabpage->tp_next == NULL) {
if (n > 1) {
tabpage_T *tp = NULL; // shut up compiler
if (n == 0) {
// No count, go to next tab page, wrap around end.
if (curtab->tp_next == NULL) {
tp = first_tabpage;
} else {
tp = curtab->tp_next;
} else if (n < 0) {
// "gT": go to previous tab page, wrap around end. "N gT" repeats
// this N times.
tabpage_T *ttp = curtab;
for (int i = n; i < 0; i++) {
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp->tp_next != ttp && tp->tp_next != NULL;
tp = tp->tp_next) {}
ttp = tp;
} else if (n == 9999) {
// Go to last tab page.
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp->tp_next != NULL; tp = tp->tp_next) {}
} else {
// Go to tab page "n".
tp = find_tabpage(n);
if (tp == NULL) {
goto_tabpage_tp(tp, true, true);
/// Go to tabpage "tp".
/// Note: doesn't update the GUI tab.
/// @param trigger_enter_autocmds when true trigger *Enter autocommands.
/// @param trigger_leave_autocmds when true trigger *Leave autocommands.
void goto_tabpage_tp(tabpage_T *tp, bool trigger_enter_autocmds, bool trigger_leave_autocmds)
if (trigger_enter_autocmds || trigger_leave_autocmds) {
// Don't repeat a message in another tab page.
set_keep_msg(NULL, 0);
skip_win_fix_scroll = true;
if (tp != curtab && leave_tabpage(tp->tp_curwin->w_buffer,
trigger_leave_autocmds) == OK) {
if (valid_tabpage(tp)) {
enter_tabpage(tp, curbuf, trigger_enter_autocmds,
} else {
enter_tabpage(curtab, curbuf, trigger_enter_autocmds,
skip_win_fix_scroll = false;
/// Go to the last accessed tab page, if there is one.
/// @return true if the tab page is valid, false otherwise.
bool goto_tabpage_lastused(void)
if (!valid_tabpage(lastused_tabpage)) {
return false;
goto_tabpage_tp(lastused_tabpage, true, true);
return true;
// Enter window "wp" in tab page "tp".
// Also updates the GUI tab.
void goto_tabpage_win(tabpage_T *tp, win_T *wp)
goto_tabpage_tp(tp, true, true);
if (curtab == tp && win_valid(wp)) {
win_enter(wp, true);
// Move the current tab page to after tab page "nr".
void tabpage_move(int nr)
assert(curtab != NULL);
if (first_tabpage->tp_next == NULL) {
if (tabpage_move_disallowed) {
int n = 1;
tabpage_T *tp;
for (tp = first_tabpage; tp->tp_next != NULL && n < nr; tp = tp->tp_next) {
if (tp == curtab || (nr > 0 && tp->tp_next != NULL
&& tp->tp_next == curtab)) {
tabpage_T *tp_dst = tp;
// Remove the current tab page from the list of tab pages.
if (curtab == first_tabpage) {
first_tabpage = curtab->tp_next;
} else {
tp = NULL;
if (tp2->tp_next == curtab) {
tp = tp2;
if (tp == NULL) { // "cannot happen"
tp->tp_next = curtab->tp_next;
// Re-insert it at the specified position.
if (nr <= 0) {
curtab->tp_next = first_tabpage;
first_tabpage = curtab;
} else {
curtab->tp_next = tp_dst->tp_next;
tp_dst->tp_next = curtab;
// Need to redraw the tabline. Tab page contents doesn't change.
redraw_tabline = true;
/// Go to another window.
/// When jumping to another buffer, stop Visual mode. Do this before
/// changing windows so we can yank the selection into the '*' register.
/// (note: this may trigger ModeChanged autocommand!)
/// When jumping to another window on the same buffer, adjust its cursor
/// position to keep the same Visual area.
void win_goto(win_T *wp)
win_T *owp = curwin;
if (text_or_buf_locked()) {
if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf) {
// careful: triggers ModeChanged autocommand
} else if (VIsual_active) {
wp->w_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
// autocommand may have made wp invalid
if (!win_valid(wp)) {
win_enter(wp, true);
// Conceal cursor line in previous window, unconceal in current window.
if (win_valid(owp) && owp->w_p_cole > 0 && !msg_scrolled) {
redrawWinline(owp, owp->w_cursor.lnum);
if (curwin->w_p_cole > 0 && !msg_scrolled) {
redrawWinline(curwin, curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
// Find the tabpage for window "win".
tabpage_T *win_find_tabpage(win_T *win)
if (wp == win) {
return tp;
return NULL;
/// Get the above or below neighbor window of the specified window.
/// Returns the specified window if the neighbor is not found.
/// Returns the previous window if the specifiecied window is a floating window.
/// @param up true for the above neighbor
/// @param count nth neighbor window
/// @return found window
win_T *win_vert_neighbor(tabpage_T *tp, win_T *wp, bool up, int count)
frame_T *foundfr = wp->w_frame;
if (wp->w_floating) {
return win_valid(prevwin) && !prevwin->w_floating ? prevwin : firstwin;
while (count--) {
frame_T *nfr;
// First go upwards in the tree of frames until we find an upwards or
// downwards neighbor.
frame_T *fr = foundfr;
while (true) {
if (fr == tp->tp_topframe) {
goto end;
if (up) {
nfr = fr->fr_prev;
} else {
nfr = fr->fr_next;
if (fr->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && nfr != NULL) {
fr = fr->fr_parent;
// Now go downwards to find the bottom or top frame in it.
while (true) {
if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
foundfr = nfr;
fr = nfr->fr_child;
if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
// Find the frame at the cursor row.
while (fr->fr_next != NULL
&& frame2win(fr)->w_wincol + fr->fr_width
<= wp->w_wincol + wp->w_wcol) {
fr = fr->fr_next;
if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_COL && up) {
while (fr->fr_next != NULL) {
fr = fr->fr_next;
nfr = fr;
return foundfr != NULL ? foundfr->fr_win : NULL;
/// Move to window above or below "count" times.
/// @param up true to go to win above
/// @param count go count times into direction
static void win_goto_ver(bool up, int count)
win_T *win = win_vert_neighbor(curtab, curwin, up, count);
if (win != NULL) {
/// Get the left or right neighbor window of the specified window.
/// Returns the specified window if the neighbor is not found.
/// Returns the previous window if the specifiecied window is a floating window.
/// @param left true for the left neighbor
/// @param count nth neighbor window
/// @return found window
win_T *win_horz_neighbor(tabpage_T *tp, win_T *wp, bool left, int count)
frame_T *foundfr = wp->w_frame;
if (wp->w_floating) {
return win_valid(prevwin) && !prevwin->w_floating ? prevwin : firstwin;
while (count--) {
frame_T *nfr;
// First go upwards in the tree of frames until we find a left or
// right neighbor.
frame_T *fr = foundfr;
while (true) {
if (fr == tp->tp_topframe) {
goto end;
if (left) {
nfr = fr->fr_prev;
} else {
nfr = fr->fr_next;
if (fr->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW && nfr != NULL) {
fr = fr->fr_parent;
// Now go downwards to find the leftmost or rightmost frame in it.
while (true) {
if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
foundfr = nfr;
fr = nfr->fr_child;
if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
// Find the frame at the cursor row.
while (fr->fr_next != NULL
&& frame2win(fr)->w_winrow + fr->fr_height
<= wp->w_winrow + wp->w_wrow) {
fr = fr->fr_next;
if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_ROW && left) {
while (fr->fr_next != NULL) {
fr = fr->fr_next;
nfr = fr;
return foundfr != NULL ? foundfr->fr_win : NULL;
/// Move to left or right window.
/// @param left true to go to left window
/// @param count go count times into direction
static void win_goto_hor(bool left, int count)
win_T *win = win_horz_neighbor(curtab, curwin, left, count);
if (win != NULL) {
/// Make window `wp` the current window.
/// @warning Autocmds may close the window immediately, so caller must check
/// win_valid(wp).
void win_enter(win_T *wp, bool undo_sync)
win_enter_ext(wp, (undo_sync ? WEE_UNDO_SYNC : 0)
/// Make window "wp" the current window.
/// @param flags if contains WEE_CURWIN_INVALID, it means curwin has just been
/// closed and isn't valid.
static void win_enter_ext(win_T *const wp, const int flags)
bool other_buffer = false;
const bool curwin_invalid = (flags & WEE_CURWIN_INVALID);
if (wp == curwin && !curwin_invalid) { // nothing to do
if (!curwin_invalid) {
if (!curwin_invalid && (flags & WEE_TRIGGER_LEAVE_AUTOCMDS)) {
// Be careful: If autocommands delete the window, return now.
if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
other_buffer = true;
if (!win_valid(wp)) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (!win_valid(wp)) {
// autocmds may abort script processing
if (aborting()) {
// sync undo before leaving the current buffer
if ((flags & WEE_UNDO_SYNC) && curbuf != wp->w_buffer) {
// Might need to scroll the old window before switching, e.g., when the
// cursor was moved.
if (*p_spk == 'c' && !curwin_invalid) {
// may have to copy the buffer options when 'cpo' contains 'S'
if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf) {
buf_copy_options(wp->w_buffer, BCO_ENTER | BCO_NOHELP);
if (!curwin_invalid) {
prevwin = curwin; // remember for CTRL-W p
curwin->w_redr_status = true;
curwin = wp;
curbuf = wp->w_buffer;
if (!virtual_active(curwin)) {
curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
if (*p_spk == 'c') {
changed_line_abv_curs(); // assume cursor position needs updating
} else {
// Make sure the cursor position is valid, either by moving the cursor
// or by scrolling the text.
win_fix_cursor(get_real_state() & (MODE_NORMAL|MODE_CMDLINE|MODE_TERMINAL));
// Careful: autocommands may close the window and make "wp" invalid
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINNEW, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
if (other_buffer) {
apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, false, curbuf);
curwin->w_redr_status = true;
redraw_tabline = true;
if (restart_edit) {
redraw_later(curwin, UPD_VALID); // causes status line redraw
// change background color according to NormalNC,
// but only if actually defined (otherwise no extra redraw)
if (curwin->w_hl_attr_normal != curwin->w_hl_attr_normalnc) {
// TODO(bfredl): eventually we should be smart enough
// to only recompose the window, not redraw it.
redraw_later(curwin, UPD_NOT_VALID);
if (prevwin) {
if (prevwin->w_hl_attr_normal != prevwin->w_hl_attr_normalnc) {
redraw_later(prevwin, UPD_NOT_VALID);
// set window height to desired minimal value
if (curwin->w_height < p_wh && !curwin->w_p_wfh && !curwin->w_floating) {
} else if (curwin->w_height == 0) {
// set window width to desired minimal value
if (curwin->w_width < p_wiw && !curwin->w_p_wfw && !curwin->w_floating) {
setmouse(); // in case jumped to/from help buffer
// Change directories when the 'acd' option is set.
/// Used after making another window the current one: change directory if needed.
void win_fix_current_dir(void)
// New directory is either the local directory of the window, tab or NULL.
char *new_dir = curwin->w_localdir ? curwin->w_localdir : curtab->tp_localdir;
char cwd[MAXPATHL];
if (os_dirname(cwd, MAXPATHL) != OK) {
cwd[0] = NUL;
if (new_dir) {
// Window/tab has a local directory: Save current directory as global
// (unless that was done already) and change to the local directory.
if (globaldir == NULL) {
if (cwd[0] != NUL) {
globaldir = xstrdup(cwd);
bool dir_differs = pathcmp(new_dir, cwd, -1) != 0;
if (!p_acd && dir_differs) {
do_autocmd_dirchanged(new_dir, curwin->w_localdir ? kCdScopeWindow : kCdScopeTabpage,
kCdCauseWindow, true);
if (os_chdir(new_dir) == 0) {
if (!p_acd && dir_differs) {
do_autocmd_dirchanged(new_dir, curwin->w_localdir ? kCdScopeWindow : kCdScopeTabpage,
kCdCauseWindow, false);
last_chdir_reason = NULL;
} else if (globaldir != NULL) {
// Window doesn't have a local directory and we are not in the global
// directory: Change to the global directory.
bool dir_differs = pathcmp(globaldir, cwd, -1) != 0;
if (!p_acd && dir_differs) {
do_autocmd_dirchanged(globaldir, kCdScopeGlobal, kCdCauseWindow, true);
if (os_chdir(globaldir) == 0) {
if (!p_acd && dir_differs) {
do_autocmd_dirchanged(globaldir, kCdScopeGlobal, kCdCauseWindow, false);
last_chdir_reason = NULL;
/// Jump to the first open window that contains buffer "buf", if one exists.
/// Returns a pointer to the window found, otherwise NULL.
win_T *buf_jump_open_win(buf_T *buf)
if (curwin->w_buffer == buf) {
win_enter(curwin, false);
return curwin;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
if (wp->w_buffer == buf) {
win_enter(wp, false);
return wp;
return NULL;
/// Jump to the first open window in any tab page that contains buffer "buf",
/// if one exists. First search in the windows present in the current tab page.
/// @return the found window, or NULL.
win_T *buf_jump_open_tab(buf_T *buf)
// First try the current tab page.
win_T *wp = buf_jump_open_win(buf);
if (wp != NULL) {
return wp;
// Skip the current tab since we already checked it.
if (tp == curtab) {
if (wp->w_buffer == buf) {
goto_tabpage_win(tp, wp);
// If we the current window didn't switch,
// something went wrong.
if (curwin != wp) {
wp = NULL;
// Return the window we switched to.
return wp;
// If we made it this far, we didn't find the buffer.
return NULL;
static int last_win_id = LOWEST_WIN_ID - 1;
/// @param hidden allocate a window structure and link it in the window if
// false.
win_T *win_alloc(win_T *after, bool hidden)
// allocate window structure and linesizes arrays
win_T *new_wp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(win_T));
new_wp->handle = ++last_win_id;
pmap_put(int)(&window_handles, new_wp->handle, new_wp);
// Init w: variables.
new_wp->w_vars = tv_dict_alloc();
init_var_dict(new_wp->w_vars, &new_wp->w_winvar, VAR_SCOPE);
// Don't execute autocommands while the window is not properly
// initialized yet. gui_create_scrollbar() may trigger a FocusGained
// event.
// link the window in the window list
if (!hidden) {
tabpage_T *tp = NULL;
if (after) {
tp = win_find_tabpage(after);
if (tp == curtab) {
tp = NULL;
win_append(after, new_wp, tp);
new_wp->w_wincol = 0;
new_wp->w_width = Columns;
// position the display and the cursor at the top of the file.
new_wp->w_topline = 1;
new_wp->w_topfill = 0;
new_wp->w_botline = 2;
new_wp->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
new_wp->w_scbind_pos = 1;
new_wp->w_floating = 0;
new_wp->w_config = WIN_CONFIG_INIT;
new_wp->w_viewport_invalid = true;
new_wp->w_viewport_last_topline = 1;
new_wp->w_ns_hl = -1;
Set(uint32_t) ns_set = SET_INIT;
new_wp->w_ns_set = ns_set;
// use global option for global-local options
new_wp->w_allbuf_opt.wo_so = new_wp->w_p_so = -1;
new_wp->w_allbuf_opt.wo_siso = new_wp->w_p_siso = -1;
// We won't calculate w_fraction until resizing the window
new_wp->w_fraction = 0;
new_wp->w_prev_fraction_row = -1;
new_wp->w_next_match_id = 1000; // up to 1000 can be picked by the user
return new_wp;
// Free one wininfo_T.
void free_wininfo(wininfo_T *wip, buf_T *bp)
if (wip->wi_optset) {
deleteFoldRecurse(bp, &wip->wi_folds);
/// Remove window 'wp' from the window list and free the structure.
/// @param tp tab page "win" is in, NULL for current
void win_free(win_T *wp, tabpage_T *tp)
pmap_del(int)(&window_handles, wp->handle, NULL);
// reduce the reference count to the argument list.
// Don't execute autocommands while the window is halfway being deleted.
set_destroy(uint32_t, &wp->w_ns_set);
vars_clear(&wp->w_vars->dv_hashtab); // free all w: variables
if (prevwin == wp) {
prevwin = NULL;
if (ttp->tp_prevwin == wp) {
ttp->tp_prevwin = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < wp->w_tagstacklen; i++) {
stl_clear_click_defs(wp->w_status_click_defs, wp->w_status_click_defs_size);
stl_clear_click_defs(wp->w_winbar_click_defs, wp->w_winbar_click_defs_size);
stl_clear_click_defs(wp->w_statuscol_click_defs, wp->w_statuscol_click_defs_size);
// Remove the window from the b_wininfo lists, it may happen that the
// freed memory is re-used for another window.
for (wininfo_T *wip = buf->b_wininfo; wip != NULL; wip = wip->wi_next) {
if (wip->wi_win == wp) {
wininfo_T *wip2;
// If there already is an entry with "wi_win" set to NULL it
// must be removed, it would never be used.
// Skip "wip" itself, otherwise Coverity complains.
for (wip2 = buf->b_wininfo; wip2 != NULL; wip2 = wip2->wi_next) {
// `wip2 != wip` to satisfy Coverity. #14884
if (wip2 != wip && wip2->wi_win == NULL) {
if (wip2->wi_next != NULL) {
wip2->wi_next->wi_prev = wip2->wi_prev;
if (wip2->wi_prev == NULL) {
buf->b_wininfo = wip2->wi_next;
} else {
wip2->wi_prev->wi_next = wip2->wi_next;
free_wininfo(wip2, buf);
wip->wi_win = NULL;
// free the border text
win_free_grid(wp, false);
if (win_valid_any_tab(wp)) {
win_remove(wp, tp);
if (autocmd_busy) {
wp->w_next = au_pending_free_win;
au_pending_free_win = wp;
} else {
void win_free_grid(win_T *wp, bool reinit)
if (wp->w_grid_alloc.handle != 0 && ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) {
if (reinit) {
// if a float is turned into a split, the grid data structure will be reused
/// Append window "wp" in the window list after window "after".
/// @param tp tab page "win" (and "after", if not NULL) is in, NULL for current
void win_append(win_T *after, win_T *wp, tabpage_T *tp)
assert(tp == NULL || tp != curtab);
win_T **first = tp == NULL ? &firstwin : &tp->tp_firstwin;
win_T **last = tp == NULL ? &lastwin : &tp->tp_lastwin;
// after NULL is in front of the first
win_T *before = after == NULL ? *first : after->w_next;
wp->w_next = before;
wp->w_prev = after;
if (after == NULL) {
*first = wp;
} else {
after->w_next = wp;
if (before == NULL) {
*last = wp;
} else {
before->w_prev = wp;
/// Remove a window from the window list.
/// @param tp tab page "win" is in, NULL for current
void win_remove(win_T *wp, tabpage_T *tp)
assert(tp == NULL || tp != curtab);
if (wp->w_prev != NULL) {
wp->w_prev->w_next = wp->w_next;
} else if (tp == NULL) {
firstwin = curtab->tp_firstwin = wp->w_next;
} else {
tp->tp_firstwin = wp->w_next;
if (wp->w_next != NULL) {
wp->w_next->w_prev = wp->w_prev;
} else if (tp == NULL) {
lastwin = curtab->tp_lastwin = wp->w_prev;
} else {
tp->tp_lastwin = wp->w_prev;
// Append frame "frp" in a frame list after frame "after".
static void frame_append(frame_T *after, frame_T *frp)
frp->fr_next = after->fr_next;
after->fr_next = frp;
if (frp->fr_next != NULL) {
frp->fr_next->fr_prev = frp;
frp->fr_prev = after;
// Insert frame "frp" in a frame list before frame "before".
static void frame_insert(frame_T *before, frame_T *frp)
frp->fr_next = before;
frp->fr_prev = before->fr_prev;
before->fr_prev = frp;
if (frp->fr_prev != NULL) {
frp->fr_prev->fr_next = frp;
} else {
frp->fr_parent->fr_child = frp;
// Remove a frame from a frame list.
static void frame_remove(frame_T *frp)
if (frp->fr_prev != NULL) {
frp->fr_prev->fr_next = frp->fr_next;
} else {
frp->fr_parent->fr_child = frp->fr_next;
if (frp->fr_next != NULL) {
frp->fr_next->fr_prev = frp->fr_prev;
void win_new_screensize(void)
static int old_Rows = 0;
static int old_Columns = 0;
if (old_Rows != Rows) {
// If 'window' uses the whole screen, keep it using that.
// Don't change it when set with "-w size" on the command line.
if (p_window == old_Rows - 1 || (old_Rows == 0 && !option_was_set(kOptWindow))) {
p_window = Rows - 1;
old_Rows = Rows;
win_new_screen_rows(); // update window sizes
if (old_Columns != Columns) {
old_Columns = Columns;
win_new_screen_cols(); // update window sizes
/// Called from win_new_screensize() after Rows changed.
/// This only does the current tab page, others must be done when made active.
void win_new_screen_rows(void)
int h = (int)ROWS_AVAIL;
if (firstwin == NULL) { // not initialized yet
if (h < frame_minheight(topframe, NULL)) {
h = frame_minheight(topframe, NULL);
// First try setting the heights of windows with 'winfixheight'. If
// that doesn't result in the right height, forget about that option.
frame_new_height(topframe, h, false, true);
if (!frame_check_height(topframe, h)) {
frame_new_height(topframe, h, false, false);
win_comp_pos(); // recompute w_winrow and w_wincol
win_reconfig_floats(); // The size of floats might change
curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
if (!skip_win_fix_scroll) {
/// Called from win_new_screensize() after Columns changed.
void win_new_screen_cols(void)
if (firstwin == NULL) { // not initialized yet
// First try setting the widths of windows with 'winfixwidth'. If that
// doesn't result in the right width, forget about that option.
frame_new_width(topframe, Columns, false, true);
if (!frame_check_width(topframe, Columns)) {
frame_new_width(topframe, Columns, false, false);
win_comp_pos(); // recompute w_winrow and w_wincol
win_reconfig_floats(); // The size of floats might change
/// Make a snapshot of all the window scroll positions and sizes of the current
/// tab page.
void snapshot_windows_scroll_size(void)
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
wp->w_last_topline = wp->w_topline;
wp->w_last_topfill = wp->w_topfill;
wp->w_last_leftcol = wp->w_leftcol;
wp->w_last_skipcol = wp->w_skipcol;
wp->w_last_width = wp->w_width;
wp->w_last_height = wp->w_height;
static bool did_initial_scroll_size_snapshot = false;
void may_make_initial_scroll_size_snapshot(void)
if (!did_initial_scroll_size_snapshot) {
did_initial_scroll_size_snapshot = true;
/// Create a dictionary with information about size and scroll changes in a
/// window.
/// Returns the dictionary with refcount set to one.
/// Returns NULL on internal error.
static dict_T *make_win_info_dict(int width, int height, int topline, int topfill, int leftcol,
int skipcol)
dict_T *const d = tv_dict_alloc();
d->dv_refcount = 1;
// not actually looping, for breaking out on error
while (true) {
typval_T tv = {
.v_lock = VAR_UNLOCKED,
.v_type = VAR_NUMBER,
tv.vval.v_number = width;
if (tv_dict_add_tv(d, S_LEN("width"), &tv) == FAIL) {
tv.vval.v_number = height;
if (tv_dict_add_tv(d, S_LEN("height"), &tv) == FAIL) {
tv.vval.v_number = topline;
if (tv_dict_add_tv(d, S_LEN("topline"), &tv) == FAIL) {
tv.vval.v_number = topfill;
if (tv_dict_add_tv(d, S_LEN("topfill"), &tv) == FAIL) {
tv.vval.v_number = leftcol;
if (tv_dict_add_tv(d, S_LEN("leftcol"), &tv) == FAIL) {
tv.vval.v_number = skipcol;
if (tv_dict_add_tv(d, S_LEN("skipcol"), &tv) == FAIL) {
return d;
return NULL;
/// Return values of check_window_scroll_resize():
enum {
CWSR_SCROLLED = 1, ///< at least one window scrolled
CWSR_RESIZED = 2, ///< at least one window size changed
/// This function is used for three purposes:
/// 1. Goes over all windows in the current tab page and returns:
/// 0 no scrolling and no size changes found
/// CWSR_SCROLLED at least one window scrolled
/// CWSR_RESIZED at least one window changed size
/// "size_count" is set to the nr of windows with size changes.
/// "first_scroll_win" is set to the first window with any relevant changes.
/// "first_size_win" is set to the first window with size changes.
/// 2. When the first three arguments are NULL and "winlist" is not NULL,
/// "winlist" is set to the list of window IDs with size changes.
/// 3. When the first three arguments are NULL and "v_event" is not NULL,
/// information about changed windows is added to "v_event".
static int check_window_scroll_resize(int *size_count, win_T **first_scroll_win,
win_T **first_size_win, list_T *winlist, dict_T *v_event)
int result = 0;
// int listidx = 0;
int tot_width = 0;
int tot_height = 0;
int tot_topline = 0;
int tot_topfill = 0;
int tot_leftcol = 0;
int tot_skipcol = 0;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
// Skip floating windows that do not have a snapshot (usually because they are newly-created),
// as unlike split windows, creating floating windows doesn't cause other windows to resize.
if (wp->w_floating && wp->w_last_topline == 0) {
wp->w_last_topline = wp->w_topline;
wp->w_last_topfill = wp->w_topfill;
wp->w_last_leftcol = wp->w_leftcol;
wp->w_last_skipcol = wp->w_skipcol;
wp->w_last_width = wp->w_width;
wp->w_last_height = wp->w_height;
const bool size_changed = wp->w_last_width != wp->w_width
|| wp->w_last_height != wp->w_height;
if (size_changed) {
result |= CWSR_RESIZED;
if (winlist != NULL) {
// Add this window to the list of changed windows.
typval_T tv = {
.v_lock = VAR_UNLOCKED,
.v_type = VAR_NUMBER,
.vval.v_number = wp->handle,
// tv_list_set_item(winlist, listidx++, &tv);
tv_list_append_owned_tv(winlist, tv);
} else if (size_count != NULL) {
assert(first_size_win != NULL && first_scroll_win != NULL);
if (*first_size_win == NULL) {
*first_size_win = wp;
// For WinScrolled the first window with a size change is used
// even when it didn't scroll.
if (*first_scroll_win == NULL) {
*first_scroll_win = wp;
const bool scroll_changed = wp->w_last_topline != wp->w_topline
|| wp->w_last_topfill != wp->w_topfill
|| wp->w_last_leftcol != wp->w_leftcol
|| wp->w_last_skipcol != wp->w_skipcol;
if (scroll_changed) {
result |= CWSR_SCROLLED;
if (first_scroll_win != NULL && *first_scroll_win == NULL) {
*first_scroll_win = wp;
if ((size_changed || scroll_changed) && v_event != NULL) {
// Add info about this window to the v:event dictionary.
int width = wp->w_width - wp->w_last_width;
int height = wp->w_height - wp->w_last_height;
int topline = wp->w_topline - wp->w_last_topline;
int topfill = wp->w_topfill - wp->w_last_topfill;
int leftcol = wp->w_leftcol - wp->w_last_leftcol;
int skipcol = wp->w_skipcol - wp->w_last_skipcol;
dict_T *d = make_win_info_dict(width, height, topline,
topfill, leftcol, skipcol);
if (d == NULL) {
char winid[NUMBUFLEN];
int key_len = vim_snprintf(winid, sizeof(winid), "%d", wp->handle);
if (tv_dict_add_dict(v_event, winid, (size_t)key_len, d) == FAIL) {
tot_width += abs(width);
tot_height += abs(height);
tot_topline += abs(topline);
tot_topfill += abs(topfill);
tot_leftcol += abs(leftcol);
tot_skipcol += abs(skipcol);
if (v_event != NULL) {
dict_T *alldict = make_win_info_dict(tot_width, tot_height, tot_topline,
tot_topfill, tot_leftcol, tot_skipcol);
if (alldict != NULL) {
if (tv_dict_add_dict(v_event, S_LEN("all"), alldict) == FAIL) {
} else {
return result;
/// Trigger WinScrolled and/or WinResized if any window in the current tab page
/// scrolled or changed size.
void may_trigger_win_scrolled_resized(void)
static bool recursive = false;
const bool do_resize = has_event(EVENT_WINRESIZED);
const bool do_scroll = has_event(EVENT_WINSCROLLED);
if (recursive
|| !(do_scroll || do_resize)
|| !did_initial_scroll_size_snapshot) {
int size_count = 0;
win_T *first_scroll_win = NULL;
win_T *first_size_win = NULL;
int cwsr = check_window_scroll_resize(&size_count,
&first_scroll_win, &first_size_win,
bool trigger_resize = do_resize && size_count > 0;
bool trigger_scroll = do_scroll && cwsr != 0;
if (!trigger_resize && !trigger_scroll) {
return; // no relevant changes
list_T *windows_list = NULL;
if (trigger_resize) {
// Create the list for before making the snapshot.
// windows_list = tv_list_alloc_with_items(size_count);
windows_list = tv_list_alloc(size_count);
check_window_scroll_resize(NULL, NULL, NULL, windows_list, NULL);
dict_T *scroll_dict = NULL;
if (trigger_scroll) {
// Create the dict with entries for v:event before making the snapshot.
scroll_dict = tv_dict_alloc();
scroll_dict->dv_refcount = 1;
check_window_scroll_resize(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, scroll_dict);
// WinScrolled/WinResized are triggered only once, even when multiple
// windows scrolled or changed size. Store the current values before
// triggering the event, if a scroll or resize happens as a side effect
// then WinScrolled/WinResized is triggered for that later.
recursive = true;
// If both are to be triggered do WinResized first.
if (trigger_resize) {
save_v_event_T save_v_event;
dict_T *v_event = get_v_event(&save_v_event);
if (tv_dict_add_list(v_event, S_LEN("windows"), windows_list) == OK) {
char winid[NUMBUFLEN];
vim_snprintf(winid, sizeof(winid), "%d", first_size_win->handle);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINRESIZED, winid, winid, false, first_size_win->w_buffer);
restore_v_event(v_event, &save_v_event);
if (trigger_scroll) {
save_v_event_T save_v_event;
dict_T *v_event = get_v_event(&save_v_event);
// Move the entries from scroll_dict to v_event.
tv_dict_extend(v_event, scroll_dict, "move");
char winid[NUMBUFLEN];
vim_snprintf(winid, sizeof(winid), "%d", first_scroll_win->handle);
apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINSCROLLED, winid, winid, false, first_scroll_win->w_buffer);
restore_v_event(v_event, &save_v_event);
recursive = false;
// Save the size of all windows in "gap".
void win_size_save(garray_T *gap)
ga_init(gap, (int)sizeof(int), 1);
ga_grow(gap, win_count() * 2 + 1);
// first entry is the total lines available for windows
((int *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len++] =
(int)ROWS_AVAIL + global_stl_height() - last_stl_height(false);
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
((int *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len++] =
wp->w_width + wp->w_vsep_width;
((int *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len++] = wp->w_height;
// Restore window sizes, but only if the number of windows is still the same
// and total lines available for windows didn't change.
// Does not free the growarray.
void win_size_restore(garray_T *gap)
if (win_count() * 2 + 1 == gap->ga_len
&& ((int *)gap->ga_data)[0] ==
ROWS_AVAIL + global_stl_height() - last_stl_height(false)) {
// The order matters, because frames contain other frames, but it's
// difficult to get right. The easy way out is to do it twice.
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
int i = 1;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
int width = ((int *)gap->ga_data)[i++];
int height = ((int *)gap->ga_data)[i++];
if (!wp->w_floating) {
frame_setwidth(wp->w_frame, width);
win_setheight_win(height, wp);
// recompute the window positions
// Update the position for all windows, using the width and height of the frames.
// Returns the row just after the last window and global statusline (if there is one).
int win_comp_pos(void)
int row = tabline_height();
int col = 0;
frame_comp_pos(topframe, &row, &col);
for (win_T *wp = lastwin; wp && wp->w_floating; wp = wp->w_prev) {
// float might be anchored to moved window
if (wp->w_config.relative == kFloatRelativeWindow) {
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
return row + global_stl_height();
// Update the position of the windows in frame "topfrp", using the width and
// height of the frames.
// "*row" and "*col" are the top-left position of the frame. They are updated
// to the bottom-right position plus one.
static void frame_comp_pos(frame_T *topfrp, int *row, int *col)
win_T *wp = topfrp->fr_win;
if (wp != NULL) {
if (wp->w_winrow != *row
|| wp->w_wincol != *col) {
// position changed, redraw
wp->w_winrow = *row;
wp->w_wincol = *col;
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
wp->w_redr_status = true;
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
const int h = wp->w_height + wp->w_hsep_height + wp->w_status_height;
*row += h > topfrp->fr_height ? topfrp->fr_height : h;
*col += wp->w_width + wp->w_vsep_width;
} else {
int startrow = *row;
int startcol = *col;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
*row = startrow; // all frames are at the same row
} else {
*col = startcol; // all frames are at the same col
frame_comp_pos(frp, row, col);
// Set current window height and take care of repositioning other windows to
// fit around it.
void win_setheight(int height)
win_setheight_win(height, curwin);
// Set the window height of window "win" and take care of repositioning other
// windows to fit around it.
void win_setheight_win(int height, win_T *win)
// Always keep current window at least one line high, even when 'winminheight' is zero.
// Keep window at least two lines high if 'winbar' is enabled.
height = MAX(height, (int)(win == curwin ? MAX(p_wmh, 1) : p_wmh) + win->w_winbar_height);
if (win->w_floating) {
win->w_config.height = height;
win_config_float(win, win->w_config);
redraw_later(win, UPD_VALID);
} else {
frame_setheight(win->w_frame, height + win->w_hsep_height + win->w_status_height);
// recompute the window positions
int row = win_comp_pos();
// If there is extra space created between the last window and the command
// line, clear it.
if (full_screen && msg_scrolled == 0 && row < cmdline_row) {
grid_clear(&default_grid, row, cmdline_row, 0, Columns, 0);
if (msg_grid.chars) {
clear_cmdline = true;
cmdline_row = row;
p_ch = MAX(Rows - cmdline_row, 0);
curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
msg_row = row;
msg_col = 0;
redraw_cmdline = true;
// Set the height of a frame to "height" and take care that all frames and
// windows inside it are resized. Also resize frames on the left and right if
// the are in the same FR_ROW frame.
// Strategy:
// If the frame is part of a FR_COL frame, try fitting the frame in that
// frame. If that doesn't work (the FR_COL frame is too small), recursively
// go to containing frames to resize them and make room.
// If the frame is part of a FR_ROW frame, all frames must be resized as well.
// Check for the minimal height of the FR_ROW frame.
// At the top level we can also use change the command line height.
static void frame_setheight(frame_T *curfrp, int height)
// If the height already is the desired value, nothing to do.
if (curfrp->fr_height == height) {
if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL) {
// topframe: can only change the command line height
if (height > ROWS_AVAIL) {
// If height is greater than the available space, try to create space for
// the frame by reducing 'cmdheight' if possible, while making sure
// `cmdheight` doesn't go below 1 if it wasn't set to 0 explicitly.
height = (int)MIN(ROWS_AVAIL + p_ch - !p_ch_was_zero, height);
if (height > 0) {
frame_new_height(curfrp, height, false, false);
} else if (curfrp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
// Row of frames: Also need to resize frames left and right of this
// one. First check for the minimal height of these.
int h = frame_minheight(curfrp->fr_parent, NULL);
if (height < h) {
height = h;
frame_setheight(curfrp->fr_parent, height);
} else {
// Column of frames: try to change only frames in this column.
int room; // total number of lines available
int room_cmdline; // lines available from cmdline
int room_reserved;
// Do this twice:
// 1: compute room available, if it's not enough try resizing the
// containing frame.
// 2: compute the room available and adjust the height to it.
// Try not to reduce the height of a window with 'winfixheight' set.
for (int run = 1; run <= 2; run++) {
room = 0;
room_reserved = 0;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, curfrp->fr_parent->fr_child) {
if (frp != curfrp
&& frp->fr_win != NULL
&& frp->fr_win->w_p_wfh) {
room_reserved += frp->fr_height;
room += frp->fr_height;
if (frp != curfrp) {
room -= frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
if (curfrp->fr_width != Columns) {
room_cmdline = 0;
} else {
win_T *wp = lastwin_nofloating();
room_cmdline = Rows - (int)p_ch - global_stl_height()
- (wp->w_winrow + wp->w_height + wp->w_hsep_height + wp->w_status_height);
if (room_cmdline < 0) {
room_cmdline = 0;
if (height <= room + room_cmdline) {
if (run == 2 || curfrp->fr_width == Columns) {
height = room + room_cmdline;
frame_setheight(curfrp->fr_parent, height
+ frame_minheight(curfrp->fr_parent, NOWIN) - (int)p_wmh - 1);
// Compute the number of lines we will take from others frames (can be
// negative!).
int take = height - curfrp->fr_height;
// If there is not enough room, also reduce the height of a window
// with 'winfixheight' set.
if (height > room + room_cmdline - room_reserved) {
room_reserved = room + room_cmdline - height;
// If there is only a 'winfixheight' window and making the
// window smaller, need to make the other window taller.
if (take < 0 && room - curfrp->fr_height < room_reserved) {
room_reserved = 0;
if (take > 0 && room_cmdline > 0) {
// use lines from cmdline first
if (take < room_cmdline) {
room_cmdline = take;
take -= room_cmdline;
topframe->fr_height += room_cmdline;
// set the current frame to the new height
frame_new_height(curfrp, height, false, false);
// First take lines from the frames after the current frame. If
// that is not enough, takes lines from frames above the current
// frame.
for (int run = 0; run < 2; run++) {
// 1st run: start with next window
// 2nd run: start with prev window
frame_T *frp = run == 0 ? curfrp->fr_next : curfrp->fr_prev;
while (frp != NULL && take != 0) {
int h = frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
if (room_reserved > 0
&& frp->fr_win != NULL
&& frp->fr_win->w_p_wfh) {
if (room_reserved >= frp->fr_height) {
room_reserved -= frp->fr_height;
} else {
if (frp->fr_height - room_reserved > take) {
room_reserved = frp->fr_height - take;
take -= frp->fr_height - room_reserved;
frame_new_height(frp, room_reserved, false, false);
room_reserved = 0;
} else {
if (frp->fr_height - take < h) {
take -= frp->fr_height - h;
frame_new_height(frp, h, false, false);
} else {
frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height - take, false, false);
take = 0;
if (run == 0) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
} else {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
// Set current window width and take care of repositioning other windows to
// fit around it.
void win_setwidth(int width)
win_setwidth_win(width, curwin);
void win_setwidth_win(int width, win_T *wp)
// Always keep current window at least one column wide, even when
// 'winminwidth' is zero.
if (wp == curwin) {
if (width < p_wmw) {
width = (int)p_wmw;
if (width == 0) {
width = 1;
} else if (width < 0) {
width = 0;
if (wp->w_floating) {
wp->w_config.width = width;
win_config_float(wp, wp->w_config);
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
} else {
frame_setwidth(wp->w_frame, width + wp->w_vsep_width);
// recompute the window positions
// Set the width of a frame to "width" and take care that all frames and
// windows inside it are resized. Also resize frames above and below if the
// are in the same FR_ROW frame.
// Strategy is similar to frame_setheight().
static void frame_setwidth(frame_T *curfrp, int width)
// If the width already is the desired value, nothing to do.
if (curfrp->fr_width == width) {
if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL) {
// topframe: can't change width
if (curfrp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
// Column of frames: Also need to resize frames above and below of
// this one. First check for the minimal width of these.
int w = frame_minwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, NULL);
if (width < w) {
width = w;
frame_setwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, width);
} else {
// Row of frames: try to change only frames in this row.
// Do this twice:
// 1: compute room available, if it's not enough try resizing the
// containing frame.
// 2: compute the room available and adjust the width to it.
int room; // total number of lines available
int room_reserved;
for (int run = 1; run <= 2; run++) {
room = 0;
room_reserved = 0;
frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, curfrp->fr_parent->fr_child) {
if (frp != curfrp
&& frp->fr_win != NULL
&& frp->fr_win->w_p_wfw) {
room_reserved += frp->fr_width;
room += frp->fr_width;
if (frp != curfrp) {
room -= frame_minwidth(frp, NULL);
if (width <= room) {
if (run == 2 || curfrp->fr_height >= ROWS_AVAIL) {
width = room;
frame_setwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, width
+ frame_minwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, NOWIN) - (int)p_wmw - 1);
// Compute the number of lines we will take from others frames (can be
// negative!).
int take = width - curfrp->fr_width;
// If there is not enough room, also reduce the width of a window
// with 'winfixwidth' set.
if (width > room - room_reserved) {
room_reserved = room - width;
// If there is only a 'winfixwidth' window and making the
// window smaller, need to make the other window narrower.
if (take < 0 && room - curfrp->fr_width < room_reserved) {
room_reserved = 0;
// set the current frame to the new width
frame_new_width(curfrp, width, false, false);
// First take lines from the frames right of the current frame. If
// that is not enough, takes lines from frames left of the current
// frame.
for (int run = 0; run < 2; run++) {
// 1st run: start with next window
// 2nd run: start with prev window
frame_T *frp = run == 0 ? curfrp->fr_next : curfrp->fr_prev;
while (frp != NULL && take != 0) {
int w = frame_minwidth(frp, NULL);
if (room_reserved > 0
&& frp->fr_win != NULL
&& frp->fr_win->w_p_wfw) {
if (room_reserved >= frp->fr_width) {
room_reserved -= frp->fr_width;
} else {
if (frp->fr_width - room_reserved > take) {
room_reserved = frp->fr_width - take;
take -= frp->fr_width - room_reserved;
frame_new_width(frp, room_reserved, false, false);
room_reserved = 0;
} else {
if (frp->fr_width - take < w) {
take -= frp->fr_width - w;
frame_new_width(frp, w, false, false);
} else {
frame_new_width(frp, frp->fr_width - take, false, false);
take = 0;
if (run == 0) {
frp = frp->fr_next;
} else {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
// Check 'winminheight' for a valid value and reduce it if needed.
const char *did_set_winminheight(optset_T *args FUNC_ATTR_UNUSED)
bool first = true;
// loop until there is a 'winminheight' that is possible
while (p_wmh > 0) {
const int room = Rows - (int)p_ch;
const int needed = min_rows();
if (room >= needed) {
if (first) {
first = false;
return NULL;
// Check 'winminwidth' for a valid value and reduce it if needed.
const char *did_set_winminwidth(optset_T *args FUNC_ATTR_UNUSED)
bool first = true;
// loop until there is a 'winminheight' that is possible
while (p_wmw > 0) {
const int room = Columns;
const int needed = frame_minwidth(topframe, NULL);
if (room >= needed) {
if (first) {
first = false;
return NULL;
/// Status line of dragwin is dragged "offset" lines down (negative is up).
void win_drag_status_line(win_T *dragwin, int offset)
frame_T *fr = dragwin->w_frame;
frame_T *curfr = fr;
if (fr != topframe) { // more than one window
fr = fr->fr_parent;
// When the parent frame is not a column of frames, its parent should
// be.
if (fr->fr_layout != FR_COL) {
curfr = fr;
if (fr != topframe) { // only a row of windows, may drag statusline
fr = fr->fr_parent;
// If this is the last frame in a column, may want to resize the parent
// frame instead (go two up to skip a row of frames).
while (curfr != topframe && curfr->fr_next == NULL) {
if (fr != topframe) {
fr = fr->fr_parent;
curfr = fr;
if (fr != topframe) {
fr = fr->fr_parent;
int room;
const bool up = offset < 0; // if true, drag status line up, otherwise down
if (up) { // drag up
offset = -offset;
// sum up the room of the current frame and above it
if (fr == curfr) {
// only one window
room = fr->fr_height - frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
} else {
room = 0;
for (fr = fr->fr_child;; fr = fr->fr_next) {
room += fr->fr_height - frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
if (fr == curfr) {
fr = curfr->fr_next; // put fr at frame that grows
} else { // drag down
// Only dragging the last status line can reduce p_ch.
room = Rows - cmdline_row;
if (curfr->fr_next != NULL) {
room -= (int)p_ch + global_stl_height();
} else if (!p_ch_was_zero) {
if (room < 0) {
room = 0;
// sum up the room of frames below of the current one
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, curfr->fr_next) {
room += fr->fr_height - frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
fr = curfr; // put fr at window that grows
if (room < offset) { // Not enough room
offset = room; // Move as far as we can
if (offset <= 0) {
// Grow frame fr by "offset" lines.
// Doesn't happen when dragging the last status line up.
if (fr != NULL) {
frame_new_height(fr, fr->fr_height + offset, up, false);
if (up) {
fr = curfr; // current frame gets smaller
} else {
fr = curfr->fr_next; // next frame gets smaller
// Now make the other frames smaller.
while (fr != NULL && offset > 0) {
int n = frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
if (fr->fr_height - offset <= n) {
offset -= fr->fr_height - n;
frame_new_height(fr, n, !up, false);
} else {
frame_new_height(fr, fr->fr_height - offset, !up, false);
if (up) {
fr = fr->fr_prev;
} else {
fr = fr->fr_next;
int row = win_comp_pos();
grid_clear(&default_grid, row, cmdline_row, 0, Columns, 0);
if (msg_grid.chars) {
clear_cmdline = true;
cmdline_row = row;
p_ch = MAX(Rows - cmdline_row, p_ch_was_zero ? 0 : 1);
curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
// Separator line of dragwin is dragged "offset" lines right (negative is left).
void win_drag_vsep_line(win_T *dragwin, int offset)
frame_T *fr = dragwin->w_frame;
if (fr == topframe) { // only one window (cannot happen?)
frame_T *curfr = fr;
fr = fr->fr_parent;
// When the parent frame is not a row of frames, its parent should be.
if (fr->fr_layout != FR_ROW) {
if (fr == topframe) { // only a column of windows (cannot happen?)
curfr = fr;
fr = fr->fr_parent;
// If this is the last frame in a row, may want to resize a parent
// frame instead.
while (curfr->fr_next == NULL) {
if (fr == topframe) {
curfr = fr;
fr = fr->fr_parent;
if (fr != topframe) {
curfr = fr;
fr = fr->fr_parent;
int room;
const bool left = offset < 0; // if true, drag separator line left, otherwise right
if (left) { // drag left
offset = -offset;
// sum up the room of the current frame and left of it
room = 0;
for (fr = fr->fr_child;; fr = fr->fr_next) {
room += fr->fr_width - frame_minwidth(fr, NULL);
if (fr == curfr) {
fr = curfr->fr_next; // put fr at frame that grows
} else { // drag right
// sum up the room of frames right of the current one
room = 0;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fr, curfr->fr_next) {
room += fr->fr_width - frame_minwidth(fr, NULL);
fr = curfr; // put fr at window that grows
// Not enough room
if (room < offset) {
offset = room; // Move as far as we can
// No room at all, quit.
if (offset <= 0) {
if (fr == NULL) {
// This can happen when calling win_move_separator() on the rightmost
// window. Just don't do anything.
// grow frame fr by offset lines
frame_new_width(fr, fr->fr_width + offset, left, false);
// shrink other frames: current and at the left or at the right
if (left) {
fr = curfr; // current frame gets smaller
} else {
fr = curfr->fr_next; // next frame gets smaller
while (fr != NULL && offset > 0) {
int n = frame_minwidth(fr, NULL);
if (fr->fr_width - offset <= n) {
offset -= fr->fr_width - n;
frame_new_width(fr, n, !left, false);
} else {
frame_new_width(fr, fr->fr_width - offset, !left, false);
if (left) {
fr = fr->fr_prev;
} else {
fr = fr->fr_next;
#define FRACTION_MULT 16384
// Set wp->w_fraction for the current w_wrow and w_height.
// Has no effect when the window is less than two lines.
void set_fraction(win_T *wp)
if (wp->w_height_inner > 1) {
// When cursor is in the first line the percentage is computed as if
// it's halfway that line. Thus with two lines it is 25%, with three
// lines 17%, etc. Similarly for the last line: 75%, 83%, etc.
wp->w_fraction = (wp->w_wrow * FRACTION_MULT + FRACTION_MULT / 2) / wp->w_height_inner;
/// Handle scroll position, depending on 'splitkeep'. Replaces the
/// scroll_to_fraction() call from win_new_height() if 'splitkeep' is "screen"
/// or "topline". Instead we iterate over all windows in a tabpage and
/// calculate the new scroll position.
/// TODO(vim): Ensure this also works with wrapped lines.
/// Requires a not fully visible cursor line to be allowed at the bottom of
/// a window("zb"), probably only when 'smoothscroll' is also set.
void win_fix_scroll(bool resize)
if (*p_spk == 'c') {
return; // 'splitkeep' is "cursor"
skip_update_topline = true;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
// Skip when window height has not changed or when floating.
if (!wp->w_floating && wp->w_height != wp->w_prev_height) {
// Cursor position in this window may now be invalid. It is kept
// potentially invalid until the window is made the current window.
wp->w_do_win_fix_cursor = true;
// If window has moved update botline to keep the same screenlines.
if (*p_spk == 's' && wp->w_winrow != wp->w_prev_winrow
&& wp->w_botline - 1 <= wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
int diff = (wp->w_winrow - wp->w_prev_winrow)
+ (wp->w_height - wp->w_prev_height);
linenr_T lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
wp->w_cursor.lnum = wp->w_botline - 1;
// Add difference in height and row to botline.
if (diff > 0) {
cursor_down_inner(wp, diff);
} else {
cursor_up_inner(wp, -diff);
// Scroll to put the new cursor position at the bottom of the
// screen.
wp->w_fraction = FRACTION_MULT;
scroll_to_fraction(wp, wp->w_prev_height);
wp->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
} else if (wp == curwin) {
wp->w_valid &= ~VALID_CROW;
wp->w_prev_height = wp->w_height;
wp->w_prev_winrow = wp->w_winrow;
skip_update_topline = false;
// Ensure cursor is valid when not in normal mode or when resized.
if (!(get_real_state() & (MODE_NORMAL|MODE_CMDLINE|MODE_TERMINAL))) {
} else if (resize) {
/// Make sure the cursor position is valid for 'splitkeep'.
/// If it is not, put the cursor position in the jumplist and move it.
/// If we are not in normal mode ("normal" is false), make it valid by scrolling
/// instead.
static void win_fix_cursor(bool normal)
win_T *wp = curwin;
if (skip_win_fix_cursor
|| !wp->w_do_win_fix_cursor
|| wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count < wp->w_height_inner) {
wp->w_do_win_fix_cursor = false;
// Determine valid cursor range.
int so = MIN(wp->w_height_inner / 2, get_scrolloff_value(wp));
linenr_T lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
wp->w_cursor.lnum = wp->w_topline;
cursor_down_inner(wp, so);
linenr_T top = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
wp->w_cursor.lnum = wp->w_botline - 1;
cursor_up_inner(wp, so);
linenr_T bot = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
wp->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
// Check if cursor position is above or below valid cursor range.
linenr_T nlnum = 0;
if (lnum > bot && (wp->w_botline - wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count) != 1) {
nlnum = bot;
} else if (lnum < top && wp->w_topline != 1) {
nlnum = (so == wp->w_height_inner / 2) ? bot : top;
if (nlnum != 0) { // Cursor is invalid for current scroll position.
if (normal) { // Save to jumplist and set cursor to avoid scrolling.
wp->w_cursor.lnum = nlnum;
} else { // Scroll instead when not in normal mode.
wp->w_fraction = (nlnum == bot) ? FRACTION_MULT : 0;
scroll_to_fraction(wp, wp->w_prev_height);
// Set the height of a window.
// "height" excludes any window toolbar.
// This takes care of the things inside the window, not what happens to the
// window position, the frame or to other windows.
void win_new_height(win_T *wp, int height)
// Don't want a negative height. Happens when splitting a tiny window.
// Will equalize heights soon to fix it.
if (height < 0) {
height = 0;
if (wp->w_height == height) {
return; // nothing to do
wp->w_height = height;
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
win_set_inner_size(wp, true);
void scroll_to_fraction(win_T *wp, int prev_height)
int height = wp->w_height_inner;
// Don't change w_topline in any of these cases:
// - window height is 0
// - 'scrollbind' is set and this isn't the current window
// - window height is sufficient to display the whole buffer and first line
// is visible.
if (height > 0
&& (!wp->w_p_scb || wp == curwin)
&& (height < wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count
|| wp->w_topline > 1)) {
// Find a value for w_topline that shows the cursor at the same
// relative position in the window as before (more or less).
linenr_T lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
if (lnum < 1) { // can happen when starting up
lnum = 1;
wp->w_wrow = (wp->w_fraction * height - 1) / FRACTION_MULT;
int line_size = plines_win_col(wp, lnum, wp->w_cursor.col) - 1;
int sline = wp->w_wrow - line_size;
if (sline >= 0) {
// Make sure the whole cursor line is visible, if possible.
const int rows = plines_win(wp, lnum, false);
if (sline > wp->w_height_inner - rows) {
sline = wp->w_height_inner - rows;
wp->w_wrow -= rows - line_size;
if (sline < 0) {
// Cursor line would go off top of screen if w_wrow was this high.
// Make cursor line the first line in the window. If not enough
// room use w_skipcol;
wp->w_wrow = line_size;
if (wp->w_wrow >= wp->w_height_inner
&& (wp->w_width_inner - win_col_off(wp)) > 0) {
wp->w_skipcol += wp->w_width_inner - win_col_off(wp);
while (wp->w_wrow >= wp->w_height_inner) {
wp->w_skipcol += wp->w_width_inner - win_col_off(wp)
+ win_col_off2(wp);
} else if (sline > 0) {
while (sline > 0 && lnum > 1) {
hasFolding(wp, lnum, &lnum, NULL);
if (lnum == 1) {
// first line in buffer is folded
line_size = 1;
if (lnum == wp->w_topline) {
line_size = plines_win_nofill(wp, lnum, true)
+ wp->w_topfill;
} else {
line_size = plines_win(wp, lnum, true);
sline -= line_size;
if (sline < 0) {
// Line we want at top would go off top of screen. Use next
// line instead.
hasFolding(wp, lnum, NULL, &lnum);
wp->w_wrow -= line_size + sline;
} else if (sline > 0) {
// First line of file reached, use that as topline.
lnum = 1;
wp->w_wrow -= sline;
set_topline(wp, lnum);
if (wp == curwin) {
curs_columns(wp, false); // validate w_wrow
if (prev_height > 0) {
wp->w_prev_fraction_row = wp->w_wrow;
redraw_later(wp, UPD_SOME_VALID);
void win_set_inner_size(win_T *wp, bool valid_cursor)
int width = wp->w_width_request;
if (width == 0) {
width = wp->w_width;
int prev_height = wp->w_height_inner;
int height = wp->w_height_request;
if (height == 0) {
height = wp->w_height - wp->w_winbar_height;
if (height != prev_height) {
if (height > 0 && valid_cursor) {
if (wp == curwin && *p_spk == 'c') {
// w_wrow needs to be valid. When setting 'laststatus' this may
// call win_new_height() recursively.
if (wp->w_height_inner != prev_height) {
return; // Recursive call already changed the size, bail out.
if (wp->w_wrow != wp->w_prev_fraction_row) {
wp->w_height_inner = height;
// There is no point in adjusting the scroll position when exiting. Some
// values might be invalid.
if (valid_cursor && !exiting && *p_spk == 'c') {
wp->w_skipcol = 0;
scroll_to_fraction(wp, prev_height);
redraw_later(wp, UPD_SOME_VALID);
if (width != wp->w_width_inner) {
wp->w_width_inner = width;
wp->w_lines_valid = 0;
if (valid_cursor) {
if (wp == curwin && *p_spk == 'c') {
curs_columns(wp, true); // validate w_wrow
redraw_later(wp, UPD_NOT_VALID);
if (wp->w_buffer->terminal) {
wp->w_height_outer = (wp->w_height_inner + win_border_height(wp) + wp->w_winbar_height);
wp->w_width_outer = (wp->w_width_inner + win_border_width(wp));
wp->w_winrow_off = wp->w_border_adj[0] + wp->w_winbar_height;
wp->w_wincol_off = wp->w_border_adj[3];
if (ui_has(kUIMultigrid)) {
ui_call_win_viewport_margins(wp->w_grid_alloc.handle, wp->handle,
wp->w_winrow_off, wp->w_border_adj[2],
wp->w_wincol_off, wp->w_border_adj[1]);
wp->w_redr_status = true;
/// Set the width of a window.
void win_new_width(win_T *wp, int width)
// Should we give an error if width < 0?
wp->w_width = width < 0 ? 0 : width;
wp->w_pos_changed = true;
win_set_inner_size(wp, true);
OptInt win_default_scroll(win_T *wp)
return MAX(wp->w_height_inner / 2, 1);
void win_comp_scroll(win_T *wp)
const OptInt old_w_p_scr = wp->w_p_scr;
wp->w_p_scr = win_default_scroll(wp);
if (wp->w_p_scr != old_w_p_scr) {
// Used by "verbose set scroll".
wp->w_p_script_ctx[WV_SCROLL].script_ctx.sc_sid = SID_WINLAYOUT;
wp->w_p_script_ctx[WV_SCROLL].script_ctx.sc_lnum = 0;
/// command_height: called whenever p_ch has been changed.
void command_height(void)
int old_p_ch = (int)curtab->tp_ch_used;
// Use the value of p_ch that we remembered. This is needed for when the
// GUI starts up, we can't be sure in what order things happen. And when
// p_ch was changed in another tab page.
curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
// Update cmdline_row to what it should be: just below the last window.
cmdline_row = topframe->fr_height + tabline_height() + global_stl_height();
// If cmdline_row is smaller than what it is supposed to be for 'cmdheight'
// then set old_p_ch to what it would be, so that the windows get resized
// properly for the new value.
if (cmdline_row < Rows - p_ch) {
old_p_ch = Rows - cmdline_row;
// Find bottom frame with width of screen.
frame_T *frp = lastwin_nofloating()->w_frame;
while (frp->fr_width != Columns && frp->fr_parent != NULL) {
frp = frp->fr_parent;
// Avoid changing the height of a window with 'winfixheight' set.
while (frp->fr_prev != NULL && frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF
&& frp->fr_win->w_p_wfh) {
frp = frp->fr_prev;
if (starting != NO_SCREEN) {
cmdline_row = Rows - (int)p_ch;
if (p_ch > old_p_ch) { // p_ch got bigger
while (p_ch > old_p_ch) {
if (frp == NULL) {
p_ch = old_p_ch;
curtab->tp_ch_used = p_ch;
cmdline_row = Rows - (int)p_ch;
int h = frp->fr_height - frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
if (h > p_ch - old_p_ch) {
h = (int)p_ch - old_p_ch;
old_p_ch += h;
frame_add_height(frp, -h);
frp = frp->fr_prev;
// Recompute window positions.
// clear the lines added to cmdline
if (full_screen) {
grid_clear(&default_grid, cmdline_row, Rows, 0, Columns, 0);
msg_row = cmdline_row;
redraw_cmdline = true;
if (msg_row < cmdline_row) {
msg_row = cmdline_row;
redraw_cmdline = true;
frame_add_height(frp, (int)(old_p_ch - p_ch));
// Recompute window positions.
if (frp != lastwin->w_frame) {
// Resize frame "frp" to be "n" lines higher (negative for less high).
// Also resize the frames it is contained in.
static void frame_add_height(frame_T *frp, int n)
frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height + n, false, false);
while (true) {
frp = frp->fr_parent;
if (frp == NULL) {
frp->fr_height += n;
// Get the file name at the cursor.
// If Visual mode is active, use the selected text if it's in one line.
// Returns the name in allocated memory, NULL for failure.
char *grab_file_name(int count, linenr_T *file_lnum)
if (VIsual_active) {
size_t len;
char *ptr;
if (get_visual_text(NULL, &ptr, &len) == FAIL) {
return NULL;
// Only recognize ":123" here
if (file_lnum != NULL && ptr[len] == ':' && isdigit((uint8_t)ptr[len + 1])) {
char *p = ptr + len + 1;
*file_lnum = getdigits_int32(&p, false, 0);
return find_file_name_in_path(ptr, len, options, count, curbuf->b_ffname);
return file_name_at_cursor(options | FNAME_HYP, count, file_lnum);
// Return the file name under or after the cursor.
// The 'path' option is searched if the file name is not absolute.
// The string returned has been alloc'ed and should be freed by the caller.
// NULL is returned if the file name or file is not found.
// options:
// FNAME_MESS give error messages
// FNAME_EXP expand to path
// FNAME_HYP check for hypertext link
// FNAME_INCL apply "includeexpr"
char *file_name_at_cursor(int options, int count, linenr_T *file_lnum)
return file_name_in_line(get_cursor_line_ptr(),
curwin->w_cursor.col, options, count, curbuf->b_ffname,
/// @param rel_fname file we are searching relative to
/// @param file_lnum line number after the file name
/// @return the name of the file under or after ptr[col]. Otherwise like file_name_at_cursor().
char *file_name_in_line(char *line, int col, int options, int count, char *rel_fname,
linenr_T *file_lnum)
// search forward for what could be the start of a file name
char *ptr = line + col;
while (*ptr != NUL && !vim_isfilec((uint8_t)(*ptr))) {
if (*ptr == NUL) { // nothing found
if (options & FNAME_MESS) {
emsg(_("E446: No file name under cursor"));
return NULL;
size_t len;
bool in_type = true;
bool is_url = false;
// Search backward for first char of the file name.
// Go one char back to ":" before "//", or to the drive letter before ":\" (even if ":"
// is not in 'isfname').
while (ptr > line) {
if ((len = (size_t)(utf_head_off(line, ptr - 1))) > 0) {
ptr -= len + 1;
} else if (vim_isfilec((uint8_t)ptr[-1]) || ((options & FNAME_HYP) && path_is_url(ptr - 1))) {
} else {
// Search forward for the last char of the file name.
// Also allow ":/" when ':' is not in 'isfname'.
len = path_has_drive_letter(ptr) ? 2 : 0;
while (vim_isfilec((uint8_t)ptr[len]) || (ptr[len] == '\\' && ptr[len + 1] == ' ')
|| ((options & FNAME_HYP) && path_is_url(ptr + len))
|| (is_url && vim_strchr(":?&=", (uint8_t)ptr[len]) != NULL)) {
// After type:// we also include :, ?, & and = as valid characters, so that
// works.
if ((ptr[len] >= 'A' && ptr[len] <= 'Z') || (ptr[len] >= 'a' && ptr[len] <= 'z')) {
if (in_type && path_is_url(ptr + len + 1)) {
is_url = true;
} else {
in_type = false;
if (ptr[len] == '\\' && ptr[len + 1] == ' ') {
// Skip over the "\" in "\ ".
len += (size_t)(utfc_ptr2len(ptr + len));
// If there is trailing punctuation, remove it.
// But don't remove "..", could be a directory name.
if (len > 2 && vim_strchr(".,:;!", (uint8_t)ptr[len - 1]) != NULL
&& ptr[len - 2] != '.') {
if (file_lnum != NULL) {
const char *line_english = " line ";
const char *line_transl = _(line_msg);
// Get the number after the file name and a separator character.
// Also accept " line 999" with and without the same translation as
// used in last_set_msg().
char *p = ptr + len;
if (strncmp(p, line_english, strlen(line_english)) == 0) {
p += strlen(line_english);
} else if (strncmp(p, line_transl, strlen(line_transl)) == 0) {
p += strlen(line_transl);
} else {
p = skipwhite(p);
if (*p != NUL) {
if (!isdigit((uint8_t)(*p))) {
p++; // skip the separator
p = skipwhite(p);
if (isdigit((uint8_t)(*p))) {
*file_lnum = (linenr_T)getdigits_long(&p, false, 0);
return find_file_name_in_path(ptr, len, options, count, rel_fname);
/// Add or remove a status line from window(s), according to the
/// value of 'laststatus'.
/// @param morewin pretend there are two or more windows if true.
void last_status(bool morewin)
// Don't make a difference between horizontal or vertical split.
last_status_rec(topframe, last_stl_height(morewin) > 0, global_stl_height() > 0);
// Remove status line from window, replacing it with a horizontal separator if needed.
static void win_remove_status_line(win_T *wp, bool add_hsep)
wp->w_status_height = 0;
if (add_hsep) {
wp->w_hsep_height = 1;
} else {
win_new_height(wp, wp->w_height + STATUS_HEIGHT);
stl_clear_click_defs(wp->w_status_click_defs, wp->w_status_click_defs_size);
wp->w_status_click_defs_size = 0;
wp->w_status_click_defs = NULL;
// Look for a horizontally resizable frame, starting with frame "fr".
// Returns NULL if there are no resizable frames.
static frame_T *find_horizontally_resizable_frame(frame_T *fr)
frame_T *fp = fr;
while (fp->fr_height <= frame_minheight(fp, NULL)) {
if (fp == topframe) {
return NULL;
// In a column of frames: go to frame above. If already at
// the top or in a row of frames: go to parent.
if (fp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && fp->fr_prev != NULL) {
fp = fp->fr_prev;
} else {
fp = fp->fr_parent;
return fp;
// Look for resizable frames and take lines from them to make room for the statusline.
// @return Success or failure.
static bool resize_frame_for_status(frame_T *fr)
win_T *wp = fr->fr_win;
frame_T *fp = find_horizontally_resizable_frame(fr);
if (fp == NULL) {
return false;
} else if (fp != fr) {
frame_new_height(fp, fp->fr_height - 1, false, false);
} else {
win_new_height(wp, wp->w_height - 1);
return true;
// Look for resizable frames and take lines from them to make room for the winbar.
// @return Success or failure.
static bool resize_frame_for_winbar(frame_T *fr)
win_T *wp = fr->fr_win;
frame_T *fp = find_horizontally_resizable_frame(fr);
if (fp == NULL || fp == fr) {
return false;
frame_new_height(fp, fp->fr_height - 1, false, false);
win_new_height(wp, wp->w_height + 1);
return true;
static void last_status_rec(frame_T *fr, bool statusline, bool is_stl_global)
if (fr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
win_T *wp = fr->fr_win;
bool is_last = is_bottom_win(wp);
if (is_last) {
if (wp->w_status_height != 0 && (!statusline || is_stl_global)) {
win_remove_status_line(wp, false);
} else if (wp->w_status_height == 0 && !is_stl_global && statusline) {
// Add statusline to window if needed
wp->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
if (!resize_frame_for_status(fr)) {
// Set prev_height when difference is due to 'laststatus'.
if (abs(wp->w_height - wp->w_prev_height) == 1) {
wp->w_prev_height = wp->w_height;
} else if (wp->w_status_height != 0 && is_stl_global) {
// If statusline is global and the window has a statusline, replace it with a horizontal
// separator
win_remove_status_line(wp, true);
} else if (wp->w_status_height == 0 && !is_stl_global) {
// If statusline isn't global and the window doesn't have a statusline, re-add it
wp->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
wp->w_hsep_height = 0;
} else {
// For a column or row frame, recursively call this function for all child frames
frame_T *fp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(fp, fr->fr_child) {
last_status_rec(fp, statusline, is_stl_global);
/// Add or remove window bar from window "wp".
/// @param make_room Whether to resize frames to make room for winbar.
/// @param valid_cursor Whether the cursor is valid and should be used while
/// resizing.
/// @return Success status.
int set_winbar_win(win_T *wp, bool make_room, bool valid_cursor)
// Require the local value to be set in order to show winbar on a floating window.
int winbar_height = wp->w_floating ? ((*wp->w_p_wbr != NUL) ? 1 : 0)
: ((*p_wbr != NUL || *wp->w_p_wbr != NUL) ? 1 : 0);
if (wp->w_winbar_height != winbar_height) {
if (winbar_height == 1 && wp->w_height_inner <= 1) {
if (wp->w_floating) {
return NOTDONE;
} else if (!make_room || !resize_frame_for_winbar(wp->w_frame)) {
return FAIL;
wp->w_winbar_height = winbar_height;
win_set_inner_size(wp, valid_cursor);
if (winbar_height == 0) {
// When removing winbar, deallocate the w_winbar_click_defs array
stl_clear_click_defs(wp->w_winbar_click_defs, wp->w_winbar_click_defs_size);
wp->w_winbar_click_defs_size = 0;
wp->w_winbar_click_defs = NULL;
return OK;
/// Add or remove window bars from all windows in tab depending on the value of 'winbar'.
/// @param make_room Whether to resize frames to make room for winbar.
void set_winbar(bool make_room)
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
if (set_winbar_win(wp, make_room, true) == FAIL) {
/// Return the number of lines used by the tab page line.
int tabline_height(void)
if (ui_has(kUITabline)) {
return 0;
switch (p_stal) {
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
return (first_tabpage->tp_next == NULL) ? 0 : 1;
return 1;
/// Return the number of lines used by default by the window bar.
int global_winbar_height(void)
return *p_wbr != NUL ? 1 : 0;
/// Return the number of lines used by the global statusline
int global_stl_height(void)
return (p_ls == 3) ? STATUS_HEIGHT : 0;
/// Return the height of the last window's statusline, or the global statusline if set.
/// @param morewin pretend there are two or more windows if true.
int last_stl_height(bool morewin)
return (p_ls > 1 || (p_ls == 1 && (morewin || !one_window(firstwin)))) ? STATUS_HEIGHT : 0;
/// Return the minimal number of rows that is needed on the screen to display
/// the current number of windows.
int min_rows(void)
if (firstwin == NULL) { // not initialized yet
return MIN_LINES;
int total = 0;
int n = frame_minheight(tp->tp_topframe, NULL);
if (total < n) {
total = n;
total += tabline_height() + global_stl_height();
if (p_ch > 0) {
total += 1; // count the room for the command line
return total;
/// Check that there is only one window (and only one tab page), not counting a
/// help or preview window, unless it is the current window. Does not count
/// "aucmd_win". Does not count floats unless it is current.
// If there is another tab page there always is another window.
if (first_tabpage->tp_next != NULL) {
return false;
int count = 0;
FOR_ALL_WINDOWS_IN_TAB(wp, curtab) {
if (wp->w_buffer != NULL
&& (!((bt_help(wp->w_buffer) && !bt_help(curbuf)) || wp->w_floating
|| wp->w_p_pvw) || wp == curwin) && !is_aucmd_win(wp)) {
return count <= 1;
/// Implementation of check_lnums() and check_lnums_nested().
static void check_lnums_both(bool do_curwin, bool nested)
if ((do_curwin || wp != curwin) && wp->w_buffer == curbuf) {
if (!nested) {
// save the original cursor position and topline
wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_save = wp->w_cursor;
wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_save = wp->w_topline;
bool need_adjust = wp->w_cursor.lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
if (need_adjust) {
wp->w_cursor.lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
if (need_adjust || !nested) {
// save the (corrected) cursor position
wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_corr = wp->w_cursor;
need_adjust = wp->w_topline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
if (need_adjust) {
wp->w_topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
if (need_adjust || !nested) {
// save the (corrected) topline
wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_corr = wp->w_topline;
/// Correct the cursor line number in other windows. Used after changing the
/// current buffer, and before applying autocommands.
/// @param do_curwin when true, also check current window.
void check_lnums(bool do_curwin)
check_lnums_both(do_curwin, false);
/// Like check_lnums() but for when check_lnums() was already called.
void check_lnums_nested(bool do_curwin)
check_lnums_both(do_curwin, true);
/// Reset cursor and topline to its stored values from check_lnums().
/// check_lnums() must have been called first!
void reset_lnums(void)
if (wp->w_buffer == curbuf) {
// Restore the value if the autocommand didn't change it and it was set.
// Note: This triggers e.g. on BufReadPre, when the buffer is not yet
// loaded, so cannot validate the buffer line
if (equalpos(wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_corr, wp->w_cursor)
&& wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_save.lnum != 0) {
wp->w_cursor = wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_save;
if (wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_corr == wp->w_topline
&& wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_save != 0) {
wp->w_topline = wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_save;
if (wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_save > wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count) {
wp->w_valid &= ~VALID_TOPLINE;
// A snapshot of the window sizes, to restore them after closing the help
// window.
// Only these fields are used:
// fr_layout
// fr_width
// fr_height
// fr_next
// fr_child
// fr_win (only valid for the old curwin, NULL otherwise)
// Create a snapshot of the current frame sizes.
void make_snapshot(int idx)
clear_snapshot(curtab, idx);
make_snapshot_rec(topframe, &curtab->tp_snapshot[idx]);
static void make_snapshot_rec(frame_T *fr, frame_T **frp)
*frp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(frame_T));
(*frp)->fr_layout = fr->fr_layout;
(*frp)->fr_width = fr->fr_width;
(*frp)->fr_height = fr->fr_height;
if (fr->fr_next != NULL) {
make_snapshot_rec(fr->fr_next, &((*frp)->fr_next));
if (fr->fr_child != NULL) {
make_snapshot_rec(fr->fr_child, &((*frp)->fr_child));
if (fr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF && fr->fr_win == curwin) {
(*frp)->fr_win = curwin;
// Remove any existing snapshot.
static void clear_snapshot(tabpage_T *tp, int idx)
tp->tp_snapshot[idx] = NULL;
static void clear_snapshot_rec(frame_T *fr)
if (fr == NULL) {
/// Traverse a snapshot to find the previous curwin.
static win_T *get_snapshot_curwin_rec(frame_T *ft)
win_T *wp;
if (ft->fr_next != NULL) {
if ((wp = get_snapshot_curwin_rec(ft->fr_next)) != NULL) {
return wp;
if (ft->fr_child != NULL) {
if ((wp = get_snapshot_curwin_rec(ft->fr_child)) != NULL) {
return wp;
return ft->fr_win;
/// @return the current window stored in the snapshot or NULL.
static win_T *get_snapshot_curwin(int idx)
if (curtab->tp_snapshot[idx] == NULL) {
return NULL;
return get_snapshot_curwin_rec(curtab->tp_snapshot[idx]);
/// Restore a previously created snapshot, if there is any.
/// This is only done if the screen size didn't change and the window layout is
/// still the same.
/// @param close_curwin closing current window
void restore_snapshot(int idx, int close_curwin)
if (curtab->tp_snapshot[idx] != NULL
&& curtab->tp_snapshot[idx]->fr_width == topframe->fr_width
&& curtab->tp_snapshot[idx]->fr_height == topframe->fr_height
&& check_snapshot_rec(curtab->tp_snapshot[idx], topframe) == OK) {
win_T *wp = restore_snapshot_rec(curtab->tp_snapshot[idx], topframe);
if (wp != NULL && close_curwin) {
clear_snapshot(curtab, idx);
/// Check if frames "sn" and "fr" have the same layout, same following frames
/// and same children. And the window pointer is valid.
static int check_snapshot_rec(frame_T *sn, frame_T *fr)
if (sn->fr_layout != fr->fr_layout
|| (sn->fr_next == NULL) != (fr->fr_next == NULL)
|| (sn->fr_child == NULL) != (fr->fr_child == NULL)
|| (sn->fr_next != NULL
&& check_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_next, fr->fr_next) == FAIL)
|| (sn->fr_child != NULL
&& check_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_child, fr->fr_child) == FAIL)
|| (sn->fr_win != NULL && !win_valid(sn->fr_win))) {
return FAIL;
return OK;
// Copy the size of snapshot frame "sn" to frame "fr". Do the same for all
// following frames and children.
// Returns a pointer to the old current window, or NULL.
static win_T *restore_snapshot_rec(frame_T *sn, frame_T *fr)
win_T *wp = NULL;
fr->fr_height = sn->fr_height;
fr->fr_width = sn->fr_width;
if (fr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF) {
frame_new_height(fr, fr->fr_height, false, false);
frame_new_width(fr, fr->fr_width, false, false);
wp = sn->fr_win;
if (sn->fr_next != NULL) {
win_T *wp2 = restore_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_next, fr->fr_next);
if (wp2 != NULL) {
wp = wp2;
if (sn->fr_child != NULL) {
win_T *wp2 = restore_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_child, fr->fr_child);
if (wp2 != NULL) {
wp = wp2;
return wp;
/// Check that "topfrp" and its children are at the right height.
/// @param topfrp top frame pointer
/// @param height expected height
static bool frame_check_height(const frame_T *topfrp, int height)
if (topfrp->fr_height != height) {
return false;
if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW) {
const frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
if (frp->fr_height != height) {
return false;
return true;
/// Check that "topfrp" and its children are at the right width.
/// @param topfrp top frame pointer
/// @param width expected width
static bool frame_check_width(const frame_T *topfrp, int width)
if (topfrp->fr_width != width) {
return false;
if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_COL) {
const frame_T *frp;
FOR_ALL_FRAMES(frp, topfrp->fr_child) {
if (frp->fr_width != width) {
return false;
return true;
/// Simple int comparison function for use with qsort()
static int int_cmp(const void *pa, const void *pb)
const int a = *(const int *)pa;
const int b = *(const int *)pb;
if (a > b) {
return 1;
if (a < b) {
return -1;
return 0;
/// Handle setting 'colorcolumn' or 'textwidth' in window "wp".
/// @return error message, NULL if it's OK.
const char *check_colorcolumn(win_T *wp)
if (wp->w_buffer == NULL) {
return NULL; // buffer was closed
unsigned count = 0;
int color_cols[256];
for (char *s = wp->w_p_cc; *s != NUL && count < 255;) {
int col;
if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') {
// -N and +N: add to 'textwidth'
col = (*s == '-') ? -1 : 1;
if (!ascii_isdigit(*s)) {
return e_invarg;
col = col * getdigits_int(&s, true, 0);
if (wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw == 0) {
goto skip; // 'textwidth' not set, skip this item
assert((col >= 0
&& wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw <= INT_MAX - col
&& wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw + col >= INT_MIN)
|| (col < 0
&& wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw >= INT_MIN - col
&& wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw + col <= INT_MAX));
col += (int)wp->w_buffer->b_p_tw;
if (col < 0) {
goto skip;
} else if (ascii_isdigit(*s)) {
col = getdigits_int(&s, true, 0);
} else {
return e_invarg;
color_cols[count++] = col - 1; // 1-based to 0-based
if (*s == NUL) {
if (*s != ',') {
return e_invarg;
if (*++s == NUL) {
return e_invarg; // illegal trailing comma as in "set cc=80,"
if (count == 0) {
wp->w_p_cc_cols = NULL;
} else {
wp->w_p_cc_cols = xmalloc(sizeof(int) * (count + 1));
// sort the columns for faster usage on screen redraw inside
// win_line()
qsort(color_cols, count, sizeof(int), int_cmp);
int j = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// skip duplicates
if (j == 0 || wp->w_p_cc_cols[j - 1] != color_cols[i]) {
wp->w_p_cc_cols[j++] = color_cols[i];
wp->w_p_cc_cols[j] = -1; // end marker
return NULL; // no error
int get_last_winid(void)
return last_win_id;
void win_get_tabwin(handle_T id, int *tabnr, int *winnr)
*tabnr = 0;
*winnr = 0;
int tnum = 1;
int wnum = 1;
if (wp->handle == id) {
*winnr = wnum;
*tabnr = tnum;
wnum = 1;
void win_ui_flush(bool validate)
if (wp->w_pos_changed && wp->w_grid_alloc.chars != NULL) {
if (tp == curtab) {
ui_ext_win_position(wp, validate);
} else {
wp->w_pos_changed = false;
if (tp == curtab) {
win_T *lastwin_nofloating(void)
win_T *res = lastwin;
while (res->w_floating) {
res = res->w_prev;
return res;