update translations

This commit is contained in:
Luke Pulverenti 2014-10-06 20:08:18 -04:00
parent f02f322208
commit 1cf1ec6b61
8 changed files with 98 additions and 98 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security
if (!_config.Configuration.InsecureApps.Contains(auth.Client ?? string.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"Password": "Passwort",
"DeleteImage": "Bild l\u00f6schen",
"DeleteImageConfirmation": "M\u00f6chtest du dieses Bild wirklich l\u00f6schen?",
"FileReadCancelled": "The file read has been canceled.",
"FileReadCancelled": "Dateiimport wurde abgebrochen.",
"FileNotFound": "Datei nicht gefunden",
"FileReadError": "Beim Lesen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"DeleteUser": "Benutzer l\u00f6schen",

View File

@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
"DashboardTourChapters": "Enable chapter image generation for your videos for a more pleasing presentation while viewing.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles": "T\u00e9l\u00e9charger automatiquement les sous-titres pour vos vid\u00e9os dans n'importe quelle langue.",
"DashboardTourPlugins": "Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications": "Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks": "Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourNotifications": "Envoyer automatiquement les notifications des \u00e9v\u00e8nements du serveur \u00e0 vos appareils mobiles, email et plus encore.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks": "G\u00e9rer facilement les op\u00e9rations longues avec des taches planifi\u00e9s. D\u00e9cider quand elles doivent se lancer et combien de fois.",
"DashboardTourMobile": "The Media Browser dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere."

View File

@ -55,17 +55,17 @@
"LabelForcedStream": "(Forced)",
"LabelDefaultForcedStream": "(Default\/Forced)",
"LabelUnknownLanguage": "Unknown language",
"ButtonMute": "Mute",
"ButtonMute": "Bez zvuka",
"ButtonUnmute": "Unmute",
"ButtonStop": "Stop",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Next Track",
"ButtonPause": "Pause",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Sljede\u0107a traka",
"ButtonPause": "Pauza",
"ButtonPlay": "Pokreni",
"ButtonEdit": "Izmjeni",
"ButtonQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonPlayTrailer": "Play trailer",
"ButtonPlaylist": "Playlist",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Previous Track",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Prethodna traka",
"LabelEnabled": "Enabled",
"LabelDisabled": "Disabled",
"ButtonMoreInformation": "More Information",
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"HeaderResume": "Nastavi",
"HeaderMyViews": "My Views",
"HeaderLibraryFolders": "Media Folders",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Lista medija",
"ButtonMoreItems": "More...",
"ButtonMore": "More",
"HeaderFavoriteMovies": "Favorite Movies",
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
"HeaderVideoQuality": "Video Quality",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo": "There was an error playing the video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner": "Please ensure there is an open tuner availalble.",
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonHome": "Po\u010detna",
"ButtonDashboard": "Dashboard",
"ButtonReports": "Reports",
"ButtonMetadataManager": "Metadata Manager",
@ -312,8 +312,8 @@
"TabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Fullscreen",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"ButtonScenes": "Scenes",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Titlovi",
"ButtonScenes": "Scene",
"ButtonQuality": "Quality",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderSelectPlayer": "Select Player:",

View File

@ -585,13 +585,13 @@
"WebClientTourMobile1": "Il client web funziona alla grande su smartphone e tablet ...",
"WebClientTourMobile2": "e controlla facilmente altri dispositivi e applicazioni Media Browser",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay": "Godetevi il vostro soggiorno",
"DashboardTourDashboard": "The server dashboard allows you to monitor your server and your users. You'll always know who is doing what and where they are.",
"DashboardTourUsers": "Easily create user accounts for your friends and family, each with their own permissions, library access, parental controls and more.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode": "Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"DashboardTourChapters": "Enable chapter image generation for your videos for a more pleasing presentation while viewing.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles": "Automatically download subtitles for your videos in any language.",
"DashboardTourPlugins": "Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications": "Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks": "Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourMobile": "The Media Browser dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere."
"DashboardTourDashboard": "Il pannello di controllo del server consente di monitorare il vostro server e gli utenti. Potrai sempre sapere chi sta facendo cosa e dove sono.",
"DashboardTourUsers": "Facile creazione di account utente per i vostri amici e la famiglia, ognuno con le proprie autorizzazioni, accesso alla libreria, controlli parentali e altro ancora.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode": "Modalit\u00e0 Cinema porta l'esperienza del teatro direttamente nel tuo salotto con la possibilit\u00e0 di giocare trailer e intro personalizzati prima la caratteristica principale.",
"DashboardTourChapters": "Abilita capitolo generazione di immagini per i vostri video per una presentazione pi\u00f9 gradevole durante la visualizzazione.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles": "Scaricare automaticamente i sottotitoli per i tuoi video in qualsiasi lingua.",
"DashboardTourPlugins": "Installare il plugin come canali internet video, live tv, scanner metadati e altro ancora.",
"DashboardTourNotifications": "Inviare automaticamente notifiche di eventi server al vostro dispositivo mobile, e-mail e altro ancora.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks": "Gestire facilmente le operazioni di lunga esecuzione con le operazioni pianificate. Decidere quando corrono, e con quale frequenza.",
"DashboardTourMobile": "Il cruscotto Media Browser funziona alla grande su smartphone e tablet. Gestisci il tuo server dal palmo della tua mano in qualsiasi momento, ovunque."

View File

@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
"TabAdvanced": "Avanc\u00e9",
"HeaderCinemaMode": "Mode cin\u00e9ma",
"HeaderStatus": "\u00c9tat",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard": "Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard": "Bienvenue dans le centre de contr\u00f4le de Media browser",
"OptionContinuing": "En continuation",
"OptionEnded": "Termin\u00e9",
"HeaderAirDays": "Jours de diffusion",

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"OptionLocalRefreshOnly": "Local refresh only",
"TabImages": "Slike",
"HeaderRefreshMetadata": "Refresh Metadata",
"TabNotifications": "Notifications",
"TabNotifications": "Obavijesti",
"HeaderPersonInfo": "Person Info",
"TabCollectionTitles": "Naslovi",
"HeaderIdentifyItem": "Identify Item",
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"HeaderConfirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion",
"HeaderVideoPlaybackSettings": "Postavke video reprodukcije",
"LabelFollowingFileWillBeDeleted": "The following file will be deleted:",
"HeaderPlaybackSettings": "Playback Settings",
"HeaderPlaybackSettings": "Postavke reprodukcije",
"LabelIfYouWishToContinueWithDeletion": "If you wish to continue, please confirm by entering the value of:",
"LabelAudioLanguagePreference": "Postavke audio jezika:",
"ButtonIdentify": "Identify",
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
"LabelCommunityRating": "Community rating:",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitles": "Always play subtitles",
"LabelVoteCount": "Vote count:",
"OptionNoSubtitles": "No Subtitles",
"OptionNoSubtitles": "Nema titlova",
"LabelMetascore": "Metascore:",
"OptionDefaultSubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles matching the language preference will be loaded when the audio is in a foreign language.",
"LabelCriticRating": "Critic rating:",
@ -171,11 +171,11 @@
"LabelBudget": "Budget",
"LibraryAccessHelp": "Odaberite medijske mape za djeljenje sa ovim korisnikom. Administratori \u0107e mo\u0107i mjenjati sve mape preko Metadata menad\u017eera.",
"LabelRevenue": "Revenue ($):",
"ChannelAccessHelp": "Select the channels to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all channels using the metadata manager.",
"ChannelAccessHelp": "Odaberite kanale za dijeljenje sa ovim korisnikom. Administratori \u0107e mo\u0107i mijenjati sve kanale koriste\u0107i metadata menad\u017eer.",
"LabelOriginalAspectRatio": "Original aspect ratio:",
"ButtonDeleteImage": "Izbri\u0161i sliku",
"LabelPlayers": "Players:",
"LabelSelectUsers": "Select users:",
"LabelSelectUsers": "Odaberite korisnika:",
"Label3DFormat": "3D format:",
"ButtonUpload": "Dostavi",
"HeaderAlternateEpisodeNumbers": "Alternate Episode Numbers",
@ -759,92 +759,92 @@
"LabelBlastMessageInterval": "Interval poruka dostupnosti (sekunde)",
"LabelBlastMessageIntervalHelp": "Odre\u0111uje trajanje u sekundama izme\u0111u svake poruke dostupnosti servera.",
"LabelDefaultUser": "Zadani korisnik:",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp": "Determines which user library should be displayed on connected devices. This can be overridden for each device using profiles.",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp": "Odre\u0111uje koja \u0107e biblioteka biti prikazana na spojenim ure\u0111ajima. Ovo se mo\u017ee zaobi\u0107i za svaki ure\u0111aj koriste\u0107i profile.",
"TitleDlna": "DLNA",
"TitleChannels": "Channels",
"HeaderServerSettings": "Server Settings",
"LabelWeatherDisplayLocation": "Weather display location:",
"LabelWeatherDisplayLocationHelp": "US zip code \/ City, State, Country \/ City, Country",
"LabelWeatherDisplayUnit": "Weather display unit:",
"OptionCelsius": "Celsius",
"OptionFahrenheit": "Fahrenheit",
"HeaderRequireManualLogin": "Require manual username entry for:",
"HeaderRequireManualLoginHelp": "When disabled clients may present a login screen with a visual selection of users.",
"OptionOtherApps": "Other apps",
"OptionMobileApps": "Mobile apps",
"HeaderNotificationList": "Click on a notification to configure it's sending options.",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateAvailable": "Application update available",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateInstalled": "Application update installed",
"NotificationOptionPluginUpdateInstalled": "Plugin update installed",
"NotificationOptionPluginInstalled": "Plugin installed",
"NotificationOptionPluginUninstalled": "Plugin uninstalled",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlayback": "Video playback started",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlayback": "Audio playback started",
"NotificationOptionGamePlayback": "Game playback started",
"HeaderServerSettings": "Postavke Servera",
"LabelWeatherDisplayLocation": "Lokacija prikaza vremena:",
"LabelWeatherDisplayLocationHelp": "Po\u0161tanski broj \/ Grad, Dr\u017eava",
"LabelWeatherDisplayUnit": "Jedinica za prikaz temperature",
"OptionCelsius": "Celzij",
"OptionFahrenheit": "Farenhajt",
"HeaderRequireManualLogin": "Zahtjevaj ru\u010dni unos korisni\u010dkog imena za:",
"HeaderRequireManualLoginHelp": "Kada onemogu\u0107eni korisnici otvore prozor za prijavu sa vizualnim odabirom korisnika.",
"OptionOtherApps": "Druge aplikacije",
"OptionMobileApps": "Mobilne aplikacije",
"HeaderNotificationList": "Kliknite na obavijesti kako bi postavili opcije slanja.",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateAvailable": "Dostupno a\u017euriranje aplikacije",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateInstalled": "Instalirano a\u017euriranje aplikacije",
"NotificationOptionPluginUpdateInstalled": "Instalirano a\u017euriranje za dodatak",
"NotificationOptionPluginInstalled": "Dodatak instaliran",
"NotificationOptionPluginUninstalled": "Dodatak uklonjen",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlayback": "Reprodukcija videa zapo\u010deta",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlayback": "Reprodukcija glazbe zapo\u010deta",
"NotificationOptionGamePlayback": "Igrica pokrenuta",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlaybackStopped": "Video playback stopped",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlaybackStopped": "Audio playback stopped",
"NotificationOptionGamePlaybackStopped": "Game playback stopped",
"NotificationOptionTaskFailed": "Scheduled task failure",
"NotificationOptionInstallationFailed": "Installation failure",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContent": "New content added",
"NotificationOptionTaskFailed": "Zakazan zadatak nije izvr\u0161en",
"NotificationOptionInstallationFailed": "Instalacija nije izvr\u0161ena",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContent": "Novi sadr\u017eaj dodan",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContentMultiple": "New content added (multiple)",
"SendNotificationHelp": "By default, notifications are delivered to the dashboard inbox. Browse the plugin catalog to install additional notification options.",
"NotificationOptionServerRestartRequired": "Server restart required",
"LabelNotificationEnabled": "Enable this notification",
"LabelMonitorUsers": "Monitor activity from:",
"LabelSendNotificationToUsers": "Send the notification to:",
"LabelUseNotificationServices": "Use the following services:",
"CategoryUser": "User",
"CategorySystem": "System",
"CategoryApplication": "Application",
"CategoryPlugin": "Plugin",
"LabelMessageTitle": "Message title:",
"LabelAvailableTokens": "Available tokens:",
"AdditionalNotificationServices": "Browse the plugin catalog to install additional notification services.",
"OptionAllUsers": "All users",
"OptionAdminUsers": "Administrators",
"OptionCustomUsers": "Custom",
"ButtonArrowUp": "Up",
"ButtonArrowDown": "Down",
"ButtonArrowLeft": "Left",
"ButtonArrowRight": "Right",
"ButtonBack": "Back",
"SendNotificationHelp": "Zadano je da se sve obavijesti dostave na upravlja\u010dku plo\u010du. Pretra\u017eite katalog dodataka kako bi instalirali dodatne opcije obavijesti.",
"NotificationOptionServerRestartRequired": "Potrebno ponovo pokretanje servera",
"LabelNotificationEnabled": "Omogu\u0107i ovu obavijest",
"LabelMonitorUsers": "Obrazac nadzora aktivnosti:",
"LabelSendNotificationToUsers": "Po\u0161aljite obavijesti na:",
"LabelUseNotificationServices": "Koristite sljede\u0107e servise:",
"CategoryUser": "Korisnik",
"CategorySystem": "Sistem",
"CategoryApplication": "Aplikacija",
"CategoryPlugin": "Dodatak",
"LabelMessageTitle": "Naslov poruke:",
"LabelAvailableTokens": "Dostupne varijable:",
"AdditionalNotificationServices": "Pretra\u017eite katalog dodataka kako bi instalirali dodatne servise za obavijesti.",
"OptionAllUsers": "Svi korisnici",
"OptionAdminUsers": "Administratori",
"OptionCustomUsers": "Prilago\u0111eno",
"ButtonArrowUp": "Gore",
"ButtonArrowDown": "Dolje",
"ButtonArrowLeft": "Ljevo",
"ButtonArrowRight": "Desno",
"ButtonBack": "Nazad",
"ButtonInfo": "Info",
"ButtonOsd": "On screen display",
"ButtonPageUp": "Page Up",
"ButtonPageDown": "Page Down",
"ButtonPageUp": "Stranica gore",
"ButtonPageDown": "Stranica dolje",
"PageAbbreviation": "PG",
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonHome": "Po\u010detna",
"ButtonSearch": "Tra\u017ei",
"ButtonSettings": "Settings",
"ButtonTakeScreenshot": "Capture Screenshot",
"ButtonLetterUp": "Letter Up",
"ButtonLetterDown": "Letter Down",
"ButtonSettings": "Postavke",
"ButtonTakeScreenshot": "Dohvati zaslon",
"ButtonLetterUp": "Slovo gore",
"ButtonLetterDown": "Slovo dolje",
"PageButtonAbbreviation": "PG",
"LetterButtonAbbreviation": "A",
"TabNowPlaying": "Now Playing",
"TabNavigation": "Navigation",
"TabControls": "Controls",
"TabNowPlaying": "Sad se izvodi",
"TabNavigation": "Navigacija",
"TabControls": "Kontrole",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Toggle fullscreen",
"ButtonScenes": "Scenes",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"ButtonScenes": "Scene",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Titlovi",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Audio tracks",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Previous track",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Next track",
"ButtonStop": "Stop",
"ButtonPause": "Pause",
"ButtonPause": "Pauza",
"ButtonNext": "Next",
"ButtonPrevious": "Previous",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections": "Group movies into collections",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollectionsHelp": "When displaying movie lists, movies belonging to a collection will be displayed as one grouped item.",
"NotificationOptionPluginError": "Plugin failure",
"ButtonVolumeUp": "Volume up",
"ButtonVolumeDown": "Volume down",
"ButtonMute": "Mute",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"OptionSpecialFeatures": "Special Features",
"HeaderCollections": "Collections",
"LabelProfileCodecsHelp": "Separated by comma. This can be left empty to apply to all codecs.",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections": "Grupiraj filmove u kolekciju",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollectionsHelp": "Kada se prikazuje lista filmova, filmovi koji pripadaju kolekciji biti \u0107e prikazani kao jedna stavka.",
"NotificationOptionPluginError": "Dodatak otkazao",
"ButtonVolumeUp": "Glasno\u0107a gore",
"ButtonVolumeDown": "Glasno\u0107a dolje",
"ButtonMute": "Bez zvuka",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Lista medija",
"OptionSpecialFeatures": "Specijalne opcije",
"HeaderCollections": "Kolekcije",
"LabelProfileCodecsHelp": "Odvojeno sa to\u010dka-zrezom. Ovo mo\u017ee ostaviti prazno kao bi bilo postavljeno za sve codecs.",
"LabelProfileContainersHelp": "Separated by comma. This can be left empty to apply to all containers.",
"HeaderResponseProfile": "Response Profile",
"LabelType": "Type:",

View File

@ -378,13 +378,13 @@
"OptionParentalRating": "Voto Genitori",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestionsHelp": "Richiede l'installazione del canale Trailer.",
"OptionPremiereDate": "Premiere Date",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp2": "Individual users will have the ability to disable cinema mode within their own preferences.",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp2": "I singoli utenti avranno la possibilit\u00e0 di disabilitare la modalit\u00e0 cinema all'interno delle proprie preferenze.",
"TabBasic": "Base",
"LabelEnableCinemaMode": "Enable cinema mode",
"LabelEnableCinemaMode": "Attiva modalit\u00e0 cinema",
"TabAdvanced": "Avanzato",
"HeaderCinemaMode": "Cinema Mode",
"HeaderCinemaMode": "Modalit\u00e0 cinema",
"HeaderStatus": "Stato",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard": "Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard": "Benvenuti nel Dashboard di Media Browser",
"OptionContinuing": "In corso",
"OptionEnded": "Finito",
"HeaderAirDays": "In onda da:",