Clean up and fix Fedora/CentOS builds

This performs a lot of bugfixing and general cleanup to the
Fedora/CentOS builds, including moving the create_tarball into the script, remove some old long versions from the spec
file, correcting several bugs with the Docker environment including
splitting them into more discrete layers, and finally making sure
jellyfin-web is included properly in the RPM.
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Boniface 2019-09-25 14:23:17 -04:00
parent 56a879e148
commit 15b83f8b55
8 changed files with 133 additions and 334 deletions

View File

@ -8,22 +8,29 @@ ARG SDK_VERSION=2.2
ENV SOURCE_DIR=/jellyfin
# Prepare CentOS build environment
# Prepare CentOS environment
RUN yum update -y \
&& yum install -y @buildsys-build rpmdevtools yum-plugins-core libcurl-devel fontconfig-devel freetype-devel openssl-devel glibc-devel libicu-devel nodejs \
&& rpm -Uvh \
&& yum install -y epel-release
# Install build dependencies
RUN yum install -y @buildsys-build rpmdevtools yum-plugins-core libcurl-devel fontconfig-devel freetype-devel openssl-devel glibc-devel libicu-devel nodejs wget git
# Install DotNET SDK
RUN rpm -Uvh \
&& rpmdev-setuptree \
&& yum install -y dotnet-sdk-${SDK_VERSION} \
&& ln -sf ${PLATFORM_DIR}/ / \
&& yum install -y dotnet-sdk-${SDK_VERSION}
# Install yarn package manager
RUN wget -q -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo \
&& yum install -y yarn
# Create symlinks and directories
RUN ln -sf ${PLATFORM_DIR}/ / \
&& mkdir -p ${SOURCE_DIR}/SPECS \
&& ln -s ${PLATFORM_DIR}/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec ${SOURCE_DIR}/SPECS/jellyfin.spec \
&& mkdir -p ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES \
&& ln -s ${PLATFORM_DIR}/pkg-src ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES
# Install yarn package manager
RUN wget -q -O- | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo \
&& yum install -y yarn

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ set -o xtrace
# Move to source directory
pushd ${SOURCE_DIR}
VERSION="$( grep '^Version:' ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec | awk '{ print $NF }' )"
# Clone down and build Web frontend
web_build_dir="$( mktemp -d )"
@ -23,6 +25,54 @@ mv dist/* ${web_target}/
rm -rf ${web_build_dir}
# Create RPM source archive
echo "Bundling all sources for RPM build."
tar \
--transform "s,^\.,jellyfin-${VERSION}," \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-czf "${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
-C ${SOURCE_DIR} ./ || GNU_TAR=0
if [ $GNU_TAR -eq 0 ]; then
echo "The installed tar binary did not support --transform. Using workaround."
package_temporary_dir="$( mktemp -d )"
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin"
# Not GNU tar
tar \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-czf "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
echo "Extracting filtered package."
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}"
tar -xzf "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}"
echo "Removing filtered package."
rm -f "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz"
echo "Repackaging package into final tarball."
tar -czf "${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}" "jellyfin-${VERSION}"
rm -rf ${package_temporary_dir}
# Build RPM
spectool -g -R SPECS/jellyfin.spec
rpmbuild -bs SPECS/jellyfin.spec --define "_sourcedir ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/"

View File

@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ for arg in ${args}; do
WORKDIR="$( pwd )"
VERSION="$( grep '^Version:' ${WORKDIR}/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec | awk '{ print $NF }' )"
current_user="$( whoami )"
@ -25,53 +23,8 @@ else
# Create RPM source archive
# Prepare temporary package dir
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}"
echo "Bundling all sources for RPM build."
tar \
--transform "s,^\.,jellyfin-${VERSION}," \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-czf "${pkg_src_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
-C "../.." ./ || GNU_TAR=0
if [ $GNU_TAR -eq 0 ]; then
echo "The installed tar binary did not support --transform. Using workaround."
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin"
# Not GNU tar
tar \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-zcf \
"${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
-C "../.." ./
echo "Extracting filtered package."
tar -xzf "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}"
echo "Removing filtered package."
rm -f "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz"
echo "Repackaging package into final tarball."
tar -czf "${pkg_src_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}" "jellyfin-${VERSION}"
# Set up the build environment Docker image
${docker_sudo} docker build ../.. -t "${image_name}" -f ./Dockerfile
# Build the RPMs and copy out to ${package_temporary_dir}

View File

@ -8,22 +8,28 @@ ARG SDK_VERSION=2.2
ENV SOURCE_DIR=/jellyfin
# Prepare Fedora build environment
RUN dnf update -y \
&& dnf install -y @buildsys-build rpmdevtools dnf-plugins-core libcurl-devel fontconfig-devel freetype-devel openssl-devel glibc-devel libicu-devel nodejs \
&& dnf copr enable -y @dotnet-sig/dotnet \
# Prepare Fedora environment
RUN dnf update -y
# Install build dependencies
RUN dnf install -y @buildsys-build rpmdevtools dnf-plugins-core libcurl-devel fontconfig-devel freetype-devel openssl-devel glibc-devel libicu-devel nodejs wget git
# Install DotNET SDK
RUN dnf copr enable -y @dotnet-sig/dotnet \
&& rpmdev-setuptree \
&& dnf install -y dotnet-sdk-${SDK_VERSION} dotnet-runtime-${SDK_VERSION} \
&& ln -sf ${PLATFORM_DIR}/ / \
&& dnf install -y dotnet-sdk-${SDK_VERSION} dotnet-runtime-${SDK_VERSION}
# Install yarn package manager
RUN wget -q -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo \
&& dnf install -y yarn
# Create symlinks and directories
RUN ln -sf ${PLATFORM_DIR}/ / \
&& mkdir -p ${SOURCE_DIR}/SPECS \
&& ln -s ${PLATFORM_DIR}/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec ${SOURCE_DIR}/SPECS/jellyfin.spec \
&& mkdir -p ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES \
&& ln -s ${PLATFORM_DIR}/pkg-src ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES
# Install yarn package manager
RUN wget -q -O- | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo \
&& dnf install -y yarn

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
WORKDIR="$( pwd )"
VERSION="$( sed -ne '/^Version:/s/.* *//p' "${WORKDIR}"/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec )"
echo "Bundling all sources for RPM build."
tar \
--transform "s,^\.,jellyfin-${VERSION}," \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-czf "$pkg_src_dir/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
-C "../.." ./ || GNU_TAR=0
if [ $GNU_TAR -eq 0 ]; then
echo "The installed tar binary did not support --transform. Using workaround."
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin"{,-"${VERSION}"}
# Not GNU tar
tar \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-zcf \
"${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
-C "../.." ./
echo "Extracting filtered package."
tar -xzf "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}"
echo "Removing filtered package."
rm -f "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz"
echo "Repackaging package into final tarball."
tar -czf "${pkg_src_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}" "jellyfin-${VERSION}"

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ set -o xtrace
# Move to source directory
pushd ${SOURCE_DIR}
VERSION="$( grep '^Version:' ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec | awk '{ print $NF }' )"
# Clone down and build Web frontend
web_build_dir="$( mktemp -d )"
@ -23,6 +25,54 @@ mv dist/* ${web_target}/
rm -rf ${web_build_dir}
# Create RPM source archive
echo "Bundling all sources for RPM build."
tar \
--transform "s,^\.,jellyfin-${VERSION}," \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-czf "${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
-C ${SOURCE_DIR} ./ || GNU_TAR=0
if [ $GNU_TAR -eq 0 ]; then
echo "The installed tar binary did not support --transform. Using workaround."
package_temporary_dir="$( mktemp -d )"
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin"
# Not GNU tar
tar \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude='**/.vs' \
--exclude='**/.vscode' \
--exclude='deployment' \
--exclude='**/bin' \
--exclude='**/obj' \
--exclude='**/.nuget' \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
-czf "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" \
echo "Extracting filtered package."
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}"
tar -xzf "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin-${VERSION}"
echo "Removing filtered package."
rm -f "${package_temporary_dir}/jellyfin/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz"
echo "Repackaging package into final tarball."
tar -czf "${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/jellyfin-${VERSION}.tar.gz" -C "${package_temporary_dir}" "jellyfin-${VERSION}"
rm -rf ${package_temporary_dir}
# Build RPM
spectool -g -R SPECS/jellyfin.spec
rpmbuild -bs SPECS/jellyfin.spec --define "_sourcedir ${SOURCE_DIR}/SOURCES/pkg-src/"

View File

@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ for arg in ${args}; do
WORKDIR="$( pwd )"
VERSION="$( grep '^Version:' ${WORKDIR}/pkg-src/jellyfin.spec | awk '{ print $NF }' )"
current_user="$( whoami )"
@ -25,8 +23,6 @@ else
# Prepare temporary package dir
mkdir -p "${package_temporary_dir}"
# Set up the build environment Docker image

View File

@ -158,213 +158,3 @@ fi
- New upstream version 10.3.1; release changelog at
* Fri Apr 19 2019 Jellyfin Packaging Team <>
- New upstream version 10.3.0; release changelog at
* Thu Feb 28 2019 Jellyfin Packaging Team <>
- jellyfin:
- PR968 Release 10.2.z copr autobuild
- PR964 Install the dotnet runtime package in Fedora build
- PR979 Build Package releases without debug turned on
- PR990 Fix slow local image validation
- PR991 Fix the ffmpeg compatibility
- PR992 Add Debian armhf (Raspberry Pi) build plus crossbuild
- PR998 Set EnableRaisingEvents to true for processes that require it
- PR1017 Set ffmpeg+ffprobe paths in Docker container
- jellyfin-web:
- PR152 Go back on Media stop
- PR156 Fix volume slider not working on nowplayingbar
* Wed Feb 20 2019 Jellyfin Packaging Team <>
- jellyfin:
- PR920 Fix cachedir missing from Docker container
- PR924 Use the movie name instead of folder name
- PR933 Semi-revert to prefer old movie grouping behaviour
- PR948 Revert movie matching (supercedes PR933, PR924, PR739)
- PR960 Use jellyfin/ffmpeg image
- jellyfin-web:
- PR136 Re-add OpenSubtitles configuration page
- PR137 Replace HeaderEmbyServer with HeaderJellyfinServer on plugincatalog
- PR138 Remove left-over JS for Customize Home Screen
- PR141 Exit fullscreen automatically after video playback ends
* Fri Feb 15 2019 Jellyfin Packaging Team <>
- jellyfin:
- PR452 Use EF Core for Activity database
- PR535 Clean up streambuilder
- PR655 Support trying local branches in submodule
- PR656 Do some logging in MediaInfoService
- PR657 Remove conditions that are always true/false
- PR661 Fix NullRef from progress report
- PR663 Use TagLibSharp Nuget package
- PR664 Revert "Fix segment_time_delta for ffmpeg 4.1"
- PR666 Add cross-platform build for arm64
- PR668 Return Audio objects from MusicAlbum.Tracks
- PR671 Set EnableRaisingEvents correctly
- PR672 Remove unconditional caching, modified since header and use ETags
- PR677 Fix arm32 Docker
- PR681 Fix Windows build script errors + pin ffmpeg to 4.0
- PR686 Disable some StyleCop warnings
- PR687 Fix some analyzer warnings
- PR689 Fix RPM package build for fedora
- PR702 Fix debug build on windows
- PR706 Make another docker layer reusable
- PR709 Fix always null expressions
- PR710 Fix a spelling mistake
- PR711 Remove remnants of system events
- PR713 Fix empty statement in DidlBuilder.cs
- PR716 Remove more compile time warnings
- PR721 Change image dimentions from double to int
- PR723 Minor improvements to db code
- PR724 Move Skia back into it's own project
- PR726 Clean up IFileSystem wrappers around stdlib.
- PR727 Change default aspect ratio to 2/3 from 0
- PR728 Use ffmpeg from jrottenberg/ffmpeg
- PR732 Reworked LocalizationManager to load data async
- PR733 Remove unused function
- PR734 Fix more analyzer warnings
- PR736 Start startup tasks async
- PR737 Add AssemblyInfo for Jellyfin.Drawing.Skia
- PR739 Change multi version logic for movies
- PR740 Remove code for pre-installed plugins & properly check if file exists
- PR756 Make cache dir configurable
- PR757 Fix default aspect ratio
- PR758 Add password field to initial setup
- PR764 Remove dead code, made some functions properly async
- PR769 Fix conditions where the ! was swallowed in #726
- PR774 reimplement support for plugin repository
- PR782 Remove commented file MediaBrowser.LocalMetadata.Savers.PersonXmlSaver
- PR783 Update builds to use #749 and #756
- PR788 Fix more warnings
- PR794 Remove MoreLINQ
- PR797 Fix all warnings
- PR798 Cleanup around the api endpoints
- PR800 Add CentOS and update rpm spec for the cachedir option
- PR802 Fix build error
- PR804 Handle new option parser properly
- PR805 Add weblate translation status to README
- PR807 Fix restart script in OS packages
- PR810 Fix loading of rating files
- PR812 Fix up the explicit docs links in the README
- PR819 Some small changes in Device.cs and DidlBuilder.cs
- PR822 Complete rename ImageSize -> ImageDimensions
- PR824 Improved Docker pkgbuild
- PR831 Move some arrays to generics
- PR833 Add await to GetCountries in LocalizationService
- PR834 Add donation badge and reorganize badges
- PR838 Quick style fix
- PR840 Fix more warnings
- PR841 Fix OC badge to all and add forum badge
- PR842 Use VAAPI-enabled ffmpeg
- PR852 Use SQLitePCL.pretty.netstandard on NuGet
- PR853 Fix poor handling of cache directories
- PR864 Add support for ZIP plugin archives
- PR868 Fix audio streaming via BaseProgressiveStreamingService
- PR869 Remove DLL support and require all packages/plugins to be zip archives
- PR872 Fix potential NullReferenceException
- PR899: DLNA: Fix race condition leading to missing device names
- PR890 Drop ETag and use Last-Modified header
- PR892: Add jellyfin-ffmpeg and versioning to package deps
- PR901: Properly dispose HttpWebResponse when the request failed to avoid 'too many open files'
- PR909: Fix docker arm builds
- PR910: Enhance Dockerfiles
- PR911: Checkout submodules in Docker Hub hook
- jellyfin-web:
- PR51 remove more code for sync and camera roll
- PR56 Use English for fallback translations and clean up language files
- PR58 Css slider fixes
- PR62 remove BOM markers
- PR65 Fix profile image not being shown on profile page
- PR73 Dev sync
- PR74 Add download menu option to media items
- PR75 User profile fixes
- PR76 Fix syntax error caused by deminification
- PR79 Remove unused Connect related from the frontend
- PR80 Remove games
- PR92 Added frontend support for a password field on setup
- PR94 Update british strings
- PR95 add display language option back
- PR112 Removed seasonal theme support
- PR116 Consolidate all strings into a single file per language
- PR117 Fix volume slider behavior
- PR118 Enable and fix PiP for Safari
- PR119 Make the toggle track visible on all themes
- PR121 Fix syntax error in site.js
- PR127 Change sharedcomponents module to core
- PR135 Make sure fallback culture is always available
* Sun Jan 20 2019 Jellyfin Packaging Team <>
- jellyfin:
- PR335 Build scripts and build system consolidation.
- PR424 add jellyfin-web as submodule
- PR455 Cleanup some small things
- PR458 Clean up several minor issues and add TODOs
- PR506 Removing tabs and trailing whitespace
- PR508 Update internal versioning and user agents.
- PR516 Remove useless properties from IEnvironmentInfo
- PR520 Fix potential bug where aspect ratio would be incorrectly calculated
- PR534 Add linux-arm and linux-arm64 native NuGet dependency.
- PR540 Update Emby API keys to our own
- PR541 Change ItemId to Guid in ProviderManager
- PR556 Fix "Password Reset by PIN" page
- PR562 Fix error with uppercase photo extension and fix typo in a log line
- PR563 Update dev from master
- PR566 Avoid printing stacktrace when bind to port 1900 fails
- PR567 Shutdown gracefully when recieving a termination signal
- PR571 Add more NuGet metadata properties
- PR575 Reformat all C# server code to conform with code standards
- PR576 Add code analysers for debug builds
- PR580 Fix Docker build
- PR582 Replace custom image parser with Skia
- PR587 Add nuget info to Emby.Naming
- PR589 Ensure config and log folders exist
- PR596 Fix indentation for xml files
- PR598 Remove MediaBrowser.Text for license violations and hackiness
- PR606 Slim down docker image
- PR613 Update MediaEncoding
- PR616 Add Swagger documentation
- PR619 Really slim down Docker container
- PR621 Minor improvements to library scan code
- PR622 Add unified build script and bump_version script
- PR623 Replaced injections of ILogger with ILoggerFactory
- PR625 Update taglib-sharp
- PR626 Fix extra type name in parameter, add out keyword
- PR627 Use string for ApplicationVersion
- PR628 Update Product Name (User-Agent)
- PR629 Fix subtitle converter misinterpreting 0 valued endTimeTicks
- PR631 Cleanup ImageProcessor and SkiaEncoder
- PR634 Replace our TVDB key with @drakus72's which is V1
- PR636 Allow subtitle extraction and conversion in direct streaming
- PR637 Remove unused font
- PR638 Removed XmlTv testfiles and nuget install
- PR646: Fix infinite loop bug on subtitle.m3u8 request
- PR655: Support trying local branches in submodule
- PR661: Fix NullRef from progress report
- PR666: Add cross-platform build for arm64
- jellyfin-web:
- PR1: Change webcomponents to non-minified version
- PR4: Fix user profile regression
- PR6: Make icon into proper ico and large PNG
- PR7: Fix firefox failing to set password for users with no password set
- PR8: Remove premiere stuff and fix crashes caused by earlier removals
- PR12: Fix return from PIN reset to index.html
- PR13: Send android clients to select server before login
- PR14: Reimplement page to add server
- PR16: Fix spinning circle at the end of config wizard
- PR17: Fix directorybrower not resetting scroll
- PR19: Set union merge for
- PR20: Show album thumbnail and artist image in page itemdetail
- PR26: Make the card titles clickable
- PR27: Stop pagination and adding a library from being able to trigger multiple times
- PR28: Add transparent nav bar to BlueRadiance theme CSS
- PR29: Clean up imageuploader
- PR30: Remove iap and simplify registrationservices
- PR36: Open videos in fullscreen on android devices
- PR37: Remove broken features from web interface
- PR38: Fix inconsistent UI coloring around settings drawer
- PR39: Remove back button from dashboard and metadata manager
- PR42: Fix Home backdrop not loading
- PR43: Filter videos by audio stream language
- PR44: Remove filter from library collection type options
- PR45: Fix data-backbutton logic
- PR46: Minor changes to navbar elements
- PR48: Remove Sync code
- PR52: Fix progress color
- PR53: Fix user tabs color
- PR54: Add back button to server dashboard
* Fri Jan 11 2019 Thomas Büttner <> - 10.0.2-1
- TODO Changelog for 10.0.2