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Stow, OH | 330.819.3826 | paul@hptrow.me | https://hptrow.me
Corporate Pricing Manager - The HC Companies, Inc. 2019 - Present
Lead new pricing function established for the company Establish pricing targets and goals for quoted business Review all quotes and work with sales team to keep pricing in line with objectives Maintain price lists Ensure pricing is correct from quote to cash R language plotting and statistical analysis to base pricing decisions on Cost Analyst - `The HC Companies, Inc.">
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Stow, OH | 330.819.3826 | paul@hptrow.me | https://hptrow.me
Corporate Pricing Manager - The HC Companies, Inc. 2019 - Present
Lead new pricing function established for the company Establish pricing targets and goals for quoted business Review all quotes and work with sales team to keep pricing in line with objectives Maintain price lists Ensure pricing is correct from quote to cash R language plotting and statistical analysis to base pricing decisions on Cost Analyst - `The HC Companies, Inc." />
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Stow, OH | 330.819.3826 | paul@hptrow.me | https://hptrow.me
Corporate Pricing Manager - The HC Companies, Inc. 2019 - Present
Lead new pricing function established for the company Establish pricing targets and goals for quoted business Review all quotes and work with sales team to keep pricing in line with objectives Maintain price lists Ensure pricing is correct from quote to cash R language plotting and statistical analysis to base pricing decisions on Cost Analyst - `The HC Companies, Inc.">
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Stow, OH | 330.819.3826 | paul@hptrow.me | https://hptrow.me
Corporate Pricing Manager - The HC Companies, Inc. 2019 - Present
Lead new pricing function established for the company Establish pricing targets and goals for quoted business Review all quotes and work with sales team to keep pricing in line with objectives Maintain price lists Ensure pricing is correct from quote to cash R language plotting and statistical analysis to base pricing decisions on Cost Analyst - `The HC Companies, Inc."/>
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<h1 class="f1 athelas mt3 mb1">Resume</h1>
<time class="f6 mv4 dib tracked" datetime="2021-11-13T00:35:21-05:00">November 13, 2021</time>
<div class="nested-copy-line-height lh-copy serif f4 nested-links nested-img mid-gray pr4-l w-two-thirds-l"><p>Paul Trowbridge</p>
<p>Stow, OH | 330.819.3826 | <a href="mailto:paul@hptrow.me">paul@hptrow.me</a> | <a href="https://hptrow.me">https://hptrow.me</a></p>
<p><strong>Corporate Pricing Manager</strong> - <code>The HC Companies, Inc. 2019 - Present</code></p>
<li>Lead new pricing function established for the company</li>
<li>Establish pricing targets and goals for quoted business</li>
<li>Review all quotes and work with sales team to keep pricing in line with objectives</li>
<li>Maintain price lists</li>
<li>Ensure pricing is correct from quote to cash</li>
<li>R language plotting and statistical analysis to base pricing decisions on</li>
<p><strong>Cost Analyst</strong> - `The HC Companies, Inc. 2012 - 2019
<em>$200 million manufacturer of plastic horticultural containers owned by Wingate Partners (4 US, 2 Can sites)</em></p>
<li>Develop sales planning framework and program</li>
<li>Develop MRP logic to build production plans from sales plan</li>
<li>Forecast balance sheet along with revolver and collateral balances.</li>
<li>Build in-house financial consolidation logic</li>
<li>Prepare internal financial statements</li>
<li>Furnish live auto consolidating pivot of financials for mid-month reviews</li>
<li>Bank recs for all cash and intercompany balances</li>
<li>Rec L/T balance sheet items (revolver, term loans, intangibles, promissory notes, all equity)</li>
<li>Accounting for mixed asset/stock acquisition</li>
<li>In-house fixer for whatever comes up during close</li>
<li>Develop test environment for staged cost rolls to model impact</li>
<li>Build out sales data set and partner with commercial team to craft disciplined strategic pricing approach</li>
<li>Develop SQL repository to collaborate with other users on (80k lines)</li>
<li>Write small C# dotnet core ETL command line program to sync data from legacy ERP to Postgres</li>
<li>Pioneer MS Power BI for the organization and demonstrate capabilities</li>
<p><strong>Cost Analyst</strong> <code>PPG Industries, Barberton Ohio 2010-2012</code>
<em>$1.5 billion Optical &amp; Specialty Chemicals division of PPG Industries (NYSE-PPG, Barberton plant)</em></p>
<li>Responsibilities with standard costs, cost system, and all period end standard cost processing</li>
<li>Annual operating plan coordination &amp; consolidation</li>
<li>Provide inventory &amp; account accuracy plant-wide (reconciliations, physical inventories, etc.)</li>
<li>Support (and implementation) of conversion from old proprietary COBOL system to SAP</li>
<p><strong>Cost Analyst</strong> <code>Masco Retail Cabinet Group, Waverly Ohio 2007-2010</code>
$1 billion division of Masco (NYSE-MAS) manufacturing assembled and ready to assemble cabinetry (1 of 5 plants)</p>
<li>Compile annual budgets and monthly spending forecasts</li>
<li>Develop standard labor and overhead burden rates and explain subsequent variances</li>
<li>Provide support for system conversion and standard cost system implementation</li>
<li>Develop and maintain customized BOM explosion program &amp; cost environment</li>
<li>Maintain inventory accuracy through analyses and quarterly physicals</li>
<li>Develop reporting out of ultra-large databases (billions of records)</li>
<p>The University of Akron BS in Accounting GPA 3.3 2002-2006</p>
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&copy; Paul & Hayley Trowbridge 2021