Cleanup model list

This commit is contained in:
Heiner Lohaus 2024-01-23 05:02:14 +01:00
parent 6614dfefd1
commit f5518bb94d
3 changed files with 53 additions and 185 deletions

View File

@ -8,14 +8,23 @@ from ..typing import AsyncResult, Messages
from .base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider
from .helper import format_prompt, get_cookies
map = {
"openchat/openchat_3.5": "openchat/openchat-3.5-1210",
class HuggingChat(AsyncGeneratorProvider):
url = ""
working = True
model = "meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf"
default_model = "meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf"
models = [
model_map = {
"openchat/openchat_3.5": "openchat/openchat-3.5-1210",
"mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1": "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2"
async def create_async_generator(
@ -29,9 +38,11 @@ class HuggingChat(AsyncGeneratorProvider):
) -> AsyncResult:
if not model:
model = cls.model
elif model in map:
model = map[model]
model = cls.default_model
elif model in cls.model_map:
model = cls.model_map[model]
elif model not in cls.models:
raise ValueError(f"Model is not supported: {model}")
if not cookies:
cookies = get_cookies("")

View File

@ -2,27 +2,28 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import random
import json
from aiohttp import ClientSession, WSMsgType
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from ..typing import AsyncResult, Messages
from .base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider
API_URL = ""
WS_URL = "wss://"
MODELS = ['pplx-7b-online', 'pplx-70b-online', 'pplx-7b-chat', 'pplx-70b-chat', 'mistral-7b-instruct',
'codellama-34b-instruct', 'llama-2-70b-chat', 'llava-7b-chat', 'mixtral-8x7b-instruct',
'mistral-medium', 'related']
"mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1": "mistral-7b-instruct",
"meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf": "llama-2-70b-chat",
"mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1": "mixtral-8x7b-instruct",
class PerplexityLabs(AsyncGeneratorProvider):
url = ""
working = True
supports_gpt_35_turbo = True
models = ['pplx-7b-online', 'pplx-70b-online', 'pplx-7b-chat', 'pplx-70b-chat', 'mistral-7b-instruct',
'codellama-34b-instruct', 'llama-2-70b-chat', 'llava-7b-chat', 'mixtral-8x7b-instruct',
'mistral-medium', 'related']
default_model = 'pplx-70b-online'
model_map = {
"mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1": "mistral-7b-instruct",
"meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf": "llama-2-70b-chat",
"mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1": "mixtral-8x7b-instruct",
"codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf": "codellama-34b-instruct"
async def create_async_generator(
@ -33,10 +34,10 @@ class PerplexityLabs(AsyncGeneratorProvider):
) -> AsyncResult:
if not model:
elif model in MODEL_MAP:
model = MODEL_MAP[model]
elif model not in MODELS:
model = cls.default_model
elif model in cls.model_map:
model = cls.model_map[model]
elif model not in cls.models:
raise ValueError(f"Model is not supported: {model}")
headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0",

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ from dataclasses import dataclass
from .Provider import RetryProvider, ProviderType
from .Provider import (
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ from .Provider import (
@ -115,20 +114,26 @@ llama2_13b = Model(
llama2_70b = Model(
name = "meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf",
base_provider = "huggingface",
best_provider = RetryProvider([Llama2, DeepInfra, HuggingChat, PerplexityAi])
best_provider = RetryProvider([Llama2, DeepInfra, HuggingChat, PerplexityLabs])
codellama_34b_instruct = Model(
name = "codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf",
base_provider = "huggingface",
best_provider = RetryProvider([HuggingChat, PerplexityLabs])
# Mistal
mixtral_8x7b = Model(
name = "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
base_provider = "huggingface",
best_provider = RetryProvider([DeepInfra, HuggingChat, PerplexityAi])
best_provider = RetryProvider([DeepInfra, HuggingChat, PerplexityLabs])
mistral_7b = Model(
name = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1",
base_provider = "huggingface",
best_provider = RetryProvider([DeepInfra, HuggingChat, PerplexityAi])
best_provider = RetryProvider([DeepInfra, HuggingChat, PerplexityLabs])
# Dolphin
@ -146,92 +151,23 @@ openchat_35 = Model(
# Bard
palm = Model(
bard = palm = Model(
name = 'palm',
base_provider = 'google',
best_provider = Bard)
# H2o
falcon_7b = Model(
name = 'h2oai/h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-falcon-7b-v3',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = H2o)
falcon_40b = Model(
name = 'h2oai/h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-falcon-40b-v1',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = H2o)
llama_13b = Model(
name = 'h2oai/h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-open-llama-13b',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = H2o)
# Vercel
claude_instant_v1 = Model(
name = 'claude-instant-v1',
base_provider = 'anthropic',
best_provider = Vercel)
claude_v1 = Model(
name = 'claude-v1',
base_provider = 'anthropic',
best_provider = Vercel)
best_provider = Bard
claude_v2 = Model(
name = 'claude-v2',
base_provider = 'anthropic',
best_provider = RetryProvider([FreeChatgpt, Vercel]))
command_light_nightly = Model(
name = 'command-light-nightly',
base_provider = 'cohere',
best_provider = Vercel)
command_nightly = Model(
name = 'command-nightly',
base_provider = 'cohere',
best_provider = Vercel)
gpt_neox_20b = Model(
name = 'EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = Vercel)
oasst_sft_1_pythia_12b = Model(
name = 'OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = Vercel)
oasst_sft_4_pythia_12b_epoch_35 = Model(
name = 'OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-4-pythia-12b-epoch-3.5',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = Vercel)
santacoder = Model(
name = 'bigcode/santacoder',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = Vercel)
bloom = Model(
name = 'bigscience/bloom',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = Vercel)
flan_t5_xxl = Model(
name = 'google/flan-t5-xxl',
base_provider = 'huggingface',
best_provider = Vercel)
code_davinci_002 = Model(
name = 'code-davinci-002',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = Vercel)
best_provider = RetryProvider([FreeChatgpt, Vercel])
gpt_35_turbo_16k = Model(
name = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = gpt_35_long.best_provider)
best_provider = gpt_35_long.best_provider
gpt_35_turbo_16k_0613 = Model(
name = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613',
@ -269,46 +205,6 @@ gemini_pro = Model(
best_provider = RetryProvider([FreeChatgpt, GeminiProChat])
text_ada_001 = Model(
name = 'text-ada-001',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = Vercel)
text_babbage_001 = Model(
name = 'text-babbage-001',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = Vercel)
text_curie_001 = Model(
name = 'text-curie-001',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = Vercel)
text_davinci_002 = Model(
name = 'text-davinci-002',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = Vercel)
text_davinci_003 = Model(
name = 'text-davinci-003',
base_provider = 'openai',
best_provider = Vercel)
llama13b_v2_chat = Model(
name = 'replicate:a16z-infra/llama13b-v2-chat',
base_provider = 'replicate',
best_provider = Vercel)
llama7b_v2_chat = Model(
name = 'replicate:a16z-infra/llama7b-v2-chat',
base_provider = 'replicate',
best_provider = Vercel)
llama70b_v2_chat = Model(
name = 'replicate/llama70b-v2-chat',
base_provider = 'replicate',
best_provider = Vercel)
pi = Model(
name = 'pi',
base_provider = 'inflection',
@ -342,55 +238,15 @@ class ModelUtils:
'llama2-7b' : llama2_7b,
'llama2-13b': llama2_13b,
'llama2-70b': llama2_70b,
'codellama-34b-instruct': codellama_34b_instruct,
# Mistral
'mixtral-8x7b': mixtral_8x7b,
'mistral-7b': mistral_7b,
# Dolphin
'dolphin-mixtral-8x7b': dolphin_mixtral_8x7b,
# OpenChat
'openchat_3.5': openchat_35,
# Gemini Pro
'gemini-pro': gemini_pro,
# Bard
'palm2' : palm,
'palm' : palm,
'google' : palm,
'google-bard' : palm,
'google-palm' : palm,
'bard' : palm,
# H2o
'falcon-40b' : falcon_40b,
'falcon-7b' : falcon_7b,
'llama-13b' : llama_13b,
# Vercel
#'claude-instant-v1' : claude_instant_v1,
#'claude-v1' : claude_v1,
#'claude-v2' : claude_v2,
'command-nightly' : command_nightly,
'gpt-neox-20b' : gpt_neox_20b,
'santacoder' : santacoder,
'bloom' : bloom,
'flan-t5-xxl' : flan_t5_xxl,
'code-davinci-002' : code_davinci_002,
'text-ada-001' : text_ada_001,
'text-babbage-001' : text_babbage_001,
'text-curie-001' : text_curie_001,
'text-davinci-002' : text_davinci_002,
'text-davinci-003' : text_davinci_003,
'llama70b-v2-chat' : llama70b_v2_chat,
'llama13b-v2-chat' : llama13b_v2_chat,
'llama7b-v2-chat' : llama7b_v2_chat,
'oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b' : oasst_sft_1_pythia_12b,
'oasst-sft-4-pythia-12b-epoch-3.5' : oasst_sft_4_pythia_12b_epoch_35,
'command-light-nightly' : command_light_nightly,
'bard': bard,
'claude-v2': claude_v2,
'pi': pi