
44 lines
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Attribute VB_Name = "JsonDebugPrint"
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestPrintJSON()
PrintJSON ParseJson("[1,2,3]")
PrintJSON ParseJson("[{""a"":123,""b"":[56,7,78]}]")
End Sub
' This is definitely NOT a pretty printer. It was written merely as a debugging
' tool to make sense of the objects that come out of JsonConverter.ParseJSON.
' It doesn't format in the best way possible, but it does provide a semi-readable
' view of the data in the JSON object.
' Phil Runninger 3/1/2023
Public Sub PrintJSON(obj As Variant, Optional level As Integer = 0)
Dim itm As Variant
Dim first As Boolean
Select Case TypeName(obj)
Case "Dictionary"
Debug.Print String(level * 2, " "); "{"
first = True
For Each itm In obj
If Not first Then Debug.Print String((level + 1) * 2, " "); ","
first = False
Debug.Print String((level + 1) * 2, " "); itm; ":";
PrintJSON obj(itm), level + 1
Debug.Print String(level * 2, " "); "}"
Case "Collection"
Debug.Print String(level * 2, " "); "["
first = True
For Each itm In obj
If Not first Then Debug.Print String(level * 2, " "); ","
first = False
PrintJSON itm, level + 1
Debug.Print String(level * 2, " "); "]"
Case Else
Debug.Print String(level * 2, " "); obj;
End Select
End Sub