update price list build to include status and stocked

This commit is contained in:
Paul Trowbridge 2020-01-15 17:17:07 -05:00
parent b4291d15e7
commit 022240f8d3
6 changed files with 34 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -895,12 +895,12 @@ Sub extract_price_matrix()
End With
For i = 1 To UBound(cms_pl, 1)
Select Case cms_pl(i, 11)
Select Case cms_pl(i, 13)
Case ""
Case "no unit conversion"
orig.Worksheet.Cells(orig.row + cms_pl(i, 12) - 1, orig.column + cms_pl(i, 13) - 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 161)
orig.Worksheet.Cells(orig.row + cms_pl(i, 14) - 1, orig.column + cms_pl(i, 15) - 1).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 161)
Case "no part number"
orig.Worksheet.Cells(orig.row + cms_pl(i, 12) - 1, orig.column + cms_pl(i, 13) - 1).Interior.Color = RGB(220, 220, 220)
orig.Worksheet.Cells(orig.row + cms_pl(i, 14) - 1, orig.column + cms_pl(i, 15) - 1).Interior.Color = RGB(220, 220, 220)
End Select
Next i
@ -939,9 +939,9 @@ Sub go_to_price_issue()
i = 1
Do Until price_sheet.Cells(i, 1) = ""
If price_sheet.Cells(i, 13) = trow And price_sheet.Cells(i, 14) = tcol And price_sheet.Cells(i, 12) <> "" Then
If price_sheet.Cells(i, 15) = trow And price_sheet.Cells(i, 16) = tcol And price_sheet.Cells(i, 14) <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 12).Select
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 14).Select
Exit Sub
End If
i = i + 1
@ -982,6 +982,14 @@ PRICELIST_SHOW:
End If
If Not pricelist.cbInactive Then
Call x.TBLp_FilterSingle(pl, 11, "I", False)
End If
If Not pricelist.cbNonStocked Then
Call x.TBLp_FilterSingle(pl, 10, "A", True)
End If
ul(0, 0) = "HDR"
ul(1, 0) = pl_action
@ -993,22 +1001,21 @@ PRICELIST_SHOW:
ul(7, 0) = "N"
j = 0
For i = LBound(pl, 2) + 1 To UBound(pl, 2)
'if there is no UOM conversion, don't create a row
If pl(10, i) <> "" And pl(11, i) <> "" Then
'if there is no [uom, part#, price], don't create a row
If pl(12, i) <> "" And pl(13, i) <> "" And pl(8, i) <> "" And pl(9, i) <> "" Then
j = j + 1
ul(0, j) = "DTL"
ul(1, j) = pl_code
ul(2, j) = pl(9, i)
ul(3, j) = pl(7, i)
ul(4, j) = Format(CDbl(pl(6, i)) * CDbl(pl(10, i)) / CDbl(pl(11, i)), "0.00")
ul(5, j) = Format(pl(6, i), "0.00")
ul(11, j) = "1"
ul(0, j) = "DTL" 'DTL
ul(1, j) = pl_code 'Price list code
ul(2, j) = pl(9, i) 'part number
ul(3, j) = pl(7, i) 'price unit
ul(4, j) = Format(CDbl(pl(6, i)) * CDbl(pl(12, i)) / CDbl(pl(13, i)), "0.00") 'volume break in price uom
ul(5, j) = Format(pl(8, i), "0.00") 'price
ul(11, j) = "1" 'add, update, delete
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve ul(11, j)
'--------Open file-------------

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ Public Enum SQLsyntax
End Enum
Public Function TBLp_Aggregate(ByRef tbl() As String, ByRef needsort As Boolean, ByRef headers As Boolean, ByRef del_unused As Boolean, ParamArray groupnum_type_sumnum()) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
@ -501,17 +503,16 @@ End Function
Public Sub TBLp_FilterSingle(ByRef table() As String, ByRef column As Long, ByVal Filter As String, ByVal Equals As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim m As Long
j = 0
i = 1
j = LBound(table, 2)
i = LBound(table, 2) + 1
While i <= UBound(table, 2)
If (table(column, i) = Filter) = Equals Then
j = j + 1
m = 0
m = LBound(table, 1)
While m <= UBound(table, 1)
table(m, j) = table(m, i)
m = m + 1
@ -520,7 +521,7 @@ Public Sub TBLp_FilterSingle(ByRef table() As String, ByRef column As Long, ByVa
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve table(UBound(table, 1), j)
ReDim Preserve table(LBound(table, 1) To UBound(table, 1), LBound(table, 2) To j)
End Sub
@ -1679,10 +1680,10 @@ Function FILEp_CreateCSV(ByRef path As String, ByRef recs() As String) As Boolea
For j = 0 To UBound(recs, 1)
If j = 0 Then
test_empty = Replace(Replace(recs(j, i), ",", ""), """", "")
wl = """" & Replace(Replace(recs(j, i), ",", ""), """", "") & """"
wl = Replace(Replace(recs(j, i), ",", ""), """", "")
test_empty = test_empty & Replace(Replace(recs(j, i), ",", ""), """", "")
wl = wl & ",""" & Replace(Replace(recs(j, i), ",", ""), """", "") & """"
wl = wl & "," & Replace(Replace(recs(j, i), ",", ""), """", "")
End If
Next j
If Len(test_empty) > 0 Then

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} login
Caption = "CMS Login"
ClientHeight = 2325
ClientHeight = 2295
ClientLeft = 120
ClientTop = 465
ClientWidth = 1950
ClientWidth = 2445
OleObjectBlob = "login.frx":0000
StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner


Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} pricelist
Caption = "Price List Name"
ClientHeight = 4590
ClientHeight = 5115
ClientLeft = 120
ClientTop = 465
ClientWidth = 4110

Binary file not shown.