
158 lines
5.3 KiB

import { Application, Router } from '';
import { Client } from "";
const app = new Application();
const router = new Router();
//---------dotenv info-------------
import { load } from "";
const env = await load();
const hostname = env["HOSTNAME"];
const port = env["PORT"];
const user = env["USER"];
const password = env["PASSWORD"];
const database = env["DATABASE"];
const app_port = env["APP_PORT"];
// Configure database connection
const client = new Client({
,port: port
,user: user
,applicationName: "pricing guidance"
await client.connect();
// Load SQL from file
const query = await Deno.readTextFile("sql/");
function apply_guidance(doc: any) {
let mostRelevantMarketPrice = null;
let mostRelevantMarketKey = null;
let highestMarketRelevanceLevel = -1;
let mostRelevantCustomerPrice = null;
let mostRelevantCustomerKey = null;
let highestCustomerRelevanceLevel = -1;
// Function to update price and assign relevance indicator
function setAnchors(items, channelFirstChar, v1ds, v0ds, histKey) {
for (let item of items) {
// Update the last_price with the most recent price
const years = Object.keys(item.season);
if (years.length > 0) {
const recentYear = Math.max(;
const lastPrice = item.season[recentYear].price_usd;
item.last_price = lastPrice;
} else {
item.last_price = null; // or some default value as appropriate
// Initialize relevance as numeric value
let marketRelevance = 0; // Assume 0 is 'not relevant'
let customerRelevance = 0; // Assume 0 is 'not relevant'
// Check if the first character of the item's channel matches the first character of the document's channel
if (item.chan.charAt(0) === channelFirstChar) {
marketRelevance = 1; // 'relevant'
// Further refine relevance based on v1ds and v0ds
if (item.v1ds === v1ds) {
marketRelevance = 2; // 'most relevant' because v1ds matches
// Check for customer relevance if 'cust' key exists
customerRelevance = item.cust ? 2 : 1
} else if (item.v0ds === v0ds) {
marketRelevance = marketRelevance === 2 ? 2 : 1; // Keep relevance as is if v1ds was matched, otherwise it's just 'relevant'
// Assign the calculated relevance to the item
item.marketRelevance = marketRelevance;
item.customerRelevance = customerRelevance;
// Update the most relevant market price if this item's relevance is higher and it doesn't have a 'cust' key
if (marketRelevance > highestMarketRelevanceLevel && !('cust' in item)) {
highestMarketRelevanceLevel = marketRelevance;
mostRelevantMarketPrice = item.last_price;
mostRelevantMarketKey = histKey;
// Update the most relevant customer price if this item's relevance is higher and it has a 'cust' key
if (customerRelevance > highestCustomerRelevanceLevel && 'cust' in item) {
highestCustomerRelevanceLevel = customerRelevance;
mostRelevantCustomerPrice = item.last_price;
mostRelevantCustomerKey = histKey;
// Iterate over each key in the "hist" object
for (let key of Object.keys(doc.hist)) {
// Update price and relevance for each item in the current key
setAnchors(doc.hist[key], doc.chan[0], doc.v1ds, doc.v0ds, key);
// Assign the most relevant market price and key to the top level of the document
if (mostRelevantMarketPrice !== null) {
doc.mostRelevantMarketPriceInfo = {
price: mostRelevantMarketPrice,
histKey: mostRelevantMarketKey
// Assign the most relevant customer price and key to the top level of the document
if (mostRelevantCustomerPrice !== null) {
doc.mostRelevantCustomerPriceInfo = {
price: mostRelevantCustomerPrice,
histKey: mostRelevantCustomerKey
doc.targetPrice = doc.v1tp ?? doc.v0tp ?? null;
return doc;
// Function to update each item with the most recent price
function updateWithMostRecentPrice(items) {
for (let item of items) {
// Find the most recent price
//const lastPrice = findMostRecentPrice(item.season);
const years = Object.keys(item.season);
const recentYear = Math.max(...years);
const lastPrice = item.season[recentYear].price_usd;
// Append the last_price to the item
item.last_price = lastPrice;
// Define a route to retrieve values from the database using parameters
router.get('/code_price/:billcode/:shipcode/:partcode/:qty', async (ctx) => {
const partcode = ctx.params.partcode;
const billcode = ctx.params.billcode;
const shipcode = ctx.params.shipcode;
const qty = ctx.params.qty;
const result = await client.queryObject({args: [billcode, shipcode, partcode, qty], text: query} );
const procd = apply_guidance(result.rows[0]["doc"])
ctx.response.body = procd
// Start the server
console.log('Server is running on http://usmidsap02:8090');
await app.listen({ port: 8090 });