@ -14,110 +14,109 @@ export function apply_guidance(doc: any) {
return match ? match.adj : null;
//let custPrice null;
//let custReason null;
//let cvolPrice null;
//let cvolReason null;
//let markPrice null;
//let markReason null;
//let targPrice null;
//let targReason null;
function lowestPrice(priceObject) {
let Price = Infinity;
let Reason = '';
let Source = '';
let Snapped = Infinity;
const targetPrice = doc.pricing?.v1tp ?? doc.pricing?.v0tp;
const priceBand = doc.pricing?.v1stdv ?? doc.pricing?.v0stdv;
const earlyPrice = doc.hist?.cust?.early_price;
const earlySeason = doc.hist?.cust?.early_season;
const bridgePremium = doc.pricing?.bridgePremium ?? 1.00000;
const altHist = doc.hist?.cust?.ds;
const iidx = doc.pricing?.iidx;
const curr = doc.customer?.curr;
const fxrate = doc.customer?.fxrate ?? 1.0;
const qty = doc.inputs?.qty;
const pltq = doc.product?.pltq;
let anchorPrice = null;
let anchorSource = null;
let custPrice = null;
let custSource = null;
let guidance = {};
let calcCeiling = null;
let finalReasonUSD = "";
let finalPriceUSD = null;
let finalReason = "";
let finalPrice = null;
let ltp = qty < pltq ? 1.15 : null;
let increase = null;
const inflation = Math.max(...Object.keys(iidx).map(Number));
const inflationFactor = iidx[inflation] + 1;
const list = doc.pricing?.list && doc.product?.itemrel === "2" ? doc.pricing?.list : null;
//-------set basic customer pricing--------------
custPrice = Number((earlyPrice * bridgePremium).toFixed(5));
anchorPrice = custPrice;
let anchor_sd = priceBand ? ((anchorPrice - targetPrice) / priceBand).toFixed(2) : 0
let optimization = getAdjValue(anchor_sd);
// ------if there is not target price just exit---------------
if (!targetPrice) {
anchorSource = "No target pricing setup";
guidance.FinalReason = "No target pricing setup";
} else {
// if there is no customer anchor price use target
if (earlyPrice) {
// translate alternate product history to current product quoted
// --------if the price needs bridged, add the details to the description--------
if (bridgePremium === 1) {
anchorSource = earlySeason + ' Price ' + earlyPrice;
custSource = anchorSource;
} else {
anchorSource = earlySeason + ' Similar (' + altHist + ') Price ' + earlyPrice + ' x ' + bridgePremium + ' = ' + anchorPrice;
custSource = anchorSource;
// Iterate over each property in the object
for (let key in priceObject) {
// Ignore markPrice unless targPrice is null
if (key === "mark" && priceObject["targ"][0] !== null) {
// --------after the early price is translated see if target is still less-------
if (targetPrice < anchorPrice) {
anchorSource = `Target Price ${targetPrice}`;
anchorPrice = targetPrice;
} else {
anchorPrice = targetPrice;
anchorSource = `Target Price ${targetPrice}`;
//------get the most relevant inflation factor number---------------------------------
//------anchor x inflation / fxrate---------------------------------------------------
let calcPriceUSD = parseFloat((anchorPrice * inflationFactor).toFixed(5));
let calcPrice = parseFloat((calcPriceUSD / fxrate).toFixed(5));
if (calcPrice >= list && list) {
calcCeiling = "Cap At List";
//multiply list by FX to get to USD if in CAD
finalPrice = list;
if (curr === "CA") {
finalReason = `${anchorSource} x ${inflationFactor} / ${fxrate} FX = ${calcPrice} CAD, cap at list ${list} CAD`;
} else {
finalReason = `${anchorSource} x ${inflationFactor} = ${calcPrice}, cap at list ${list}`;
} else {
finalPrice = calcPrice;
finalPriceUSD = calcPriceUSD;
if (curr === "CA") {
finalReason = `${anchorSource} x ${inflationFactor} / ${fxrate} FX = ${calcPrice} CAD`;
} else {
finalReason = `${anchorSource} x ${inflationFactor} = ${calcPrice}`;
if (priceObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let [cprice, creason, csource, csnap] = priceObject[key];
// Check if the current price is lower than the found so far
if (cprice && cprice < Price) {
Price = cprice;
Reason = creason;
Source = csource;
Snapped = csnap;
return {Reason, Price, Source, Snapped};
function ceiling(value, significance) {
return Math.ceil(value / significance) * significance;
function r5(value) {
return Number(value.toFixed(5));
function pp(value) {
// Multiplies by 1000 and rounds to the nearest 2 decimals
var result = Math.round(value * 1000 * 100) / 100;
// Converts the number to a string with commas for thousand separators
return result.toLocaleString('en-US', {minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2});
// --------------------extract incoming data------------------------------------------------------
const targetPrice = doc.pricing?.v1tp ?? doc.pricing?.v0tp;
const priceBand = doc.pricing?.v1stdv ?? doc.pricing?.v0stdv;
const earlyCustPrice = doc.hist?.cust?.early_price;
const earlyCustSeason = doc.hist?.cust?.early_season;
const earlyMarkPrice = doc.hist?.market?.early_price;
const earlyMarkSeason = doc.hist?.market?.early_season;
const bridgePremium = doc.pricing?.bridgePremium;
const bridgedPrice = Number((earlyCustPrice * (bridgePremium ?? 1.00)).toFixed(5));
const altHist = doc.hist?.cust?.ds;
const iidx = doc.pricing?.iidx;
const curr = doc.customer?.curr;
const fxrate = doc.customer?.fxrate ?? 1.0;
const qty = doc.inputs?.qty;
const pltq = doc.product?.pltq;
const inflation = Math.max(...Object.keys(iidx).map(Number));
const inflationFactor = iidx[inflation];
const list = doc.pricing?.list && doc.product?.itemrel === "2" ? doc.pricing?.list : null;
const listUSD = list ? list * fxrate :null;
// ------------------calculate price adders------------------------------------------------------
let ltp = qty < pltq ? 0.15 : null;
let anchor_sd = priceBand ? ((bridgedPrice - targetPrice) / priceBand).toFixed(2) : 0
let optimization = getAdjValue(anchor_sd);
let custAdder = (ltp ?? 0) + optimization + inflationFactor;
let markAdder = (ltp ?? 0) + inflationFactor;
let inflReason = (inflationFactor ?? 0) !== 0 ? ` + ${(inflationFactor * 100).toFixed(1)}% infl`: "";
let ltpReason = ltp ? ` + ${(ltp * 100).toFixed(1)}% ltp` : "";
let optReason = (optimization ?? 0) !== 0 ? ` + ${(optimization * 100).toFixed(1)}% opt`: "";
let custAddReason = `${inflReason}${ltpReason}${optReason}`;
let markAddReason = `${inflReason}${ltpReason}`;
// ------------------start building price options------------------------------------------------
let snap = .0005;
let custPrice = r5(bridgedPrice * (1 + custAdder));
let custSeason = earlyCustSeason;
let custReason = bridgePremium
? `${custSeason} (similar ${altHist} price ${pp(earlyCustPrice)} x ${bridgePremium} = ${pp(bridgedPrice)})${custAddReason}`
: `${custSeason} price ${pp(bridgedPrice)}${custAddReason}`;
let markPrice = r5(earlyMarkPrice * (1 + markAdder));
let markReason = `${earlyMarkSeason} ASP ${pp(earlyMarkPrice)}${markAddReason}`;
let targPrice = targetPrice ? r5(targetPrice * (1 + markAdder)) : null;
let targReason = `Target price ${pp(targetPrice)}${markAddReason}`;
let listPrice = listUSD;
let listReason = fxrate === 1 ? "" : `list ${pp(list)} CAD ${pp(listUSD)} USD`
let prices = {
cust: [custPrice, custReason, "cust", ceiling(custPrice,snap)],
mark: [markPrice, markReason, "mark", ceiling(markPrice,snap)],
targ: [targPrice, targReason, "targ", ceiling(targPrice,snap)],
list: [listPrice, listReason, "list", ceiling(listPrice,snap)]
let finalPrice = lowestPrice(prices);
let guidance = {
guidance.AnchorPrice = anchorPrice;
guidance.AnchorSource = anchorSource;
guidance.CustAnchorPrice = custPrice;
guidance.CustAnchorSource = custSource;
guidance.InflationFactor = inflationFactor;
guidance.Ceiling = calcCeiling;
guidance.FinalPriceUSD = finalPriceUSD;
guidance.FinalReasonUSD = finalReasonUSD;
guidance.FinalPrice = finalPrice;
guidance.FinalReason = finalReason;
guidance.BridgePremium = bridgePremium;
guidance.TargetPrice = targetPrice;
guidance.ListPrice = list;
doc.guidance = guidance;
return doc;