trying to figure out whats going on with the random normal directions.
This commit is contained in:
Seth Trowbridge 2022-04-10 15:43:43 -04:00
parent da9be04163
commit c3f29258be
2 changed files with 36 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -1,31 +1,29 @@
// @ts-check
import * as T from 'three';
//import { FaceNormalsHelper } from 'three/examples/jsm/helpers/FaceNormalsHelper.js';
import { Scene } from './scene.js';
import Region from "./region.js";
let voxels = [];
voxels[Region.I(0, 0, 0)] = true;
voxels[Region.I(1, 0, 0)] = true;
voxels[Region.I(2, 0, 0)] = true;
voxels[Region.I(0, 1, 0)] = true;
voxels[Region.I(1, 1, 0)] = true;
voxels[Region.I(0, 2, 0)] = true;
let surfaceCubeGeometry = new T.BufferGeometry();
let surfaceCubeObject = new T.Mesh(
new T.MeshPhongMaterial({color:0x666666, wireframe:false, flatShading:true, side:T.DoubleSide})
new T.MeshPhongMaterial({color:0x666666, wireframe:false, flatShading:true, side:T.BackSide})
//var vnh = new FaceNormalsHelper( surfaceCubeObject, 1, 0xff0000 );
let rebuildSurface = inVoxels =>
let { pos, ind } = Region.Surface(inVoxels);
surfaceCubeGeometry.setAttribute("position", new T.BufferAttribute(pos, 3));
@ -38,7 +36,6 @@ Scene({
light.position.set(5, 5, -5);
inScene.add(new T.GridHelper(10, 10));
inScene.add(new T.AxesHelper( 5 ));

View File

@ -20,10 +20,27 @@ const Region =
/** @type {Region.BufferBuilder} */
var vertices = []; // array of surface vertices
var triPointVert = []; // triangle array, contains integer pointers to vertices
var vertPointNeighbors = []; // vertex array, contains arrays of integer pointers to vertices
var vertices = []; // output position buffer
var triPointVert = []; // output index buffer
var vertPointNeighbors = []; // vertex array, contains arrays of integer pointers to vertices
var voxPointVert = []; // for each inVoxel; integer pointer to vertices output buffer
[1 to 1]
voxPointVert---[optional pointers to]---> vertices <---- triPointVert
[1 to 1]
/** @type {(voxIndex:number)=>[number, boolean]} */
function Vert(inVoxIndex)
@ -35,15 +52,15 @@ const Region =
Impure refs: voxPointVert, vertPointNeighbors, vertices
var voxPointVert = []; // vox array, contains integer pointers to vertices
var vertPointer = voxPointVert[inVoxIndex]
if(vertPointer === undefined)
var vertPointer = voxPointVert[inVoxIndex]
if(vertPointer === undefined)// is there no vertex for this voxel?
let vert = Region.XYZ(inVoxIndex);
vertPointer = vertices.length;
voxPointVert[inVoxIndex] = vertPointer;
return [vertPointer, false];
@ -119,13 +136,13 @@ const Region =
CD = Region.I(x, y-1, z );
CB = Region.I(x, y, z-1);
if(!inVoxels[BU]){ Face(BU, BC, TC, TU); }
if(!inVoxels[BR]){ Face(BC, BR, TR, TC); }
if(!inVoxels[TA]){ Face(TA, TU, TC, TR); }
if(!inVoxels[BU]){ Face(BU, BC, TC, TU); } // XZ (away from origin) | "top" (these labels assume y-up)
if(!inVoxels[BR]){ Face(BC, BR, TR, TC); } // YZ (away from origin) | "side"
if(!inVoxels[TA]){ Face(TA, TU, TC, TR); } // XY (away from origin) | "side"
if(!inVoxels[CL]){ Face(BA, BU, TU, TA); }
if(!inVoxels[CD]){ Face(BR, BA, TA, TR); }
if(!inVoxels[CB]){ Face(BA, BU, BC, BR); }
if(!inVoxels[CL]){ Face(BA, BU, TU, TA); } // YZ (touches the origin) | "side"
if(!inVoxels[CD]){ Face(BR, BA, TA, TR); } // XZ (touches the origin) | "bottom"
if(!inVoxels[CB]){ Face(BA, BU, BC, BR); } // XY (touches the origin) | "side" <-- this one needs normals flipped