This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
import Styles from "./styles.dev.js";
import Styles from "./styles.dev.js";
const sheet = Styles({
const sheet = Styles({
Button:{padding:"20px", background:"orange"},
Outline:{border:"2px solid orange"}
const el = sheet.dom.div.Button.Outline();
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"lib": [
"lib": [
"types": ["./drill.d.ts"]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
export {}
declare global {
namespace Gale
type Invoker =()=>HTMLElement
type Elemental<T extends string> = {[K in keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap]: Circular<T>}
type Circular<Keys extends string> = {
[K in Keys]: Circular<Keys>&Invoker;
@ -1,38 +1,41 @@
// @ts-check
const KeyQuery = "@";
const KeyQuery = "@";
const KeyPseudo = ":";
const KeyPseudo = ":";
const KeyChild = ".";
const KeyChild = ".";
const KeyGroup = "^";
const KeyGroup = "^";
/** @typedef { Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> & {[key: `${KeyQuery|KeyPseudo|KeyChild|KeyGroup}${string}`]: UserStyles } } UserStyles */
* @typedef { Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> & {
/** @typedef {Record<string, UserStyles>} UserSheet */
* [key: `${KeyQuery|KeyPseudo|KeyChild|KeyGroup}${string}`]: UserStyles;
* } & {
* [key in keyof CSSStyleDeclaration]?: CSSStyleDeclaration[key] | CSSStyleDeclaration[key][]
* }} UserStyles
/** @typedef {Record<string, UserStyles> & { global?: UserStyles }} UserSheet */
* @template {UserSheet} T
* @template Obj
* @typedef {keyof T | (string & {})} ValidSelectors<T>
* @typedef { { [Key in keyof Obj]: Obj[Key] extends object ? Key | CollectKeys<Obj[Key]> : Key }[keyof Obj] } CollectKeys
* @template {UserSheet} T
* @template Keys
* @param {T} sheet
* @typedef { Keys extends `${KeyChild|KeyGroup}${infer Rest}` ? Keys : never } FilterKeys
* @returns {((...selectors: (keyof T)[]) => string) & { css: string }}
* @template A
* @template B
* @typedef {A extends string ? B extends string ? `${A}${B}` : never : never } CrossMultiply
const createCss = (sheet) => {
let i = 0;
const id = i ? "_" + i : "";
const Tier = (selector, obj) => {
const styles = Object.keys(obj).map((key) => {
* @template Rec
* @typedef { keyof Rec | { [K in keyof Rec]: K extends string ? CrossMultiply<K, FilterKeys<CollectKeys<Rec[K]>>> : never }[keyof Rec] } CrossMultiplyRecord
/** @type {(selector:string, obj:UserStyles)=>string} */
const Tier=(selector, obj)=>
const styles = Object.keys(obj).map((key)=>
const value = obj[key];
const value = obj[key];
switch (key[0]) {
case KeyQuery :
case KeyQuery :
return Tier(`@media(max-width:${key.substring(KeyQuery.length)})`, value);
return Tier(`@media(max-width:${key.substring(KeyQuery.length)})`, value);
case KeyPseudo :
case KeyPseudo :
@ -42,26 +45,56 @@ const createCss = (sheet) => {
case KeyGroup :
case KeyGroup :
return Tier(`&:hover .${key.substring(KeyGroup.length)}`, value);
return Tier(`&:hover .${key.substring(KeyGroup.length)}`, value);
return `${key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2')}: ${value};`;
return `${ key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2') }: ${value};`
return `${selector}{${styles.join("\n")}}`;
return `${selector}{${styles.join("\n")}}`;
const css = Object.keys(sheet).map(key => Tier("." + key, sheet[key])).join("\n");
/** @type {<T extends UserSheet>(ref:T)=>Gale.Elemental<CrossMultiplyRecord<T>>} */
function MakeElemental(ref)
let pending = false;
let classes = [];
const collector = new Proxy(()=>{console.log("original func invoked!", pending, classes)},
get(target, prop, rec)
return collector;
const obj = new Proxy({}, {get(target, prop, rec)
pending = prop;
classes = [];
return collector;
return obj;
let i = 0;
/** @type {<T extends UserSheet>(sheet:UserSheet&T)=> ((...args:CrossMultiplyRecord<T>[])=>string)&{css:string, dom:Gale.Elemental<CrossMultiplyRecord<T>>} } */
export default (sheet)=>
const id = i ? "_"+i : "";
const css = Object.keys(sheet).map(key=>Tier("."+key, sheet[key])).join(`\n`);
globalThis.document?.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style data-sheet="${i}">${css}</style>`);
globalThis.document?.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style data-sheet="${i}">${css}</style>`);
/** @type {(...args: (keyof T)[]) => string} */
const classes =(...args)=>{
const classes =(...args)=>{
/** @type {(needle:string, str:string)=>string} */
/** @type {(needle:string, str:string)=>string} */
const extractLast =(needle, str)=>{
const extractLast =(needle, str)=>{
const ind = str.lastIndexOf(needle)+needle.length;
const ind = str.lastIndexOf(needle)+needle.length;
return ind ? str.substring(ind) : str;
return ind ? str.substring(ind) : str;
return args.map(arg => extractLast(KeyGroup, extractLast(KeyChild, arg))).join(id + " ") + id;
return args.map((arg)=>extractLast(KeyGroup, extractLast(KeyChild, arg))).join(id+" ")+id;
classes.css = css;
classes.css = css;
classes.dom = MakeElemental(sheet);
return classes;
return classes;
export default createCss;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
export {}
declare global
namespace Van {
interface State<T> {
val: T
readonly oldVal: T
readonly rawVal: T
// Defining readonly view of State<T> for covariance.
// Basically we want StateView<string> to implement StateView<string | number>
type StateView<T> = Readonly<State<T>>
type Val<T> = State<T> | T
type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
type PropValue = Primitive | ((e: any) => void) | null
type PropValueOrDerived = PropValue | StateView<PropValue> | (() => PropValue)
type Props = Record<string, PropValueOrDerived> & { class?: PropValueOrDerived; is?: string }
type PropsWithKnownKeys<ElementType> = Partial<{[K in keyof ElementType]: PropValueOrDerived}>
type ValidChildDomValue = Primitive | Node | null | undefined
type BindingFunc = ((dom?: Node) => ValidChildDomValue) | ((dom?: Element) => Element)
type ChildDom = ValidChildDomValue | StateView<Primitive | null | undefined> | BindingFunc | readonly ChildDom[]
type TagFunc<Result> = (first?: Props & PropsWithKnownKeys<Result> | ChildDom, ...rest: readonly ChildDom[]) => Result
type Tags = Readonly<Record<string, TagFunc<Element>>> & {
[K in keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap]: TagFunc<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>
const van:{
readonly state: <T>(initVal: T, HMRKey?:string)=> Van.State<T>
readonly derive: <T>(f: () => T) => Van.State<T>
readonly add: (dom: Element, ...children: readonly Van.ChildDom[]) => Element
readonly tags: Van.Tags & ((namespaceURI: string) => Readonly<Record<string, Van.TagFunc<Element>>>)
readonly hydrate: <T extends Node>(dom: T, f: (dom: T) => T | null | undefined) => T
namespace VanX
type StateOf<T> = { readonly [K in keyof T]: Van.State<T[K]> }
type ValueType<T> = T extends (infer V)[] ? V : T[keyof T]
type KeyType<T> = T extends unknown[] ? number : string
type ReplacementFunc<T> =
T extends (infer V)[] ? (items: V[]) => readonly V[] :
(items: [string, T[keyof T]][]) => readonly [string, T[keyof T]][]
const vanX:{
readonly calc: <R>(f: () => R) => R
readonly reactive: <T extends object>(obj: T, HMRKey?:string) => T
readonly noreactive: <T extends object>(obj: T) => T
readonly stateFields: <T extends object>(obj: T) => VanX.StateOf<T>
readonly raw: <T extends object>(obj: T) => T
readonly list: <T extends object, ElementType extends Element>(container: (() => ElementType) | ElementType, items: T,itemFunc: (v: Van.State<VanX.ValueType<T>>, deleter: () => void, k: VanX.KeyType<T>) => Node) => ElementType
readonly replace: <T extends object>(obj: T, replacement: VanX.ReplacementFunc<T> | T) => T
readonly compact: <T extends object>(obj: T) => T
namespace Gale {
type KeyQuery = "@";
type KeyPseudo = ":";
type KeyChild = ".";
type KeyGroup = "^";
type UserStyles = Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> & {[key: `${KeyQuery|KeyPseudo|KeyChild|KeyGroup}${string}`]: UserStyles }
type UserSheet = Record<string, UserStyles>
type CollectKeys<Obj> = {[Key in keyof Obj]: Obj[Key] extends object ? Key | CollectKeys<Obj[Key]> : Key }[keyof Obj]
type FilterKeys<Keys> = Keys extends `${KeyChild|KeyGroup}${infer Rest}` ? Keys : never
type CrossMultiply<A, B> = A extends string ? B extends string ? `${A}${B}` : never : never
type CrossMultiplyRecord<Rec> = keyof Rec | { [K in keyof Rec]: K extends string ? CrossMultiply<K, FilterKeys<CollectKeys<Rec[K]>>> : never }[keyof Rec]
type Tier = (selector:string, obj:UserStyles)=>string;
type CreateSheet = <T extends UserSheet>(sheet:UserSheet&T)=> ((...args:CrossMultiplyRecord<T>[])=>string)&{css:string}
const Gale:Gale.CreateSheet
Reference in New Issue
Block a user