
93 lines
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import * as ReactParts from "react-original";
import { HMR } from "./hmr.tsx";
export type StateType = boolean|number|string|Record<string, string>
export type StateCapture = {state:StateType, set:ReactParts.StateUpdater<StateType>, reload:number};
type FuncArgs = [element:keyof ReactParts.JSX.IntrinsicElements, props:Record<string, string>, children:ReactParts.JSX.Element[]];
const H = ReactParts.createElement;
const MapIndex =(inMap:Map<string, StateCapture>, inIndex:number)=>
let index = 0;
for(const kvp of inMap)
if(index == inIndex)
return kvp;
return false;
const ProxyCreate =(...args:FuncArgs)=> (typeof args[0] == "string") ? H(...args) : H(ProxyElement, {__args:args, ...args[1]});
const ProxyElement = (props:{__args:FuncArgs})=>
const [stateGet, stateSet] = ReactParts.useState(0);
const id = ReactParts.useId();
HMR.RegisterComponent(id, ()=>stateSet(stateGet+1));
const child = H(...props.__args);
return H("div", {style:{padding:"10px", border:"2px solid red"}},
H("p", null, stateGet),
return child;
const ProxyState =(argNew:StateType)=>
// does statesOld have an entry for this state? use that instead of the passed arg
const check = MapIndex(HMR.statesOld, HMR.statesNew.size);
const argOld = check ? check[1].state : argNew;
const id = ReactParts.useId();
const [stateGet, stateSet] = ReactParts.useState(argOld);
// state updates due to clicks, interactivity, etc. since the last reload may already be in statesNew for this slot.
// DONT overwrite it.
HMR.statesNew.set(id, {state:stateGet, set:stateSet, reload:HMR.reloads});
const lastKnowReloads = HMR.reloads;
return ()=>{
if(HMR.reloads == lastKnowReloads)/*i have no idea what this does. this may have to be re-introduced when routing is added*/
// this is a switch/ui change, not a HMR reload change
const oldState = MapIndex(HMR.statesOld, HMR.statesNew.size-1);
oldState && HMR.statesOld.set(oldState[0], {...oldState[1], state:argNew});
console.log("check: ui-invoked")
}, []);
// do we need to account for the function set?
function proxySetter (inArg:StateType)
const stateUser = {state:inArg, set:stateSet, reload:HMR.reloads};
HMR.statesNew.set(id, stateUser);
return [stateGet, proxySetter];
export * from "react-original";
export {ProxyCreate as createElement, ProxyState as useState };
export const isProxy = true;
export default {...ReactParts, createElement:ProxyCreate, useState:ProxyState, isProxy:true};