dreaded-fixes #7

SethTrowbridge merged 7 commits from dreaded-fixes into master 2023-10-16 13:30:24 -04:00
1 changed files with 20 additions and 8 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 69f902c927 - Show all commits

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@ -196,18 +196,30 @@ export async function Check()
const confTasks = (config.json.tasks || {}) as Record<string, string>;
config.json.tasks = {...confTasks, ...tasks};
const options =
const optionsRequired =
"lib": ["deno.window", "dom", "dom.asynciterable"],
"lib": ["deno.window", "dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.asynciterable"],
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"jsxImportSource": "react"
const compOpts = config.json.compilerOptions as Record<string, string|string[]> || {};
const compLib:string[] = compOpts.lib as string[] || [];
compOpts.jsx = options.jsx;
compOpts.jsxImportSource = options.jsxImportSource;
compOpts.lib = [...compLib, ...options.lib];
config.json.compilerOptions = compOpts;
const optionsCurrent = config.json.compilerOptions as Record<string, string|string[]> || {};
//const compLib:string[] = compOpts.lib as string[] || [];
optionsCurrent.lib = [];
(optionsCurrent.lib as string[]).push(s);
optionsCurrent.jsx = optionsRequired.jsx;
optionsCurrent.jsxImportSource = optionsRequired.jsxImportSource;
config.json.compilerOptions = optionsCurrent;
await bake(imports);
await bake(config);