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This commit is contained in:
Seth Trowbridge 2024-05-14 22:52:52 -04:00
parent ee5881bcaa
commit b81a96d91a
6 changed files with 12 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import{Component as f,createElement as c,options as i,toChildArray as _,Fragment as d,render as m,hydrate as W,createContext as $,createRef as H,cloneElement as z}
export {createElement as jsx, createElement as jsxs} from "./preact.js";
export {createElement as jsx, createElement as jsxs, createElement as h} from "./preact.js";
import{Component as Ve,Fragment as We,createContext as $e,createElement as He,createRef as ze}

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ var w={screens:{sm:"640px",md:"768px",lg:"1024px",xl:"1280px","2xl":"1536px"},co
/* - esbuild bundle(@twind/preset-autoprefix@1.0.7) denonext production */
import{cssPropertyAlias,cssPropertyPrefixFlags,cssValuePrefixFlags}from"./presets.js";var P=[["-webkit-",1],["-moz-",2],["-ms-",4]];export function presetAutoprefix(){return({stringify:r})=>({stringify(s,e,l){let f="",t=cssPropertyAlias(s);t&&(f+=r(t,e,l)+";");let i=cssPropertyPrefixFlags(s),o=cssValuePrefixFlags(s,e);for(let a of P)i&a[1]&&(f+=r(a[0]+s,e,l)+";"),o&a[1]&&(f+=r(s,a[0]+e,l)+";");return f+r(s,e,l)}})}
import{cssPropertyAlias,cssPropertyPrefixFlags,cssValuePrefixFlags}from"@twind/core";var P=[["-webkit-",1],["-moz-",2],["-ms-",4]];export function presetAutoprefix(){return({stringify:r})=>({stringify(s,e,l){let f="",t=cssPropertyAlias(s);t&&(f+=r(t,e,l)+";");let i=cssPropertyPrefixFlags(s),o=cssValuePrefixFlags(s,e);for(let a of P)i&a[1]&&(f+=r(a[0]+s,e,l)+";"),o&a[1]&&(f+=r(s,a[0]+e,l)+";");return f+r(s,e,l)}})}
/* - esbuild bundle(style-vendorizer@2.2.3) denonext production */

View File

@ -169,8 +169,9 @@ export async function Check()
importMap["react"] = ``;
importMap["react/"] = ``;
importMap["react/jsx-runtime"] = "",
importMap["@preact/signals"] = ``;
importMap["@twind/core"] = ``;
importMap["@twind/core"] = ``;
importMap[">able/"] = `${RootHost}`;
@ -199,7 +200,8 @@ export async function Check()
const optionsRequired =
"lib": ["deno.window", "dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.asynciterable"],
"jsx": "react-jsx"
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"jsxImportSource": "react"
const optionsCurrent = config.json.compilerOptions as Record<string, string|string[]> || {};
//const compLib:string[] = compOpts.lib as string[] || [];

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"react-original": "",
"@preact/signals": "",
"signals-original": "",
"@twind/": "./bundled/twind/",
"@twind/core": "",
">able/": "./",
">able/app.tsx": "./app.tsx"

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import React from "react";
import * as TW from "@twind/core.js";
import * as Pre from "@twind/presets.js";
import * as TW from "@twind/core";
import PreTailwind from "";
import PreAutoprefix from "";
import * as App from ">able/app.tsx";
const Configure =
theme: {},
presets: [Pre.presetAutoprefix(), Pre.presetTailwind()],
presets: [PreAutoprefix(), PreTailwind()],
hash: false
} as TW.TwindUserConfig;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as MIME from "";
import * as SWCW from "";
import SSR from "http://localhost:4507/bundled/preact/to-string.js";
import SSR from "";
import { HuntConfig, Root } from "./checker.tsx";
import CustomServe from ">able/api.tsx";