human error

This commit is contained in:
Seth Trowbridge 2023-06-07 20:32:47 -04:00
parent 576df32946
commit ed49a67933
1 changed files with 23 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export function Button({children, icon, light, disabled, inactive, onClick, clas
export const Header =()=>
const [State, Dispatch] = Store.Consumer();
const grade = State.Live.Test?.Done;
const grade = State.Live.Test?.Done || {Marks:0, Total:0, Score:0};
/** @type {(e:Event)=>void} */
const handleChange =(e)=> Dispatch({Name:"Test", Data:parseInt(/** @type {HTMLSelectElement}*/(});
@ -114,7 +114,26 @@ export const Controls =()=>
const testMark = State.Live.Freq[/** @type {"TestL"|"TestR"}*/(`Test${State.Chan.Value ? "R":"L"}`)];
const handler = testMark.Stim <= State.Stim.Value ? ()=>{playSet(2)} : ()=>{playSet(0)}
const audible = State.Stim.Value >= testMark.Stim;
const error = State.Stim.Value - testMark.Stim;
let errorMapped = error;
if(error >= 30){ errorMapped = 0.0; }
else if(error >= 25){ errorMapped = 0.1; }
else if(error >= 20){ errorMapped = 0.2; }
else if(error >= 15){ errorMapped = 0.3; }
else if(error >= 10){ errorMapped = 0.5; }
else if(error >= 5){ errorMapped = 0.7; }
else if(error == 0){ errorMapped = 1.0; }
else if(error >= -5){ errorMapped = 0.5; }
else if(error >=-10){ errorMapped = 0.1; }
else if(error >=-15){ errorMapped = 0.0; }
const errorScaled = State.Errs*errorMapped;
const errorSampled = Math.random() < errorScaled;
const percieved = errorSampled ? !audible : audible
const handler = percieved ? ()=>playSet(2) : ()=>playSet(0);
console.log("Error:", error, "Error Mapped:", errorMapped, "Error Scaled:", errorScaled, "Error Sampled:", errorSampled);
timer = setTimeout(handler, 800 + Math.random()*1300);
@ -129,8 +148,8 @@ export const Controls =()=>
<div class="flex-col bg-metal rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-md">
<div class="p-4 pb-1">
<div class="box-buttons min-w-[50%]">
<${Button} inactive=${State.Chan.Value == 0} light=${State.Chan.Value == 0} classes="flex-1" onClick=${()=>Dispatch({Name:"Chan", Data:-1})}>Left Ear<//>
<${Button} inactive=${State.Chan.Value == 1} light=${State.Chan.Value == 1} classes="flex-1" onClick=${()=>Dispatch({Name:"Chan", Data:1})}>Right Ear<//>
<${Button} inactive=${State.Chan.Value == 0} light=${State.Chan.Value == 0} classes="flex-1" onClick=${()=>Dispatch({Name:"Chan", Data:-1})}>Left<//>
<${Button} inactive=${State.Chan.Value == 1} light=${State.Chan.Value == 1} classes="flex-1" onClick=${()=>Dispatch({Name:"Chan", Data:1})}>Right<//>
<div class="p-4 py-1">