This commit is contained in:
Seth Trowbridge 2022-11-29 23:15:44 -05:00
parent a602bfd295
commit b8d373314a
6 changed files with 118 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
"fs": "deno run -A --no-lock",
"test": "deno test 'store_test.js' --no-lock"
"test": "deno test test/store_test.js --no-lock --watch"

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View File

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@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { Initial, Reducer, ColumnMapping } from "./store.js";
const States = {
get latest()
return this.list[this.list.length-1];
set latest(input)
Deno.test("Initial State", async (t)=>
await t.step("Selections are empty", ()=>
assertEquals(States.latest.Live.Test, undefined);
assertEquals(States.latest.Live.Freq, undefined);
assertEquals(States.latest.Live.Mark, undefined);
await t.step("Frequency index maps to 1k hz", ()=>
assertEquals(States.latest.Freq, 3);
assertEquals(ColumnMapping[States.latest.Freq][0], 1000);
await t.step("The first test has its 2nd plot at 1k hz", ()=>
const plot = States.latest.Tests[0].Plot[1];
assertEquals(plot.Hz, 1000);
Deno.test("Select First Test", async (t)=>
await t.step("dispatch action", ()=>
States.latest = Reducer(States.latest, {Name:"Test", Data:0});
await t.step("check selections: test and freq, but no mark", ()=>
const s = States.latest;
assertEquals(s.Live.Test, s.Tests[0]);
assertEquals(s.Live.Freq, s.Tests[0].Plot[1]);
assertEquals(s.Live.Mark, undefined);
Deno.test("Make Marks", async (t)=>
let s;
await t.step("Left channel selected", ()=>
assertEquals(States.latest.Chan, 0);
await t.step("Dispatch Mark action", ()=>
States.latest = Reducer(States.latest, {Name:"Mark", Data:true});
s = States.latest;
await t.step("Check selections: test, freq, and mark", ()=>
assertEquals(s.Live.Test, s.Tests[0]);
assertEquals(s.Live.Freq, s.Tests[0].Plot[1]);
assertEquals(s.Live.Mark, s.Tests[0].Plot[1].UserL);
await t.step("Check marked value", ()=>
assertEquals(s.Live.Mark.Stim, s.Stim);
assertEquals(s.Live.Mark.Resp, true);
await t.step("Dispatch Mark delete action", ()=>
States.latest = Reducer(States.latest, {Name:"Mark", Data:null});
s = States.latest;
await t.step("Check marked value", ()=>
assertEquals(States.latest.Live.Mark, undefined);
Deno.test("Update Tone State", async(t)=>
await t.step("all three", ()=>
States.latest = Reducer(States.latest, {Name:"Freq", Data:2});
States.latest = Reducer(States.latest, {Name:"Stim", Data:25});
States.latest = Reducer(States.latest, {Name:"Chan", Data:1});
await t.step("check tone values", ()=>
assertEquals(States.latest.Stim, 25);
assertEquals(States.latest.Freq, 2);
assertEquals(States.latest.Chan, 1);

test/store_test.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { Reducer, ColumnMapping } from "../src/store.js";
Deno.test("Store", async(t)=>
let state = {
Chan: 0,
Freq: 3,
Stim: 30,
Test: undefined,
Freq: undefined,
Mark: undefined
Tests: [
Name: "Patient A Asymmetric Notch",
{ Hz: 500, TestL: { Stim: 30, Resp: true }, TestR: { Stim: 50, Resp: true } },
{ Hz: 1000, TestL: { Stim: 50, Resp: true }, TestR: { Stim: 55, Resp: true } }
await t.step("Initialize", async(t)=>
await t.step("A test exists with 500 and 1k hz plots", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Tests.length > 0, true);
const test = state.Tests[0];
assertEquals(test.Plot.length > 1, true);
assertEquals(test.Plot[0].Hz, 500);
assertEquals(test.Plot[1].Hz, 1000);
await t.step("Dispatch Test, Freq, Stim, and Chan updates", ()=>
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Test", Data:0});
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Freq", Data:2});
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Stim", Data:25});
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Chan", Data:1});
await t.step("Freq, Stim, and Chan have the correct values", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Stim, 25);
assertEquals(state.Freq, 2);
assertEquals(state.Chan, 1);
await t.step("Live context values are correct", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Live.Test, state.Tests[0]);
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.Hz, ColumnMapping[state.Freq][0]);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark, undefined, "(User) Mark is undefined");
await t.step("Make Marks", async(t)=>
await t.step("Dispatch Mark create", ()=>
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Mark", Data:true});
await t.step("Check marked value", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.UserR !== undefined, true, `there will be a user mark for the right channel`);
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.UserL === undefined, true, `the left channel user mark will be undefined`);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark.Stim, state.Stim);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark.Resp, true);
await t.step("Dispatch Mark delete", ()=>
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Mark", Data:null});
await t.step("Check marked value", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.UserR === undefined, true);
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.UserL === undefined, true);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark, undefined);
await t.step("Dispatch Freq, Stim, and Chan updates", ()=>
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Freq", Data:3});
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Stim", Data:65});
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Chan", Data:0});
await t.step("Live context values are correct", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Live.Test, state.Tests[0]);
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.Hz, ColumnMapping[state.Freq][0]);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark, undefined);
await t.step("Dispatch Mark create", ()=>
state = Reducer(state, {Name:"Mark", Data:false});
await t.step("Check marked value", ()=>
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.UserR === undefined, true, `there will be a user mark for the right channel`);
assertEquals(state.Live.Freq.UserL !== undefined, true, `the left channel user mark will be undefined`);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark.Stim, state.Stim);
assertEquals(state.Live.Mark.Resp, false);