DO $f$ DECLARE _j jsonb; DECLARE _m text; BEGIN _j := $${"header":{"vendor":"Target","date":"10/12/2017","instrument":"Discover Card","module":"hdrio","total":47.74,"location":"Stow, OH","transaction":"purchase","offset":"dcard"},"item":[{"vend item":"HERBAL","amt":7.99,"account":"home supplies","item":"shampoo","reason":"hygiene"},{"vend item":"HERBAL","amt":7.99,"account":"home supplies","item":"conditioner","reason":"hygiene"},{"vend item":"BUILDING SET","amt":28.74,"account":"recreation","item":"legos","reason":"toys","qty":6,"uom":"ea"},{"vend item":"OH TAX","amt":3.02,"account":"sales tax","item":"sales tax","reason":"sales tax","rate":"0.0675"}]}$$; WITH j AS ( SELECT _j jb ) --------build a duplicating cross join table------------------ ,os AS ( SELECT flag, sign, x.offs FROM j JOIN LATERAL ( VALUES ('ITEM',1,null), ('OFFSET',-1,j.jb->'header'->>'offset') ) x (flag, sign, offs) ON TRUE ) ------------do the cross join against all the item elements------------------- ,build AS ( SELECT array['item',rn::text]::text jpath ,COALESCE(os.offs,ae.e->>'account') acct ,(ae.e->>'amt')::numeric * os.sign amount FROM j LEFT JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(J.JB->'item') WITH ORDINALITY ae(e,rn) ON TRUE CROSS JOIN os ORDER BY ae.rn ASC, os.flag ASC ) -------------re-aggregate the items into a single array point called 'gl'--------------- ,agg AS ( SELECT jsonb_build_object('gl',jsonb_agg(row_to_json(b))) gl FROM build b ) ------------take the new 'gl' with array key-value pair and combine it with the original--------------- SELECT jsonb_pretty(||j.jb) INTO _m FROM agg CROSS JOIN j; RAISE NOTICE '%', _m; END $f$