/* SELECT jsonb_pretty( $$ { "name": "GOOGDM", "type": "json_csv", "schema": { "rows": [ { "elements": [ { "status": "text", "distance": { "text": "text", "value": "numeric" }, "duration": { "text": "text", "value": "value" } } ] } ], "status": "text", "origin_addresses": [ "text" ], "destination_addresses": [ "text" ] }, "unique_constraint": { "type": "key", "fields": [ "{origin_adresses,0}", "{destination_adresses,0}" ] } } $$::jsonb ) */ DO $$ declare _t text; begin ----------------------------------------------------build the column list of the temp table---------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(prs.key)||' '||prs.type,',') INTO _t FROM TPS.srce --unwrap the schema definition array LEFT JOIN LATERAL jsonb_populate_recordset(null::tps.srce_defn_schema, defn->'schema') prs ON TRUE GROUP BY srce; ----------------------------------------------------add create table verbage in front of column list-------------------------------------------------------- _t := format('CREATE TEMP TABLE csv_i (%s)', _t); raise notice '%', _t; ----------------------------------------------------build the table----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS csv_i; EXECUTE _t; end $$; --SELECT * FROM csv_i; COPY csv_i FROM 'C:\Users\ptrowbridge\downloads\transsearchcsv.csv' WITH (HEADER TRUE,DELIMITER ',', FORMAT CSV, ENCODING 'SQL_ASCII',QUOTE '"'); SELECT row_to_json(csv_i) FROM csv_i;