DO $f$ DECLARE _t text; _c text; _log_info jsonb; _log_id text; _cnt numeric; _message jsonb; _recs jsonb; _srce text; _defn jsonb; _MESSAGE_TEXT text; _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL text; _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT text; BEGIN _srce := 'DMAPI'; _recs:= $${"id":1,"doc":{"rows":[{"elements":[{"status":"OK","distance":{"text":"225 mi","value":361940},"duration":{"text":"3 hours 50 mins","value":13812}}]}],"status":"OK","origin_addresses":["Washington, DC, USA"],"destination_addresses":["New York, NY, USA"]}}$$::jsonb; ----------------------------------------------------test if source exists---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT defn INTO _defn FROM tps.srce WHERE srce = _srce; IF _defn IS NULL THEN _message:= format( $$ { "status":"fail", "message":"source %L does not exists" } $$, _srce )::jsonb; RAISE NOTICE '%s', _message; END IF; -------------unwrap the json record and apply the path(s) of the constraint to build a constraint key per record----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WITH pending_list AS ( SELECT _srce srce ,j.rec , --aggregate back to the record since multiple paths may be listed in the constraint --it is unclear why the "->>0" is required to correctly extract the text array from the jsonb ,tps.jsonb_concat_obj( jsonb_build_object( --the new json key is the path itself cons.path->>0 ,j.rec#>((cons.path->>0)::text[]) ) ) json_key FROM jsonb_array_elements(_recs) WITH ORDINALITY j(rec,id) JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(_defn->'constraint') WITH ORDINALITY cons(path, seq) ON TRUE GROUP BY j.rec , ) -----------create a unique list of keys from staged rows------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , pending_keys AS ( SELECT DISTINCT json_key FROM pending_list ) -----------list of keys already loaded to tps----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , matched_keys AS ( SELECT DISTINCT k.json_key FROM pending_keys k INNER JOIN tps.trans t ON t.ic = k.json_key ) -----------return unique keys that are not already in tps.trans----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , unmatched_keys AS ( SELECT json_key FROM pending_keys EXCEPT SELECT json_key FROM matched_keys ) --------build log record-------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , logged AS ( INSERT INTO tps.trans_log (info) SELECT JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT('time_stamp',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ||JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT('srce',_srce) --||JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT('path',_path) ||JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT('not_inserted', ( SELECT jsonb_agg(json_key) FROM matched_keys ) ) ||JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT('inserted', ( SELECT jsonb_agg(json_key) FROM unmatched_keys ) ) RETURNING * ) -----------insert pending rows that have key with no trans match----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --need to look into mapping the transactions prior to loading , inserted AS ( INSERT INTO tps.trans (srce, rec, ic, logid) SELECT pl.srce ,pl.rec ,pl.json_key , FROM pending_list pl INNER JOIN unmatched_keys u ON u.json_key = pl.json_key CROSS JOIN logged ORDER BY ASC ----this conflict is only if an exact duplicate rec json happens, which will be rejected ----therefore, records may not be inserted due to ay matches with certain json fields, or if the entire json is a duplicate, reason is not specified RETURNING * ) SELECT id ,info INTO _log_id ,_log_info FROM logged; --RAISE NOTICE 'import logged under id# %, info: %', _log_id, _log_info; _message:= ( $$ { "status":"complete" } $$::jsonb )||jsonb_build_object('details',_log_info); RAISE NOTICE '%s', _message; END; $f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql