/* This function takes and array of definition object where "name" object is the primary key It will force the entire body of sources to match what is received */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tps.srce_set(jsonb); CREATE FUNCTION tps.srce_set(_defn jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS $f$ DECLARE _message jsonb; _MESSAGE_TEXT text; _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL text; _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT text; _rebuild BOOLEAN; BEGIN --do a lateral join and expand the array --do another lateral join calling the single set function for each row and aggregating the result messages RETURN _message; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS _MESSAGE_TEXT = MESSAGE_TEXT, _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; _message:= ($$ { "status":"fail", "message":"error importing data" } $$::jsonb) ||jsonb_build_object('message_text',_MESSAGE_TEXT) ||jsonb_build_object('pg_exception_detail',_PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL); RETURN _message; END; $f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql