/* This function takes and array of definition object where "name" object is the primary key It will force the entire body of sources to match what is received */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tps.srce_overwrite_all(jsonb); CREATE FUNCTION tps.srce_overwrite_all(_defn jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS $f$ DECLARE _message jsonb; _MESSAGE_TEXT text; _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL text; _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT text; _rebuild BOOLEAN; _list text; BEGIN WITH --retain the results of the update by srce _set AS ( SELECT j.rn rn ,j.e->>'name' srce ,j.e defn FROM jsonb_array_elements(_defn) WITH ORDINALITY j(e, rn) ) --full join ,_full AS ( SELECT COALESCE(_srce.srce,_set.srce) srce ,CASE COALESCE(_set.srce,'DELETE') WHEN 'DELETE' THEN 'DELETE' ELSE 'SET' END actn ,COALESCE(_set.defn,_srce.defn) defn FROM tps.srce _srce FULL OUTER JOIN _set ON _set.srce = _srce.srce ) --call functions from list ,_do_set AS ( SELECT f.srce ,f.actn ,setd.message FROM _full f JOIN LATERAL tps.srce_set(defn) setd(message) ON f.actn = 'SET' --dual left joins for functions that touch the same table causes the first left join actions to be undone --LEFT JOIN LATERAL tps.srce_delete(defn) deld(message) ON f.actn = 'DELETE' ) ,_do_del AS ( SELECT f.srce ,f.actn ,deld.message FROM _full f JOIN LATERAL tps.srce_delete(defn) deld(message) ON f.actn = 'DELETE' ) --aggregate all the messages into one message ---- ---- should look at rolling back the whole thing if one of the function returns a fail. stored proc could do this. ---- SELECT jsonb_agg(m) INTO _message FROM ( SELECT jsonb_build_object('source',srce,'status',message->>'status','message',message->>'message') m FROM _do_set UNION ALL SELECT jsonb_build_object('source',srce,'status',message->>'status','message',message->>'message') m FROM _do_del ) x; SELECT string_agg(srce,',') INTO _list FROM tps.srce; RAISE NOTICE 'multi source list: %', _list; RETURN _message; SELECT string_agg(srce,',') INTO _list FROM tps.srce; RAISE NOTICE 'after return: %', _list; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS _MESSAGE_TEXT = MESSAGE_TEXT, _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; _message:= ($$ { "status":"fail", "message":"error updating sources" } $$::jsonb) ||jsonb_build_object('message_text',_MESSAGE_TEXT) ||jsonb_build_object('pg_exception_detail',_PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL); RETURN _message; END; $f$ LANGUAGE plpgsql