CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tps.srce_map_def_set(_defn jsonb) RETURNS jsonb AS $f$ DECLARE _message jsonb; _MESSAGE_TEXT text; _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL text; _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT text; BEGIN WITH ------------------------------------------stage rows to insert----------------------------------------------------- stg AS ( SELECT --data source ae.r->>'srce' srce --map name ,ae.r->>'name' target --map definition ,ae.r regex --map aggregation sequence ,(ae.r->>'sequence')::INTEGER seq --history definition ,jsonb_build_object( 'hist_defn',ae.r ,'effective',jsonb_build_array(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,null::timestamptz) ) || '[]'::jsonb hist --determine if the rows are new or match ,(m.regex->>'regex' = ae.r->>'regex')::BOOLEAN rebuild FROM jsonb_array_elements(_defn) ae(r) LEFT OUTER JOIN tps.map_rm m ON m.srce = ae.r->>'srce' AND = ae.t->>'name' ) ---------------------------------------do the upsert------------------------------------------------------------------- ,ins AS ( INSERT INTO tps.map_rm (srce, target, regex, seq, hist) SELECT srce ,target ,regex ,seq ,hist FROM stg ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT map_rm_pk DO UPDATE SET srce = excluded.srce ,target = ,regex = excluded.regex ,seq = excluded.seq ,hist = --the new definition going to position -0- jsonb_build_object( 'hist_defn',excluded.regex ,'effective',jsonb_build_array(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,null::timestamptz) ) --the previous definition, set upper bound of effective range which was previously null || jsonb_set( map_rm.hist ,'{0,effective,1}'::text[] ,to_jsonb(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ) ) ---------------------------get list of sources that had maps change-------------------------------------------------------- , to_update AS ( SELECT DISTINCT srce FROM ins WHERE rebuild = TRUE ) --------------------------call the map overwrite for each source and return all the messages into message---------------- /*the whole source must be overwritten because if an element is no longer returned it shoudl be wiped from the data*/ SELECT jsonb_agg(x.message) INTO _message FROM to_update JOIN LATERAL tps.srce_map_overwrite(to_update.srce) AS x(message) ON TRUE; _message:= jsonb_build_object('status','complete','message','definition has been set'); return _message; GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS _MESSAGE_TEXT = MESSAGE_TEXT, _PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, _PG_EXCEPTION_HINT = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT; _message:= ($$ { "status":"fail", "message":"error setting definition" } $$::jsonb) ||jsonb_build_object('message_text',_MESSAGE_TEXT) ||jsonb_build_object('pg_exception_detail',_PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL); return _message; END; $f$ language plpgsql