--transactions with date in download format for constraint --transactions with date in download format for constraint COPY ( SELECT r."Loan#" ,to_char(r."Post Date",'mm/dd/yyyy') "Post Date" ,to_char(r."Effective Date",'mm/dd/yyyy') "Effective Date" ,r."Reference #" ,r."Description" ,r."Advances" ,r."Adjustments" ,r."Payments" ,r."Loan Balance" FROM tps.trans JOIN LATERAL jsonb_populate_record(NULL::tps.pnco, rec) r ON TRUE WHERE srce = 'PNCO' ) TO 'C:\users\ptrowbridge\downloads\pnco.csv' WITH (format csv, header TRUE) --source SELECT DEFN FROM TPS.SRCE WHERE SRCE = 'PNCO' --mapdef SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_json(x)::jsonb) FROM (SELECT srce, target "name", regex, seq "sequence" FROM tps.map_rm WHERE srce = 'PNCO') x --map values SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_JSON(x)::jsonb) FROM (SELECT srce "source", target "map", retval ret_val, "map" mapped FROM tps.map_rv WHERE srce = 'PNCO') X