DO $$ DECLARE _t text; DECLARE _c text; BEGIN ----------------------------------------------------build the column list of the temp table---------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(prs.key)||' '||prs.type,','), string_agg(quote_ident(prs.key),',') INTO _t, _c FROM TPS.srce --unwrap the schema definition array LEFT JOIN LATERAL jsonb_populate_recordset(null::tps.srce_defn_schema, defn->'schema') prs ON TRUE WHERE srce = 'DCARD' GROUP BY srce; ----------------------------------------------------add create table verbage in front of column list-------------------------------------------------------- _t := format('CREATE TEMP TABLE csv_i (%s, id SERIAL)', _t); --RAISE NOTICE '%', _t; --RAISE NOTICE '%', _c; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS csv_i; EXECUTE _t; ----------------------------------------------------do the insert------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --the column list needs to be dynamic forcing this whole line to be dynamic _t := format('COPY csv_i (%s) FROM ''C:\Users\fleet\downloads\dc.csv'' WITH (HEADER TRUE,DELIMITER '','', FORMAT CSV, ENCODING ''SQL_ASCII'',QUOTE ''"'');',_c); --RAISE NOTICE '%', _t; EXECUTE _t; END $$; --******************************************* --this needs to aggregate on id sequence --******************************************* WITH pending_list AS ( SELECT ---creates a key value pair and then aggregates rows of key value pairs jsonb_object_agg( (ae.e::text[])[1], --the key name (row_to_json(i)::jsonb) #> ae.e::text[] --get the target value from the key from the csv row that has been converted to json ) json_key, row_to_json(i)::JSONB rec, srce, --ae.rn, id FROM csv_i i INNER JOIN tps.srce s ON s.srce = 'DCARD' LEFT JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_TEXT(defn->'unique_constraint'->'fields') WITH ORDINALITY ae(e, rn) ON TRUE GROUP BY i.*, srce, id ORDER BY id ) ------results of an insert operation-------------- , inserted AS ( INSERT INTO tps.trans (srce, rec) SELECT pl.srce ,pl.rec FROM pending_list pl LEFT JOIN tps.trans t ON t.srce = pl.srce AND t.rec @> pl.json_key WHERE t IS NULL ----this conflict is only if an exact duplicate rec json happens, which will be rejected ----therefore, records may not be inserted due to ay matches with certain json fields, or if the entire json is a duplicate, reason is not specified ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT uc_rec DO NOTHING RETURNING * ) ----records not inserted------ SELECT srce ,rec FROM pending_list EXCEPT ALL SELECT srce ,rec FROM inserted;