require('dotenv').config(); var express = require('express'); var handlebars = require('express-handlebars'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); var mult = require('multer'); var upload = mult({ encoding: "utf8" }); var csvtojson = require('csvtojson'); var pg = require('pg'); var server = express(); server.engine('handlebars', handlebars()); server.set('view engine', 'handlebars'); server.use(function(inReq, inRes, inNext) { inRes.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); inRes.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS"); inRes.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"); inNext(); }); var Postgres = new pg.Client({ user: process.env.user, password: process.env.password, host:, port: process.env.port, database: process.env.database, ssl: false, application_name: "tps_etl_api" }); Postgres.FirstRow = function(inSQL,args, inResponse) { Postgres.query(inSQL,args, (err, res) => { if (err === null) { inResponse.json(res.rows[0]); return; } inResponse.json(err.stack); }); }; Postgres.connect(); //----------------------------------------------------------source definitions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //returns array of all sources server.get("/source", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(defn) source_list FROM tps.srce"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[], inRes); }); //returns message about status and error description"/source_single", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes)// remove body parsing, just pass post body to the sql string build { var sql = "SELECT x.message FROM tps.srce_set($1::jsonb) as x(message)"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[JSON.stringify(inReq.body)], inRes); }); //assume inboud info is json array of definitions to set"/source", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes)// remove body parsing, just pass post body to the sql string build { x = inReq.body; var sql = "SELECT\ jsonb_agg(x.message) message\ FROM\ jsonb_array_elements($1::jsonb) d(def)\ JOIN LATERAL tps.srce_set(d.def) x(message) ON TRUE"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[JSON.stringify(inReq.body)], inRes); }); //----------------------------------------------------------regex instrUctions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //list all regex operations server.get("/regex", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(regex) regex FROM tps.map_rm WHERE srce = $1::text"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql, [inReq.query.srce], inRes); }); //set one or more map definitions"/regex", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT x.message FROM tps.srce_map_def_set($1::jsonb) as x(message)"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql, [JSON.stringify(inReq.body)], inRes); }); //------------------------------------------------------------mappings--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //list unmapped items flagged to be mapped ?srce= server.get("/unmapped_all", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_json(x)::jsonb) regex FROM tps.report_unmapped_recs($1::text) x"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[inReq.query.srce], inRes); }); //list unmapped items flagged to be mapped ?srce= server.get("/unmapped", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_json(x)::jsonb) regex FROM tps.report_unmapped($1::text) x"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[inReq.query.srce], inRes); }); server.get("/mapping", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_json(x)::jsonb) regex FROM tps.map_rv x WHERE srce = $1::text"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[inReq.query.srce], inRes); }); //add entries to lookup table"/mapping", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT x.message FROM tps.map_rv_set($1::jsonb) as x(message)"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[JSON.stringify( inReq.body)], inRes); }); //---------------------------------------------------------list imports-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server.get("/import_log", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_json(l)::jsonb) regex FROM tps.trans_log l"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[], inRes); }); //-------------------------------------------------------------import data----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server.use("/import", upload.single('upload'), function (inReq, inRes) { console.log("should have gotten file as post body here"); var csv = inReq.file.buffer.toString('utf8') //{headers: "true", delimiter: ",", output: "jsonObj", flatKeys: "true"} csvtojson({ flatKeys: "true" }).fromString(csv).then( (x) => { var sql = "SELECT x.message FROM tps.srce_import($1, $2::jsonb) as x(message)" console.log(sql); Postgres.FirstRow(sql, [inReq.query.srce, JSON.stringify(x)], inRes); } ); } ); //----------------------------------------------------------list import logs--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server.get("/import_log", function (inReq, inRes) { var sql = "SELECT jsonb_agg(info) info FROM tps.trans_log WHERE info @> $1::jsonb"; Postgres.FirstRow(sql, [inReq.query], inRes); }); //-------------------------------------------------------------suggest source def---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server.use("/csv_suggest", upload.single('upload'), function (inReq, inRes) { console.log("should have gotten file as post body here"); var csv = inReq.file.buffer.toString('utf8') //{headers: "true", delimiter: ",", output: "jsonObj", flatKeys: "true"} csvtojson({ flatKeys: "true" }).fromString(csv).then( (x) => { var sug = { schemas: { default: [] }, loading_function: "csv", source:"client_file", name: "", constraint: [] }; for (var key in x[0]) { var col = {}; //test if number if (!isNaN(parseFloat(x[0][key])) && isFinite(x[0][key])) { //if is a number but leading character is -0- then it's text if (x[0][key].charAt(0) == "0"){ col["type"] = "text"; } //if number and leadign character is not 0 then numeric else { col["type"] = "numeric"; } } //if can cast to a date within a hundred years its probably a date else if (Date.parse(x[0][key]) > Date.parse('1950-01-01') && Date.parse(x[0][key]) < Date.parse('2050-01-01')) { col["type"] = "date"; } //otherwise its text else { col["type"] = "text"; } col["path"] = "{" + key + "}"; col["column_name"] = key; sug.schemas.default.push(col); } console.log(sug); inRes.json(sug); } ); } ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ledger--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //add ledger array and create offset account for every line server.get("/gl_mhi_multi_post", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes) { var l = 0; console.log(inReq.body); x = inReq.body; = {}; = []; = []; for (var i in x.item){ //copy the current item to the gl array var line = x.item[i];; //build references to 'item' array var ref = []; ref.push("{item,"+i+"}"); ref.push("{header}");; //copy the current item to the gl array again, but swap account with supplied 'account' in header var ofs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(line)); ofs.account = x.header.account; ofs.amount = -ofs.amount;; //add the same reference again for the offset account; } var sql = "INSERT INTO evt.bpr (bpr) SELECT $1"; console.log(JSON.stringify(x)); Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[JSON.stringify(x)], inRes); }); //add ledger array and create offset account for every line server.get("/gl_mje_build", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes) { var l = 0; console.log(inReq.body); x = inReq.body; = {}; = []; = []; for (var i in x.items){ //copy the current item to the gl array var line = x.items[i];; //build references to 'item' array var ref = []; ref.push("{items,"+i+"}"); ref.push("{header}");; } var sql = "INSERT INTO evt.bpr (bpr) SELECT $1"; console.log(JSON.stringify(x)); Postgres.FirstRow(sql,[JSON.stringify(x)], inRes); }); //add ledger array and create offset account for total of all lines server.get("/gl_mhi_single_build", bodyParser.json(), function (inReq, inRes) { var l = 0; var tot = 0.00; var bomb = false; console.log(inReq.body); x = inReq.body; //add GL array x.GL = []; for (var i in x.item){ var line = x.item[i]; if ((line.account != null) && (line.amount != null)) { x.GL.push(line); tot = tot + (line.amount || 0); } else { bomb = true; } //add the whole line as-is } if (bomb == false) { var ofs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x.header)); ofs.account = ofs.account; delete ofs.account; ofs.amount = -tot; x.GL.push(ofs); } inRes.json(x); }); server.get("/", function (inReq, inRes) { inRes.render("definition", { title: "definition", layout: "main" }); }); module.exports = server;