# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # isort:skip_file """Unit tests for Superset CSV upload""" import json import logging import os import shutil from typing import Dict, Optional from unittest import mock import pandas as pd import pytest import superset.utils.database from superset.sql_parse import Table from superset import security_manager from tests.integration_tests.conftest import ADMIN_SCHEMA_NAME from tests.integration_tests.test_app import app # isort:skip from superset import db from superset.models.core import Database from superset.utils import core as utils from tests.integration_tests.base_tests import get_resp, login, SupersetTestCase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) test_client = app.test_client() CSV_UPLOAD_DATABASE = "csv_explore_db" CSV_FILENAME1 = "testCSV1.csv" CSV_FILENAME2 = "testCSV2.csv" EXCEL_FILENAME = "testExcel.xlsx" PARQUET_FILENAME1 = "testZip/testParquet1.parquet" PARQUET_FILENAME2 = "testZip/testParquet2.parquet" ZIP_DIRNAME = "testZip" ZIP_FILENAME = "testZip.zip" EXCEL_UPLOAD_TABLE = "excel_upload" CSV_UPLOAD_TABLE = "csv_upload" PARQUET_UPLOAD_TABLE = "parquet_upload" CSV_UPLOAD_TABLE_W_SCHEMA = "csv_upload_w_schema" CSV_UPLOAD_TABLE_W_EXPLORE = "csv_upload_w_explore" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def setup_csv_upload(): with app.app_context(): login(test_client, username="admin") upload_db = superset.utils.database.get_or_create_db( CSV_UPLOAD_DATABASE, app.config["SQLALCHEMY_EXAMPLES_URI"] ) extra = upload_db.get_extra() extra["explore_database_id"] = superset.utils.database.get_example_database().id upload_db.extra = json.dumps(extra) upload_db.allow_file_upload = True db.session.commit() yield upload_db = get_upload_db() engine = upload_db.get_sqla_engine() engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {EXCEL_UPLOAD_TABLE}") engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {CSV_UPLOAD_TABLE}") engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {PARQUET_UPLOAD_TABLE}") engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {CSV_UPLOAD_TABLE_W_SCHEMA}") engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {CSV_UPLOAD_TABLE_W_EXPLORE}") db.session.delete(upload_db) db.session.commit() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def create_csv_files(): with open(CSV_FILENAME1, "w+") as test_file: for line in ["a,b", "john,1", "paul,2"]: test_file.write(f"{line}\n") with open(CSV_FILENAME2, "w+") as test_file: for line in ["b,c,d", "john,1,x", "paul,2,"]: test_file.write(f"{line}\n") yield os.remove(CSV_FILENAME1) os.remove(CSV_FILENAME2) @pytest.fixture() def create_excel_files(): pd.DataFrame({"a": ["john", "paul"], "b": [1, 2]}).to_excel(EXCEL_FILENAME) yield os.remove(EXCEL_FILENAME) @pytest.fixture() def create_columnar_files(): os.mkdir(ZIP_DIRNAME) pd.DataFrame({"a": ["john", "paul"], "b": [1, 2]}).to_parquet(PARQUET_FILENAME1) pd.DataFrame({"a": ["max", "bob"], "b": [3, 4]}).to_parquet(PARQUET_FILENAME2) shutil.make_archive(ZIP_DIRNAME, "zip", ZIP_DIRNAME) yield os.remove(ZIP_FILENAME) shutil.rmtree(ZIP_DIRNAME) def get_upload_db(): return db.session.query(Database).filter_by(database_name=CSV_UPLOAD_DATABASE).one() def upload_csv(filename: str, table_name: str, extra: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): csv_upload_db_id = get_upload_db().id schema = utils.get_example_default_schema() form_data = { "csv_file": open(filename, "rb"), "sep": ",", "name": table_name, "con": csv_upload_db_id, "if_exists": "fail", "index_label": "test_label", "mangle_dupe_cols": False, } if schema: form_data["schema"] = schema if extra: form_data.update(extra) return get_resp(test_client, "/csvtodatabaseview/form", data=form_data) def upload_excel( filename: str, table_name: str, extra: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ): excel_upload_db_id = get_upload_db().id schema = utils.get_example_default_schema() form_data = { "excel_file": open(filename, "rb"), "name": table_name, "con": excel_upload_db_id, "sheet_name": "Sheet1", "if_exists": "fail", "index_label": "test_label", "mangle_dupe_cols": False, } if schema: form_data["schema"] = schema if extra: form_data.update(extra) return get_resp(test_client, "/exceltodatabaseview/form", data=form_data) def upload_columnar( filename: str, table_name: str, extra: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ): columnar_upload_db_id = get_upload_db().id schema = utils.get_example_default_schema() form_data = { "columnar_file": open(filename, "rb"), "name": table_name, "con": columnar_upload_db_id, "if_exists": "fail", "index_label": "test_label", } if schema: form_data["schema"] = schema if extra: form_data.update(extra) return get_resp(test_client, "/columnartodatabaseview/form", data=form_data) def mock_upload_to_s3(filename: str, upload_prefix: str, table: Table) -> str: """ HDFS is used instead of S3 for the unit tests.integration_tests. :param filename: The file to upload :param upload_prefix: The S3 prefix :param table: The table that will be created :returns: The HDFS path to the directory with external table files """ # only needed for the hive tests import docker client = docker.from_env() container = client.containers.get("namenode") # docker mounted volume that contains csv uploads src = os.path.join("/tmp/superset_uploads", os.path.basename(filename)) # hdfs destination for the external tables dest_dir = os.path.join("/tmp/external/superset_uploads/", str(table)) container.exec_run(f"hdfs dfs -mkdir -p {dest_dir}") dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) container.exec_run(f"hdfs dfs -put {src} {dest}") # hive external table expectes a directory for the location return dest_dir