# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # isort:skip_file """Unit tests for Superset Celery worker""" import datetime import json import random import string import time import unittest.mock as mock from typing import Optional import pytest import flask from flask import current_app from tests.base_tests import login from tests.conftest import CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME from tests.test_app import app from superset import db, sql_lab from superset.result_set import SupersetResultSet from superset.db_engine_specs.base import BaseEngineSpec from superset.errors import ErrorLevel, SupersetErrorType from superset.extensions import celery_app from superset.models.helpers import QueryStatus from superset.models.sql_lab import Query from superset.sql_parse import ParsedQuery, CtasMethod from superset.utils.core import get_example_database, backend CELERY_SLEEP_TIME = 6 QUERY = "SELECT name FROM birth_names LIMIT 1" TEST_SYNC = "test_sync" TEST_ASYNC_LOWER_LIMIT = "test_async_lower_limit" TEST_SYNC_CTA = "test_sync_cta" TEST_ASYNC_CTA = "test_async_cta" TEST_ASYNC_CTA_CONFIG = "test_async_cta_config" TMP_TABLES = [ TEST_SYNC, TEST_SYNC_CTA, TEST_ASYNC_CTA, TEST_ASYNC_CTA_CONFIG, TEST_ASYNC_LOWER_LIMIT, ] test_client = app.test_client() def get_query_by_id(id: int): db.session.commit() query = db.session.query(Query).filter_by(id=id).first() return query @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="module") def setup_sqllab(): with app.app_context(): yield db.session.query(Query).delete() db.session.commit() for tbl in TMP_TABLES: drop_table_if_exists(f"{tbl}_{CtasMethod.TABLE.lower()}", CtasMethod.TABLE) drop_table_if_exists(f"{tbl}_{CtasMethod.VIEW.lower()}", CtasMethod.VIEW) drop_table_if_exists( f"{CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME}.{tbl}_{CtasMethod.TABLE.lower()}", CtasMethod.TABLE ) drop_table_if_exists( f"{CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME}.{tbl}_{CtasMethod.VIEW.lower()}", CtasMethod.VIEW ) def run_sql( sql, cta=False, ctas_method=CtasMethod.TABLE, tmp_table="tmp", async_=False ): login(test_client, username="admin") db_id = get_example_database().id resp = test_client.post( "/superset/sql_json/", json=dict( database_id=db_id, sql=sql, runAsync=async_, select_as_cta=cta, tmp_table_name=tmp_table, client_id="".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(5)), ctas_method=ctas_method, ), ) test_client.get("/logout/", follow_redirects=True) return json.loads(resp.data) def drop_table_if_exists(table_name: str, table_type: CtasMethod) -> None: """Drop table if it exists, works on any DB""" sql = f"DROP {table_type} IF EXISTS {table_name}" get_example_database().get_sqla_engine().execute(sql) def quote_f(value: Optional[str]): if not value: return value return get_example_database().inspector.engine.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier( value ) def cta_result(ctas_method: CtasMethod): if backend() != "presto": return [], [] if ctas_method == CtasMethod.TABLE: return [{"rows": 1}], [{"name": "rows", "type": "BIGINT", "is_date": False}] return [{"result": True}], [{"name": "result", "type": "BOOLEAN", "is_date": False}] # TODO(bkyryliuk): quote table and schema names for all databases def get_select_star(table: str, schema: Optional[str] = None): if backend() in {"presto", "hive"}: schema = quote_f(schema) table = quote_f(table) if schema: return f"SELECT *\nFROM {schema}.{table}" return f"SELECT *\nFROM {table}" @pytest.mark.parametrize("ctas_method", [CtasMethod.TABLE, CtasMethod.VIEW]) def test_run_sync_query_dont_exist(setup_sqllab, ctas_method): sql_dont_exist = "SELECT name FROM table_dont_exist" result = run_sql(sql_dont_exist, cta=True, ctas_method=ctas_method) if backend() == "sqlite" and ctas_method == CtasMethod.VIEW: assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == result["status"], result else: assert ( result["errors"][0]["error_type"] == SupersetErrorType.GENERIC_DB_ENGINE_ERROR ) assert result["errors"][0]["level"] == ErrorLevel.ERROR assert result["errors"][0]["extra"] == { "issue_codes": [ { "code": 1002, "message": "Issue 1002 - The database returned an unexpected error.", } ] } @pytest.mark.parametrize("ctas_method", [CtasMethod.TABLE, CtasMethod.VIEW]) def test_run_sync_query_cta(setup_sqllab, ctas_method): tmp_table_name = f"{TEST_SYNC}_{ctas_method.lower()}" result = run_sql(QUERY, tmp_table=tmp_table_name, cta=True, ctas_method=ctas_method) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == result["query"]["state"], result assert cta_result(ctas_method) == (result["data"], result["columns"]) # Check the data in the tmp table. select_query = get_query_by_id(result["query"]["serverId"]) results = run_sql(select_query.select_sql) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == results["status"], results assert len(results["data"]) > 0 def test_run_sync_query_cta_no_data(setup_sqllab): sql_empty_result = "SELECT * FROM birth_names WHERE name='random'" result = run_sql(sql_empty_result) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == result["query"]["state"] assert ([], []) == (result["data"], result["columns"]) query = get_query_by_id(result["query"]["serverId"]) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == query.status @pytest.mark.parametrize("ctas_method", [CtasMethod.TABLE, CtasMethod.VIEW]) @mock.patch( "superset.views.core.get_cta_schema_name", lambda d, u, s, sql: CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME ) def test_run_sync_query_cta_config(setup_sqllab, ctas_method): if backend() == "sqlite": # sqlite doesn't support schemas return tmp_table_name = f"{TEST_SYNC_CTA}_{ctas_method.lower()}" result = run_sql(QUERY, cta=True, ctas_method=ctas_method, tmp_table=tmp_table_name) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == result["query"]["state"], result assert cta_result(ctas_method) == (result["data"], result["columns"]) query = get_query_by_id(result["query"]["serverId"]) assert ( f"CREATE {ctas_method} {CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME}.{tmp_table_name} AS \n{QUERY}" == query.executed_sql ) assert query.select_sql == get_select_star(tmp_table_name, schema=CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME) time.sleep(CELERY_SLEEP_TIME) results = run_sql(query.select_sql) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == results["status"], result @pytest.mark.parametrize("ctas_method", [CtasMethod.TABLE, CtasMethod.VIEW]) @mock.patch( "superset.views.core.get_cta_schema_name", lambda d, u, s, sql: CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME ) def test_run_async_query_cta_config(setup_sqllab, ctas_method): if backend() == "sqlite": # sqlite doesn't support schemas return tmp_table_name = f"{TEST_ASYNC_CTA_CONFIG}_{ctas_method.lower()}" result = run_sql( QUERY, cta=True, ctas_method=ctas_method, async_=True, tmp_table=tmp_table_name, ) time.sleep(CELERY_SLEEP_TIME) query = get_query_by_id(result["query"]["serverId"]) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == query.status assert get_select_star(tmp_table_name, schema=CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME) == query.select_sql assert ( f"CREATE {ctas_method} {CTAS_SCHEMA_NAME}.{tmp_table_name} AS \n{QUERY}" == query.executed_sql ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ctas_method", [CtasMethod.TABLE, CtasMethod.VIEW]) def test_run_async_cta_query(setup_sqllab, ctas_method): table_name = f"{TEST_ASYNC_CTA}_{ctas_method.lower()}" result = run_sql( QUERY, cta=True, ctas_method=ctas_method, async_=True, tmp_table=table_name ) time.sleep(CELERY_SLEEP_TIME) query = get_query_by_id(result["query"]["serverId"]) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == query.status assert get_select_star(table_name) in query.select_sql assert f"CREATE {ctas_method} {table_name} AS \n{QUERY}" == query.executed_sql assert QUERY == query.sql assert query.rows == (1 if backend() == "presto" else 0) assert query.select_as_cta assert query.select_as_cta_used @pytest.mark.parametrize("ctas_method", [CtasMethod.TABLE, CtasMethod.VIEW]) def test_run_async_cta_query_with_lower_limit(setup_sqllab, ctas_method): tmp_table = f"{TEST_ASYNC_LOWER_LIMIT}_{ctas_method.lower()}" result = run_sql( QUERY, cta=True, ctas_method=ctas_method, async_=True, tmp_table=tmp_table ) time.sleep(CELERY_SLEEP_TIME) query = get_query_by_id(result["query"]["serverId"]) assert QueryStatus.SUCCESS == query.status assert get_select_star(tmp_table) == query.select_sql assert f"CREATE {ctas_method} {tmp_table} AS \n{QUERY}" == query.executed_sql assert QUERY == query.sql assert query.rows == (1 if backend() == "presto" else 0) assert query.limit is None assert query.select_as_cta assert query.select_as_cta_used SERIALIZATION_DATA = [("a", 4, 4.0, datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 18, 16, 39, 16, 660000))] CURSOR_DESCR = ( ("a", "string"), ("b", "int"), ("c", "float"), ("d", "datetime"), ) def test_default_data_serialization(): db_engine_spec = BaseEngineSpec() results = SupersetResultSet(SERIALIZATION_DATA, CURSOR_DESCR, db_engine_spec) with mock.patch.object( db_engine_spec, "expand_data", wraps=db_engine_spec.expand_data ) as expand_data: data = sql_lab._serialize_and_expand_data(results, db_engine_spec, False, True) expand_data.assert_called_once() assert isinstance(data[0], list) def test_new_data_serialization(): db_engine_spec = BaseEngineSpec() results = SupersetResultSet(SERIALIZATION_DATA, CURSOR_DESCR, db_engine_spec) with mock.patch.object( db_engine_spec, "expand_data", wraps=db_engine_spec.expand_data ) as expand_data: data = sql_lab._serialize_and_expand_data(results, db_engine_spec, True) expand_data.assert_not_called() assert isinstance(data[0], bytes) def test_default_payload_serialization(): use_new_deserialization = False db_engine_spec = BaseEngineSpec() results = SupersetResultSet(SERIALIZATION_DATA, CURSOR_DESCR, db_engine_spec) query = { "database_id": 1, "sql": "SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 100", "status": QueryStatus.PENDING, } ( serialized_data, selected_columns, all_columns, expanded_columns, ) = sql_lab._serialize_and_expand_data( results, db_engine_spec, use_new_deserialization ) payload = { "query_id": 1, "status": QueryStatus.SUCCESS, "state": QueryStatus.SUCCESS, "data": serialized_data, "columns": all_columns, "selected_columns": selected_columns, "expanded_columns": expanded_columns, "query": query, } serialized = sql_lab._serialize_payload(payload, use_new_deserialization) assert isinstance(serialized, str) def test_msgpack_payload_serialization(): use_new_deserialization = True db_engine_spec = BaseEngineSpec() results = SupersetResultSet(SERIALIZATION_DATA, CURSOR_DESCR, db_engine_spec) query = { "database_id": 1, "sql": "SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 100", "status": QueryStatus.PENDING, } ( serialized_data, selected_columns, all_columns, expanded_columns, ) = sql_lab._serialize_and_expand_data( results, db_engine_spec, use_new_deserialization ) payload = { "query_id": 1, "status": QueryStatus.SUCCESS, "state": QueryStatus.SUCCESS, "data": serialized_data, "columns": all_columns, "selected_columns": selected_columns, "expanded_columns": expanded_columns, "query": query, } serialized = sql_lab._serialize_payload(payload, use_new_deserialization) assert isinstance(serialized, bytes) def test_create_table_as(): q = ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM outer_space;") assert "CREATE TABLE tmp AS \nSELECT * FROM outer_space" == q.as_create_table("tmp") assert ( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp;\nCREATE TABLE tmp AS \nSELECT * FROM outer_space" == q.as_create_table("tmp", overwrite=True) ) # now without a semicolon q = ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM outer_space") assert "CREATE TABLE tmp AS \nSELECT * FROM outer_space" == q.as_create_table("tmp") # now a multi-line query multi_line_query = "SELECT * FROM planets WHERE\n" "Luke_Father = 'Darth Vader'" q = ParsedQuery(multi_line_query) assert ( "CREATE TABLE tmp AS \nSELECT * FROM planets WHERE\nLuke_Father = 'Darth Vader'" == q.as_create_table("tmp") ) def test_in_app_context(): @celery_app.task() def my_task(): assert current_app # Make sure we can call tasks with an app already setup my_task() # Make sure the app gets pushed onto the stack properly try: popped_app = flask._app_ctx_stack.pop() my_task() finally: flask._app_ctx_stack.push(popped_app)