from wtforms import ( Field, Form, SelectMultipleField, SelectField, TextField, TextAreaField, BooleanField, IntegerField, HiddenField) from wtforms import validators, widgets from copy import copy from panoramix import app from six import string_types from collections import OrderedDict config = app.config class BetterBooleanField(BooleanField): """ Fixes behavior of html forms omitting non checked (which doesn't distinguish False from NULL/missing ) If value is unchecked, this hidden fills in False value """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): html = super(BetterBooleanField, self).__call__(**kwargs) html += u'' return widgets.HTMLString(html) class SelectMultipleSortableField(SelectMultipleField): """ Works along with select2sortable to preserves the sort order """ def iter_choices(self): d = OrderedDict() for value, label in self.choices: selected = is not None and self.coerce(value) in d[value] = (value, label, selected) if for value in yield d.pop(value) while d: yield d.pop(d.keys()[0]) class FreeFormSelect(widgets.Select): def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('id', if self.multiple: kwargs['multiple'] = True html = ['') return widgets.HTMLString(''.join(html)) class FreeFormSelectField(SelectField): widget = FreeFormSelect() def pre_validate(self, form): return class OmgWtForm(Form): fieldsets = {} css_classes = dict() def get_field(self, fieldname): return getattr(self, fieldname) def field_css_classes(self, fieldname): if fieldname in self.css_classes: return " ".join(self.css_classes[fieldname]) return "" class FormFactory(object): series_limits = [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500] fieltype_class = { SelectField: 'select2', SelectMultipleField: 'select2', FreeFormSelectField: 'select2_freeform', SelectMultipleSortableField: 'select2Sortable', } def __init__(self, viz): self.viz = viz from panoramix.viz import viz_types viz = self.viz datasource = viz.datasource default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0] default_groupby = datasource.groupby_column_names[0] group_by_choices = [(s, s) for s in datasource.groupby_column_names] # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Panoramix self.field_dict = { 'viz_type': SelectField( 'Viz', default='table', choices=[(k, v.verbose_name) for k, v in viz_types.items()], description="The type of visualization to display"), 'metrics': SelectMultipleSortableField( 'Metrics', choices=datasource.metrics_combo, default=[default_metric], description="One or many metrics to display"), 'metric': SelectField( 'Metric', choices=datasource.metrics_combo, default=default_metric, description="Chose the metric"), 'secondary_metric': SelectField( 'Color Metric', choices=datasource.metrics_combo, default=default_metric, description="A metric to use for color"), 'groupby': SelectMultipleSortableField( 'Group by', choices=self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names), description="One or many fields to group by"), 'columns': SelectMultipleSortableField( 'Columns', choices=self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names), description="One or many fields to pivot as columns"), 'granularity': FreeFormSelectField( 'Time Granularity', default="one day", choices=self.choicify([ 'all', '5 seconds', '30 seconds', '1 minute', '5 minutes', '1 hour', '6 hour', '1 day', '7 days', ]), description=( "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you " "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', " "'1 day' or '56 weeks'")), 'link_length': FreeFormSelectField( 'Link Length', default="200", choices=self.choicify([ '10', '25', '50', '75', '100', '150', '200', '250', ]), description="Link length in the force layout"), 'charge': FreeFormSelectField( 'Charge', default="-500", choices=self.choicify([ '-50', '-75', '-100', '-150', '-200', '-250', '-500', '-1000', '-2500', '-5000', ]), description="Charge in the force layout"), 'granularity_sqla': SelectField( 'Time Column', default=datasource.main_dttm_col, choices=self.choicify(datasource.dttm_cols), description=( "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you " "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME " "column in the table editor")), 'since': FreeFormSelectField( 'Since', default="7 days ago", choices=self.choicify([ '1 hour ago', '12 hours ago', '1 day ago', '7 days ago', '28 days ago', '90 days ago', '1 year ago' ]), description=( "Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and " "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'")), 'until': FreeFormSelectField('Until', default="now", choices=self.choicify([ 'now', '1 day ago', '7 days ago', '28 days ago', '90 days ago', '1 year ago']) ), 'row_limit': FreeFormSelectField( 'Row limit', default=config.get("ROW_LIMIT"), choices=self.choicify( [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000])), 'limit': SelectField( 'Series limit', choices=self.choicify(self.series_limits), default=50, description=( "Limits the number of time series that get displayed")), 'rolling_type': SelectField( 'Rolling', default='None', choices=[(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']], description=( "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along " "with the [Periods] text box")), 'rolling_periods': IntegerField( 'Periods', validators=[validators.optional()], description=( "Defines the size of the rolling window function, " "relative to the time granularity selected")), 'series': SelectField( 'Series', choices=group_by_choices, default=default_groupby, description=( "Defines the grouping of entities. " "Each serie is shown as a specific color on the chart and " "has a legend toggle")), 'entity': SelectField('Entity', choices=group_by_choices, default=default_groupby, description="This define the element to be plotted on the chart"), 'x': SelectField( 'X Axis', choices=datasource.metrics_combo, default=default_metric, description="Metric assigned to the [X] axis"), 'y': SelectField('Y Axis', choices=datasource.metrics_combo, default=default_metric, description="Metric assigned to the [Y] axis"), 'size': SelectField( 'Bubble Size', default=default_metric, choices=datasource.metrics_combo), 'where': TextField( 'Custom WHERE clause', default='', description=( "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE " "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include " "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else " "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")), 'having': TextField('Custom HAVING clause', default='', description=( "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING" " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include " "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else " "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")), 'compare_lag': TextField('Comparison Period Lag', description="Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against"), 'compare_suffix': TextField('Comparison suffix', description="Suffix to apply after the percentage display"), 'y_axis_format': TextField('Y axis format', description="D3 format syntax for y axis " "\n" "d3/wiki/Formatting"), 'markup_type': SelectField( "Markup Type", choices=self.choicify(['markdown', 'html']), default="markdown", description="Pick your favorite markup language"), 'rotation': SelectField( "Rotation", choices=[(s, s) for s in ['random', 'flat', 'square']], default="random", description="Rotation to apply to words in the cloud"), 'line_interpolation': SelectField( "Line Style", choices=self.choicify([ 'linear', 'basis', 'cardinal', 'monotone', 'step-before', 'step-after']), default='linear', description="Line interpolation as defined by d3.js"), 'code': TextAreaField( "Code", description="Put your code here", default=''), 'pandas_aggfunc': SelectField( "Aggregation function", choices=self.choicify([ 'sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'stdev', 'var']), default='sum', description=( "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and " "computing the total rows and columns")), 'size_from': TextField( "Font Size From", default="20", description="Font size for the smallest value in the list"), 'size_to': TextField( "Font Size To", default="150", description="Font size for the biggest value in the list"), 'show_brush': BetterBooleanField( "Range Filter", default=True, description=( "Whether to display the time range interactive selector")), 'show_legend': BetterBooleanField( "Legend", default=True, description="Whether to display the legend (toggles)"), 'x_axis_showminmax': BetterBooleanField( "X axis show min/max", default=True, description=( "Whether to display the min and max values of the axis")), 'rich_tooltip': BetterBooleanField( "Rich Tooltip", default=True, description="The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time"), 'y_axis_zero': BetterBooleanField( "Y Axis Zero", default=False, description="Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum value"), 'y_log_scale': BetterBooleanField( "Y Log", default=False, description="Use a log scale for the Y axis"), 'x_log_scale': BetterBooleanField( "X Log", default=False, description="Use a log scale for the X axis"), 'donut': BetterBooleanField( "Donut", default=False, description="Do you want a donut or a pie?"), 'contribution': BetterBooleanField( "Contribution", default=False, description="Compute the contribution to the total"), 'num_period_compare': IntegerField( "Period Ratio", default=None, validators=[validators.optional()], description=( "[integer] Number of period to compare against, " "this is relative to the granularity selected")), 'time_compare': TextField( "Time Shift", default="", description=( "Overlay a timeseries from a " "relative time period. Expects relative time delta " "in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, " "56 weeks, 365 days")), } @staticmethod def choicify(l): return [("{}".format(obj), "{}".format(obj)) for obj in l] def get_form(self, previous=False): px_form_fields = self.field_dict viz = self.viz datasource = viz.datasource field_css_classes = {} for name, obj in px_form_fields.items(): field_css_classes[name] = ['form-control'] s = self.fieltype_class.get(obj.field_class) if s: field_css_classes[name] += [s] for field in ('show_brush', 'show_legend', 'rich_tooltip'): field_css_classes[field] += ['input-sm'] class QueryForm(OmgWtForm): fieldsets = copy(viz.fieldsetizer()) css_classes = field_css_classes standalone = HiddenField() async = HiddenField() json = HiddenField() slice_id = HiddenField() slice_name = HiddenField() previous_viz_type = HiddenField(default=viz.viz_type) collapsed_fieldsets = HiddenField() viz_type = self.field_dict.get('viz_type') filter_cols = datasource.filterable_column_names or [''] for i in range(10): setattr(QueryForm, 'flt_col_' + str(i), SelectField( 'Filter 1', default=filter_cols[0], choices=self.choicify(filter_cols))) setattr(QueryForm, 'flt_op_' + str(i), SelectField( 'Filter 1', default='in', choices=self.choicify(['in', 'not in']))) setattr( QueryForm, 'flt_eq_' + str(i), TextField("Super", default='')) for fieldset in viz.fieldsetizer(): for ff in fieldset['fields']: if isinstance(ff, string_types): ff = [ff] for s in ff: if s: setattr(QueryForm, s, px_form_fields[s]) # datasource type specific form elements if datasource.__class__.__name__ == 'SqlaTable': QueryForm.fieldsets += ({ 'label': 'SQL', 'fields': ['where', 'having'], 'description': ( "This section exposes ways to include snippets of " "SQL in your query"), },) setattr(QueryForm, 'where', px_form_fields['where']) setattr(QueryForm, 'having', px_form_fields['having']) if 'granularity' in viz.flat_form_fields(): setattr( QueryForm, 'granularity', px_form_fields['granularity_sqla']) field_css_classes['granularity'] = ['form-control', 'select2'] return QueryForm