# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Unit tests for alerting in Superset""" import json import logging from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from superset import db from superset.exceptions import SupersetException from superset.models.alerts import Alert, AlertLog, SQLObservation from superset.models.slice import Slice from superset.tasks.alerts.observer import observe from superset.tasks.alerts.validator import ( AlertValidatorType, check_validator, not_null_validator, operator_validator, ) from superset.tasks.schedules import ( AlertState, deliver_alert, evaluate_alert, validate_observations, ) from superset.utils import core as utils from superset.views.alerts import ( AlertLogModelView, AlertModelView, AlertObservationModelView, ) from tests.integration_tests.base_tests import SupersetTestCase from tests.integration_tests.test_app import app from tests.integration_tests.utils import read_fixture logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.yield_fixture(scope="module") def setup_database(): with app.app_context(): example_database = utils.get_example_database() example_database.get_sqla_engine().execute( "CREATE TABLE test_table AS SELECT 1 as first, 2 as second" ) example_database.get_sqla_engine().execute( "INSERT INTO test_table (first, second) VALUES (3, 4)" ) yield db.session db.session.query(SQLObservation).delete() db.session.query(AlertLog).delete() db.session.query(Alert).delete() db.session.commit() example_database.get_sqla_engine().execute("DROP TABLE test_table") def create_alert( db_session: Session, sql: str, validator_type: AlertValidatorType = AlertValidatorType.OPERATOR, validator_config: str = "", ) -> Alert: db_session.commit() alert = Alert( label="test_alert", active=True, crontab="* * * * *", slice_id=db_session.query(Slice).all()[0].id, recipients="recipient1@superset.com", slack_channel="#test_channel", sql=sql, database_id=utils.get_example_database().id, validator_type=validator_type, validator_config=validator_config, ) db_session.add(alert) db_session.commit() return alert @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, query, value", [ ("Test int SQL return", "SELECT 55", 55.0), ("Test double SQL return", "SELECT 30.0 as wage", 30.0), ("Test NULL result", "SELECT null as null_result", None), ( "Test empty SQL return", "SELECT first FROM test_table WHERE first = -1", None, ), ( "Test multi line query", """ -- comment SELECT 1 -- comment FROM test_table WHERE first = 1 """, 1.0, ), ("Test jinja", "SELECT {{ 2 }}", 2.0), ], ) def test_alert_observer_no_error_msg(setup_database, description, query, value): logger.info(description) db_session = setup_database alert = create_alert(db_session, query) observe(alert.id, db_session) if value is None: assert alert.observations[-1].value is None else: assert alert.observations[-1].value == value assert alert.observations[-1].error_msg is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, query", [ ("Test str result", "SELECT 'test_string' as string_value"), ("Test two row result", "SELECT first FROM test_table"), ( "Test two column result", "SELECT first, second FROM test_table WHERE first = 1", ), ], ) def test_alert_observer_error_msg(setup_database, description, query): logger.info(description) db_session = setup_database alert = create_alert(db_session, query) observe(alert.id, db_session) assert alert.observations[-1].value is None assert alert.observations[-1].error_msg is not None @patch("superset.tasks.schedules.deliver_alert") def test_evaluate_alert(mock_deliver_alert, setup_database): db_session = setup_database # Test error with Observer SQL statement alert1 = create_alert(db_session, "$%^&") evaluate_alert(alert1.id, alert1.label, db_session) assert alert1.logs[-1].state == AlertState.ERROR # Test pass on alert lacking validator config alert2 = create_alert(db_session, "SELECT 55") # evaluation fails if config is malformed with pytest.raises(json.decoder.JSONDecodeError): evaluate_alert(alert2.id, alert2.label, db_session) assert not alert2.logs # Test triggering successful alert alert3 = create_alert(db_session, "SELECT 55", "not null", "{}") evaluate_alert(alert3.id, alert3.label, db_session) assert mock_deliver_alert.call_count == 1 assert alert3.logs[-1].state == AlertState.TRIGGER @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, validator_type, config", [ ("Test with invalid operator type", "greater than", "{}"), ("Test with empty config", "operator", "{}"), ("Test with invalid operator", "operator", '{"op": "is", "threshold":50.0}'), ( "Test with invalid threshold", "operator", '{"op": "is", "threshold":"hello"}', ), ], ) def test_check_validator_error(description, validator_type, config): logger.info(description) with pytest.raises(SupersetException): check_validator(validator_type, config) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, validator_type, config", [ ( "Test with float threshold and no errors", "operator", '{"op": ">=", "threshold": 50.0}', ), ( "Test with int threshold and no errors", "operator", '{"op": ">=", "threshold": 50}', ), ], ) def test_check_validator_no_error(description, validator_type, config): logger.info(description) assert check_validator(validator_type, config) is None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, query, value", [ ("Test passing with 'null' SQL result", "SELECT 0", False), ( "Test passing with empty SQL result", "SELECT first FROM test_table WHERE first = -1", False, ), ("Test triggering alert with non-null SQL result", "SELECT 55", True), ], ) def test_not_null_validator(setup_database, description, query, value): logger.info(description) db_session = setup_database alert = create_alert(db_session, query) observe(alert.id, db_session) assert not_null_validator(alert, "{}") is value def test_operator_validator(setup_database): dbsession = setup_database # Test passing with empty SQL result alert1 = create_alert(dbsession, "SELECT first FROM test_table WHERE first = -1") observe(alert1.id, dbsession) assert operator_validator(alert1, '{"op": ">=", "threshold": 60}') is False # ensure that 0 threshold works assert operator_validator(alert1, '{"op": ">=", "threshold": 0}') is False # Test passing with result that doesn't pass a greater than threshold alert2 = create_alert(dbsession, "SELECT 55") observe(alert2.id, dbsession) assert operator_validator(alert2, '{"op": ">=", "threshold": 60}') is False # Test passing with result that passes a greater than threshold assert operator_validator(alert2, '{"op": ">=", "threshold": 40}') is True # Test passing with result that doesn't pass a less than threshold assert operator_validator(alert2, '{"op": "<=", "threshold": 40}') is False # Test passing with result that passes threshold assert operator_validator(alert2, '{"op": "<=", "threshold": 60}') is True # Test passing with result that doesn't equal threshold assert operator_validator(alert2, '{"op": "==", "threshold": 60}') is False # Test passing with result that equals threshold assert operator_validator(alert2, '{"op": "==", "threshold": 55}') is True @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, query, validator_type, config", [ ("Test False on alert with no validator", "SELECT 55", "operator", ""), ("Test False on alert with no observations", "SELECT 0", "not null", "{}"), ], ) def test_validate_observations_no_observe( setup_database, description, query, validator_type, config ): db_session = setup_database logger.info(description) alert = create_alert(db_session, query, validator_type, config) assert validate_observations(alert.id, alert.label, db_session) is False @pytest.mark.parametrize( "description, query, validator_type, config, expected", [ ( "Test False on alert that should not be triggered", "SELECT 0", "not null", "{}", False, ), ( "Test True on alert that should be triggered", "SELECT 55", "operator", '{"op": "<=", "threshold": 60}', True, ), ], ) def test_validate_observations_with_observe( setup_database, description, query, validator_type, config, expected ): db_session = setup_database logger.info(description) alert = create_alert(db_session, query, validator_type, config) observe(alert.id, db_session) assert validate_observations(alert.id, alert.label, db_session) is expected def test_validate_observations(setup_database): db_session = setup_database # Test False on alert that shouldnt be triggered alert3 = create_alert(db_session, "SELECT 0", "not null", "{}") observe(alert3.id, db_session) assert validate_observations(alert3.id, alert3.label, db_session) is False # Test True on alert that should be triggered alert4 = create_alert( db_session, "SELECT 55", "operator", '{"op": "<=", "threshold": 60}' ) observe(alert4.id, db_session) assert validate_observations(alert4.id, alert4.label, db_session) is True @patch("superset.tasks.slack_util.WebClient.files_upload") @patch("superset.tasks.schedules.send_email_smtp") @patch("superset.tasks.schedules._get_url_path") @patch("superset.utils.screenshots.ChartScreenshot.compute_and_cache") def test_deliver_alert_screenshot( screenshot_mock, url_mock, email_mock, file_upload_mock, setup_database ): dbsession = setup_database alert = create_alert(dbsession, "SELECT 55", "not null", "{}") observe(alert.id, dbsession) screenshot = read_fixture("sample.png") screenshot_mock.return_value = screenshot # TODO: fix AlertModelView.show url call from test url_mock.side_effect = [ f"{alert.id}", f"{alert.slice_id}/", ] deliver_alert(alert.id, dbsession) assert email_mock.call_args[1]["images"]["screenshot"] == screenshot assert file_upload_mock.call_args[1] == { "channels": alert.slack_channel, "file": screenshot, "initial_comment": f"\n*Triggered Alert: {alert.label} :redalert:*\n" f"*Query*:```{alert.sql}```\n" f"*Result*: {alert.observations[-1].value}\n" f"*Reason*: {alert.observations[-1].value} {alert.pretty_config}\n" f"\n", "title": f"[Alert] {alert.label}", } class TestAlertsEndpoints(SupersetTestCase): def test_log_model_view_disabled(self): with patch.object(AlertLogModelView, "is_enabled", return_value=False): self.login("admin") uri = "/alertlogmodelview/list/" rv = self.client.get(uri) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 404) def test_log_model_view_enabled(self): with patch.object(AlertLogModelView, "is_enabled", return_value=True): self.login("admin") uri = "/alertlogmodelview/list/" rv = self.client.get(uri) self.assertLess(rv.status_code, 400) def test_model_view_disabled(self): with patch.object(AlertModelView, "is_enabled", return_value=False): self.login("admin") uri = "/alerts/list/" rv = self.client.get(uri) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 404) def test_model_view_enabled(self): with patch.object(AlertModelView, "is_enabled", return_value=True): self.login("admin") uri = "/alerts/list/" rv = self.client.get(uri) self.assertNotEqual(rv.status_code, 404) def test_observation_view_disabled(self): with patch.object(AlertObservationModelView, "is_enabled", return_value=False): self.login("admin") uri = "/alertobservationmodelview/list/" rv = self.client.get(uri) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 404) def test_observation_view_enabled(self): with patch.object(AlertObservationModelView, "is_enabled", return_value=True): self.login("admin") uri = "/alertobservationmodelview/list/" rv = self.client.get(uri) self.assertLess(rv.status_code, 400)