"""A collection of ORM sqlalchemy models for Caravel""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import functools import json import logging import textwrap from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy, copy from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date import humanize import pandas as pd import requests import sqlalchemy as sqla from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url import sqlparse from dateutil.parser import parse from flask import request, g from flask_appbuilder import Model from flask_appbuilder.models.mixins import AuditMixin from flask_appbuilder.models.decorators import renders from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _ from pydruid.client import PyDruid from pydruid.utils.filters import Dimension, Filter from pydruid.utils.postaggregator import Postaggregator from pydruid.utils.having import Aggregation from six import string_types from sqlalchemy import ( Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey, Text, Boolean, DateTime, Date, Table, Numeric, create_engine, MetaData, desc, asc, select, and_, func ) from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from sqlalchemy.sql import table, literal_column, text, column from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import TextAsFrom from sqlalchemy_utils import EncryptedType from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict import caravel from caravel import app, db, get_session, utils, sm from caravel.viz import viz_types from caravel.utils import flasher, MetricPermException, DimSelector config = app.config QueryResult = namedtuple('namedtuple', ['df', 'query', 'duration']) class JavascriptPostAggregator(Postaggregator): def __init__(self, name, field_names, function): self.post_aggregator = { 'type': 'javascript', 'fieldNames': field_names, 'name': name, 'function': function, } self.name = name class AuditMixinNullable(AuditMixin): """Altering the AuditMixin to use nullable fields Allows creating objects programmatically outside of CRUD """ created_on = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.now, nullable=True) changed_on = Column( DateTime, default=datetime.now, onupdate=datetime.now, nullable=True) @declared_attr def created_by_fk(cls): # noqa return Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id'), default=cls.get_user_id, nullable=True) @declared_attr def changed_by_fk(cls): # noqa return Column( Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id'), default=cls.get_user_id, onupdate=cls.get_user_id, nullable=True) @renders('created_on') def creator(self): # noqa return '{}'.format(self.created_by or '') @property def changed_by_(self): return '{}'.format(self.changed_by or '') @renders('changed_on') def changed_on_(self): return '{}'.format(self.changed_on) @renders('changed_on') def modified(self): s = humanize.naturaltime(datetime.now() - self.changed_on) return '{}'.format(s) @property def icons(self): return """ """.format(**locals()) class Url(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """Used for the short url feature""" __tablename__ = 'url' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) url = Column(Text) class CssTemplate(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """CSS templates for dashboards""" __tablename__ = 'css_templates' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) template_name = Column(String(250)) css = Column(Text, default='') slice_user = Table('slice_user', Model.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id')), Column('slice_id', Integer, ForeignKey('slices.id')) ) class Slice(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """A slice is essentially a report or a view on data""" __tablename__ = 'slices' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) slice_name = Column(String(250)) druid_datasource_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('datasources.id')) table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('tables.id')) datasource_type = Column(String(200)) datasource_name = Column(String(2000)) viz_type = Column(String(250)) params = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) cache_timeout = Column(Integer) perm = Column(String(2000)) table = relationship( 'SqlaTable', foreign_keys=[table_id], backref='slices') druid_datasource = relationship( 'DruidDatasource', foreign_keys=[druid_datasource_id], backref='slices') owners = relationship("User", secondary=slice_user) def __repr__(self): return self.slice_name @property def datasource(self): return self.table or self.druid_datasource @renders('datasource_name') def datasource_link(self): if self.table: return self.table.link elif self.druid_datasource: return self.druid_datasource.link @property def datasource_edit_url(self): if self.table: return self.table.url elif self.druid_datasource: return self.druid_datasource.url @property @utils.memoized def viz(self): d = json.loads(self.params) viz_class = viz_types[self.viz_type] return viz_class(self.datasource, form_data=d) @property def description_markeddown(self): return utils.markdown(self.description) @property def datasource_id(self): return self.table_id or self.druid_datasource_id @property def data(self): """Data used to render slice in templates""" d = {} self.token = '' try: d = self.viz.data self.token = d.get('token') except Exception as e: d['error'] = str(e) d['slice_id'] = self.id d['slice_name'] = self.slice_name d['description'] = self.description d['slice_url'] = self.slice_url d['edit_url'] = self.edit_url d['description_markeddown'] = self.description_markeddown return d @property def json_data(self): return json.dumps(self.data) @property def slice_url(self): """Defines the url to access the slice""" try: slice_params = json.loads(self.params) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) slice_params = {} slice_params['slice_id'] = self.id slice_params['json'] = "false" slice_params['slice_name'] = self.slice_name from werkzeug.urls import Href href = Href( "/caravel/explore/{obj.datasource_type}/" "{obj.datasource_id}/".format(obj=self)) return href(slice_params) @property def edit_url(self): return "/slicemodelview/edit/{}".format(self.id) @property def slice_link(self): url = self.slice_url return '{obj.slice_name}'.format( url=url, obj=self) def get_viz(self, url_params_multidict=None): """Creates :py:class:viz.BaseViz object from the url_params_multidict. :param werkzeug.datastructures.MultiDict url_params_multidict: Contains the visualization params, they override the self.params stored in the database :return: object of the 'viz_type' type that is taken from the url_params_multidict or self.params. :rtype: :py:class:viz.BaseViz """ slice_params = json.loads(self.params) # {} slice_params['slice_id'] = self.id slice_params['json'] = "false" slice_params['slice_name'] = self.slice_name slice_params['viz_type'] = self.viz_type if self.viz_type else "table" if url_params_multidict: slice_params.update(url_params_multidict) immutable_slice_params = ImmutableMultiDict(slice_params) return viz_types[immutable_slice_params.get('viz_type')]( self.datasource, form_data=immutable_slice_params, slice_=self ) def set_perm(mapper, connection, target): # noqa if target.table_id: src_class = SqlaTable id_ = target.table_id elif target.druid_datasource_id: src_class = DruidDatasource id_ = target.druid_datasource_id ds = db.session.query(src_class).filter_by(id=int(id_)).first() target.perm = ds.perm sqla.event.listen(Slice, 'before_insert', set_perm) sqla.event.listen(Slice, 'before_update', set_perm) dashboard_slices = Table( 'dashboard_slices', Model.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('dashboard_id', Integer, ForeignKey('dashboards.id')), Column('slice_id', Integer, ForeignKey('slices.id')), ) dashboard_user = Table( 'dashboard_user', Model.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id')), Column('dashboard_id', Integer, ForeignKey('dashboards.id')) ) class Dashboard(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """The dashboard object!""" __tablename__ = 'dashboards' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) dashboard_title = Column(String(500)) position_json = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) css = Column(Text) json_metadata = Column(Text) slug = Column(String(255), unique=True) slices = relationship( 'Slice', secondary=dashboard_slices, backref='dashboards') owners = relationship("User", secondary=dashboard_user) def __repr__(self): return self.dashboard_title @property def table_names(self): return ", ".join({"{}".format(s.datasource) for s in self.slices}) @property def url(self): return "/caravel/dashboard/{}/".format(self.slug or self.id) @property def metadata_dejson(self): if self.json_metadata: return json.loads(self.json_metadata) else: return {} @property def sqla_metadata(self): metadata = MetaData(bind=self.get_sqla_engine()) return metadata.reflect() def dashboard_link(self): return '{obj.dashboard_title}'.format(obj=self) @property def json_data(self): d = { 'id': self.id, 'metadata': self.metadata_dejson, 'dashboard_title': self.dashboard_title, 'slug': self.slug, 'slices': [slc.data for slc in self.slices], 'position_json': json.loads(self.position_json) if self.position_json else [], } return json.dumps(d) class Queryable(object): """A common interface to objects that are queryable (tables and datasources)""" @property def column_names(self): return sorted([c.column_name for c in self.columns]) @property def main_dttm_col(self): return "timestamp" @property def groupby_column_names(self): return sorted([c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.groupby]) @property def filterable_column_names(self): return sorted([c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.filterable]) @property def dttm_cols(self): return [] @property def url(self): return '/{}/edit/{}'.format(self.baselink, self.id) @property def explore_url(self): if self.default_endpoint: return self.default_endpoint else: return "/caravel/explore/{obj.type}/{obj.id}/".format(obj=self) class Database(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """An ORM object that stores Database related information""" __tablename__ = 'dbs' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) database_name = Column(String(250), unique=True) sqlalchemy_uri = Column(String(1024)) password = Column(EncryptedType(String(1024), config.get('SECRET_KEY'))) cache_timeout = Column(Integer) select_as_create_table_as = Column(Boolean, default=False) expose_in_sqllab = Column(Boolean, default=False) allow_ctas = Column(Boolean, default=False) force_ctas_schema = Column(String(250)) extra = Column(Text, default=textwrap.dedent("""\ { "metadata_params": {}, "engine_params": {} } """)) def __repr__(self): return self.database_name def get_sqla_engine(self, schema=None): extra = self.get_extra() params = extra.get('engine_params', {}) url = make_url(self.sqlalchemy_uri_decrypted) backend = url.get_backend_name() if backend == 'presto' and schema: if '/' in url.database: url.database = url.database.split('/')[0] + '/' + schema else: url.database += '/' + schema elif schema: url.database = schema return create_engine(url, **params) def get_df(self, sql, schema): eng = self.get_sqla_engine(schema=schema) cur = eng.execute(sql, schema=schema) cols = [col[0] for col in cur.cursor.description] df = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns=cols) return df def compile_sqla_query(self, qry, schema=None): eng = self.get_sqla_engine(schema=schema) compiled = qry.compile(eng, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}) return '{}'.format(compiled) def select_star(self, table_name, schema=None, limit=1000): """Generates a ``select *`` statement in the proper dialect""" qry = select('*').select_from(text(table_name)) if limit: qry = qry.limit(limit) return self.compile_sqla_query(qry) def wrap_sql_limit(self, sql, limit=1000): qry = ( select('*') .select_from(TextAsFrom(text(sql), ['*']) .alias('inner_qry')).limit(limit) ) return self.compile_sqla_query(qry) def safe_sqlalchemy_uri(self): return self.sqlalchemy_uri @property def inspector(self): engine = self.get_sqla_engine() return sqla.inspect(engine) def all_table_names(self, schema=None): return sorted(self.inspector.get_table_names(schema)) def all_view_names(self, schema=None): views = [] try: views = self.inspector.get_view_names(schema) except Exception as e: pass return views def all_schema_names(self): return sorted(self.inspector.get_schema_names()) def grains(self): """Defines time granularity database-specific expressions. The idea here is to make it easy for users to change the time grain form a datetime (maybe the source grain is arbitrary timestamps, daily or 5 minutes increments) to another, "truncated" datetime. Since each database has slightly different but similar datetime functions, this allows a mapping between database engines and actual functions. """ Grain = namedtuple('Grain', 'name label function') db_time_grains = { 'presto': ( Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}'), Grain('second', _('second'), "date_trunc('second', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain('minute', _('minute'), "date_trunc('minute', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain('hour', _('hour'), "date_trunc('hour', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain('day', _('day'), "date_trunc('day', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain('week', _('week'), "date_trunc('week', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain('month', _('month'), "date_trunc('month', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain('quarter', _('quarter'), "date_trunc('quarter', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))"), Grain("week_ending_saturday", _('week_ending_saturday'), "date_add('day', 5, date_trunc('week', date_add('day', 1, " "CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))))"), Grain("week_start_sunday", _('week_start_sunday'), "date_add('day', -1, date_trunc('week', " "date_add('day', 1, CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))))"), ), 'mysql': ( Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}'), Grain("second", _('second'), "DATE_ADD(DATE({col}), " "INTERVAL (HOUR({col})*60*60 + MINUTE({col})*60" " + SECOND({col})) SECOND)"), Grain("minute", _('minute'), "DATE_ADD(DATE({col}), " "INTERVAL (HOUR({col})*60 + MINUTE({col})) MINUTE)"), Grain("hour", _('hour'), "DATE_ADD(DATE({col}), " "INTERVAL HOUR({col}) HOUR)"), Grain('day', _('day'), 'DATE({col})'), Grain("week", _('week'), "DATE(DATE_SUB({col}, " "INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK({col}) - 1 DAY))"), Grain("month", _('month'), "DATE(DATE_SUB({col}, " "INTERVAL DAYOFMONTH({col}) - 1 DAY))"), ), 'sqlite': ( Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}'), Grain('day', _('day'), 'DATE({col})'), Grain("week", _('week'), "DATE({col}, -strftime('%w', {col}) || ' days')"), Grain("month", _('month'), "DATE({col}, -strftime('%d', {col}) || ' days')"), ), 'postgresql': ( Grain("Time Column", _('Time Column'), "{col}"), Grain("second", _('second'), "DATE_TRUNC('second', {col})"), Grain("minute", _('minute'), "DATE_TRUNC('minute', {col})"), Grain("hour", _('hour'), "DATE_TRUNC('hour', {col})"), Grain("day", _('day'), "DATE_TRUNC('day', {col})"), Grain("week", _('week'), "DATE_TRUNC('week', {col})"), Grain("month", _('month'), "DATE_TRUNC('month', {col})"), Grain("year", _('year'), "DATE_TRUNC('year', {col})"), ), 'mssql': ( Grain("Time Column", _('Time Column'), "{col}"), Grain("second", _('second'), "DATEADD(second, " "DATEDIFF(second, '2000-01-01', {col}), '2000-01-01')"), Grain("minute", _('minute'), "DATEADD(minute, " "DATEDIFF(minute, 0, {col}), 0)"), Grain("5 minute", _('5 minute'), "DATEADD(minute, " "DATEDIFF(minute, 0, {col}) / 5 * 5, 0)"), Grain("half hour", _('half hour'), "DATEADD(minute, " "DATEDIFF(minute, 0, {col}) / 30 * 30, 0)"), Grain("hour", _('hour'), "DATEADD(hour, " "DATEDIFF(hour, 0, {col}), 0)"), Grain("day", _('day'), "DATEADD(day, " "DATEDIFF(day, 0, {col}), 0)"), Grain("week", _('week'), "DATEADD(week, " "DATEDIFF(week, 0, {col}), 0)"), Grain("month", _('month'), "DATEADD(month, " "DATEDIFF(month, 0, {col}), 0)"), Grain("quarter", _('quarter'), "DATEADD(quarter, " "DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, {col}), 0)"), Grain("year", _('year'), "DATEADD(year, " "DATEDIFF(year, 0, {col}), 0)"), ), } db_time_grains['redshift'] = db_time_grains['postgresql'] db_time_grains['vertica'] = db_time_grains['postgresql'] for db_type, grains in db_time_grains.items(): if self.sqlalchemy_uri.startswith(db_type): return grains def grains_dict(self): return {grain.name: grain for grain in self.grains()} def get_extra(self): extra = {} if self.extra: try: extra = json.loads(self.extra) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) return extra def get_table(self, table_name, schema=None): extra = self.get_extra() meta = MetaData(**extra.get('metadata_params', {})) return Table( table_name, meta, schema=schema or None, autoload=True, autoload_with=self.get_sqla_engine()) def get_columns(self, table_name, schema=None): return self.inspector.get_columns(table_name, schema) @property def sqlalchemy_uri_decrypted(self): conn = sqla.engine.url.make_url(self.sqlalchemy_uri) conn.password = self.password return str(conn) @property def sql_url(self): return '/caravel/sql/{}/'.format(self.id) @property def perm(self): return ( "[{obj.database_name}].(id:{obj.id})").format(obj=self) class SqlaTable(Model, Queryable, AuditMixinNullable): """An ORM object for SqlAlchemy table references""" type = "table" __tablename__ = 'tables' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) table_name = Column(String(250)) main_dttm_col = Column(String(250)) description = Column(Text) default_endpoint = Column(Text) database_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dbs.id'), nullable=False) is_featured = Column(Boolean, default=False) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id')) owner = relationship('User', backref='tables', foreign_keys=[user_id]) database = relationship( 'Database', backref='tables', foreign_keys=[database_id]) offset = Column(Integer, default=0) cache_timeout = Column(Integer) schema = Column(String(255)) sql = Column(Text) table_columns = relationship("TableColumn", back_populates="table") baselink = "tablemodelview" __table_args__ = ( sqla.UniqueConstraint( 'database_id', 'schema', 'table_name', name='_customer_location_uc'),) def __repr__(self): return self.table_name @property def description_markeddown(self): return utils.markdown(self.description) @property def link(self): return '{self.table_name}'.format(**locals()) @property def perm(self): return ( "[{obj.database}].[{obj.table_name}]" "(id:{obj.id})").format(obj=self) @property def full_name(self): return "[{obj.database}].[{obj.table_name}]".format(obj=self) @property def dttm_cols(self): l = [c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.is_dttm] if self.main_dttm_col not in l: l.append(self.main_dttm_col) return l @property def num_cols(self): return [c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.isnum] @property def any_dttm_col(self): cols = self.dttm_cols if cols: return cols[0] @property def html(self): t = ((c.column_name, c.type) for c in self.columns) df = pd.DataFrame(t) df.columns = ['field', 'type'] return df.to_html( index=False, classes=( "dataframe table table-striped table-bordered " "table-condensed")) @property def name(self): return self.table_name @renders('table_name') def table_link(self): return '{obj.table_name}'.format(obj=self) @property def metrics_combo(self): return sorted( [ (m.metric_name, m.verbose_name or m.metric_name) for m in self.metrics], key=lambda x: x[1]) @property def sql_url(self): return self.database.sql_url + "?table_name=" + str(self.table_name) def get_col(self, col_name): columns = self.table_columns for col in columns: if col_name == col.column_name: return col def query( # sqla self, groupby, metrics, granularity, from_dttm, to_dttm, filter=None, # noqa is_timeseries=True, timeseries_limit=15, row_limit=None, inner_from_dttm=None, inner_to_dttm=None, orderby=None, extras=None, columns=None): """Querying any sqla table from this common interface""" # For backward compatibility if granularity not in self.dttm_cols: granularity = self.main_dttm_col cols = {col.column_name: col for col in self.columns} metrics_dict = {m.metric_name: m for m in self.metrics} qry_start_dttm = datetime.now() if not granularity and is_timeseries: raise Exception(_( "Datetime column not provided as part table configuration " "and is required by this type of chart")) metrics_exprs = [metrics_dict.get(m).sqla_col for m in metrics] if metrics: main_metric_expr = metrics_exprs[0] else: main_metric_expr = literal_column("COUNT(*)").label("ccount") select_exprs = [] groupby_exprs = [] if groupby: select_exprs = [] inner_select_exprs = [] inner_groupby_exprs = [] for s in groupby: col = cols[s] outer = col.sqla_col inner = col.sqla_col.label(col.column_name + '__') groupby_exprs.append(outer) select_exprs.append(outer) inner_groupby_exprs.append(inner) inner_select_exprs.append(inner) elif columns: for s in columns: select_exprs.append(cols[s].sqla_col) metrics_exprs = [] if granularity: dttm_col = cols[granularity] dttm_expr = dttm_col.sqla_col.label('timestamp') timestamp = dttm_expr # Transforming time grain into an expression based on configuration time_grain_sqla = extras.get('time_grain_sqla') if time_grain_sqla: udf = self.database.grains_dict().get(time_grain_sqla, '{col}') timestamp_grain = literal_column( udf.function.format(col=dttm_expr)).label('timestamp') else: timestamp_grain = timestamp if is_timeseries: select_exprs += [timestamp_grain] groupby_exprs += [timestamp_grain] outer_from = text(dttm_col.dttm_sql_literal(from_dttm)) outer_to = text(dttm_col.dttm_sql_literal(to_dttm)) time_filter = [ timestamp >= outer_from, timestamp <= outer_to, ] inner_time_filter = copy(time_filter) if inner_from_dttm: inner_time_filter[0] = timestamp >= text( dttm_col.dttm_sql_literal(inner_from_dttm)) if inner_to_dttm: inner_time_filter[1] = timestamp <= text( dttm_col.dttm_sql_literal(inner_to_dttm)) else: inner_time_filter = [] select_exprs += metrics_exprs qry = select(select_exprs) tbl = table(self.table_name) if self.schema: tbl.schema = self.schema # Supporting arbitrary SQL statements in place of tables if self.sql: tbl = text('(' + self.sql + ') as expr_qry ') if not columns: qry = qry.group_by(*groupby_exprs) where_clause_and = [] having_clause_and = [] for col, op, eq in filter: col_obj = cols[col] if op in ('in', 'not in'): values = eq.split(",") cond = col_obj.sqla_col.in_(values) if op == 'not in': cond = ~cond where_clause_and.append(cond) if extras and 'where' in extras: where_clause_and += [text(extras['where'])] if extras and 'having' in extras: having_clause_and += [text(extras['having'])] if granularity: qry = qry.where(and_(*(time_filter + where_clause_and))) else: qry = qry.where(and_(*where_clause_and)) qry = qry.having(and_(*having_clause_and)) if groupby: qry = qry.order_by(desc(main_metric_expr)) elif orderby: for col, ascending in orderby: direction = asc if ascending else desc qry = qry.order_by(direction(col)) qry = qry.limit(row_limit) if timeseries_limit and groupby: # some sql dialects require for order by expressions # to also be in the select clause inner_select_exprs += [main_metric_expr] subq = select(inner_select_exprs) subq = subq.select_from(tbl) subq = subq.where(and_(*(where_clause_and + inner_time_filter))) subq = subq.group_by(*inner_groupby_exprs) subq = subq.order_by(desc(main_metric_expr)) subq = subq.limit(timeseries_limit) on_clause = [] for i, gb in enumerate(groupby): on_clause.append( groupby_exprs[i] == column(gb + '__')) tbl = tbl.join(subq.alias(), and_(*on_clause)) qry = qry.select_from(tbl) engine = self.database.get_sqla_engine() sql = "{}".format( qry.compile( engine, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True},), ) df = pd.read_sql_query( sql=sql, con=engine ) sql = sqlparse.format(sql, reindent=True) return QueryResult( df=df, duration=datetime.now() - qry_start_dttm, query=sql) def get_sqla_table_object(self): return self.database.get_table(self.table_name, schema=self.schema) def fetch_metadata(self): """Fetches the metadata for the table and merges it in""" try: table = self.get_sqla_table_object() except Exception: raise Exception( "Table doesn't seem to exist in the specified database, " "couldn't fetch column information") TC = TableColumn # noqa shortcut to class M = SqlMetric # noqa metrics = [] any_date_col = None for col in table.columns: try: datatype = "{}".format(col.type).upper() except Exception as e: datatype = "UNKNOWN" logging.error( "Unrecognized data type in {}.{}".format(table, col.name)) logging.exception(e) dbcol = ( db.session .query(TC) .filter(TC.table == self) .filter(TC.column_name == col.name) .first() ) db.session.flush() if not dbcol: dbcol = TableColumn(column_name=col.name, type=datatype) dbcol.groupby = dbcol.is_string dbcol.filterable = dbcol.is_string dbcol.sum = dbcol.isnum dbcol.is_dttm = dbcol.is_time db.session.merge(self) self.columns.append(dbcol) if not any_date_col and dbcol.is_time: any_date_col = col.name quoted = "{}".format( column(dbcol.column_name).compile(dialect=db.engine.dialect)) if dbcol.sum: metrics.append(M( metric_name='sum__' + dbcol.column_name, verbose_name='sum__' + dbcol.column_name, metric_type='sum', expression="SUM({})".format(quoted) )) if dbcol.max: metrics.append(M( metric_name='max__' + dbcol.column_name, verbose_name='max__' + dbcol.column_name, metric_type='max', expression="MAX({})".format(quoted) )) if dbcol.min: metrics.append(M( metric_name='min__' + dbcol.column_name, verbose_name='min__' + dbcol.column_name, metric_type='min', expression="MIN({})".format(quoted) )) if dbcol.count_distinct: metrics.append(M( metric_name='count_distinct__' + dbcol.column_name, verbose_name='count_distinct__' + dbcol.column_name, metric_type='count_distinct', expression="COUNT(DISTINCT {})".format(quoted) )) dbcol.type = datatype db.session.merge(self) db.session.commit() metrics.append(M( metric_name='count', verbose_name='COUNT(*)', metric_type='count', expression="COUNT(*)" )) for metric in metrics: m = ( db.session.query(M) .filter(M.metric_name == metric.metric_name) .filter(M.table_id == self.id) .first() ) metric.table_id = self.id if not m: db.session.add(metric) db.session.commit() if not self.main_dttm_col: self.main_dttm_col = any_date_col class SqlMetric(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """ORM object for metrics, each table can have multiple metrics""" __tablename__ = 'sql_metrics' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) metric_name = Column(String(512)) verbose_name = Column(String(1024)) metric_type = Column(String(32)) table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('tables.id')) table = relationship( 'SqlaTable', backref='metrics', foreign_keys=[table_id]) expression = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) is_restricted = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=True) d3format = Column(String(128)) @property def sqla_col(self): name = self.metric_name return literal_column(self.expression).label(name) @property def perm(self): return ( "{parent_name}.[{obj.metric_name}](id:{obj.id})" ).format(obj=self, parent_name=self.table.full_name) if self.table else None class TableColumn(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """ORM object for table columns, each table can have multiple columns""" __tablename__ = 'table_columns' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('tables.id')) table = relationship( 'SqlaTable', backref='columns', foreign_keys=[table_id]) column_name = Column(String(255)) verbose_name = Column(String(1024)) is_dttm = Column(Boolean, default=False) is_active = Column(Boolean, default=True) type = Column(String(32), default='') groupby = Column(Boolean, default=False) count_distinct = Column(Boolean, default=False) sum = Column(Boolean, default=False) max = Column(Boolean, default=False) min = Column(Boolean, default=False) filterable = Column(Boolean, default=False) expression = Column(Text, default='') description = Column(Text, default='') python_date_format = Column(String(255)) database_expression = Column(String(255)) num_types = ('DOUBLE', 'FLOAT', 'INT', 'BIGINT', 'LONG') date_types = ('DATE', 'TIME') str_types = ('VARCHAR', 'STRING', 'CHAR') def __repr__(self): return self.column_name @property def isnum(self): return any([t in self.type.upper() for t in self.num_types]) @property def is_time(self): return any([t in self.type.upper() for t in self.date_types]) @property def is_string(self): return any([t in self.type.upper() for t in self.str_types]) @property def sqla_col(self): name = self.column_name if not self.expression: col = column(self.column_name).label(name) else: col = literal_column(self.expression).label(name) return col def dttm_sql_literal(self, dttm): """Convert datetime object to string If database_expression is empty, the internal dttm will be parsed as the string with the pattern that the user inputted (python_date_format) If database_expression is not empty, the internal dttm will be parsed as the sql sentence for the database to convert """ tf = self.python_date_format or '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' if self.database_expression: return self.database_expression.format(dttm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) elif tf == 'epoch_s': return str((dttm - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()) elif tf == 'epoch_ms': return str((dttm - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()*1000.0) else: default = "'{}'".format(dttm.strftime(tf)) iso = dttm.isoformat() d = { 'mssql': "CONVERT(DATETIME, '{}', 126)".format(iso), # untested 'mysql': default, 'oracle': """TO_TIMESTAMP('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.ff6')""".format( dttm.isoformat()), 'presto': default, 'sqlite': default, } for k, v in d.items(): if self.table.database.sqlalchemy_uri.startswith(k): return v return default class DruidCluster(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """ORM object referencing the Druid clusters""" __tablename__ = 'clusters' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) cluster_name = Column(String(250), unique=True) coordinator_host = Column(String(255)) coordinator_port = Column(Integer) coordinator_endpoint = Column( String(255), default='druid/coordinator/v1/metadata') broker_host = Column(String(255)) broker_port = Column(Integer) broker_endpoint = Column(String(255), default='druid/v2') metadata_last_refreshed = Column(DateTime) def __repr__(self): return self.cluster_name def get_pydruid_client(self): cli = PyDruid( "http://{0}:{1}/".format(self.broker_host, self.broker_port), self.broker_endpoint) return cli def get_datasources(self): endpoint = ( "http://{obj.coordinator_host}:{obj.coordinator_port}/" "{obj.coordinator_endpoint}/datasources" ).format(obj=self) return json.loads(requests.get(endpoint).text) def get_druid_version(self): endpoint = ( "http://{obj.coordinator_host}:{obj.coordinator_port}/status" ).format(obj=self) return json.loads(requests.get(endpoint).text)['version'] def refresh_datasources(self): self.druid_version = self.get_druid_version() for datasource in self.get_datasources(): if datasource not in config.get('DRUID_DATA_SOURCE_BLACKLIST'): DruidDatasource.sync_to_db(datasource, self) class DruidDatasource(Model, AuditMixinNullable, Queryable): """ORM object referencing Druid datasources (tables)""" type = "druid" baselink = "druiddatasourcemodelview" __tablename__ = 'datasources' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) datasource_name = Column(String(255), unique=True) is_featured = Column(Boolean, default=False) is_hidden = Column(Boolean, default=False) description = Column(Text) default_endpoint = Column(Text) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id')) owner = relationship('User', backref='datasources', foreign_keys=[user_id]) cluster_name = Column( String(250), ForeignKey('clusters.cluster_name')) cluster = relationship( 'DruidCluster', backref='datasources', foreign_keys=[cluster_name]) offset = Column(Integer, default=0) cache_timeout = Column(Integer) @property def metrics_combo(self): return sorted( [(m.metric_name, m.verbose_name) for m in self.metrics], key=lambda x: x[1]) @property def num_cols(self): return [c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.isnum] @property def name(self): return self.datasource_name @property def perm(self): return ( "[{obj.cluster_name}].[{obj.datasource_name}]" "(id:{obj.id})").format(obj=self) @property def link(self): return ( '' '{self.datasource_name}').format(**locals()) @property def full_name(self): return ( "[{obj.cluster_name}]." "[{obj.datasource_name}]").format(obj=self) def __repr__(self): return self.datasource_name @renders('datasource_name') def datasource_link(self): url = "/caravel/explore/{obj.type}/{obj.id}/".format(obj=self) return '{obj.datasource_name}'.format( url=url, obj=self) def get_metric_obj(self, metric_name): return [ m.json_obj for m in self.metrics if m.metric_name == metric_name ][0] @staticmethod def version_higher(v1, v2): """is v1 higher than v2 >>> DruidDatasource.version_higher('0.8.2', '0.9.1') False >>> DruidDatasource.version_higher('0.8.2', '0.6.1') True >>> DruidDatasource.version_higher('0.8.2', '0.8.2') False >>> DruidDatasource.version_higher('0.8.2', '0.9.BETA') False >>> DruidDatasource.version_higher('0.8.2', '0.9') False """ def int_or_0(v): try: v = int(v) except (TypeError, ValueError): v = 0 return v v1nums = [int_or_0(n) for n in v1.split('.')] v2nums = [int_or_0(n) for n in v2.split('.')] v1nums = (v1nums + [0, 0, 0])[:3] v2nums = (v2nums + [0, 0, 0])[:3] return v1nums[0] > v2nums[0] or \ (v1nums[0] == v2nums[0] and v1nums[1] > v2nums[1]) or \ (v1nums[0] == v2nums[0] and v1nums[1] == v2nums[1] and v1nums[2] > v2nums[2]) def latest_metadata(self): """Returns segment metadata from the latest segment""" client = self.cluster.get_pydruid_client() results = client.time_boundary(datasource=self.datasource_name) if not results: return max_time = results[0]['result']['maxTime'] max_time = parse(max_time) # Query segmentMetadata for 7 days back. However, due to a bug, # we need to set this interval to more than 1 day ago to exclude # realtime segments, which trigged a bug (fixed in druid 0.8.2). # https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/druid-user/gVCqqspHqOQ start = (0 if self.version_higher(self.cluster.druid_version, '0.8.2') else 1) intervals = (max_time - timedelta(days=7)).isoformat() + '/' intervals += (max_time - timedelta(days=start)).isoformat() segment_metadata = client.segment_metadata( datasource=self.datasource_name, intervals=intervals) if segment_metadata: return segment_metadata[-1]['columns'] def generate_metrics(self): for col in self.columns: col.generate_metrics() @classmethod def sync_to_db_from_config(cls, druid_config, user, cluster): """Merges the ds config from druid_config into one stored in the db.""" session = db.session() datasource = ( session.query(DruidDatasource) .filter_by( datasource_name=druid_config['name']) ).first() # Create a new datasource. if not datasource: datasource = DruidDatasource( datasource_name=druid_config['name'], cluster=cluster, owner=user, changed_by_fk=user.id, created_by_fk=user.id, ) session.add(datasource) dimensions = druid_config['dimensions'] for dim in dimensions: col_obj = ( session.query(DruidColumn) .filter_by( datasource_name=druid_config['name'], column_name=dim) ).first() if not col_obj: col_obj = DruidColumn( datasource_name=druid_config['name'], column_name=dim, groupby=True, filterable=True, # TODO: fetch type from Hive. type="STRING", datasource=datasource ) session.add(col_obj) # Import Druid metrics for metric_spec in druid_config["metrics_spec"]: metric_name = metric_spec["name"] metric_type = metric_spec["type"] metric_json = json.dumps(metric_spec) if metric_type == "count": metric_type = "longSum" metric_json = json.dumps({ "type": "longSum", "name": metric_name, "fieldName": metric_name, }) metric_obj = ( session.query(DruidMetric) .filter_by( datasource_name=druid_config['name'], metric_name=metric_name) ).first() if not metric_obj: metric_obj = DruidMetric( metric_name=metric_name, metric_type=metric_type, verbose_name="%s(%s)" % (metric_type, metric_name), datasource=datasource, json=metric_json, description=( "Imported from the airolap config dir for %s" % druid_config['name']), ) session.add(metric_obj) session.commit() @classmethod def sync_to_db(cls, name, cluster): """Fetches metadata for that datasource and merges the Caravel db""" logging.info("Syncing Druid datasource [{}]".format(name)) session = get_session() datasource = session.query(cls).filter_by(datasource_name=name).first() if not datasource: datasource = cls(datasource_name=name) session.add(datasource) flasher("Adding new datasource [{}]".format(name), "success") else: flasher("Refreshing datasource [{}]".format(name), "info") session.flush() datasource.cluster = cluster session.flush() cols = datasource.latest_metadata() if not cols: return for col in cols: col_obj = ( session .query(DruidColumn) .filter_by(datasource_name=name, column_name=col) .first() ) datatype = cols[col]['type'] if not col_obj: col_obj = DruidColumn(datasource_name=name, column_name=col) session.add(col_obj) if datatype == "STRING": col_obj.groupby = True col_obj.filterable = True if datatype == "hyperUnique" or datatype == "thetaSketch": col_obj.count_distinct = True if col_obj: col_obj.type = cols[col]['type'] session.flush() col_obj.datasource = datasource col_obj.generate_metrics() session.flush() def query( # druid self, groupby, metrics, granularity, from_dttm, to_dttm, filter=None, # noqa is_timeseries=True, timeseries_limit=None, row_limit=None, inner_from_dttm=None, inner_to_dttm=None, orderby=None, extras=None, # noqa select=None, # noqa columns=None, ): """Runs a query against Druid and returns a dataframe. This query interface is common to SqlAlchemy and Druid """ # TODO refactor into using a TBD Query object qry_start_dttm = datetime.now() inner_from_dttm = inner_from_dttm or from_dttm inner_to_dttm = inner_to_dttm or to_dttm # add tzinfo to native datetime with config from_dttm = from_dttm.replace(tzinfo=config.get("DRUID_TZ")) to_dttm = to_dttm.replace(tzinfo=config.get("DRUID_TZ")) query_str = "" metrics_dict = {m.metric_name: m for m in self.metrics} all_metrics = [] post_aggs = {} def recursive_get_fields(_conf): _fields = _conf.get('fields', []) field_names = [] for _f in _fields: _type = _f.get('type') if _type in ['fieldAccess', 'hyperUniqueCardinality']: field_names.append(_f.get('fieldName')) elif _type == 'arithmetic': field_names += recursive_get_fields(_f) return list(set(field_names)) for metric_name in metrics: metric = metrics_dict[metric_name] if metric.metric_type != 'postagg': all_metrics.append(metric_name) else: conf = metric.json_obj all_metrics += recursive_get_fields(conf) all_metrics += conf.get('fieldNames', []) if conf.get('type') == 'javascript': post_aggs[metric_name] = JavascriptPostAggregator( name=conf.get('name'), field_names=conf.get('fieldNames'), function=conf.get('function')) else: post_aggs[metric_name] = Postaggregator( conf.get('fn', "/"), conf.get('fields', []), conf.get('name', '')) aggregations = { m.metric_name: m.json_obj for m in self.metrics if m.metric_name in all_metrics } rejected_metrics = [ m.metric_name for m in self.metrics if m.is_restricted and m.metric_name in aggregations.keys() and not sm.has_access('metric_access', m.perm) ] if rejected_metrics: raise MetricPermException( "Access to the metrics denied: " + ', '.join(rejected_metrics) ) granularity = granularity or "all" if granularity != "all": granularity = utils.parse_human_timedelta( granularity).total_seconds() * 1000 if not isinstance(granularity, string_types): granularity = {"type": "duration", "duration": granularity} origin = extras.get('druid_time_origin') if origin: dttm = utils.parse_human_datetime(origin) granularity['origin'] = dttm.isoformat() qry = dict( datasource=self.datasource_name, dimensions=groupby, aggregations=aggregations, granularity=granularity, post_aggregations=post_aggs, intervals=from_dttm.isoformat() + '/' + to_dttm.isoformat(), ) filters = self.get_filters(filter) if filters: qry['filter'] = filters having_filters = self.get_having_filters(extras.get('having_druid')) if having_filters: qry['having'] = having_filters client = self.cluster.get_pydruid_client() orig_filters = filters if timeseries_limit and is_timeseries: # Limit on the number of timeseries, doing a two-phases query pre_qry = deepcopy(qry) pre_qry['granularity'] = "all" pre_qry['limit_spec'] = { "type": "default", "limit": timeseries_limit, 'intervals': ( inner_from_dttm.isoformat() + '/' + inner_to_dttm.isoformat()), "columns": [{ "dimension": metrics[0] if metrics else self.metrics[0], "direction": "descending", }], } client.groupby(**pre_qry) query_str += "// Two phase query\n// Phase 1\n" query_str += json.dumps( client.query_builder.last_query.query_dict, indent=2) + "\n" query_str += "//\nPhase 2 (built based on phase one's results)\n" df = client.export_pandas() if df is not None and not df.empty: dims = qry['dimensions'] filters = [] for unused, row in df.iterrows(): fields = [] for dim in dims: f = Dimension(dim) == row[dim] fields.append(f) if len(fields) > 1: filt = Filter(type="and", fields=fields) filters.append(filt) elif fields: filters.append(fields[0]) if filters: ff = Filter(type="or", fields=filters) if not orig_filters: qry['filter'] = ff else: qry['filter'] = Filter(type="and", fields=[ ff, orig_filters]) qry['limit_spec'] = None if row_limit: qry['limit_spec'] = { "type": "default", "limit": row_limit, "columns": [{ "dimension": metrics[0] if metrics else self.metrics[0], "direction": "descending", }], } client.groupby(**qry) query_str += json.dumps( client.query_builder.last_query.query_dict, indent=2) df = client.export_pandas() if df is None or df.size == 0: raise Exception(_("No data was returned.")) if ( not is_timeseries and granularity == "all" and 'timestamp' in df.columns): del df['timestamp'] # Reordering columns cols = [] if 'timestamp' in df.columns: cols += ['timestamp'] cols += [col for col in groupby if col in df.columns] cols += [col for col in metrics if col in df.columns] df = df[cols] return QueryResult( df=df, query=query_str, duration=datetime.now() - qry_start_dttm) @staticmethod def get_filters(raw_filters): filters = None for col, op, eq in raw_filters: cond = None if op == '==': cond = Dimension(col) == eq elif op == '!=': cond = ~(Dimension(col) == eq) elif op in ('in', 'not in'): fields = [] splitted = eq.split(',') if len(splitted) > 1: for s in eq.split(','): s = s.strip() fields.append(Dimension(col) == s) cond = Filter(type="or", fields=fields) else: cond = Dimension(col) == eq if op == 'not in': cond = ~cond elif op == 'regex': cond = Filter(type="regex", pattern=eq, dimension=col) if filters: filters = Filter(type="and", fields=[ cond, filters ]) else: filters = cond return filters def _get_having_obj(self, col, op, eq): cond = None if op == '==': if col in self.column_names: cond = DimSelector(dimension=col, value=eq) else: cond = Aggregation(col) == eq elif op == '>': cond = Aggregation(col) > eq elif op == '<': cond = Aggregation(col) < eq return cond def get_having_filters(self, raw_filters): filters = None reversed_op_map = { '!=': '==', '>=': '<', '<=': '>' } for col, op, eq in raw_filters: cond = None if op in ['==', '>', '<']: cond = self._get_having_obj(col, op, eq) elif op in reversed_op_map: cond = ~self._get_having_obj(col, reversed_op_map[op], eq) if filters: filters = filters & cond else: filters = cond return filters class Log(Model): """ORM object used to log Caravel actions to the database""" __tablename__ = 'logs' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) action = Column(String(512)) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id')) dashboard_id = Column(Integer) slice_id = Column(Integer) json = Column(Text) user = relationship('User', backref='logs', foreign_keys=[user_id]) dttm = Column(DateTime, default=func.now()) dt = Column(Date, default=date.today()) @classmethod def log_this(cls, f): """Decorator to log user actions""" @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): user_id = None if g.user: user_id = g.user.get_id() d = request.args.to_dict() d.update(kwargs) slice_id = d.get('slice_id', 0) slice_id = int(slice_id) if slice_id else 0 params = "" try: params = json.dumps(d) except: pass log = cls( action=f.__name__, json=params, dashboard_id=d.get('dashboard_id') or None, slice_id=slice_id, user_id=user_id) db.session.add(log) db.session.commit() return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class DruidMetric(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """ORM object referencing Druid metrics for a datasource""" __tablename__ = 'metrics' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) metric_name = Column(String(512)) verbose_name = Column(String(1024)) metric_type = Column(String(32)) datasource_name = Column( String(255), ForeignKey('datasources.datasource_name')) # Setting enable_typechecks=False disables polymorphic inheritance. datasource = relationship('DruidDatasource', backref='metrics', enable_typechecks=False) json = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) is_restricted = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=True) d3format = Column(String(128)) @property def json_obj(self): try: obj = json.loads(self.json) except Exception: obj = {} return obj @property def perm(self): return ( "{parent_name}.[{obj.metric_name}](id:{obj.id})" ).format(obj=self, parent_name=self.datasource.full_name ) if self.datasource else None class DruidColumn(Model, AuditMixinNullable): """ORM model for storing Druid datasource column metadata""" __tablename__ = 'columns' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) datasource_name = Column( String(255), ForeignKey('datasources.datasource_name')) # Setting enable_typechecks=False disables polymorphic inheritance. datasource = relationship('DruidDatasource', backref='columns', enable_typechecks=False) column_name = Column(String(255)) is_active = Column(Boolean, default=True) type = Column(String(32)) groupby = Column(Boolean, default=False) count_distinct = Column(Boolean, default=False) sum = Column(Boolean, default=False) max = Column(Boolean, default=False) min = Column(Boolean, default=False) filterable = Column(Boolean, default=False) description = Column(Text) def __repr__(self): return self.column_name @property def isnum(self): return self.type in ('LONG', 'DOUBLE', 'FLOAT', 'INT') def generate_metrics(self): """Generate metrics based on the column metadata""" M = DruidMetric # noqa metrics = [] metrics.append(DruidMetric( metric_name='count', verbose_name='COUNT(*)', metric_type='count', json=json.dumps({'type': 'count', 'name': 'count'}) )) # Somehow we need to reassign this for UDAFs if self.type in ('DOUBLE', 'FLOAT'): corrected_type = 'DOUBLE' else: corrected_type = self.type if self.sum and self.isnum: mt = corrected_type.lower() + 'Sum' name = 'sum__' + self.column_name metrics.append(DruidMetric( metric_name=name, metric_type='sum', verbose_name='SUM({})'.format(self.column_name), json=json.dumps({ 'type': mt, 'name': name, 'fieldName': self.column_name}) )) if self.min and self.isnum: mt = corrected_type.lower() + 'Min' name = 'min__' + self.column_name metrics.append(DruidMetric( metric_name=name, metric_type='min', verbose_name='MIN({})'.format(self.column_name), json=json.dumps({ 'type': mt, 'name': name, 'fieldName': self.column_name}) )) if self.max and self.isnum: mt = corrected_type.lower() + 'Max' name = 'max__' + self.column_name metrics.append(DruidMetric( metric_name=name, metric_type='max', verbose_name='MAX({})'.format(self.column_name), json=json.dumps({ 'type': mt, 'name': name, 'fieldName': self.column_name}) )) if self.count_distinct: name = 'count_distinct__' + self.column_name if self.type == 'hyperUnique' or self.type == 'thetaSketch': metrics.append(DruidMetric( metric_name=name, verbose_name='COUNT(DISTINCT {})'.format(self.column_name), metric_type=self.type, json=json.dumps({ 'type': self.type, 'name': name, 'fieldName': self.column_name }) )) else: mt = 'count_distinct' metrics.append(DruidMetric( metric_name=name, verbose_name='COUNT(DISTINCT {})'.format(self.column_name), metric_type='count_distinct', json=json.dumps({ 'type': 'cardinality', 'name': name, 'fieldNames': [self.column_name]}) )) session = get_session() new_metrics = [] for metric in metrics: m = ( session.query(M) .filter(M.metric_name == metric.metric_name) .filter(M.datasource_name == self.datasource_name) .filter(DruidCluster.cluster_name == self.datasource.cluster_name) .first() ) metric.datasource_name = self.datasource_name if not m: new_metrics.append(metric) session.add(metric) session.flush() utils.init_metrics_perm(caravel, new_metrics) class FavStar(Model): __tablename__ = 'favstar' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id')) class_name = Column(String(50)) obj_id = Column(Integer) dttm = Column(DateTime, default=func.now()) class QueryStatus: CANCELLED = 'cancelled' FAILED = 'failed' PENDING = 'pending' RUNNING = 'running' SCHEDULED = 'scheduled' SUCCESS = 'success' TIMED_OUT = 'timed_out' class Query(Model): """ORM model for SQL query""" __tablename__ = 'query' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) client_id = Column(String(11)) database_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('dbs.id'), nullable=False) # Store the tmp table into the DB only if the user asks for it. tmp_table_name = Column(String(256)) user_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id'), nullable=True) status = Column(String(16), default=QueryStatus.PENDING) name = Column(String(256)) tab_name = Column(String(256)) sql_editor_id = Column(String(256)) schema = Column(String(256)) sql = Column(Text) # Query to retrieve the results, # used only in case of select_as_cta_used is true. select_sql = Column(Text) executed_sql = Column(Text) # Could be configured in the caravel config. limit = Column(Integer) limit_used = Column(Boolean, default=False) select_as_cta = Column(Boolean) select_as_cta_used = Column(Boolean, default=False) progress = Column(Integer, default=0) # 1..100 # # of rows in the result set or rows modified. rows = Column(Integer) error_message = Column(Text) # Using Numeric in place of DateTime for sub-second precision # stored as seconds since epoch, allowing for milliseconds start_time = Column(Numeric(precision=3)) end_time = Column(Numeric(precision=3)) changed_on = Column( DateTime, default=datetime.now, onupdate=datetime.now, nullable=True) database = relationship( 'Database', foreign_keys=[database_id], backref='queries') __table_args__ = ( sqla.Index('ti_user_id_changed_on', user_id, changed_on), ) def to_dict(self): return { 'changedOn': self.changed_on, 'dbId': self.database_id, 'endDttm': self.end_time, 'errorMessage': self.error_message, 'executedSql': self.executed_sql, 'id': self.client_id, 'limit': self.limit, 'progress': self.progress, 'rows': self.rows, 'schema': self.schema, 'ctas': self.select_as_cta, 'serverId': self.id, 'sql': self.sql, 'sqlEditorId': self.sql_editor_id, 'startDttm': self.start_time, 'state': self.status.lower(), 'tab': self.tab_name, 'tempTable': self.tmp_table_name, 'userId': self.user_id, }