import d3 from 'd3'; import { formatDate } from '../javascripts/modules/dates'; require('./big_number.css'); function bigNumberVis(slice) { const div =; function render() { d3.json(slice.jsonEndpoint(), function (error, payload) { // Define the percentage bounds that define color from red to green if (error !== null) { slice.error(error.responseText, error); return; } div.html(''); // reset const fd = payload.form_data; const json =; const f = d3.format(fd.y_axis_format); const fp = d3.format('+.1%'); const width = slice.width(); const height = slice.height(); const svg = div.append('svg'); svg.attr('width', width); svg.attr('height', height); const data =; let vCompare; let v; if (fd.viz_type === 'big_number') { v = data[data.length - 1][1]; } else { v = data[0][0]; } if (json.compare_lag > 0) { const pos = data.length - (json.compare_lag + 1); if (pos >= 0) { vCompare = (v / data[pos][1]) - 1; } } const dateExt = d3.extent(data, (d) => d[0]); const valueExt = d3.extent(data, (d) => d[1]); const margin = 20; const scaleX = d3.time.scale.utc().domain(dateExt).range([margin, width - margin]); const scaleY = d3.scale.linear().domain(valueExt).range([height - (margin), margin]); const colorRange = [d3.hsl(0, 1, 0.3), d3.hsl(120, 1, 0.3)]; const scaleColor = d3.scale .linear().domain([-1, 1]) .interpolate(d3.interpolateHsl) .range(colorRange) .clamp(true); const line = d3.svg.line() .x(function (d) { return scaleX(d[0]); }) .y(function (d) { return scaleY(d[1]); }) .interpolate('basis'); let y = height / 2; let g = svg.append('g'); // Printing big number g.append('g').attr('class', 'digits') .attr('opacity', 1) .append('text') .attr('x', width / 2) .attr('y', y) .attr('class', 'big') .attr('alignment-baseline', 'middle') .attr('id', 'bigNumber') .style('font-weight', 'bold') .style('cursor', 'pointer') .text(f(v)) .style('font-size', d3.min([height, width]) / 3.5) .attr('fill', 'white'); if (fd.viz_type === 'big_number') { // Drawing trend line g.append('path') .attr('d', function () { return line(data); }) .attr('stroke-width', 5) .attr('opacity', 0.5) .attr('fill', 'none') .attr('stroke-linecap', 'round') .attr('stroke', 'grey'); g = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'digits') .attr('opacity', 1); if (vCompare !== null) { y = (height / 8) * 3; } const c = scaleColor(vCompare); // Printing big number subheader text if (json.subheader !== null) { g.append('text') .attr('x', width / 2) .attr('y', y + d3.min([height, width]) / 4.5) .text(json.subheader) .attr('id', 'subheader_text') .style('font-size', d3.min([height, width]) / 16) .style('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('fill', c) .attr('stroke', c); } // Printing compare % if (vCompare !== null) { g.append('text') .attr('x', width / 2) .attr('y', (height / 16) * 12) .text(fp(vCompare) + json.compare_suffix) .style('font-size', d3.min([height, width]) / 8) .style('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('fill', c) .attr('stroke', c); } const gAxis = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'axis').attr('opacity', 0); g = gAxis.append('g'); const xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(scaleX) .orient('bottom') .ticks(4) .tickFormat(formatDate);; g.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (height - margin) + ')'); g = gAxis.append('g').attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width - margin) + ',0)'); const yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(scaleY) .orient('left') .tickFormat(d3.format(fd.y_axis_format)) .tickValues(valueExt);; g.selectAll('text') .style('text-anchor', 'end') .attr('y', '-7') .attr('x', '-4'); g.selectAll('text') .style('font-size', '10px'); div.on('mouseover', function () { const el =; el.selectAll('path') .transition() .duration(500) .attr('opacity', 1) .style('stroke-width', '2px'); el.selectAll('g.digits') .transition() .duration(500) .attr('opacity', 0.1); el.selectAll('g.axis') .transition() .duration(500) .attr('opacity', 1); }) .on('mouseout', function () { const el =;'path') .transition() .duration(500) .attr('opacity', 0.5) .style('stroke-width', '5px'); el.selectAll('g.digits') .transition() .duration(500) .attr('opacity', 1); el.selectAll('g.axis') .transition() .duration(500) .attr('opacity', 0); }); } slice.done(payload); }); } return { render, resize: render, }; } module.exports = bigNumberVis;