/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* eslint-disable sort-keys */ const Generator = require('yeoman-generator'); // eslint-disable-next-line lodash/import-scope const kebabCase = require('lodash/kebabCase'); // eslint-disable-next-line lodash/import-scope const startCase = require('lodash/startCase'); // eslint-disable-next-line lodash/import-scope const camelCase = require('lodash/camelCase'); // eslint-disable-next-line lodash/import-scope const upperFirst = require('lodash/upperFirst'); module.exports = class extends Generator { async prompting() { this.option('skipInstall'); this.answers = await this.prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'packageName', message: 'Package name:', // Default to current folder name, e.g. superset-plugin-chart-hello-world default: kebabCase(this.appname), }, { type: 'input', name: 'pluginName', message: 'Plugin name:', // Hello World default: startCase( camelCase(this.appname.replace('superset plugin chart', '').trim()), ), }, { type: 'input', name: 'description', message: 'Description:', // Superset Plugin Chart Hello World default: upperFirst(startCase(this.appname)), }, { type: 'list', name: 'chartType', message: 'What type of chart would you like?', choices: [ { name: 'Regular chart', value: 'regular', }, { name: 'Time-series chart', value: 'timeseries', }, ], }, ]); } writing() { // SupersetPluginChartHelloWorld const packageLabel = upperFirst(camelCase(this.answers.packageName)); const params = { ...this.answers, packageLabel, }; [ ['gitignore.erb', '.gitignore'], ['babel.config.erb', 'babel.config.js'], ['jest.config.erb', 'jest.config.js'], ['package.erb', 'package.json'], ['package-lock.erb', 'package-lock.json'], ['README.erb', 'README.md'], ['tsconfig.json', 'tsconfig.json'], ['src/index.erb', 'src/index.ts'], ['src/plugin/buildQuery.erb', 'src/plugin/buildQuery.ts'], ['src/plugin/controlPanel.erb', 'src/plugin/controlPanel.ts'], ['src/plugin/index.erb', 'src/plugin/index.ts'], ['src/plugin/transformProps.erb', 'src/plugin/transformProps.ts'], ['src/types.erb', 'src/types.ts'], ['src/MyChart.erb', `src/${packageLabel}.tsx`], ['test/index.erb', 'test/index.test.ts'], [ 'test/__mocks__/mockExportString.js', 'test/__mocks__/mockExportString.js', ], ['test/plugin/buildQuery.test.erb', 'test/plugin/buildQuery.test.ts'], [ 'test/plugin/transformProps.test.erb', 'test/plugin/transformProps.test.ts', ], ].forEach(([src, dest]) => { this.fs.copyTpl( this.templatePath(src), this.destinationPath(dest), params, ); }); ['types/external.d.ts', 'src/images/thumbnail.png'].forEach(file => { this.fs.copy(this.templatePath(file), this.destinationPath(file)); }); } };