## @superset-ui/plugin-chart-pivot-table [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@superset-ui/plugin-chart-pivot-table.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@superset-ui/plugin-chart-pivot-table) [![Libraries.io](https://img.shields.io/librariesio/release/npm/%40superset-ui%2Fplugin-chart-pivot-table?style=flat)](https://libraries.io/npm/@superset-ui%2Fplugin-chart-pivot-table) This plugin provides Pivot Table for Superset. If you change the logic of this plugin, please update [`pivot_table`](https://github.com/apache/superset/blob/master/superset/charts/post_processing.py). ### Usage Configure `key`, which can be any `string`, and register the plugin. This `key` will be used to lookup this chart throughout the app. ```js import PivotTableChartPlugin from '@superset-ui/plugin-chart-pivot-table'; new PivotTableChartPlugin().configure({ key: 'pivot-table-v2' }).register(); ``` Then use it via `SuperChart`. See [storybook](https://apache-superset.github.io/superset-ui/?selectedKind=plugin-chart-pivot-table) for more details. ```js ``` ### File structure generated ``` ├── package.json ├── README.md ├── tsconfig.json ├── src │   ├── PivotTableChart.tsx │   ├── images │   │   └── thumbnail.png │   ├── index.ts │   ├── plugin │   │   ├── buildQuery.ts │   │   ├── controlPanel.ts │   │   ├── index.ts │   │   └── transformProps.ts │   └── types.ts ├── test │   └── index.test.ts └── types └── external.d.ts ```