/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /************************************************************************/ /* COLORS */ /* Please attempt to use and standardize on these colors, */ /* rather than including specific color values in */ /* component styles. This will allow us to more easily adjust theming */ /************************************************************************/ @primary-color: #20a7c9; @indicator-color: @primary-color; @brand-primary-dark1: #1a85a0; @brand-primary-dark2: #156378; @brand-primary-light1: #79cade; @brand-primary-light2: #a5dae9; @brand-primary-light3: #d2edf4; @brand-primary-light4: #e9f6f9; @brand-primary-light5: #f3f8fa; @brand-secondary: #444e7c; @brand-secondary-dark1: #363e63; @brand-secondary-dark2: #282e4a; @brand-secondary-dark3: #1b1f31; @brand-secondary-light1: #8e94b0; @brand-secondary-light2: #b4b8ca; @brand-secondary-light3: #d9dbe4; @brand-secondary-light4: #eceef2; @brand-secondary-light5: #f5f5f8; @almost-black: #263238; @gray-dark: #484848; @gray-light: #cfd8dc; @gray: #879399; @gray-bg: #f7f7f7; @gray-heading: #a3a3a3; @menu-hover: #f2f3f5; @lightest: #ffffff; @darkest: #000000; /**************************** text-specific *****************************/ @link: #1985a0; @link-hover: darken(@link, @colorstop-one); /***************************** status colors ****************************/ @info: #66bcfe; @info-dark1: #4d8cbe; @info-dark2: #315e7e; @info-light1: #b3defe; @info-light2: #eff8fe; @danger: #e04355; @danger-dark1: #a7323f; @danger-dark2: #6f212a; @danger-light1: #efa1aa; @danger-light2: #faedee; @success: #5ac189; @success-dark1: #439066; @success-dark2: #2b6144; @success-light1: #ace1c4; @success-light2: #eef8f3; @warning: #fcc700; @warning-dark1: #bc9501; @warning-dark2: #7d6300; @warning-light1: #fde380; @warning-light2: #fef9e6; /* general component effects */ @shadow-highlight: @primary-color; /************************************************************************/ /* OPACITIES */ /* Used in LESS filters, e.g. fade(@someColorVar, @someOpacityBelow) */ /************************************************************************/ @opacity-light: 10%; @opacity-medium-light: 35%; @opacity-medium-heavy: 60%; @opacity-heavy: 80%; /************************************************************************/ /* SHADES & TINTS */ /* Used in LESS filters for shadint/tinting, */ /* e.g. shade(@someColorVar, @colorstop-one) to darken */ /* or tint(@someColorVar, @colorstop-one) to lighten */ /************************************************************************/ @colorstop-one: 20%; @colorstop-two: 40%; @colorstop-three: 60%; @colorstop-four: 80%; /************************************************************************/ /* LAYOUT */ /* Widths and heights of things, that might be referred to often */ /************************************************************************/ /* builder component pane */ @builder-pane-width: 374px; /************************************************************************/ /* Z-INDEX */ /* Think of the site as "layers" rather than an arms race of numbers */ /* Keep these to a minimum */ /* Label semantic "layers" and add comments for usage notes */ /* Use double dash modifiers to step up/down from a base layer */ /* e.g. z-whatever--modifier */ /************************************************************************/ /************************ toast messages, popovers **********************/ @z-index-max: 3000; /***** filters, dashboard editor widgets, Explore reloading overlay *****/ @z-index-dropdown: @z-index-above-dashboard-charts + 1; @z-index-above-dashboard-charts: 10; /******************************** charts ********************************/ @z-index-chart--dragging: @z-index-chart + 1; @z-index-chart: 1; /************************************************************************/ /* TYPOGRAPHY */ /* Commonly used font weights, line heights, etc. These should be the */ /* core values used to build more complex styles for headers, etc. */ /************************************************************************/ // *************************** Weights ********************************** @font-weight-light: 200; @font-weight-normal: 400; @font-weight-bold: 700; // ***************************** Font Sizes ***************************** @font-size-base: 14px; // Base `rem` units on this, as needed. @font-size-xxs: 9px; @font-size-xs: 10px; @font-size-s: 12px; @font-size-m: @font-size-base; @font-size-l: 16px; @font-size-xl: 21px; @font-size-xxl: 28px; // **************************** Line Heights **************************** @line-height-base: 1.4; // Ranged Sizes @line-height-tight: 1; @line-height-normal: @line-height-base; @line-height-loose: 2; // ****************************** Features ******************************* @use-ligatures: false; // setting up OTF settings based on @use-ligatures: .set-otf-options(@use-ligatures); .set-otf-options(true) { @font-feature-settings: 'liga' on, 'calt' on; } .set-otf-options(false) { @font-feature-settings: 'liga' off, 'calt' off; } // ****************************** Families ****************************** @font-family-sans-serif: 'Inter', Helvetica, Arial; @font-family-serif: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif; @font-family-monospace: 'Fira Code', 'Courier New', monospace; @font-family-base: @font-family-sans-serif; /************************************************************************/ /* TRANSITIONS */ /* Timing and easings presets used in CSS transitions */ /************************************************************************/ @timing-normal: 0.3s; /************************************************************************/ /* BORDER RADII */ /* Standard border-radius settings */ /************************************************************************/ @border-radius-normal: 4px; @border-radius-large: (@border-radius-normal * 2); /************************************************************************/ /* BOOTSTRAP/BOOTSWATCH/COSMO */ /* These are the legacy Cosmo theme overrides to Bootswatch's */ /* overrides to Bootstrap. We should consolidate/deprecate these */ /* in favor of custom/reusable CSS wherever possible */ /************************************************************************/ @import '../less/cosmo/variables.less';