import re import subprocess import sys from typing import Optional import requests # Part 1: Verify SHA512 hash - this is the same as running `shasum -a 512 {release}` and comparing it against `{release}.sha512` def get_sha512_hash(filename: str) -> str: """Run the shasum command on the file and return the SHA512 hash.""" result =["shasum", "-a", "512", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) sha512_hash = result.stdout.decode().split()[0] return sha512_hash def read_sha512_file(filename: str) -> str: """Read the corresponding .sha512 file and process its contents.""" sha_filename = filename + ".sha512" with open(sha_filename) as file: lines = file.readlines() processed_sha = "".join(lines[1:]).replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").lower() return processed_sha def verify_sha512(filename: str) -> str: """Verify if the SHA512 hash of the file matches with the hash in the .sha512 file.""" sha512_hash = get_sha512_hash(filename) sha512_file_content = read_sha512_file(filename) if sha512_hash == sha512_file_content: return "SHA verified" else: return "SHA failed" # Part 2: Verify RSA key - this is the same as running `gpg --verify {release}.asc {release}` and comparing the RSA key and email address against the KEYS file def get_gpg_info(filename: str) -> tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Run the GPG verify command and extract RSA key and email address.""" asc_filename = filename + ".asc" result = ["gpg", "--verify", asc_filename, filename], capture_output=True ) output = result.stderr.decode() rsa_key ="RSA key ([0-9A-F]+)", output) email ='issuer "([^"]+)"', output) rsa_key_result = if rsa_key else None email_result = if email else None # Debugging: print warnings if rsa_key or email is not found if rsa_key_result is None: print("Warning: No RSA key found in GPG verification output.") if email_result is None: print("Warning: No email address found in GPG verification output.") return rsa_key_result, email_result def verify_rsa_key(rsa_key: str, email: Optional[str]) -> str: """Fetch the KEYS file and verify if the RSA key and email match.""" url = "" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: if rsa_key not in response.text: return "RSA key not found on KEYS page" # Check if email is None or not in response.text if email and email in response.text: return "RSA key and email verified against Apache KEYS file" elif email: return "RSA key verified, but Email not found on KEYS page" else: return "RSA key verified, but Email not available for verification" else: return "Failed to fetch KEYS file" def verify_sha512_and_rsa(filename: str) -> None: """Verify SHA512 hash and RSA key.""" sha_result = verify_sha512(filename) print(sha_result) rsa_key, email = get_gpg_info(filename) if rsa_key: rsa_result = verify_rsa_key(rsa_key, email) print(rsa_result) else: print("GPG verification failed: RSA key or email not found") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python ") else: filename = sys.argv[1] verify_sha512_and_rsa(filename)