# SHA1:a37a1037f359c1101162ef43288178fbf00c487d # # This file is autogenerated by pip-compile-multi # To update, run: # # pip-compile-multi # -r development.txt -r integration.txt -e file:. # via # -r requirements/base.in # -r requirements/development.in # -r requirements/testing.in cmdstanpy==1.1.0 # via prophet contourpy==1.0.7 # via matplotlib coverage[toml]==7.2.5 # via pytest-cov cycler==0.11.0 # via matplotlib db-dtypes==1.1.1 # via pandas-gbq docker==6.1.1 # via -r requirements/testing.in flask-testing==0.8.1 # via -r requirements/testing.in fonttools==4.43.0 # via matplotlib freezegun==1.2.2 # via -r requirements/testing.in google-api-core[grpc]==2.11.0 # via # google-cloud-bigquery # google-cloud-bigquery-storage # google-cloud-core # pandas-gbq # sqlalchemy-bigquery google-auth-oauthlib==1.0.0 # via # pandas-gbq # pydata-google-auth google-cloud-bigquery==3.10.0 # via # apache-superset # pandas-gbq # sqlalchemy-bigquery google-cloud-bigquery-storage==2.19.1 # via # pandas-gbq # sqlalchemy-bigquery google-cloud-core==2.3.2 # via google-cloud-bigquery google-crc32c==1.5.0 # via google-resumable-media google-resumable-media==2.5.0 # via google-cloud-bigquery googleapis-common-protos==1.59.0 # via # google-api-core # grpcio-status grpcio==1.60.1 # via # -r requirements/testing.in # google-api-core # google-cloud-bigquery # grpcio-status grpcio-status==1.60.1 # via google-api-core iniconfig==2.0.0 # via pytest jsonschema-spec==0.1.4 # via openapi-spec-validator kiwisolver==1.4.4 # via matplotlib matplotlib==3.7.1 # via prophet oauthlib==3.2.2 # via requests-oauthlib openapi-schema-validator==0.4.4 # via openapi-spec-validator openapi-spec-validator==0.5.6 # via -r requirements/testing.in pandas-gbq==0.19.1 # via apache-superset parameterized==0.9.0 # via -r requirements/testing.in pathable==0.4.3 # via jsonschema-spec playwright==1.41.2 # via apache-superset prophet==1.1.5 # via apache-superset proto-plus==1.22.2 # via # google-cloud-bigquery # google-cloud-bigquery-storage protobuf==4.23.0 # via # google-api-core # google-cloud-bigquery # google-cloud-bigquery-storage # googleapis-common-protos # grpcio-status # proto-plus pydata-google-auth==1.7.0 # via pandas-gbq pyee==11.0.1 # via playwright pyfakefs==5.2.2 # via -r requirements/testing.in pyhive[presto]==0.7.0 # via apache-superset pytest==7.3.1 # via # -r requirements/testing.in # pytest-cov # pytest-mock pytest-cov==4.0.0 # via -r requirements/testing.in pytest-mock==3.10.0 # via -r requirements/testing.in pytz-deprecation-shim==0.1.0.post0 # via tzlocal requests-oauthlib==1.3.1 # via google-auth-oauthlib rfc3339-validator==0.1.4 # via openapi-schema-validator sqlalchemy-bigquery==1.6.1 # via apache-superset statsd==4.0.1 # via -r requirements/testing.in tqdm==4.65.0 # via # cmdstanpy # prophet trino==0.328.0 # via apache-superset tzlocal==4.3 # via trino websocket-client==1.5.1 # via docker # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file: # pip # setuptools