/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import URI from 'urijs'; import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import * as chartlib from '@superset-ui/core'; import { LOG_EVENT } from 'src/logger/actions'; import * as exploreUtils from 'src/explore/exploreUtils'; import * as actions from 'src/chart/chartAction'; describe('chart actions', () => { const MOCK_URL = '/mockURL'; let dispatch; let getExploreUrlStub; let getChartDataUriStub; let metadataRegistryStub; let buildQueryRegistryStub; let fakeMetadata; const setupDefaultFetchMock = () => { fetchMock.post(MOCK_URL, { json: {} }, { overwriteRoutes: true }); }; beforeAll(() => { setupDefaultFetchMock(); }); afterAll(fetchMock.restore); beforeEach(() => { dispatch = sinon.spy(); getExploreUrlStub = sinon .stub(exploreUtils, 'getExploreUrl') .callsFake(() => MOCK_URL); getChartDataUriStub = sinon .stub(exploreUtils, 'getChartDataUri') .callsFake(() => URI(MOCK_URL)); fakeMetadata = { useLegacyApi: true }; metadataRegistryStub = sinon .stub(chartlib, 'getChartMetadataRegistry') .callsFake(() => ({ get: () => fakeMetadata })); buildQueryRegistryStub = sinon .stub(chartlib, 'getChartBuildQueryRegistry') .callsFake(() => ({ get: () => () => ({ some_param: 'fake query!', result_type: 'full', result_format: 'json', }), })); }); afterEach(() => { getExploreUrlStub.restore(); getChartDataUriStub.restore(); fetchMock.resetHistory(); metadataRegistryStub.restore(); buildQueryRegistryStub.restore(); }); describe('v1 API', () => { beforeEach(() => { fakeMetadata = { viz_type: 'my_viz', useLegacyApi: false }; }); it('should query with the built query', async () => { const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}); await actionThunk(dispatch); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)[0][1].body).toBe( JSON.stringify({ some_param: 'fake query!', result_type: 'full', result_format: 'json', }), ); expect(dispatch.args[0][0].type).toBe(actions.CHART_UPDATE_STARTED); }); }); describe('legacy API', () => { beforeEach(() => { fakeMetadata = { useLegacyApi: true }; }); it('should dispatch CHART_UPDATE_STARTED action before the query', () => { const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, success expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(dispatch.args[0][0].type).toBe(actions.CHART_UPDATE_STARTED); }); }); it('should dispatch TRIGGER_QUERY action with the query', () => { const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, success expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(dispatch.args[1][0].type).toBe(actions.TRIGGER_QUERY); }); }); it('should dispatch UPDATE_QUERY_FORM_DATA action with the query', () => { const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, success expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(dispatch.args[2][0].type).toBe(actions.UPDATE_QUERY_FORM_DATA); }); }); it('should dispatch logEvent async action', () => { const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, success expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(typeof dispatch.args[3][0]).toBe('function'); dispatch.args[3][0](dispatch); expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(6); expect(dispatch.args[5][0].type).toBe(LOG_EVENT); }); }); it('should dispatch CHART_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED action upon success', () => { const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, success expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(dispatch.args[4][0].type).toBe(actions.CHART_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED); }); }); it('should dispatch CHART_UPDATE_FAILED action upon query timeout', () => { const unresolvingPromise = new Promise(() => {}); fetchMock.post(MOCK_URL, () => unresolvingPromise, { overwriteRoutes: true, }); const timeoutInSec = 1 / 1000; const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}, false, timeoutInSec); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, fail expect(fetchMock.calls(MOCK_URL)).toHaveLength(1); expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); expect(dispatch.args[4][0].type).toBe(actions.CHART_UPDATE_FAILED); setupDefaultFetchMock(); }); }); it('should dispatch CHART_UPDATE_FAILED action upon non-timeout non-abort failure', () => { fetchMock.post( MOCK_URL, { throws: { statusText: 'misc error' } }, { overwriteRoutes: true }, ); const timeoutInSec = 100; // Set to a time that is longer than the time this will take to fail const actionThunk = actions.postChartFormData({}, false, timeoutInSec); return actionThunk(dispatch).then(() => { // chart update, trigger query, update form data, fail expect(dispatch.callCount).toBe(5); const updateFailedAction = dispatch.args[4][0]; expect(updateFailedAction.type).toBe(actions.CHART_UPDATE_FAILED); expect(updateFailedAction.queryResponse.error).toBe('misc error'); setupDefaultFetchMock(); }); }); }); });